Darina Daybreak vs Vorona — Aesthetically Hard Punches

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Darina Daybreak vs Vorona — Aesthetically Hard Punches

Unread post by Monsy »


"This match is scheduled for one fall and to be won by pinfall or submission. Introducing First... From Vladivostok Russia... Standing in at five-foot-four-inches and one-hundred and twenty-two pounds.... Vooooroooonnaaaa!"

A spotlight casts on one
. The angel with a voice to give. The stage was a late evening with a break of moonlight on the Angel. Winter, dolled up in feathers and a white dress, was on her knees. Her smile gleams like crystals, with certain beads on her dress sparkling as a misty glow comes off dress. When Vorona’s
begins to play, the main act begins.

She starts in a prayer position, smiling with a tilted head as it droops. After the initial notes, her voice becomes the melody. It's rich and resonates. It touches every crevice of the lower and upper bowl ethereal like she was right beside you, on your shoulder, doing a lullaby in your ear. Many people would find their eyes getting wet. As was a common occurrence for her performances.

All the while, she lifts up and then lets herself fall with her slumping shoulders. She leans over the stage, puts an open hand and hovers it, moving it in a circle as if searching for something. Her smile grows a little bit.

She leans one way, turning head, stretching out her arm, palm-up, fingers delicate. Then she crosses it over her chest, and repeats it in the opposite direction. Both arms now crossed over her heart, she holds herself close to signal warmth, an end of a search as she looks up. Slowly, she spreads her arms like they were wings.

The theme hits its stomp (42 Second Mark). The thoom of thunder and preceding lightning flash on the titantron. Vorona appears directly behind Winter, standing tall in her
. A hand reaches down and cups Winter’s chin. Winter beams and then holds the hand, rubs her cheek into it and plants a kiss as Vorona walks by.

She entered the ring with the universe at her feet, wearing a black leotard with its usual design and belly window. Tight hour-glass form, lithe, feminine and perfect with a head of silver, black and red hair. An eye mask for aesthetic, with eyeliner that matched her black lipstick. She beckoned for a microphone, centre of the ring.

With a half extended arm, her finger-snapped. The crowd listened, hushed, then she spoke.

“Good evening.”

The front row has a visible fawn over her
. The first time she projected it over a microphone for all to hear. It did not disappoint.

“I hope you appreciated the theatrics, planned by myself and executed to perfection by my beloved Winter. Be grateful to her, at least half of what I feel right now.”

Vorona gestured to Winter, who stood up and bowed. Then she blew a kiss -- and off Winter went backstage.

“Since my arrival, I've made confidence and presentation my foundation. Because how you present yourself and what you allow your name to be is.... everything. And everything can belong to you if you make someone believe it. You just need. A gorgeous. Mask.” Vorona smirked, then began to walk around the edges of the ring. “And with that in mind, lets unmask my opponent. Darina... Daybreak. Six-foot one and one-hundred and seventy-six pounds. From the world of MMA.” Vorona makes a waving hand gesture while looking the opposite way. “You must think that makes her equipped to step into a squared circle. Especially after her last few showings. All because she can punch one part of a body and get lucky. HMPH!”

She stopped by the ropes, hand grabbing the top. “Nineteen wins by avoiding being taken down. If you ask me, then it seems our little Daybreaker is afraid of going into the deep-end. Ironic, as someone who came from an island." Her eyes roll, then opened wide with a fictious frown. "Just what have I done to be the one to take a low-time MMA star who's ceiling was a mediocre piece in a gallery of masterworks, just to show something everyone already knows."

Her face visibly cringes, “She's overrated.” Vorona sighed, hand on her face, looking down.

“I know this must be hard for any staunch believers, hardliners or MMA enthusiasts. I get it. Your sport is dwarfed by Wrestling and even boxing. You'll take any crumb and hold out like it's your own body odor, even when the facts are right there. So trust me. After I'm done with Darina Daybreak, you'll be the ones that'll have to count the lights for her, because she'll be too busy looking at the back of her head.”
Last edited by Monsy on Wed May 15, 2024 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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Re: Darina Daybreak vs Vorona — Aesthetically Hard Punches

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

A cascade fell across the arena. Murmurs and titters and taps of glass screens, from the nosebleeds to ringside. Quiet reactions to a promise delivered on operatic wings, a promise that Vorona's opponent would be the one put to bed, or perhaps fucked insensate. Disbelief, awe, and all the rest carried those whispers. Like a cup filled with every soda from the fountain, there was a different flavor at every angle, but the people stirred with one commonality amongst the buzz: Anticipation. Pressure built from top to bottom as every eye turned to the entrance ramp.

Darina Daybreak did not meet them there.

Instead, what the heard was a rhythmic clicking. That earned a pop. It was, after all, the same tone that the Daybreaker's fans were accustomed to. But it did not leap to a frantic speed as they had come to expect, nor were they treated to the peaking golden light that often revealed their fan favorite. It remained slow, even, metronymic, as the entrance ramp stayed unlit. After some measures, it began to pick up, and the soda was shaken. The crowd's thrum picked up with the frequency, and soon enough...! Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Ticktick. Ticktick. Ticktickticktick titititititititi-

Synths. Lights. Hood -- flicked. Darina Daybreak burst from the scene as her theme started its bounce. She seemed to lunge with every movement, head and shoulders swaying ahead between steps, but halfway down the walkway, Darina stopped. Hip-hop tunes and screaming fans continued their fanfare for a while, until it became clear that she intended to move no further. Backstage, the deejay slowed his disc until Darina's music scratched out.

Wordlessly she held her arm out for a mic. Even when it was in her hands, she merely held it to her lips, staring the distance to Vorona. Then she dropped it to her waist, and the crowd's egging-on only kicked to another notch. Those blue eyes of hers still glimmered beneath the stagelights, and aside from the widened hips and shoulders that framed her stance, Darina's body remained loose.

Finally, she raised the microphone once more and spoke. Every phone in the joint had its camera on. "So many pretty words." As quickly as quiet fell, those four words shattered it. "You took the time to write a whooole damn poem. All for me. Man." This had all the wit and confidence of a characteristic Darina Daybreak monologue, with none of the wind often found beneath her wings. She spoke slowly. Each word dripped from her lips like flecks of ice from a comet flying by its star. "You must be trying to get my attention or somethin'. If that's the case, then I've got news for you, Vorona." She opened her arms wide, palms to the air.

"You've got it."

Now she was content to bask in the crowd. Shake a soda enough, and you were bound to bust the cap. Give the people what they want, and it was natural to blow the roof off. Darina cracked a smile. "After all, it's not often that I get my very own art snob trying to play therapist. Or maybe a back-alley psychic?" She nudged her chin towards the ring. "How about it, Vorona? Got any tarot cards to flip?"

Darina shook her head with a low chuckle. "O. Ver. Rated. Real funny follow-up to saying 'this badass mulched 19 chicks without even trying.' 19, plus however-many-it-is-now from LAW," she reminded the crowd. "Guess you wanna be next in line."

She sighed, then ran her hands through tousled blonde locks. "You know. Maybe I should be nice for once." She took three steps closer to the ring, more casual than the near-stomps from earlier. "I don't normally do this, but I'm gonna give you a chance to apologize. I'm not above a little bit of shit talk. Gamesmanship gets the blood pumping, and I ain't really hurt by a thing you said."

"But if you really are just trying to be a dick... trying to put me down... that's not really something I can abide. So go ahead." Her hand twirled in the air, a theatrical come-hither motion. "I'll letcha say you're sorry. Or... You could double down." The crowd cheered their pleas for Vorona to take that option. "Which, honestly, sounds a lot more fun -- for every single person except for one. Or two. Dunno what that beautiful voice back there thinks of you."

"If you wanna say more or stand on business for what you already said, then the match goes on -- a lot less friendly than I was planning to make it. I won't be concerned with making you say sorry after that." Darina shrugged. "I'll just turn you into paste. Show you that it's about a lot more than just 'getting lucky,' and that I can hit a lot more than 'one part of the body.' In fact, I'll make you a promise, Vorona:"

"By the end of the night... Every part of your body will be begging me to stop."
Last edited by FreestylePoet on Thu May 16, 2024 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Darina Daybreak vs Vorona — Aesthetically Hard Punches

Unread post by Monsy »

Vorona knew it was only a matter of seconds before Darina would show. In all her fake golden glory.

She was different than Vorona’s stage play approach. It commanded different responses from the crowd. An awe and shiver than a quietly intent observer. The type to make your seat neighbour feels in their bones. Tingles and goosebumps — and no doubt watchers were pacing at the opposite ends of their TV sets. What next? An arena-wide pop enlightened the mood and whet the fan's appetites. She looked left and right, then flipped her ponytail and continued to observe. When Darina stopped on the ramp, Vorona met them by leaning on the ropes that faced it. She kept herself stoic, not giving anyone a hint of being daunted by the overwhelming aura Darina carried.

For now she listened, remaining respectable and holding eye contact. Her eye mask did a lot to keep even the smallest brow twitches completely hidden. Darina was every bit insufferable as she was witty. And impressive. The crowd responds between every pause in their own humble way, sitting further on their seats to listen closer. Double down, they silently cried in their little ugly heads. At the end of it all, Vorona took a pause. Let the little ones get the noise out of their system. They yearned for such a sight. Same with Winter backstage, glowing in her hue just watching on a small screen. But then they went quiet.


She took a deep breath, then ran a hand through her hair, pushing the bangs back with her eyes closed and head tipped up.

“Apologize? Me?” There was a brief smile about the concept, apologizing, but that quickly ran dull. “You are absolutely out of your mind.” The hand slipped down to pull on her cheek and the elbow eventually rested on her opposite palm. The mic switched hands with a toss. ”Why would a Master give anything to a one-punch pony? I’ve been in this sport for way longer. You don’t just get respect, dear. You get it by humbling yourself and licking it off my boot. Nice and slow.”

Her gaze tensed, scrutinizing this prospecting muse from top to bottom. “But I’d like to match your promise. Darina. When that bell rings, I'm going to transform your body in ways you never thought you needed. I’ll strip you bare, paint you over, and use your tears to clean my brushes. Then when you look for someone to blame, I will implore you and everyone who believed in you to look deep inside and reflect... That Darina Daybreak was a scam all along and that she had been merely waiting for her ceiling.”

She stepped back and presented Darina’s corner with the wave of her hand.

“What do you say, little one?"
Monsy's Jobbers

Code: Select all

— Spectre = #5E0A7F 
— Daishouri = #FFEB80
— Katja Archangelais = #DC143C
— Angelina Tarrant = #BF0000
— Nyarlathotep = #0000FF
— Winter Songbird #8040FF
— Mazikeen = #808080
— Vorona = #BFFFFF
— Maisilyn Madison = #00A36C
— Jianying Tai = #464645
— Karolina Reinhardt = #FF0000
— Karla Reinhardt = #A30000

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