Just A Taste - Part 1 (Keira Robinson vs Daeva Asphodel [D])

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Just A Taste - Part 1 (Keira Robinson vs Daeva Asphodel [D])

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

Match Type: Ravisher Match
Victory Conditions: Either scoring three points via orgasm or rendering the opponent unconscious through sexual means. If a competitor is made to orgasm, their last point scored is rendered null.


Nearly three weeks had passed since the man known as Black Severin had taken Keira on a whirlwind tour of Milwaukee. Three weeks already... and before that, they'd only known each other for less than a week longer. Keira felt like she was in some kind of time paradox when she thought about it; that time seemed to fly by, but at the same time, it was almost hard to believe they'd only been dating for less than a month. They'd taken to each other like magnets, and it had uprooted Keira's entire outlook. She'd never considered that she might meet the man of her dreams in the ring (or, well... during a match), and now it was difficult to imagine not having him around. She'd grown so close to him so quickly, and she felt like she'd known him for years by now.

Their visit to his hometown had played a large role, early on in their meeting. The pair had only known each other for mere days at that point, when Keira made the insane decision to take a road trip with this stranger. But he hadn't felt like a stranger by the end of their first meeting, and by the end of that trip, Keira had felt vindicated. There was no doubt in her mind she'd made the right decision, no matter what anyone else would have told her at the time.

And that trip... that little vacation had been something else! She saw some sights, specifically one that Terrell happily gushed over from his childhood. She saw where he lived. She'd gone to his match and cheered him on from the crowd. She'd gotten butterflies when he raised his arms, flashing their silly special signal just before pulling off the move that won him the match. (She'd had to resist the urge to jump up and shout 'that was for me!' because literally no one would know what she was talking about, but it didn't matter. She'd seen it.)

And she'd set up tonight's main event.

Neither Keira nor Severin knew what to make of the hot goth woman they'd unintentionally caught the eye of at the karaoke bar that night. But they got to talking and eventually hit it off upon discovering she was a rookie looking to get her start in the business. Keira could hardly say no to that. While she wasn't following in Sophie's footsteps exactly, she still had a soft spot for wanting to help up-and-coming new talent, and Daeva, as she called herself, had sounded sincere. More than that, she had a certain... persuasive vibe about her.

She was... well, the woman's entire getup checked all of Keira's boxes. She was close to what she would consider an ideal date (as far as women were concerned, anyway; she had another entire checklist for men, one that she'd found herself adding boxes for as she got to know Terrell). The face, the body, the clothes, the song... her whole entire aura was enthralling.

And that woman wanted a taste of her! Daeva was not, at first glance, someone Keira would have guessed to be a wrestler in a million years. But she'd been inspired by the passion Keira and Severin shared in their first match, and wanted to experience that. And thus, tonight's main event was born.

Keira, naturally, had been anticipating this match for quite some time. She and Severin spent quite a bit of extra time 'training' in preparation for what they'd gotten themselves into. On top of that, Keira had already taken on a grueling best of five match against one Collei Kushti, who gave her a hell of a time, but Keira had managed to scratch out the win. After that, she felt confident she could handle a best of three.

The arena darkened and Keira's
burst from the speakers. Her recently improved intro began to illuminate the area; on the screens, a bright 3D plasma ball, a swirling miasma of vibrant purples, pinks, and blues. (In the corner, a red warning note for flashing lights.) Every beat of the drums triggered electronic shock waves radiating from the ball, and white lightning flashed in the background. In the arena proper, spotlights flickered on and off, simulating that lightning in sync with the visuals. After a few moments, as a voice over the speakers shouted her intro over the music, the lightning flashes increased in frequency, and the lights in the arena - particularly those by the ramp - shifted to a strobe effect, along with some simple smoke to obscure the entrance.

And as the announcer called her name,
stepped through it and onto the stage. She held her left arm in the air, hand curled into a fist, as she emerged, and quickly shifted to waving and saluting the crowd. And she wasn't alone - right there by her side, her right arm entwined with his left, was Black Severin. She'd never done an entrance with him before - it wasn't like they were a tag team or anything - but she wanted him here with her, especially tonight.

As the puff of smoke began to clear, she spun around to face him, resting her free hand on his cheek, and planted a deep kiss on his lips. Nothing fancy, but enough to get whistles and whoops from the crowd. Good. This was Keira's not-so-subtle way of reminding the spectators - and more importantly, Daeva - that no matter what happened inside the ring tonight, Keira had already claimed a mate outside of it.

She didn't hold the kiss for too long - enough to get the crowd going and leave Severin with something to look forward to - because she had to keep things moving. When they broke apart, she winked at him and mouthed a silent 'thank you'. Not for the kiss, of course (because neither of them needed to express their feelings for those with words anymore), but for being there with her.

They marched down the ramp together, Keira being a half a step ahead (it was her match, after all). Upon reaching the ring, she took his hand, allowing him to help her balance as she climbed the steps onto the apron, one final touch before they had to break apart for the next... well, however long Daeva could last. When he let her go, she slipped between the ropes, dancing to the middle of the ring with some further salutes to the crowd, her finishing touch.

She did not go to her corner. Instead, she leaned backwards against the ropes directly facing the entrance ramp, elbows propped up for support. With her entrance completed and Daeva's imminent, Keira eagerly awaited what her opponent had concocted.
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Audrey Trovita (LW) || Audrey (mixed)
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Re: Just A Taste - Part 1 (Keira Robinson vs Daeva Asphodel [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

Black Severin's General Appearance
Black Severin was clad in all black: A long-sleeved shirt that was left unbuttoned, under which a tank top that contoured the musculature of his upper body nicely. Enough to catch the eye, but he wasn't looking to steal the show. Covering his lower body was a comfortable pair of slacks that were held up with a belt that had a silver ankh on the buckle, and a sleek pair of leather shoes.

He was all smiles emerging from the smoke arm-in-arm with Keira. What man wouldn't be? Especially after that kiss. It was automatic: When he saw her hand reaching out for him, his free arm wrapped around her waist to pull her closer when she leaned in. It was over too soon, but that brief moment was full of passion that was starting to suck him into that space where it was just the two of them, with the arena, her cool new entrance effects, the ring announcer, and even the crowd starting to fade from view and ear.

How ironic, given what she was doing. And he knew what this was; her marking her territory. Her saying to the world through action, "This man is mine!" And he was all for it.

He mouthed back at her, "any time", and took care to maintain that half-pace ahead, taking in the sweet plasma ball on the screens that danced to her music via shockwaves, the lightning, and the lighting. He was happy for her: Two matches done, and she's already being selected to main event a show.

"You've got this, Kei!" He said after she stepped between the ropes. "Own her!"

And with that, her circled around the ring and made his way to the English commentary table, where he'd been given a spot alongside Tony Hoss and Cory Hayes as a guest.

"And we're being joined here at ringside by Black Severin." Said Tony.

"Hey, how's it going, fellas?"

"You're looking spiffy this evening."

"Thanks. Gotta look good for my lady. You know how it is. With that outfit she's got on, though, you're probably the only one who noticed." He chuckled.

"Keira Robinson is definitely looking ravishing tonight."

"Yeah, she is banging, man."

"And we're in to see a lot of that in tonight's main event, folks. A best of three under Ravisher rules; an orgasm costs you a point, and the match can also be won through sexual knockout. These are rules that were thought of by her opponent, who was trained by Ionia, one of the greatest technicians to ever step foot inside of a ring. How do you feel about Keira's chances here, Severin?"

"I have complete confidence in her abilities, Tony. You guys have seen how long she can hang when she went up against Collei, and that was best of five. And we've been putting in long hours to prepare for this. She's coming into this thing stronger and sexier. Daeva's setting some new rules here, and she may have been trained one of the best, but my money's on Kei."

Daeva Asphodel
It was crazy, what Daeva Asphodel had managed to arrange. Fitting, given that Emilia Morasanu -- the woman behind the character -- was effectively LARPing a Malkavian, with this personality having a Toreador-esque mentality, as was pointed out by one half of the couple she had, as Jaclyn called it, "rizzed up" in Milwaukee just a little under three weeks ago now. She thought she'd had enough time to process just how far out of her zone she'd stepped in doing so, but now that she stood just behind the curtain, it was hitting her again.

The karaoke crowd's reactions -- theirs most importantly -- told her that all those interesting months spent living as her characters had paid off and kept it from showing, but she was terrified when she was up there on that stage. And that was the one and only issue: Singing in a voice that wasn't natural to her wasn't a problem. She's already done a fair amount of that for her YouTube channel. Performing in front of a crowd? She'd already done that, dressed and done up like a jester.

But serenading a couple...That was an act driven more by loneliness than rational thought. Emilia knew that it was a fair bet that the two of them -- Black Severin and her opponent for tonight, Keira Robinson -- would, at least as far as in-ring competition goes, have an open thing going.

That passion that they showed each other, forming a connection so soon after they'd met -- the way they'd look at each other, touch and feel each other, really feel each other...That intimacy that steadily developed throughout their video was too much for it to be a simple contest.

And that finish...So sweet.

Like Daeva told them, she wanted just a taste of what it was like to be touched like that. A small glimpse of what it's like to have what Eveline and Serina have. Something that may never come her way, whether it be that rising whirlwind or a gradual lift.

But getting involved with couples like that held a strong possibility of trouble. Emilia had read some horror stories -- the true horror that not zombies, not vampires, or any other monster, but other people themselves conjure up -- yet here she was, stepping foot into that territory herself. Was she really that desperate?

Regardless of the answer, it was too late to turn back now. Cue her much older brainchild's

Daeva Asphodel finally stepped through the curtain and into an arena that had been darkened, with faint orange lighting that simulated that of candles. A pole had been extended from the stage, with which she interacted without missing a beat, with the same cool confidence she had in approaching the karaoke stage back in Black Severin's hometown of Milwaukee. First with a simple circling, holding on with one hand as her steps were accompanied with her leaning outwards. A test of the pole's stability. It held. Good.

"In her place, one hundred candles burning."

A spin that ended with her leaning back against the pole, which one hand would reach up above her head to grip. The other would lightly brush over the leather clad bust that one camera would take a focused shot of.

"A salty sweat drips from her breast."

Time to put those belly dancing classes to work. Emilia had the feeling that they'd come in handy for this character.

"Her hips moved..."

In circles.

"And I can feel what they're sayin'. Swayin'."

Another spin, with subtle footwork that had her generating the momentum she'd need for her body to whirl around the pole it would grip by the thighs, hanging upside down with her arms crossed over her chest in that familiar fashion that the Egyptians of old had done with corpses.

"The say, 'the beast inside of me is gonna get'cha. Get'cha, get..."

Her motions were smooth. Rehearsed. Emilia knew of a band that had a singer whose vocals had cut it pretty close to the great Peter Steele's, and she could've set up a live performance if she really wanted to. And she did want to. After all, she didn't want this debut entrance to be lacking in comparison to what her sister did when she made hers.

But it would've been bourgeoisie to do all of that for a standard broadcast, she felt. Not at all the impression that she wanted to give.

A seamless transition from the pole to all fours on the floor, crawling towards another camera like she was the beast the lyrics mentioned. Feline, again because it was popular. Familiar. Daeva made her approach like it was prey that she'd been stalking, swiping at it when she got close and connecting, but without any real power behind it. The man behind the camera was ready and able to follow her when she rose to her feet to continue on towards the ring.

"And her opponent: Standing at five feet and four inches tall and weighing in at one hundred and thirty pounds, fighting out of Athens, Greece...! Daaeeevaaaaa Asphodeeellll!"

Keeping her eyes facing forward was easy. Both halves of the couple were perfect physical specimens, built like deities. Made for Hentai matches. Speaking of which, after seeing how Keira handled herself in that Best of Five contest, she just had to get this changed from a regular Hentai match to a Best of Three Ravisher Match.

Even when she first started having sex, one orgasm was never enough for Emilia. There always had to be at least two, and that number grew to the point where she'd often drain Jaclyn, her one and only partner before tonight, completely dry before she was done.

Her heart was pounding in her chest right now, although one wouldn't know it looking at her. Looking at those eyes, especially: They had that very recognizable sultry smolder to them that was focused on nothing else, like she was a proper Anne Rice strigoaie (or moroaica, depending on one's semantics), come to feed in a manner that her "victim" would be unable to resist.

"And here comes Daeva Asphodel, the newest member of the dominant faction known as The Coterie. Every member has captured gold in ACW, with the exception of Lacramioara Albescu, who is now taking on a role as an official wrestler here in LAW."

"And look at those eyes, gentlemen! Those eyes are saying five words: 'You. Are. Getting fucked. To-night.' I think Keira's in for a long one. She's gonna be in the ring with a horny vampire! And her fellow Coterie members Ionia and Lacramioara have already demonstrated how they can dominate, and there's been a lot of talk about an impromptu match-up at the Open Bottle involving Smiling Jaclyn that got hot and heavy."

"Team Keira all the way."

Cory responded by mimicking the sound of a whip, tickling Severin's funny bone. Jokingly, he replied, "Fuck you."

Daeva didn't enter the ring the moment she reached it. Instead, she circled the square, wanting to get a look at her opponent from every angle before arriving back in full view, assuming Keira hadn't turned around during.

"Daeva circling the ring, sizing up her opponent."

"Getting a view of her from every angle. And let me tell you, I don't blame her, Tony: Daeva is looking at perfection. From head to toe, front to back."

And of course, her eyes would turn to Severin while she passed the commentary table.

"And Daeva's...making eyes at you, Severin!"

"I...I kinda like that look, not gonna lie." Not a lie, but not the complete truth, either: It was more than "kinda". And as for her general look...Lordy lord.

"What would Keira think if she heard you say that, Severin?"

"It's just a physical thing. We'll do what we do in the ring, but at the end of the day, we're leaving together."

"Lucky bastard."

"Don't I know it, Cory."

A tongue sweeping across fangs that were exposed when Daeva drew her lips back would do plenty to show her satisfaction with what she saw, no doubt. She
as she approached its center, landing and spinning on one knee until she faced the camera behind her, sitting with both knees spread apart at shoulder length, hands gripping the lower ropes to either side of her.

The vampiress stared into the camera with that same hungry stare she'd given Keira and Severin, as though she were looking through it and into the eyes of every viewer at home or wherever else. She let the man operating it get into position before turning to a seated position on her butt instead of her knees, presenting a mouthwatering side view of her upper thighs to both them and Keira before rising to her feet. But only for a moment before hooking the back of one knee to the top rope and hanging herself upside down, other leg pointed straight upwards, arms crossed over her chest as she'd done on the pole.

"Woah! Hanging from the ropes like a bat!"

"She knows how to make an entrance. I'll give her that."

"Lemme tell ya, if it wasn't for this knee..." Cory tapped his right knee.

"You like 'em alternative too, huh, Cory?"

"Yes, I do, Severin. I've been in this business for fifteen years. Wrestled for twelve of 'em. So trust me when I say: The dark and creepy chicks like her? Biggest freaks out there."

"Yeah, we'll see about that. Lady Kei's plenty freaky to me."

Daeva stayed like that for a few moments before lifting her upper body into position between the top and middle ropes and pulling herself into the ring. She casted another admirative gaze at her opponent, looking her up and down before approaching her and saying, "Please excuse the pun, but you're looking quite ravishing tonight, Keira."
Last edited by DSX93 on Tue May 14, 2024 8:54 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Just A Taste - Part 1 (Keira Robinson vs Daeva Asphodel [D])

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

"You've got this, Kei! Own her!"

Keira flashed him a knowing smile; a little twist on the meaning of her catchphrase.

After helping Keira up the steps, Terrell made his way to the commentator's table. She followed him in the corner of her eye while she settled against the ropes, tossing him another smile when he took his spot, before turning her attention towards Daeva's entry. She didn't know how he managed to get himself a seat, but she was glad; she'd never been part of a main event before, so she was relieved she knew at least one of them would be down there hyping her up.

Daeva, of course, hadn't done a main event, either. She'd had some training, of course, and was just one member of a larger group. That was likely why she'd been granted a debut in a main event, in fact; she had a bit of a reputation by association thing going on, so there were big expectations on her shoulders coming into tonight. Keira had no delusion that this match was going to be a pushover.

And... holy shit, that entrance lived up to those expectations, and more!

Right from the get-go, it was clear that Daeve had left an impression. The song choice was, as far as Keira was concerned, not what one would expect of a wrestler, but damn if it didn't suit the goth woman to a T. And she worked it with that pole that had been set up after her own entrance. As with her performance at the karaoke bar, Keira found herself completely mesmerized by her. Maybe, after the match, she could get some pole-dancing tips. Terrell might like that...

And then she crawled. Creeping directly for a camera, which she pawed at. God damn!

And then they locked eyes, as Daeva returned to her feet for her jaunt towards the ring. Keira saw in those eyes something familiar. There was a desire there, similar to that she had seen in Severin's eyes during their first encounter, but also... different. In Terrell, the most dominant trait had been passion. Here... Daeva's eyes reflected hunger. Keira grinned back, licking her lips.

Curiously, Daeva didn't climb up into the ring when she got close, instead walking around the perimeter. Keira remained in place, arms over the top rope, turning her head to follow the goth along her path. If Daeva wanted a 360 view, Keira would let her have it. Of course, she didn't miss when Daeva's gaze turned away from the ring to oogle Severin as she passed him by, too.

Her performance wasn't quite finished yet, either. Daeva sidled onto the apron, putting on a show for the crowd. And then offered an obvious tease for Keira, a tantalizing glimpse of her thighs that had Keira's mouth watering. She punctuated it by repeating that upside-down move she'd done on the pole, this time using the apron ropes.

By the time Daeva had slipped between the ropes into the ring, Keira was fanning herself with both hands, mostly for show. She shook her head when the goth woman approached her, offering a chuckle at her pun.

"You pull that off, and then come to flatter me? Darling, you are far too modest." Keira mirrored her opponent, looking her up and down, taking in everything Daeva had to offer. "I don't even have words for that performance, hot damn! You're gonna have people talking already, and we haven't even gotten started yet."
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Re: Just A Taste - Part 1 (Keira Robinson vs Daeva Asphodel [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

"Keira fanning herself as Daeva enters the ring."

Cory was mimicking the motion. "Phew! I can feel the heat all the way over here!"

"Me too. You see the way they're looking at each other?"

"Keira licking her lips, both women looking each other up and down and getting flirty early. Nothing hidden between these two, ladies and gentlemen!"

And for a moment, Severin was rendered speechless aside from a quiet, astonished chuckle, giving his head a slow, disbelieving shake.

"And our guest commentator is grinning like a man who's getting a surprise three way dance for his birthday!"

"I...Nah, I'm just processing this. It's crazy that this is real."

"Need a pinch, Severin?"

"Nah, I'm good."


"I don't even have words for that performance, hot damn! You're gonna have people talking already, and we haven't even gotten started yet."

Yeah, "hot damn" are the right words here. Only those nearby and at home could hear them, but it was just as the English announce team said: There was nothing hidden here. Not so far as what these two wanted. Right here. Right now.

Daeva closed the distance even further, stopping when she was close enough to reach out and lay a gloved hand on Keira's cheek and the other at her waist, eyes falling to the punk rock beauty's lips, rising to meet those of the referee who didn't need to be told what to do, and then finally resuming contact with hers. "Let's set a fire that'll bring this house down to its very foundation."

She closed her eyes and leaned in to start the match off right with a lip lock that got the crowd lit. It was a slow, steady burn complete with some nibbling of Keira's bottom lip. A gentle pressure was applied, with caution being taken to avoid piercing it with her fangs. No tongue here in the beginning. In that manner, she wanted to follow Black Severin's example.
Last edited by DSX93 on Fri May 17, 2024 6:22 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Just A Taste - Part 1 (Keira Robinson vs Daeva Asphodel [D])

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

As Daeva approached, Keira stood up straight, no longer leaning against the ropes. She needed to be ready for anything.

And somehow, the first 'move' still caught her off guard. The moment the gloved hand landed on her cheek, Keira resisted the urge to glance at Severin. This was it... this was happening. Really happening. He was okay with it. She knew that. Hell, half the reason he was here was probably to see the show she was about to put on in person. She had no reason to hold back.

Those were the words she repeated to herself as Daeva continued to get intimate right off the bat. Her spare hand found Keira's waist, and that's when she moved. Her hands flew up - careful not to accidentally strike the goth woman, there was plenty of time to figure out what she liked - and landed on her shoulders, slowly snaking around her neck. Not tightly; Keira wasn't going for a hold here. She recognized - or, made an educated guess, really - what Daeva was planning to do, and in the few seconds she had to spare, decided how she was going to handle it.

"Well, you know what they say," Keira said, barely able to refrain from rolling her eyes at her own terrible joke. "Play with fire and you might get burned."

Seeing Daeva's eyes close, Keira did the same. She wouldn't need them for this part. It was here that her arms tightened around the goth woman's neck; again, not painfully, but enough to show she was holding her in place intentionally. She encouraged the kiss, sucking on Daeva's lip as her own was nibbled. It was a bit odd, she thought; she didn't even really notice the difference with the fangs. Maybe Daeva hadn't really been trying to just yet.

Keira took it up a notch. Still against the ropes, she leaned backwards, her arms pulling Daeva a bit closer as she arched her back over the top rope, like a light dip during a dance duet. Her left leg rose up, extended to Daeva's side and beyond. That drew some distinct, audible whistles from the crowd.

Keira held that position for several seconds before dropping her foot back to the mat and pushing them back upright again. She'd let Daeva decide when to break off the lip lock.
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Audrey Trovita (LW) || Audrey (mixed)
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Re: Just A Taste - Part 1 (Keira Robinson vs Daeva Asphodel [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

"No tests of strength or chain wrestling to start this match off, it looks like, with both women getting up close and personal in a more intimate manner!"

"Touchy feely, nice and cuddly...Can't think of a better way to start off a match like this."


"Well, you know what they say, 'Play with fire and you might get burned."

"Oh, my God, the cheese."

"Another thing to love about her."

"Now, how did I know that a Wisconsinite was gonna say that?"

Severin laughed. "And I'll be the first to admit I'm a huge dork too, so it was inevitab-OH! My goodness!" He leaned forward in his seat when the two women started locking lips. Nibbling. Sucking...

"The tension between these two women was like a powder keg ready to explode, and we are starting off with some fireworks, folks!"

"The action's looking like it might spill out of the ring!"

...Daeva's setting the hand that was at Keira's waist on a path to her bare leg, the fingers that her glove left exposed brushing over the smooth skin as they found their way to the back of her knee, giving the flesh a tender squeeze. The other gripped her by the back of the neck to make sure those lips didn't go anywhere no matter how far back against the ropes she leaned. Their bodies were close enough for their chests to mushroom, but there's nothing wrong with one hundred and ten percent certainty.

As far as Terrell was concerned, the action could go right on ahead and spill all the way over to the top of the table he's sitting at. But for right now, at least, it wouldn't. In fact, it wouldn't even make it out of the ring.

Daeva didn't resist as Keira motioned them towards standing upright again, but she did slide a hand up her leg. Along the thigh. Past it, and beneath that tiny miniskirt to grab herself a nice handful of ass. Oh, Emilia loves a nice ass, on men and women both. As they regained the entirety of their balance, the vampiress broke the kiss and only barely created any separation: Their faces would remain just inches away from each other.

Daeva nibbled her own lip, her next breath long and shaky. A kiss delivered with the kind of talent and passion present in the one she just experienced was one of Emilia's biggest weaknesses. It set her whole body on fire. Her heart to pounding, nipples erect, sweat at the brow that had nothing to do with exertion. Her panties? Soaked. Her legs? Would've been ready to pounce if she was at a distance, and her eyes would communicate that. Forget hunger; she was craving Keira now!

"Ooh!" Terrell could practically feel that energy between them, and it was causing a stir in his pants.

"I want that." Smack! Daeva relished the jiggle of Keira's ass in her hand. "I want to feel the lick of the hottest flames you have to offer me."

Aaaaand boner. The real commentators here were focused on what was going on the ring, but Terrell crossed his arms in his lap anyway to hide it. Is this what he has in store when they stand across the ring from each other?

"I love this place."

Cory chuckled in response.

"LAW has been so good to me in my short time here. It has changed my life, guys."
Last edited by DSX93 on Sat May 18, 2024 3:31 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Just A Taste - Part 1 (Keira Robinson vs Daeva Asphodel [D])

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

Keira was pleased, to put it lightly, that Daeva followed her lead, although it honestly was not a surprise. But it did confirm that she had a weapon she could use here against this opponent; her own desires. All Keira had to do was... not give in first. Or, rather, not give in last. She could do that. She'd already done it with Collei.

Yeah, she had a really good feeling about this match.

Keira moaned into Daeva's lips in response to the fingers on her leg, and though the other hand found her neck to keep her in place, Keira was too focused on not spilling them both over the top rope to start searching for a body part to squeeze back. For now, arms around her neck would have to do. But that was fine, the feel of their breasts molding to each other would tide her over for now, and there was plenty of match left to seek out all the best bones with meat on 'em.

When she stood them both up, that hand on her thigh slid upwards again, right under her skirt. Keira made no motion to stop it, both glad and regretful that she'd remembered underwear tonight. She couldn't make it too easy. But the hand squeezing her thick cheeks was something she couldn't help but respond to. Daeva broke their kiss off just in time for Keira to blow a breathy moan right at her.

Thank god she'd made a habit of popping a breath mint before every intimate match. Something she'd never have considered until it was too late, if not for her former mentor. Sophie had taught her all manner of tricks.

It wasn't until after that that Keira got a good look at the other woman's face. Biting her own lip, a gaze in her eye that of a predator who'd just cornered her prey, looking for all the world like she wanted nothing more than to shred their clothing right then and there and start going at it!

Keira had a more subdued reaction, although that was largely due to her prior experience than a lack of arousal. She knew well the necessity of not losing herself to the heat of the moment too quickly. Still, there were undeniable signs that she was on her way. A light pink tint on her cheeks, an automatic response to just about any intimate contact with her womanhood. Her arms, no longer requiring a grip on her opponent's neck, sliding down so her hands could trail down the sides of Daeva's body. The way she licked her lips, as though challenging Daeva's position as predator in this situation.

The way she yip'd and then chuckled in response to being spanked.

"I want to feel the lick of the hottest flames you have to offer me."

"All in good time, darling," Keira responded, using the same sexy seductress voice she'd used on Severin in their first meeting. While she talked, one arm snaked around Daeva's lower body, coming to rest on her lower back, while the other lightly traced her pointer and middle fingers up the goth woman's spine, all the way up her neck and back down again. "You've got to... savor the fire before you let it consume you."

Still, she could offer a sample.

"Like this." Keira lowered her head down into the crook of Daeva's neck, taking a quick breath to absorb her scent. Then, slowly, she'd give her a lick, lightly dragging her tongue up her neck to her ear. At the same time, the hand on her waist would slide down to her ass, making sure to slip underneath any clothing that might be in the way, all to give her cheeks a little pinch!
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Re: Just A Taste - Part 1 (Keira Robinson vs Daeva Asphodel [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

Emilia was patting herself on the back inside. She'd really chosen well. The first girl after Jaclyn that she's ever kissed -- the second person that she's ever kissed -- and this is what she gets. The video of Keira's match with Black Severin had raised some high expectations for how their lips would feel against hers. Keira's had exceeded those expectations. And how!

The vibration from the moaning against her lips sent a pleasant shiver down her spine. And she did it again when they were separated; breathed it right out, blowing the scent of fresh mint at her. She's considerate. So much better!

The punk rock girl's hands slid from her neck down to her sides, tongue sweeping across her own lips, pink eyes locked onto hers full of predatory spirit of her own. It was a challenge. There could only be one hunter, one alpha in this ring.

"Jesus Christ, the eye fucking!"


"All in good time, darling."

"That voice!"

Daeva's arms wrapped around Keira as hers circled around to her back. They were thinking the same thing with one of their hands, resting them at the small of their backs. Daeva laid their other on her shoulder, coming so, so close to rubbing her thumb on the bare skin like Severin had, often enough to catch the eye. But she would stay it. That touch was one of theirs. Like how Jaclyn would smooth her hands down her back, then back up to her shoulders after having bent her over and let her hot seed out inside of her.

The fingers that Keira brought up along her back, tickling the spine...Oh, sweet Satan! Up the neck and back down again -- was she reading her mind and adding her own personal touch? The sound it wrought out of her was somewhere between a sigh and a hiss, heated and amorous, exposing her nature again as her lips drew back to expose her fangs. Daeva almost pulled the trigger in return and tried to do the same with the thumb on her shoulder, but refrained from it.

"Are...Are you sure you're still gonna have a girlfriend at the end of this, Severin?"

"Positively, but goddamn."

"Wonder what she's gonna do to you."

"I..." Again, Terrell had been dumbstruck, with only a slow shake of his head to express how out of this world he saw this spectacle as being.

"Black Severin struck speechless again, and I can't blame him!"

"Neither can I, Tony."

"This is place is something else, man."

"And there he is, folks."


"You've got to... savor the fire before you let it consume you."

Daeva's eyes closed as Keira went for her neck. A move she thought she'd be going for first herself. Taking in her fragrance, creating goosebumps and sending a stronger jolt through her spine when tongue greeted skin, setting her on autopilot. She tilted her head back, leaving her neck open for whatever sensual machinations she had in mind to follow with. The tongue dragged up her neck, slowly and with the grace of a skilled painter with her brush. Travelling to the side and up to her ear -- "F-fuck..." She swore on a shaky breath. Horny minds thought alike a second time, both women moving the hands they had on each other's waist beneath each other skirts to give their plump asses a squeeze.

And Daeva cooed, breathing out her next words. "I knew I'd like you."
Last edited by DSX93 on Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Just A Taste - Part 1 (Keira Robinson vs Daeva Asphodel [D])

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

Keira almost hated to admit it, but she was reveling in the heat between herself and Daeva already. They'd barely begun and they already had their bodies tangled up, a slap here and a pinch there, and a hot kiss positively laced with passion!

She could only imagine the look on Severin's face right now.

She turned her mind back on the fight in front of her immediately after having that thought, forcing herself to keep her lips at Daeva's neck. She could catch his eye later, and would have plenty of time post-match to talk about it, but right now, she couldn't let herself be distracted. He'd understand.

Her tongue had gotten quite the reaction out of Daeva, one Keira hadn't been expecting so soon, but one she was pleased to have drawn out. She only uttered a single word, and it came out on an unsteady breath, clearly affected by the sensual tease.

"I knew I'd like you."

That follow up was a bit more coherent, although still somewhat breathy. Keira lifted her head up to put on her seductress face, grinning and making eyes at the other woman.

"It takes talent to know talent," she replied.

Keira took a moment to let her words sink in, letting the hand on the other woman's ass slide around to the front in the process, stealing a brief feel between Daeva's legs.

After that moment passed, however, Keira's voice would drop a little bit, just above a whisper. "But this is still a match. Don't lose yourself yet."

And with that, Keira would quickly look to make her move. The hand on Daeva's crotch would reach farther, planting her hand on that sweet ass again, and with all her might, Keira would lift her up, wrapping her other arm around the woman's back, and carry her a few paces away from the ropes towards the center of the ring. From there, Keira would spin around, attempting to slam her opponent's back into the mat in the process!

If she got that far, it wouldn't matter that she practically fell right on top of Daeva afterwards, because that was her intent anyway - to climb on top of Daeva, kneeling over her stomach, and pinning her by the wrists over her head! And while doing that, she'd lean down, inches away from her face, still with her bedroom eyes.

"Tell me... do you like it rough?"
My RP profile/preferences
New Thread Requests are CLOSED, however I am more than happy to plan something with you for the future! I am simply not starting new matches currently as I have a backlog of requests and not enough time to reliably respond to them all.

Audrey Trovita (LW) || Audrey (mixed)
Keira Robinson (MW) || Keira (mixed)
Delphine Abyssia (MW, young lioness)
discord thurmanmermanplx
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Re: Just A Taste - Part 1 (Keira Robinson vs Daeva Asphodel [D])

Unread post by DSX93 »

"Keira seems to be getting the better of the newcomer in this sensual lockup! Ionia and Lacramioara have stated in an interview that Daeva is new not only to professional wrestling, but Hentai wrestling as well. That inexperience appears to be showing through."

"But that could be her gathering steam, Tony. We have seen some Hentai wrestlers use their arousal as fuel for returning offense, one of the most notable practitioners of this tactic being Alix Jacques, who, while being familiar with erotic wrestling championship gold, is also buddy-buddy with The Coterie. And Lacramioara has confirmed that Alix has helped her get into form. We have not been given any confirmation that she's passed on any knowledge to Daeva as well, but she very well could have, which would spell big trouble for Keira -- and you too, Severin -- if that turns out to be true.

Ionia herself was the champion of the Erotic Combat Club, a promotion based in Atlantic City that both she and Alix had once competed in at the beginning of their careers. And Severin, Ionia was champion for five years straight, undefeated and never having lost it."


Daeva drew in a quiet, but sharp gasp. Nibbled at her own bottom lip, the flames inside of her eyes growing hotter by the second as Keira's hand slid along her clothed sex, gathering what was no small amount of her honey. Emilia was getting heated fast, but that was the very reason behind her creation of the Ravisher rules. It would allow her to step into the fire with relative safety in comparison to the regular Hentai match that the two had been booked for initially, granting her the opportunity to strike with the full force of her sexuality.

She'd come into this with the expectation of losing a few falls, which was okay. She wanted to be able to have her cake and eat it too, so to speak. On that note, however, she wasn't going to just stand there and let Keira do as she pleased. It was exactly as was stated: Still a match.

But Keira was quick to carry her away from the ropes, possessed of more muscle than expected. A scoop slam that was more like a powerslam, knocking enough wind out of her to allow Keira to follow up with a mount and pin her arms to the mat. The submissive and masochist in her was liking this. Especially with Keira so close, gazing deep into her eyes, lips mere inches away from her own.

"Tell me... do you like it rough?"

Daeva looked back up at her with a smile that continued to keep her feelings plain even before she voiced them. "Mmhmm." Her eyes would go back and forth between Keira's and her lips, the vampiress completely, seemingly helplessly taken in by the mortal on top of her.

Or so it would seem.

Keira wasn't the only one who could move quick. The Coterie's speedster bent her legs, planting her feet flat on the mat and gave a sudden diagonal bucking of her hips, looking to make a sudden reversal of their positions.


"To be fair, though, it was a different era back then. People didn't take this kind of wrestling seriously. No disrespect intended to Ionia, because she was always good -- sounds like you saw that with her matches against competitors like Lucinda Kane and Eric Eros -- but yeah, not even most competitors, at least in the States, didn't take it very seriously."

"It's always nice to come across a young man who does his homework."

"Thanks, Tony. I'm here to get some gold around my waist! Middleweight championship, Hentai championship, Openweight championship...Maybe even all three, if I can manage it."

"Uh, sorry to burst your bubble there, Severin, but the men aren't considered eligible to challenge for titles."

"What?" Severin's head turned in Cory's direction. Surely that had to be a joke? The announcer's solemn expression confirmed that no, it wasn't. "What's the point in even having us here, then?"

Neither announcer had an answer for him.

"Come on, man. You're kidding. Tony?"

"Sorry, Severin."

Wow. They really didn't allow men to even make an attempt at becoming a champion. Severin made a slow turn back to the action in front of them, breathing deep through his nose as he brought his elbows up to the top of the table and rested his chin atop his interlocked fingers. His heart had fallen into the pit of his stomach.

He left his job. Made a major change in his life and put all that work in here. Made the decision to put his body on the line week after week, and for what?

Cory gave him a couple pats on the back. "You've got yourself a pretty girlfriend, though. Saw that video of you two singing karaoke back in your hometown -- Keira's a gem. Just have fun, is all I can say."

"Thanks, Cory."

He did have a point. He had Keira. And he was able to reconnect with Beatriz. But still...What was he supposed to do now? He couldn't fulfill Ryan's last wish for him, so what was the point of even being here?

"Just have fun." Any woman could do that and still end up at the top if she made the effort or just happened to be that naturally talented. Severin? That was the most that he would be allowed to do.

"A scoop, and a slam!"

It was evident in Tony's voice that he was looking to create a distraction from the matter through getting them back on track on commentary.

"Keira quickly takes the mount."

"Yeah. Don't let those soft features fool you: My Lady's stronger than she looks."

"Daeva Asphodel pinned to the mat by her wrists!"

"And Keira Robinson looking her deep in the eye! I think the ravishing might be about to start right here and now!"

"Yep, own her, Kei!" The revelation was a disheartening one, but he wasn't about to let it stop him from supporting his woman.

He was going to have to give his future in this company some thought later on, however. Not that there was much that he could really think about: He was all in from the moment he left GameStop. He couldn't afford to leave.
Last edited by DSX93 on Sat Jun 22, 2024 9:37 am, edited 3 times in total.
Check out the DSXtended Universe!

"And David sayeth onto Goliath, "Say cheese, jackass!"

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