Teaching Pleasure & Pain - Parent Teacher Association vs S+M

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Teaching Pleasure & Pain - Parent Teacher Association vs S+M

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Match Type: Slave Match
Victory Conditions: Force one member of the team to submit first, before making the second orgasm. Once the first member has submitted, they are eliminated and the match becomes a tornado tag, no DQ match. Loser's become the winner's POW for 24 hours afterwards.

Persephone and Ms. Apple were an unlikely duo. Persephone, having a very formidable and well known oil wrestler in her home in Greece, and Ms. Apple, a former instructor in the United States turned professional wrestler, it was mere happenstance that the two would ever meet one another. And yet, when it came to the matters of professional wrestling, the two were, perhaps unsurprisingly, quite in tune with one another, as both women possessed many of the same qualities, ones that had brought them to where they were. Both quite motherly, a love for wrestling and especially the sensual nature of it, and not to mention that the pair happened to have quite impressive figures as well, they fit together like a glove. Both had gained a fair amount of notoriety for their wrestling when it came to solo adventures, and now it was time to see the two of them come together to take on the tag scene.

And boy, what an introduction they were getting!

"Quite the set of rules isn't it?" Persephone was the first one to break the silence, as the two women waited to make their entrance. Aubrey had been silent for a while now, and Persephone had been quick to pick up on the fact that the studios woman had been no doubt going over the match type in her head.

"A specialty match of our the women we'll be facing. And they're both quite adept at it I'd say. You should be more careful, our opponents are-"

"Ah ah ah! Not another word! You know I love being surprised!" For as similar as they were, they still had their differences. Aubrey sighed and shook her head, unable to comprehend Persephone's logic, but she let her partner go in blind nonetheless. To a woman as analytical as the busty instructor, waiting until her opponent came out to find out who they were was ridiculous, but Persephone operated on a different wavelength in that regard, and so she'd leave her to it. As it so happened, they likely wouldn't have had the time, as they were given their cue shortly thereafter!
Appearing at the top of the ramp, Aubrey and Persephone stepped out and with practiced efficiency, quickly swung their hips together, bumping their sizable rear ends into one another, before beginning their walk down the ramp! The two women drew cheers, wolf whistles, and all sorts of praise, and seemed to bask in the love of the crowd, Persephone waving and smiling as Aubrey gave a small smile and a nod! Within moments, the two had journeyed all the way down to the ring, where they would climb inside, both women happily taking a small lap around it with one final greeting to the fans, before they both moved to the corner of the ring, where all eyes would turn towards the ramp, looking eagerly to see their opponents arrive!
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Re: Teaching Pleasure & Pain - Parent Teacher Association vs S&M

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”Mmm. Quite a pair.” Sabine’s thick, German accent came from the shadows of the gorilla position. ”Let’s go introduce ourselves, shall we?”

”We shall.” The Morrigan’s thick Irish brogue came out next, followed by the sound of cracking knuckles. ”Dibs on the teacher.”

PTA wouldn’t have to wait too long for their opponents to show up, as the lights went down and
began to play, heralding the approach of LAW’s lewdest, wildest tag team. Though they were still relatively new to the scene, the two women had been making some decent strides in their rookie year, bringing down big names and having wild, entertaining matches. The people were getting behind them, wanting to see what they would do next, and when word got out about what this match would entail, well…

They were a ratings boost. Leave it at that.
The Morrigan
The pair came down the ramp as the lights flickered all around, illuminating them in bursts, giving them a ghastly appearance like specters in the night, before they came back on in full and revealing S+M at the bottom of the ramp, staring up at their opponents and future victims. Sabine looked at them with a sly smirk, her dark eyes glowing underneath the shade of her cap, while Morrigan looked like a dog with a steak in her dish, salivating at the smorgasbord of flesh before them, smacking her lips and grinding her teeth.

More importantly, they each had a microphone in hand. S+M had something to say.

”My, oh my, Sabine.” The Morrigan was the first to speak up, as she began to circle the ring. ”Looks like we’ve got two little flies in our web, huh?”

”Indeed. Lovely ladies, both.” Sabine began to pace around the ring, going the opposite. ”A feast for the eyes. But this does present a perplexing problem. A conundrum.”

”Really? What’s that?”

”The match type only allows for us to take one of them home with us. On who shall we bestow the honors.”

The Morrigan eyed them both through the ropes, looking back and forth between the tag team partners, before she settled on her pick. ”Vote’s on the teacher. Love the outfit. Always dreamed about getting a hold of a teacher like that, putting her on the desk while the kids were out, fucking her right then and there…”

”Scandalous!” Sabine put a hand to her mouth, feigning shock, before she broke out into a laugh. ”I, for one, favor the Greek. Such a vexing beauty, such a lovely form.” She ran her hand along the apron, idly skimming the skirt. “Why, she practically begs to be ravished.”

”You tell no lies.”

The Morrigan hopped up on the apron in their corner, with Sabine joining her shortly after. The two women leaned over the ropes and leered at their opponent, each staring hard at their favored foe, wolves with their prey close at hand. ”Decisions, decisions. But there is no need to mull over such things. Whether in the ring or at our home, all parties will be satisfied tonight.I promise you this.”

”Same here.” The Morrigan tossed the microphone aside, pulled on the top rope, and launched herself into the ring. She came down with a hard landing that seemed to make the entire arena quake. She bounced up and down on her heels and shook her arm, working out some last-minute kinks, ensuring she was limber. ”All right, ladies. Choice is up to you.” She marched forward and stretched her arms high. ”Who gets pounded first?”

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Re: Teaching Pleasure & Pain - Parent Teacher Association vs S+M

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Fortunately for Persephone and Ms. Apple, S+M seemed to be just as eager to get things rolling as they were, because the pair had only been waiting a moment after finishing their entrance before the lights dimmed, the crowd excitedly watching the ramp! In a ghostly entrance, Sabine and The Morrigan appeared in bursts of light, with PTA in the ring looking closely, as they moved closer and closer to the ring itself before the lights would slowly come back on, revealing the pair in their full glory! Persephone felt as though she had been right to wait for this moment, as seeing the two took her breath away, Sabine and The Morrigan making one hell of an impression, two dominant looking women who seemed like they had something to say!

"The smaller one is named Sabine von Hammer. The larger one is 'The Morrigan.' Apparently her real name is-"

"Oh, shhhh! They're going to speak!" Persephone and Ms. Apple's hushed conversation started and ended quick, as they both turned their attention as Sabine and The Morrigan raised up their microphones and began to talk, a bit of playful pre-match banter aimed at the MILF pair. As they circled the ring, their words showed exactly what the pair aimed to bring to this match, and Persephone and Ms. Apple shared a quick look. It seemed that their opponents had already each picked a favorite, and made it known. Persephone took a moment to flash a wink Sabine's way, while Ms. Apple took a moment to step forwards, closing the distance between herself and The Morrigan, her face a mask as she looked her up and down!

"Well, 'The Morrigan.' I know a problem student when I see one, but luckily for you, if you're looking for some after-class engagement, I happen to be a professional at... "disciplinary measures."" Ms. Apple stated with only the very corners of her mouth slightly shifting upwards to give away her intention! "However... we'll have to give you a thorough lesson in tag team wrestling first." Aubrey said, before suddenly turning and walking back towards her corner of the ring, slipping out from between the ropes to take her place on the outside, leaving Persephone inside!

"Oooh, it's been a long while since I've been swept off my feet... Are you up to the task?" Persephone teased, eyes focused on Sabine, leaning forwards ever so slightly and showing off a bit more cleavage! "First though, I think I need to show your friend that I be a bit jealous when I'm not picked. You ready for that, 'The Morrigan?'" Persephone teased as her attention suddenly turned towards the much larger member of S+M, as it became clear that Persephone would be the one to start this match off!

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Re: Teaching Pleasure & Pain - Parent Teacher Association vs S+M

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Oh, Morrigan liked these two already. Before they even said a single word, really.

Ms. Apple’s naughty teacher vibe worked well for her. She’d put on such outfits herself for certain clients, role-playing the Schoolteacher/Naughty Schoolgirl thing—always kind of a weird fit given her background, but she made it work. This one, though? Oh, she knew some guys and gals who would’ve paid top dollar to have a woman like her spank them with a ruler. Hell, Morrigan herself wouldn’t have minded some of that treatment.

But the other one, Persephone…

She wasn’t the largest, strongest, or toughest Morrigan had ever seen, but something about this woman piqued her interest and left her licking her lips as she stepped up to the plate. She had a great body, top to bottom, and while she was more into Irish mythology than Greek mythology, she could respect the look.

”Goddess on goddess action. I like.” The Morrigan rolled her shoulders and started stalking around the ring as the referee called for the bell and got the match started. ”And just ‘Morrigan’ is fine, lass. Only need to put a ‘The’ if you start a sentence with it.”

The Morrigan brought her arms up and moved in on Persephone, looking to pull her into a collar-and-elbow tie up, immediately establishing dominance. ”Don’t worry, you’ll learn the rules fast.”

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Re: Teaching Pleasure & Pain - Parent Teacher Association vs S+M

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With the two starting wrestlers having been decided between the teams, Aubrey would slip out of the ring and onto the apron, standing behind the post as Persephone was the one to meet The Morrigan in the ring, stepping forwards as she prepared to begin the bout! The Morrigan was a big woman, larger and heavier than Persephone, but the Greek woman didn't look intimidated at all, rather quite enchanted by the Irish woman standing in front of her. Judging from the look she was getting from Morrigan, the feeling seemed to be mutual. Watching The Morrigan roll her shoulders as she stepped forwards, Persephone would gently walk forwards to meet her in the center, a sly smile on her face as Morrigan commented on the clash of goddesses that was occurring, as well as quickly addressing PTA's teasing reference to her title!

"Oh, is that so? Well, unfortunately I'm a bit of a slow learner... that's more of Aubrey's thing." Persephone teased as she stepped forwards, and immediately upon grabbing hold of Morrigan's body, she could feel the hard, rippling muscles sitting under her skin. The Morrigan was a big lady, and it wasn't for show at all, as Persephone quickly realized, and the blonde was well aware that a contest of strength wouldn't benefit her in the slightest! Luckily for Persephone, wrestling wasn't just about muscles!

"How about, instead of that, I call you... darling?" Persephone's words accompanied a sudden shift, as instead of pushing back against The Morrigan, she let her push in, suddenly sliding in close and allowing their bodies to come up against one another! Persephone, having stepped in to do so, now leaned in so close that she could plant an intimate kiss the bigger woman, briefly locking eyes with her... before she hooked a leg around the back of Morrigan's and leaned in, attempting to trip her and send both of them falling to to the mat, with herself landing on top!

"Or better yet, I could call you "all mine!" What do you think, seem fitting to you...?" Persephone said, gazing down at The Morrigan if successful, already taking things from a more wrestling focused approach to something sensual!
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Re: Teaching Pleasure & Pain - Parent Teacher Association vs S+M

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From the sidelines, Sabine watched as Persephone and her partner squared off, locking horns near the center of the ring. She had to appreciate the sharp contrast between the two women - indeed, just about the only thing they had in common was their sex and a notable lack of clothing, with both of them having no shame in showing off their forms. Nor should they have any - Morrigan’s larger, bulkier build complemented Persephone’s more petite, athletic, well-rounded frame, though neither of them were what any sane person would call ‘small’.

At a glance, she knew who she would bet on, but wrestling had a way of surprising in matchups, of turning advantages into disadvantages and vice versa. Something about the look in the blonde’s eyes was dangerous. The most beautiful rose with the sharpest thorns.

The Morrigan made for a good canary in the coal mine, testing out their opponent and showing who the stronger woman was - not that there was much doubt on the subject. She forced her back, trying to force her against the ropes, but she was caught off guard by a sudden shift. Persephone stopped pushing and started pulling, bringing them together in a lover’s embrace, taking her with a kiss that even left a porn actress like Morrigan aghast. Her eyes widened, shocked at first, but her instincts took charge soon enough, her arms wrapped around the slender woman, and she gave as good as she’d gotten.

A mistake.

In a single, deft move, Morrigan found herself tumbling back, falling over, flopping on her back, coming down with the light Persephone on top. It made for a funny scene and drew more than a few snickers from the crowd. Even Morrigan couldn't help a little smile. ”Cheeky bitch.”

The Morrigan planted her feet on the floor, pushed up, and rolled to the side, trying to get on top and pin Persephone’s wrists to the floor, a wild glint in her eyes the whole time. ”There. Better.”

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Re: Teaching Pleasure & Pain - Parent Teacher Association vs S+M

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When Morrigan and Persephone came together in the ring, there was very little doubt among those watching what the result would be if the test of strength was allowed to play out to it's natural conclusion, but fortunately for Persephone, she switched things up quite quickly! Pulling The Morrigan in close instead of attempting to push her away, Persephone locked lips with the larger woman for a tender few seconds, getting a literal taste of her competition, before her leg snuck around Morrigan's to trip her! The pair fell to the mat with a thud, Morrigan landing on the mat and serving as a cushion for Persephone's fall, the busty blonde coming down on top of her with a light grunt, a far preferable landing!

Persephone was relatively amused by her own slippery move, and fortunately, The Morrigan seemed amused by it as well, giving her a quick smile and quip, only to suddenly spin the pair of them over! Persephone let out a brief yelp, one that sounded far more giddy and playful than worried, before Morrigan had mounted her, pinning her arms down to the mat on either side of the head in a classic romantic maneuver! It had been a long while since Persephone had felt so enchanted, and yet this move by Morrigan certainly stirred that feeling inside of her!

"Oh, well don't you know how to handle a woman... but how many times has a woman tried to handle you back?" Persephone teased, and with a sudden movement, the Greek woman would fling her legs up and hook them around Morrigan's waist, hooking herself onto the woman atop her! Persephone didn't attempt to push her hands up off of the mat, but her legs gave a light squeeze, letting The Morrigan know that she was certainly capable of making it tighter, though she'd hold off for the time being!

"Well, now that you're more comfortable, what have you got for me? Don't tell me you got on top just to flex those big muscles of yours... not that I'd mind that, I'm just expecting a little something more from THE one and only Morrigan..." Persephone giggled and flashed the woman atop her a sultry look, waiting to see how Morrigan might respond, especially now that Persephone had her wrapped up in the firm embrace of her thighs, ready to squeeze at a moment's notice!

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Re: Teaching Pleasure & Pain - Parent Teacher Association vs S+M

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The Morrigan honestly didn’t hate having Persephone on top of her. True, she preferred to be in the driver’s seat when it came to sex, but that didn’t always mean she had to be the one above - no, she could fuck just as wild when gravity was working against her, and she liked showing that off from time to time, surprising partners who thought they’d taken the reigns.

She could give Persephone a demonstration - later. For now, though, she was all about winning this match, so she needed to get some control and, more importantly, keep her shoulders away from the mat, so she flipped them over and took over from above, pinning her opponent to the mat. The blonde was no weakling, stronger than most, but power was still firmly in the Morrigan’s wheelhouse. She wasn’t going anywhere unless she was allowed.

To Persephone’s credit, though, if she was bothered by this, she didn’t show it. ”Huh-” The Morrigan looked down, confused, then winced as her opponent’s legs cut into her side. She had some good lower body strength, enough to apply some real power to her ribs, and she got the sense that the Greek wasn’t even giving her a full taste, that she could cut much, much deeper with these scissors were she so inclined.

The Morrigan let out a long, lustful moan and dipped down to mash their foreheads together, pressing just hard enough to hurt. ”Oh, you want more?” She pushed uper with her legs, rising to her knees with Persephone still anchored. ”Right then - you’ll get more.”

That ‘more’ turned out to involve her letting of Persephone’s wrists, wrapping her arms around the woman’s neck, and pulling her in for smothering kiss, mashing their lips together in a hungry feeding frenzy, roaring down her throat. At the same time, she pushed up to one foot, then other, and rushed forward at full speed, looking to the Greek’s back into the corner - the one right beside a waiting Sabine, of course.

The Morrigan had plans for this one. Oh, did she have plans.

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Re: Teaching Pleasure & Pain - Parent Teacher Association vs S+M

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Falling down on top of The Morrigan, Persephone didn't honestly expect her tripping of the larger woman to do any real damage at all, but what it did do was put her within close proximity of her beautiful opponent, which was all that Persephone could ask for! And when Morrigan spun the pair of them around on the mat and pinned Persephone's wrists down, she nearly swooned then and there, holding it together thanks to the fact that this was a match after all, and despite her inner girlish intuition, she wouldn't get swept up into a romantic frenzy! ...Or at least, she wouldn't do so without putting up something of a fight first! And so she hooked her legs around Morrigan's and gave a light squeeze, letting her know that much more would be coming depending on what her opponent chose to do, but aside from a brief wince at the pressure, she didn't look all that bothered!

Persephone would find out that she was indeed correct, as Morrigan leaned down and pressed her forehead against Persephone's, the blonde pushing back to lessen some of the pressure, once more breaking into Morrigan's personal space! This time, however, it wasn't Persephone who would separate, but Morrigan, as she suddenly begin to stand up, picking up both herself and Persephone in an impressive show of strength! Persephone's legs remained tight around her opponent's waist, as even with The Morrigan standing up, Persephone didn't wish to separate yet, hanging on tight to see what The Morrigan had planned!

"Oh, I don't just want more... I want everything you have!" Persephone responded, shortly before Morrigan released her wrists, and gave her exactly that! Much more than before, she'd wrap her arms around Persephone, the blonde leaning in as she was pulled close and the two locked lips once again, tongues hungrily wrestling against one another as they began a passionate kiss! Persephone let out a lustful moan into Morrigan's mouth, and soon enough, the pair were headed to the corner... much to the chagrin of Persephone's partner!

"Persephone! Don't... ugh." Ms. Apple's voice rang out, only to quickly fade as she realized that attempting to stop her partner from staying stuck to The Morrigan was a good idea! While there was plenty that was similar about them, Persephone was a bit more of a free spirit than her partner, and didn't mind being whisked off to the other team's corner to see what happened, all while the busty instructor was left to pinch the bridge of her nose to stifle her frustration.

On the other hand, Persephone was still latched tight to The Morrigan, leaning into her as if trying to push right through her, and returning her kiss as if it was the last one she'd be afforded, not minding where she was headed, simply focusing on where she was!

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Re: Teaching Pleasure & Pain - Parent Teacher Association vs S+M

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The match had only just started, and already things were going exactly the way Morrigan wanted. Couldn't have asked for more.

She chuckled under her breath when she heard Ms. Apple’s protests behind her, trying to get the blonde to fight her way out of the situation. Sage advice, but it was already too late - Morrigan was a freight train when she was riled up, and there was nothing the Greek could’ve done to slow her down as she plowed towards the corner and rammed her against the pads at full speed, putting her exactly where she wanted. She kept her there, too, pressing her thigh in between Persephone’s legs while she reached to the side and grabbed the ropes for support.

She flashed a wicked grin at Sabine. ”Said she wants everything, Ms. Hammer.”

Sabine flashed that same wicked grin right back. ”Then let’s oblige her, Ms. Murphy.”

Since Morrigan was in the driver’s seat, she went in first, diving forward and looking for the whole world like she was going for another kiss. Instead, she dipped down at the last second and brought her teeth to Persephone’s neck for a savage love bite. Not a long one, just a quick, harsh nip, before she softened up and licked at the flesh she’d damaged with a wild, ravenous tongue. At the same time, she pressed forward with her total weight, thrusting against her foe’s softest place, mashing their chests together, threatening to flatten her against the pads with every push, trying to overwhelm the more petite woman with enveloping curves.

At the same time, Sabine’s insidious hand made its way through the ropes and slipped under Persephone’s skirt, finding a ripe ass to sink her gloved fingers into. She gripped tight at first, sinking into the muscle before she began a slow, groping massage. She ran up and down the sides of those delectable thighs, trying to caress every inch she could find. At the same time, she brought her talented tongue to Persephone’s ear and let it slither inside, lapping away while she whispered the occasional sweet nothing in her native German.

It was simultaneous seductive assault, and overload of pleasure, trying to wear their opponent down with more sensations than any normal human could handle…but it was also illegal, and the referee reluctantly came over to start a slow count. They would have to break it up soon, but until then? Persephone was theirs.

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