Recap Match: Da Xia vs Kyoko (AFW)

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Recap Match: Da Xia vs Kyoko (AFW)

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Match Type: Hentai Pinfall
Victory Conditions: Pinfall after an orgasm

Da Xia's theme started to play through the arena's speakers as the Chinese Bully appeared on stage, dressed in her Chinese dress as she flaunted herself to the crowd and was met with boos. She gave an arrogant smirk to the fans and acted dismissively towards them as she headed towards the ring. Tonight she was going to fight a newcomer to the AFW, a role that she was quite comfortable with. Her natural mindset on making life miserable for other girls fitted perfectly as she walked up the stairs and climbed into the ring.

She wondered what kind of opponent she was going to face, she didn't bother doing research on the newcomer besides hearing that she's had a few matches but with absolutely no detail on them. She was that confident that she was going to humiliate her and leave her naked in the ring after making her orgasm in front of all these fans once or twice as she stood in the center of the ring, awaiting to see just who she was going to deal with.

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Re: Recap Match: Da Xia vs Kyoko (AFW)

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Vapor Rock began playing in the arena as The fans let their approval or disapproval for the Belly Queen as Kyoko made her way out to the ramp. She was thankful for the time she spent working with Tabitha, as she sure,t wouldn't be in a good position otherwise and it would give her a nice practice to see where she wa at skill wise. From what she heard her opponent was fairly skilled and very devious something she would have to see for herself.

Kyoko put her hands to her hips and began to slowly strut down the arena, making sure her opponent had a good look at her abs as she came down and entered the ring. Her opponent looked decent enough, Kyoko knew enough to avoid underestimating her regardless as she put her back in her corner her eyes never leaving her opponent. "Hope you can give me a good match. I'm always eager to have some fun competition."

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Re: Recap Match: Da Xia vs Kyoko (AFW)

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Da Xia watched as soon her opponent made her way into the arena. Watching her walk as she saw that the attire her opponent was wearing made a perfect window for her abs which looked very impressive, not that she would verbally admit that however. It did not wipe the smirk off of her face as she could tell the woman was quite proud of herself, which would make humiliating her all the more enjoyable.

Now with the two of them in their respective corners, Da Xia was anxious for that bell to ring. "I'll give you more than a 'good' match. Don't wear me out too much~" Da Xia spoke her fake cutesy tone. She almost slipped in the beginning, but managed to catch herself as she didn't want to ruin the surprise of when the real her was revealed. Unfortunately for her, she was too stubborn to realize that her act was caught on a long time ago as the bell rang to signal the match.

The Chinese Bully would make her way towards the center of the ring, lifting her hands up for a test of strength, beckoning for her opponent to test her.

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Re: Recap Match: Da Xia vs Kyoko (AFW)

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Her opponent wasn't intimidated by her from looks alone which was fine for her, she looked like she just wanted to wrestle and Kyoko could live with that. Da Xia spoke in an innocent tone and she told her not to wear her out too much. Kyoko smiled even though Da Xia's tone was a little off at the beginning, but not looking to cause any problems. "I'm not the most experienced in this field so you probably know a thing or two more than me." Kyoko said in a friendly tone, what she said wasn't too far off from the truth but all the sparring she had done had given her a good idea of what to expect.

As the bell rang Kyoko moved in as Da Xia brought her hands up to signal a test of strength, she didn't doubt that she could beat her in the test but opted to try something else as she raised her hands seemingly to accept, as she got close Kyoko would instead smack Da Xia's hand out of the way and run in to try and throw a jab into the Chinese girls belly.

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Re: Recap Match: Da Xia vs Kyoko (AFW)

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Da Xia smiled, she thought that Kyoko was completely convinced by her facade as she wiggled her fingers to continue beckoning Kyoko to lock fingers with her. She was ready to thrust herself forward into Kyoko and have them go breasts to breasts for a rather large collision once they locked fingers. However Kyoko had other ideas as her fist connected into her belly. "Guh!" she cried out as Da XIa quickly backed off.

"Wh-..." Da Xia began to say before cutting herself off from breaking her facade as she restrained herself, which felt like it hurt a lot more than the punch to the stomach as she rubbed her belly. "That...was a cheap shot."

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Re: Recap Match: Da Xia vs Kyoko (AFW)

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Kyoko surprised Da and caught her with the punch but the girl surprised her by calling out the cheap shot, seeing as she was only trying to start things off differently. The fact that she didn't try to attack her made Kyoko almost feel guilty even if she didn't see what she did wrong.

"Oh shoot I'm sorry, I'm so used to normal matches that's just my first instinct. I'm sorry if I came off as cheap here let's do this." Kyoko moved her hands out of the way and gave Da Xia a clear shot at her bare stomach. "You take a shot at my tummy and we'll call it even deal?" Kyoko said confident her abs could take any thing her opponent could throw at her, but she didn't leave herself entirely open, she had her arms near her chest and crotch ready to try and block in case Da Xia tried a cheap shot of her own.

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Re: Recap Match: Da Xia vs Kyoko (AFW)

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Da Xia was scowling inwardly as she tried her best to keep a strained smile, she was beginning to think that it was not worth it keeping her facade against this bitch. She was ready to just say screw it and show how verbal she could get, but managed to talk herself down from that as Kyoko offered to get a return punch. She took careful notice on how Kyoko was blocking her breasts and crotch, favored attack places of Da Xia as she was a little disappointed at that.

However she knew better than to get into a belly punching fight with this chick due to how toned and defined those abs were. "Fine, here comes my best shot!" she shouted, trying to play up an underdog feeling as she pulled her right arm back to show off that she was going to swing with all of her might.

Then she reached up with her left hand and went for the unprotected face of Kyoko, attempting to do another dirty trick and give a thumb to the eye.

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Re: Recap Match: Da Xia vs Kyoko (AFW)

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She felt the compromise of the free shot would keep things fair. She smiled as Da seemed to be preparing herself for a good shot to make her pay, Kyoko was worried that Da best would be enough to do much to her as she prepared herself for anything she went for figuring that given the match she would go for something appropriate such as her chest or crotch.

However she was surprised by a third option that the Chinese girl took, as she feinted for a punch with her left she immediately brought her left hand out sent it towards her face, sticking her thumb in her eye. "Oww!" Kyoko brought her hands up to her eye which was turn red from the hit, trying to see out of just one eye blurred her vision a bit as she backed up, one hand running her eye the other in in front of her doing nothing. "Geez, is that your idea of payback?" Kyoko said a little frustrated knowing full well it was entirely her fault.

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Re: Recap Match: Da Xia vs Kyoko (AFW)

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Da Xia stuck her tongue out at Kyoko, "Fair's fair! I didn't see your punch coming and you didn't see my thumb coming!" she shouted to try and justify her action, although in all honesty she didn't care if her attack was justified or not. Now that she had come out on top of their little square off, Da Xia looked to go on the attack as she approached the disoriented Kyoko, following after the retreating Kyoko.

"Where you're going? I'm over here~" she chimed in as she attempted to grab a hold of Kyoko's long hair and attempted to swing her towards the center of the ring as she would then attempt to deliver a hard slap across Kyoko's cheek, showing her just what she felt about her.

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Re: Recap Match: Da Xia vs Kyoko (AFW)

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Da Xia was cute until she was in control, then she was just cute and annoying. Kyoko was starting to get her eyesight back but still needed a few more seconds before it was mostly cleared up. "Well if you're going to put it like that, it almost makes sense." Kyoko said. She didn't think so, but right now it felt smart to play nice before she came up with more fair play 'tricks'

Just as her vision clear per Da Xia grabbed her hair and yanked her back into the center of the ring. What followed was a a sharp pain as Da Xia smacked her across the face "Oww!" Kyoko screamed, sending her head off to the side but she want going anywhere as her hair was still being held. Getting annoyed Kyoko would try and swing her arm out in slap of her own, having no direct plan but aiming in her opponents general direction.

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