Mother's Day Tales

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Mother's Day Tales

Unread post by Mysterdio »

(Had thsse written out before my hiatus so might as well post them)

The Tanakas:

15 years ago

A young girl with long green hair laid back on her bed, dawning headphones, sound leaking out as the muffled sounds of My Heroine could be heard coming from them. A 10 year old Akane Tanaka lazed in her room casually, despite the storm that was coming...Despite how loud the music was, the knocks on Akane's door were louder. Hopping off her bed, Akane opened her door to a furious 28 year old Inko Tanaka! "Akane! Why didn't you clean up the pieces of the plate you broke!?" Akane reeled from her mom yelling in her face. She knew she was guilty, but that didn't mean she would own up. "Because I didn't do it, obviously!" Inko scowled at her daughter's refusal to own up. "Don't you lie to me, young lady! No one else was in the house!" Akane was caught red-handed, but she wasn't owning up anytime soon. It was a tense moment for the mother and daughter, but Inko couldn't stay mad at her little girl.

14 years ago

Akane Tanaka strolled through the halls of her home and made her way to her room, only to find her mother angrily standing there, pack of cigarettes in hand. "What are THESE, young lady?!" Inko asked angrily, having caught Akane smoking. "I dunno! They're not mine!" Akane denied fruitlessly. Though, she had been caught smoking, Akane wasn't going to admit anything. "Don't lie to me, Akane! How are you going to be a singer if you ruin your lungs?!" Though, Inko was enraged, she grilled her daughter out of concern and love.

13 years ago

A greenette in her thirties strolled around her home, doing some cleaning when she came upon a broken vase. The young mother frowned, making her way to Akane's room. Opening the door, Inko spied her daughter in headphones. "Akane, you broke the vase didn't you?" Inko expected her daughter to deny it, as she always had when she did wrong. "Yeah, I broke it. Sorry, mom." Akane responded in a mopey tone. Inko was taken aback, simply accepting it "Alright, so long as you owned up." However, then Inko had a thought. "Where's Hana?" Akane broke eye contact suspiciously. "She's with Fuko." Akane lazed. Her daughter's words weren't trusted, but Inko nodded. "Alright." As their mother seemingly made her leave, Akane went over to her closet. "She's gone." A nervous, 7 year old Hana Tanaka emerged from the closet, sniffling. "T-thank you for taking the blame, Akane." The shy-gal whimpered as her elder sister embraced her. "No worries, sis." Akane replied, stroking her sister's hair. Unbeknownst to the Tanaka sisters, their mother remained just outside the room. Hizashi Tanaka rounded the corner, smiling at his wife. "That's our girls." Inko smiled back at her husband, proud of their daughters, despite their accidents. Making her way to the kitchen, Inko opened the freezer for a treat. "Girls! Ice-cream!" Both Tanaka sisters came rushing down the stairs together for a treat. "Hm? When did you get home, Hana?" Inko teased, playfully catching her daughters in their lie.

This mother's day

Inko Tanaka arrived at her home to find her daughters already inside, waiting for her. However, Akane was cleaning up some broken glass. "Hm? What happened here, girls?" The shy-gal blushed in an embarrassed fashion, but the black-haired Thorn just smiled. "I broke it mom." Hearing those words, Inko was reminded of simpler times, reminded of the fact, that she had raised two fine young ladies. "Speaking of broken stuff, finally found a replacement for that vase I broke." Akane quipped, giving their mother her first gift, as the Tanakas celebrated another mother's day. "The vase, YOU broke?" Inko responded as Hana made her way to the kitchen to grab the presents. "Heh, what can I say, mom? You raised us to look out for each other. You raised us right." With that, the mother and daughter embraced. "Happy mother's day!" Hana cheered as she returned with Inko's presents.
Last edited by Mysterdio on Tue Jan 07, 2025 11:33 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Mother's Day Tales

Unread post by Mysterdio »

The Miuras:

Jessica Miura strolled through her city, troubled. Mother's day loomed, and Jessica would never settle for anything less than gifting the world itself to her mother. But as she made her way through town, she didn’t quite find the world, but a very beautiful dress that would fit a woman of her mother's build. "Ooo! Mom will love that!" Only one problem, the dreaded price tag...How was Jessica ever supposed to afford this?! Well it didn't matter how, that dress WOULD belong to her mother, one way or another. It was then that Jess spotted a sign in the store window. "Job available." Jessie didn't know shit about clothes, but she knew a thing or two about lying. If that's what it would take to earn that paycheck, the wild kitten would put her skills to use.

A week into this job, Jessica was about ready to die. The wild kitten had ended up in her coaches' bad books after skipping track and field to make time for her job, and that wasn't even the worst or it. "Jane! Get those boxes in the back and lay out the new stock!" The tomboy reluctantly obliged. "It's Jessica." The wild kitten grumbled. As she put up with her jerk of a boss and preppy coworkers, Jessica remembered one thing. "This is for your mom."

Fumiko Miura sat alone, sipping a cup of coffee and watching TV. The matriarch of the Miura household had received gifts from her other two children already before her husband had taken them to school. They were cute little accessories, Fumi didn't expect much in the first place. But as Fumiko awaited her oldest child's return in the afternoon, she wondered what Jessica would have in store for her. "Back!" Jessica arrived much sooner than expected. "Hm? I thought you were working, Jessica?" Fumiko questioned, as her daughter approached with a box. "I quit. Finally had enough money for this!" The former apartment wrestler looked curious before opening her present. "Oh, Jessica! It's gorgeous!" The milf cheered, holding up her new dress. Jessica looked satisfied, but she fell down with an exhausted huff, bags under her eyes, having left for work at the crack of dawn. Though, Fumiko loved her present, she felt saddened seeing how her daughter had overworked herself. "Oh, Jessica. Why do you always feel the need to find these expensive presents for me?" Jessica looked away in embarrassment. Jess felt like her mom knew the reason, but it was rather awkward to say outloud. "Well, I mean, I wouldn't even have a house like this if it wasn't for you, mom. I wouldn't be able to go to school or be in track and field. The presents are the least I could do." The warmth of a loving mother. Towards Jessica, Fumiko had radiated that warmth, even though they did not even share the same blood. Jessica felt she owed her mother, but hearing this, Fumi's heart sank. The brunette mother stood up, pulling Jessica into a hug. "Jessica, you're my daughter. I don't need something to love you. You don't owe me, a thing. Having you as my daughter...tucking you in at night...seeing the woman you're growing into. That's the only reward I need." Jessica teared up as Fumiko's love engulfed her once more. Blood was meaningless. No other woman could be called Jessica's mother. "I...*sniff*...I love you, mom. Happy mother's day."
Last edited by Mysterdio on Mon May 13, 2024 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mother's Day Tales

Unread post by Mysterdio »

The Yamadas:

Emiko Yamada clapped and whistled as her blonde daughter exited the sumo ring. Tsumugi had claimed victory once more, and Emiko couldn't be more proud. "WOOHOOO! THAS MY GURL! As Tsumugi made her way out of the ring, Emiko cheered. "Ya see me, mama?" Tsumugi asked as Emiko beamed with pride for her daughter. "You bet I did! Now c'mon, let's go get my girl some smacks!" Emiko inquired, planning on treating her daughter, as usual. "Okie. Can we go to your home first, mama? There's something I forgot there." Emi simply, nodded, driving back to her home.

Emiko smiled at her daughter, intent on rewarding her beautiful sumo for another successful fight. "We should be quick. My big, strong, adorable sumo deserves something nice for winning another match!" The Facesit Queen cheered for her daughter. Tsumugi looked curiously at her mom from the passenger seat. "Shouldn't I get you something, mama? It's mother's day!" Tsumugi questioned. The blunette mother simply raised an eyebrow. "Oh don't you worry about me, Tsumugi! I have quite a treat for myself, planned." Tsumugi smiled in response, seemingly in an absent-minded fashion.

As the Facesit Queen entered her driveway, Tsumugi got out of the car and beckoned her mother inside. "Come inside for a second! Emiko wondered exactly why her daughter was pulling her inside. As Tsumugi pulled Emi into the kitchen, she spied delicious deserts laid out on the table. "Ta-da! You always get me yummy food, but it's mother's day. So you get yummy food, mama!" Emiko took a seat at the table, taken aback by the surprise. Emiko smiled at her duaghter happily. "Thanks, Tsumugi. Ohhh you're such a good girl." Emiko complimented, showering her daughter with love and affection. The Facesit Queen grabbed a piece of cake, but she looked to her daughter. "Mmm! Who's my lovely girl, Tsumugi?" Even if it was childish, Tsumugi couldn't help but giggle at her mother's teasing. "Come on, dig in with me. You don't need to hold out on the treats. You're my beautiful girl no matter what. And you're already so sweet to begin with!" Emiko joked, feeding her daughter some pastries as she sat down, the mother and daughter enjoying some delicious snacks.

As the mother and daughter chowing down, the milf's phone began to ring. "Kaito calling", it read. "Mama, who's Kaito?" Tsumugi's tone was oblivious and childlike, but Emiko's facial expression was an awkward cringe. "Mmm, I have something to tell you, Tsumugi. So...remember when I said a treat for myself planned?" The question was strange to Tsumugi. Her mom was taking an oddly serious tone. The blonde simply nodded blankly, her mouth full of cake. "Weellll...the 'treat' is calling." The blonde sumo stopped stuffing her face with deserts for moment as she processed her mother's words. Tsumugi's eyes lit up, her mom had a date! "Oooooo! Mama! That's so cooool!" Tsumugi cheered, happy for her mom. Emiko was still a beautiful woman, didn't look a day over 30. Why shouldn't Tsumugi support her mom getting a date? Emiko smiled in response to her daughter's amazed reaction. "Hey! Don't look so surprised, Tsumugi! Your mother is still a young woman, you know!" The milf joked with her little girl. Emi understood that Tsumugi meant no harm. Her sweet little girl was obviously happy for her, and Emiko was happy that her daughter was so supportive. The blunette imagined it could be strange for Tsumugi, having never really known her father. Tsumugi inched closer to her mom, giving Emiko a tight bearhug, as she usually would. Once they seperated, crumbs would once again coat the Yamada's kitchen table as the mother/daughter duo continued to fill themselves with sweet treats. Mm! Hppm modr's dym!" Tsumugi said to her mom, mouth stuffed with cake.
Last edited by Mysterdio on Tue May 14, 2024 1:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.
if you don't like smother fights you won't like this roster

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I only do hentai at my own discretion. Don't ask me for matches expecting one. I only do them for storylines or rivalries when I feel up to it.

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