She’d had girlfriends, sure - or, well, friends that were girls who she fucked a lot. She’d wracked up plenty of those in her time in Australia, mostly from women who showed up to her wrestling shows and got a little tipsy. Some of them would leave the night after, some would stay in her orbit until they had a falling out, some of them remained chill with her to the current day, but none of them had ever advanced to the point where they were in dating territory. Sheila had just never been that kind of person, and none of the people she had ever hooked up with were that sort of person. So it begged the question - what was she doing in a dress, walking down a pier in Akatsuki Futo Park in Japan, heading towards a date with Nerissa Lablong?
Sheila, Out on the town

The only thing she could say to make sense was that Nerissa was…different. Not just in the obvious ways, either. The big thing was that, unlike all her previous flings, the bitch could take her in a fight, which turned Sheila on to a whole new level. The woman hadn't just beaten her in a fight; she’d dominated her after the bell in the most erotic of ways, which meant that the Wild One had to even the score. She was fun, she was kinky, she was unpredictable, she was crazy, she was dangerous, she was everything that Sheila valued in a person, and for the first time in…ever, she couldn't help but think about the idea of maybe, possibly, something…more.
Crazy. Crazy shit.
She was probably just thinking too much about this. It was just a date, no big deal.
Sheila rolled up on the Charcoal Grill, a quaint little spot overlooking the ocean, just as the sun began setting out over the waters. She hadn't planned that, but it was awesome timing, giving the whole area this smooth, romantic vibe that worked in her favor. She made her way in, checked the reservation, and plopped down in a seat by the window, soaking in the amazing view.
Nerissa would be here soon, she was sure, but she had a little time to spare, and she already knew how to spend it. She looked from side to side, then reached into her dress and pulled a card out of her bra - a list of topics that one of her ex-girlfriends had emailed to her with some topics she could go over, things to keep the conversation rolling. ‘What’s it like where you’re from?’ ‘How do you do your hair?’ ‘Your dress is nice; where did you get it’?