No Sleep (Black Severin vs Ariadne Evans)

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No Sleep (Black Severin vs Ariadne Evans)

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Match Type: Ironperson Apartment Hentai Match
Victory Conditions: Scoring the most orgasms by 6:00 AM.
Optional Objective: In one of the side rooms are bottles containing "Benzaiten Oil", an aphrodisiacal product invented by Silvia Dimir. It has not yet been released to the public. Bonus compensation will be provided to the competitors if they make use of it during the match.
9:00 PM
Black Severin
General Appearance
Wow. The LAW Universe is really speaking out with this one! Another Apartment Hentai match, this time with an Ironperson stipulation for the night. And Silvia Dimir would have her eyes on this match too. Black Severin knew who she was, as he was a fan of the Erotic Combat Club and it's approach to sexfights. She'd partnered up with them too, for their revamp and supplied them with some of her products, which made for some good watching on those lonely nights he had in the past.

And speaking of products, that Benzaiten Oil! Severin was looking forward to testing it out for her. After seeing Keira's experience with aphrodisiacs in that match with Collei, he figured, why not see what they do to (and for) him? Maybe he could get himself a bottle after this. A little something for when a rainy day keeps them inside, you know?

He didn't get any flack over it, and saw mostly positive comments in the "Bonus Footage" video that their uncut conversation was placed into, but the masked man couldn't help but wonder if maybe this was somebody in management saying something about how he decided to start things off with Collei last week. Like, "that was nice, but this time, don't take so long getting to the point."

It could be nothing, though. But either way, he was resolved to take that same approach, if his opponent for tonight preferred it. And why not? Again, they literally had all night.

But back to the main point: The LAW Universe is really speaking out with this one. Severin was feeling good going into his match last week, but that was mainly him still riding the high from a couple weeks prior, coupled with the fact that he was facing a friend of Keira's. So he knew that things were going to be chill. This week, it's the feeling of knowing that people were really getting behind him on this. Like so much else that's happened to him in LAW, it still felt unreal, but so very welcome. He had fans rooting for him, and they were doing it going in, as opposed to him just winning them over in the midst of things. And the higher-ups were liking enough of his performances to put him in more specialty stuff while still respecting his wishes to do things on this side of the business in more private locales.

The thought of it still gave him pause, but maybe he's ready to start doing this in front of crowds like everyone else.

Like last time, Severin was alone in the inside of a
that was owned by LAW, having just donned a black velvet robe to go over his matching pair of boxer briefs following some preparatory stretches. Wanting to take a look around the place first, he'd arrived thirty minutes ago, with 12:00 AM being the cut-off time that would result in a forfeit if one didn't show.

They'd be doing it a little differently this time. No referee, still, and while the footage that's captured tonight will be processed into a video for the site, it would also be livestreamed. Albeit, only to LAW officials who would be keeping score. Once the feed cuts at six, they'd review it and send somebody over to announce the winner.

Severin sat back in the velvet loveseat that was also a pull out bed, leaving the lever on the side be for now. Took a moment to kick back. Relax. Take in the ambience and savor this next taste of the fine living that awaited him if he kept things going the way he has thus far.
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Re: No Sleep (Black Severin vs Ariadne Evans)

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Ariadne happily hummed to herself while making the final steps upon reaching the apartment building that would serve as that night’s arena. It was a pretty high-end building, with luxurious decorations and even a doorman to keep track of people going inside. “Good evening Ms. Evans.” The man was very polite and well-informed to the point he knew Meredith’s name, so she could only wonder that the man knew of her employers. With a polite nod and a couple words she thanked him for the notice and walked towards the elevator.

Just when Meredith pressed the pentfloor button, the elevator doors opened once again as another person rushed to it before the ascending could start. Apologizing for the interruption, a blonde woman made her way on the elevator. She was well-dressed with an office attire and her voice sounded serious but had a tint of enticing nature that captivated Meredith. She pressed the button corresponding to the floor just below the penthouse and waited. The woman was just beautiful and there was some electricity in the ambient, some tension coming from the two hot women riding the elevator, being obviously aware of what they thought about the other. For an instant Meredith thought it was a shame she wasn’t her rival for that night.

Concerning that day’s upcoming match, it really looked like Meredith’s career was getting some traction. It was going to be a new, interesting experiment for the veteran and it looked like L.A.W. wanted to cement the foundations for new exciting kind of stipulations for matches. In any case, for someone like Meredith who was ditched by her previous federation being in the center of some greenlighting was a good sign, and of course facing a good-looking rival while in a new kind of match to exhaustion looked like an attractive idea for her.

Upon reaching the penthouse, Meredith gained access with the magnetic card she was sent a couple days before and walked inside an apartment decorated with taste. It was elegant but not tacky. From the bedroom came some sounds of activity, and Meredith just thought her rival would be there waiting. “Hello! Just coming in, I will be changing and meet you in a minute.”, she said politely before walking inside a sideroom and changing into what would be her attire for the night. Finally adorning everything with a blue silk robe, she made her way to the bedroon. There a handsome looking man waited. He was younger than her and below that robe he was wearing were hinted some firm muscles. He had some air to him, something that made him look composed and not agressive at all. “Well good evening.” she said while making her way towards him. “I’m Meredith, but at L.A.W. I go by Ariadne. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”, she took her time rolling around the word ‘pleased’ while she offered him a ladylike handshake, offering her hand to him. "Looks like we are the lucky ones to try this new kind of match. I can't help but feel excited about it, don't you think?"

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Re: No Sleep (Black Severin vs Ariadne Evans)

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Oh, hello, beautiful!

Meredith Evans -- Ariadne, as she would introduce herself as moments later -- was out of his sight almost as fast as she'd entered it after stepping foot inside the apartment. That second was enough to bring him forward in his seat. After Keira, he'd taken up looking into his opponents before his matches, and what he'd seen of Ms. Evans had him looking forward to tonight. The woman's got skills, but her vibe was one that held the promise of a fun time. A nice, lighthearted contest, of which he's had the fortune of having plenty throughout his Hentai venture. He had the feeling that he was going to learn some new moves tonight.

Which leads to a large part of her appeal to him: All that MILF energy she's walking around with! Severin couldn't remember exactly when it started, but he's had a thing for older women for years now. He likes that air of wisdom. The laid back grace that comes with having been around the block a few times.

The ready knowledge of what they like, and of the saying, "closed mouths don't get fed." And with that, the willingness to show some initiative and teach a young buck like him a thing or two. Such is the fantasy. Another thing she had going -- the thing that really had him feeling like he was going to be in danger of losing the streak he's been on -- was that sensual brand of dominance she brings to her matches.

Ishigami Yuto. Being a submissive as well, Severin envied him until he hit the jackpot with Lady Kei, as he calls her when the corset and fishnets come out. The man's living a good life, being paid to come out to the ring to be thrown around and dominated each and every single week. And speaking of domination...

The things Ariadne did to that man...Yeah, she's already got one point for sure. It's a few minutes past nine and they've got until six in the morning. He can take the risk of sparing it.

When she returned, he rose to meet her with a friendly smile to go along with the handshake. Boy, was she filling out the robe she had on! "Black Severin. But you can call me charmed." He raised the back of her soft hand to his lips. Hopefully, she wouldn't mind the cheese. It was honest, but cheese nonetheless.

"Looks like we are the lucky ones to try this new kind of match. I can't help but feel excited about it, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I agree." The original plan was to see if she wanted to hang out a bit first, but since she seemed eager to get to it..."The room just down the hall's got a wrestling mat in place, along with that Benzaiten Oil they're asking us to try out, if you wanna get right to some wrestling." His easygoing smile would communicate that he didn't mind his reading being incorrect here.
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Re: No Sleep (Black Severin vs Ariadne Evans)

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Physically atractive and what was more important, well mannered and with a spark of cheesiness and fun to him. Meredith could feel how that man had everything in him to be a more than suitable rival, at least one that suited her taste in every aspect. “You look more like a charmer to me...”, she said accepting Severin’s kiss on the back of her hand with a coy smile. That man was going to be her wrestling rival that night, but much more than that if every promise made by the staff about the oils was right, so starting in a positive note was pivotal for the veteran. After all they were going to be with each other for the whole night, so it was important to make a connection between them.

When Severin mentioned it Meredith’s thoughts went back to the match at hand, to be more precise she dwelled about the special stipulations of it. They were going to be testing a new brand of oil for their wrestling. Oil wasn’t a new thing for someone as Meredith, but that particular oil had a twist to it. Apparently it was a powerful aphrodisiac, and even if Meredith wasn’t that used to that kind of things she couldn’t turn down an oportunity like that.

Seeing how Severin had been exploring before her gave the man another point in Meredith’s mind. He looked proactive as well and that was quite positive. Not willing to lose time, Meredith would acknowledge his offer. “Sounds like a wonderful idea. Why don’t you walk down the hallway with me?”, she said while offering her arm to him.

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Re: No Sleep (Black Severin vs Ariadne Evans)

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“You look more like a charmer to me...”

Severin didn't think that he'd be making any moves that would have Ariadne looking...Shy wasn't the word. Bashful? No. Coy? Yeah, that's more like it. In that "elegant older woman" sort of way. It put some pep in his step as they walked arm-in-arm down the hall to room he mentioned. It was pretty spacious, with a mat that was about the standard ring size and slick with oil already, with two buckets at the ready right beside it. It had a pleasant fruity smell to it that flowed smoothly into the nose when you took a breath after opening the door. Filled the space without being overwhelming.

"After you." He stepped aside to allow Ariadne entry. He let his eyes fall to get a quick look at what she had going on from behind. He'd already seen the cake that she was walking around with in that match with Ishigami, but it was different up close. And that robe provided a mouthwatering taste of the vision that awaited beneath it.

Beyond the mat at the opposite end of the room was a sofa that looked like it boasted a "sitting on clouds" level of comfort and lived up to the hype his eyes made of it. Like the loveseat in the living room, it converted into a bed. A mini fridge was right within reach of it, fully stocked with drinks and snacks. And hanging on the wall to the side of them coming in, was a large flat-screen TV, ready with a cable subscription that didn't lack a single channel and a nearby shelf that held a nice collection of DVD's. Things that fit both of their tastes, or he assumed. If they got his, it'd be weird if they didn't have something there for her too.

Although he was looking forward to trying it out, Severin didn't touch any of the oil with even as much as his fingers. If they had a mat laid out, but also made the room a lounge...Yeah, Ms. Dimir was expecting her concoction to keep the two of them in here for quite some time.

A place to immediately crash in this room, and separate bedrooms. The latter felt like another testament to him doing it right. He didn't mind sleeping on the couch last time, but boy was it nice to have some space to actually move around if he wanted to!

The masked man emptied his mind and took a deep, quiet breath through his nose while Ariadne still wasn't looking before starting with, "So..." And now that he'd spoken up, he has no choice but to follow through. Being sexy for strangers -- he was going to have to figure out some different phrasing to use to even think that later -- was still something that he was getting the hang of.

Show some initiative: No waiting her for her to turn to you. You step into her sight, all cool like a movie. Now shed the robe, my guy!

And he did just that, revealing his sculpted physique in its entirety, aside from what his boxer briefs contained.

"How do you wanna start this off? Should we oil ourselves up, or...should we help each other out -- you know, to get those hard to reach spots?" He was taking a page from a porn star again -- Aaliyah Shadid this time -- but she had a good idea about how to start a match like this off too.
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Re: No Sleep (Black Severin vs Ariadne Evans)

Unread post by PurpleMage »

Ariadne walked down the hallway with her arm crossed with Severin’s. His hold was firm and confident, but had a gentle touch. That man was surely interesting, and seeing how he would develop in a match like that one was an exciting thought. When they reached at the end of the corridor the woman was impressed with how thoroughly everything had been set for their match. The lounge presented to them was fully equipped to act as an individual habitable space so they could have the pre-match and post-match in there without using the rest of the premises, which looked like losing an oportunity if one asked Meredith.

Walking first on the space, Meredith would find a seat in the couch, crossing her legs and watching amused how Severin got rid of his robe and revealed his body. The man had a pretty well sculpted body and his attitude matched Meredith’s taste, so the promise in excitement for that match wasn’t short. After the small show the veteran woman knew that it was in order for her to reciprocate in some manner, so she would get up and slide her robe from her shoulders before gently setting it on top of the sofa. She would make it look like some casual movements, but they were carefully thought and planned for her to look enticing and alluring, using her charms to present herself as more appealing to Severin, working on his expectations from before the match started.

Ariadne noticed Severin having a look at the oil they were intended to use and proposing that they got to it together, oiling one another. She threw him a coy smile while walking towards the man. “Oh? Is that your attempt at getting your hands on my body early on? Naughty Severin… I wasn’t expecting that from you!” She giggled as her attention diverted towards the mat. A sweet scent came from the mats and Meredith knew it had to do with the oil coating the surface. She knew about the oil being a powerful aphrodisiac, but still wasn’t so sure about how it would affect her. It was an exciting thought, but also got her cautious side alert. “Alright, let’s go with your devious plan to massage me...” Dipping her hand on the warm oily stuff she started applying it to Severin’s neck and shoulder, then his back and his chest, getting a feel of his muscles. “So, I heard this oil is quite potent, what do you think? Will you lose your charming appeal and become a sex-driven beast?”, Ariadne giggled once more, teasing the man while rubbing the oil over him.

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Re: No Sleep (Black Severin vs Ariadne Evans)

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The ease with which Ariadne slid that robe off was straight out of a movie. Brushed her hair behind her shoulders, did that roll of the shoulders that brought her chest out, green eyes watching his reaction with a smooth confidence -- she knows exactly how fine she is and she knows that he knows it. His response to her playful accusation to him looking to get handsy with her early -- which, to be honest, he was -- was to shrug his shoulders in that way that said, "alright, you got me", and say, "Hey, looking as lovely as you do, can you blame a guy?"

Severin liked her laugh. Pretty and pleasing to the ear. He spotted that hint of reservation about the oil. She wasn't slow in approaching it, but there was still some healthy respect for it that he understood. For the moment, he simply observed. Whether she wanted to make use of the oil or not...He was fine either way. The priority was her comfort.

She went for it, though. Dipped her hand into a bucket and started applying the warm, slippery substance with her soft hands.

“So, I heard this oil is quite potent, what do you think? Will you lose your charming appeal and become a sex-driven beast?”

Some interesting phrasing with a giggle that implied that such a happening would be to her liking. Sounds like he'd run into another switch.

The masked man's comfort with showing sexual initiative has been growing steadily from that first night with Keira. He still prefers being taken. Loves it. And while she's been happy to do that for him, he could tell that she likes having the tables turned every so often, which he's been just as happy to do for her.

He took a little of that and applied it here as they knelt in front of each other: While tempting, with her hands doing such excellent work rubbing it into his skin, copping the same appreciative feels that he intended with her, he wouldn't wait for her to finish oiling him up. Instead, he'd start getting her nice and slick at the same time, beginning with her cheek and sliding right on down to and behind her neck with one hand before the other circled around to her lower back to pull her closer to him before settling at her hip for a moment. Chest to chest, face to face. The hand that was at her neck moving to position at her opposite hip before they began a cruise up her back. Taking in the sights, so to speak. Relishing her softness while providing her a presentation of the two sides of his intimacy. One that he didn't even know existed until Serena Thomas first brought it out of him, but one he did his best to have come across as mastered here.

Like his dominant side was something he was completely in touch with. He wasn't, and he was sure that would be made abundantly clear in one way or another sometime tonight, but for right now...He just wanted to be sexy.

When he reached her shoulders, one would stay in place when the arm wrapped around her while the other returned to its former place at the back of her neck with a firm grip. Nothing that could be construed as rough, but he was still taking control here. He leaned his head forward, readying his forehead to meet hers when he brought hers in. Slowly. Gently. Looking into her beautiful green eyes with an increasingly smoldering intensity as their closeness set his heart to pounding, then down at the luscious lips that were right. There. For the taking. Then returning to the eyes.

And with his voice coming out just above a whisper, yet bold and strong, still...Some of it put on, some having come naturally to him by now, he'd answer her question with another question.

"Is that what you want?"
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Jun 27, 2024 6:46 am, edited 7 times in total.
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