Under the Boardwalk

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Under the Boardwalk

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In the days leading up to this, Sheila had come to a painful realization - she had never been on a date before.

She’d had girlfriends, sure - or, well, friends that were girls who she fucked a lot. She’d wracked up plenty of those in her time in Australia, mostly from women who showed up to her wrestling shows and got a little tipsy. Some of them would leave the night after, some would stay in her orbit until they had a falling out, some of them remained chill with her to the current day, but none of them had ever advanced to the point where they were in dating territory. Sheila had just never been that kind of person, and none of the people she had ever hooked up with were that sort of person. So it begged the question - what was she doing in a dress, walking down a pier in Akatsuki Futo Park in Japan, heading towards a date with Nerissa Lablong?
Sheila, Out on the town
A good question, and one she had no answer to. It didn’t make any sense by all rights, yet here she was. Life was weird, and it was damn weird when you were a pro wrestler.

The only thing she could say to make sense was that Nerissa was…different. Not just in the obvious ways, either. The big thing was that, unlike all her previous flings, the bitch could take her in a fight, which turned Sheila on to a whole new level. The woman hadn't just beaten her in a fight; she’d dominated her after the bell in the most erotic of ways, which meant that the Wild One had to even the score. She was fun, she was kinky, she was unpredictable, she was crazy, she was dangerous, she was everything that Sheila valued in a person, and for the first time in…ever, she couldn't help but think about the idea of maybe, possibly, something…more.

Crazy. Crazy shit.

She was probably just thinking too much about this. It was just a date, no big deal.

Sheila rolled up on the Charcoal Grill, a quaint little spot overlooking the ocean, just as the sun began setting out over the waters. She hadn't planned that, but it was awesome timing, giving the whole area this smooth, romantic vibe that worked in her favor. She made her way in, checked the reservation, and plopped down in a seat by the window, soaking in the amazing view.

Nerissa would be here soon, she was sure, but she had a little time to spare, and she already knew how to spend it. She looked from side to side, then reached into her dress and pulled a card out of her bra - a list of topics that one of her ex-girlfriends had emailed to her with some topics she could go over, things to keep the conversation rolling. ‘What’s it like where you’re from?’ ‘How do you do your hair?’ ‘Your dress is nice; where did you get it’?
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Feb 28, 2024 6:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Under the Boardwalk

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"Right here, please..." Nerissa said to the Uber driver a little lazily.

The car stopped near a beautiful restaurant by the ocean. After saying goodbye to the driver, the Native American woman got out of the car and breathed in the slightly salty air with pleasure. Why would her voice sound lazy? Because she usually preferred to travel on her motorcycle. Apart from her turtle, it was the only thing she took with her from America. However, today was not the day when she could use her favorite means of transportation. The reason was almost obvious...

Nerissa was dressed in a beautifully dark green cocktail dress. The length of this dress barely reached the middle of the hips of the Native American woman, not to mention that the dress had no straps. The fabric was crossed neatly in the area of her ample breasts, which was exactly what allowed the dress to stay on her body. Nerissa was wearing sandals with thin, but not very high heels. Her hair, as in most cases, was twisted into a long braid, and in her hands was a small handbag.

With a smooth step and a slight smile on her face, she headed for the entrance to the restaurant. She had never been here before, but she had heard a lot of good things about this place, so she was very impressed with Sheila's choice. Speaking of Sheila. That was the only reason Nerissa came here today. Getting to know this woman left a significant mark on the soul of the Native American woman. Just like the hot match and what immediately followed.


When was her last date? It doesn't matter. It was so long ago that for Nerissa the easiest way would be to call it an eternity. Her lifestyle was very little compatible with what everyone used to call a date. She never dared to call herself a romantic woman, but that doesn't mean she was ready to turn down the opportunity to meet Sheila in a romantic setting.

Entering the restaurant, Nerissa looked around. And although the receptionist was already preparing to approach her and ask if she had a table reserved, Nerissa stopped her with a silent gesture. The reason was simple. She saw Sheila, who was reading something with great diligence. This caused Nerissa to raise an eyebrow in intrigue, after which the smile on her face widened.

Trying not to make a sound with her heels, the Native American woman walked across the hall, catching several glances from both men and women, and then stopped behind Sheila. Looking over the blonde's shoulder, she discovered that they were small cards with... wait... topics of conversation??? Nerissa had to make some effort not to laugh, and then she bent down a little lower so that her lips were very close to the Australian woman's ear.

"Is there a question about a kiss on the first date?" She whispered in a slightly hissing voice.

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Re: Under the Boardwalk

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‘Who does your hair’? ‘Are you new in town’? ‘Tell me about your parents?’

God, fuck, it couldn't be that hard.

Sheila groaned as she continued to flip through the cards, trying to her best to put them in some kind of order and find the ones that wouldn’t make her sound like a total fucking drongo. The thing was, it wasn’t like she had no interest in Nerissa beyond sex. Yeah, that was the thing that brought her into the dance, but the woman herself was plenty interesting all by herself. Woman like her didn’t just fall out of trees - one look at her, and you could tell she was a rare one. She had this way about her, this wild, insane way. When they fought, it was like she was taking on some kind of crazy animal, someone as wild and ferocious as her. Maybe even more.

It made her want to make something of this, but she wasn’t sure what, yet. Wasn’t even sure if she should be sure at this point. She’d tried the girlfriend thing a few times, always fucked it up, but then, it wasn’t like she’d ever tried with someone like this. Was that even on the table? Was she overthinking all of this?




”Eh. Fuck.”

And then she heard the voice. That voice. Something between a whisper and a hiss, slithering through her ear and into her brain. It left her shivering, tensed up, back arched, and she let out an ecstatic gasp as all the memories of their last encounter came flooding back, like Pavlov and his dogs. She lurched forward with a harsh, cackling laugh, then spun about, stuffed the cards back in her bra, and moved in to press her forehead up against Nerissa’s, a wild glare in her eyes as if they were about to start a rematch here and now. Judging by the look of the waiters around them, they might’ve feared just that.

”You’re ‘bout to get a punch on the first date, sneaking up on me like that.” She took a quick glance down, then back up. ”Dress is fucking hot. Suits you.”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Mon May 13, 2024 4:49 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Under the Boardwalk

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This was exactly the reaction Nerissa wanted to get. The hissing whisper sent goosebumps down Sheila's skin, which clearly indicated that the Australian woman was too busy reading the cards. But a moment later, the blonde literally jumped to her feet, turning in one motion to Nerissa and pressing her forehead to the forehead of the Native American woman.

The air became noticeably heavier. Both the waiters and other visitors of the restaurant turned their heads towards the two women. It is unlikely that absolutely everyone present was a fan of pro wrestling, but for sure there were also those who knew the faces of Nerissa and Sheila. And now that the tension between them could be cut with a knife, some suggested that it would end in a brawl.

Nerissa could have sworn that Sheila wouldn't mind it, she could see it in the blonde's eyes. Well, that would be very hot. Not so long ago, she had a bar fight with the sister of one of her rivals, but she had never had to fight in a restaurant while wearing a dress. The Native American woman would be lying if she said that she did not want to calm this storm in Sheila's eyes at all.

Still pressing her forehead against her rival's, Nerissa smoothly raised her right hand and brought it to Sheila's throat. When she touched the blonde's skin with her fingers, some probably thought that she wanted to tighten her fingers and squeeze Sheila's throat. But instead, her fingers only slipped a little further, ending up on the back of the Australian woman's head. Tilting her head slightly to the side, Nerissa touched her lips to Sheila's lips as gently as possible. Fighting is far from the only way to calm the storm.

"You look stunning too." She said after a short but very sensitive kiss.

Running her fingertips over Sheila's cheek, Nerissa took a step back, and then, as if nothing had happened, walked around the blonde. With eyes still glued to them, the Native American woman sat down at the table and picked up the menu. With a slight smile on her lips, she began to explore what this restaurant could offer her. And although she wasn't really a frequent visitor to such places, she was both a great lover of delicious food and a connoisseur of good wines. Speaking of wine...

"Konbanwa," the waiter greeted the ladies, coming up to them. "May I offer you drinks?"

"Konbanwa," Nerissa replied without taking her eyes off the menu, after which her gaze fixed on the specific line. "I think my friend will appreciate the Pouilly-Fuisse 2020."

"Excellent choice," the waiter commented. "Two glasses?"

"A bottle."

With a curt nod, the waiter left to bring the women drinks, and only then Nerissa looked up at her companion. Of course, she was unfamiliar with Sheila's tastes, but in this case she decided to trust her intuition. And it seemed to her that the blonde should really like this wine. Besides, even though it was a little vain, Nerissa wanted to demonstrate that she knows a lot about something more than cheap bar beer.

"Nervous?" She asked not so much to tease Sheila, but to establish an open connection between them.

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Re: Under the Boardwalk

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A part of Sheila, a natural and honest part, wanted nothing more than for Nerissa to slug her and stuff a fight. Violence. That was what had brought them together in the first place, the thing that had attracted and sucked her in at that BDSM bar, and the thing that had made their relationship even hotter at the match. It was what they did, what they knew, what they were good at, and it was a damn sight more comfortable for her than a soft, leisurely date. It would’ve ended up with them banned from the restaurant and likely spending a stay behind bars, but fuck it. Fighting this woman for five minutes of chaos would’ve been worth it.

But Nerissa had a little more restraint than that. Instead of a strike, she got a kiss - a soft, gentle touch. It was tender, sweet, so far and away from what she’d come to expect from the woman who used her like a living sex toy in front of millions, and it was enough to throw some water on Sheila’s raging fire. Her shoulders slackened, her muscles relaxed, and she enjoyed her date walking away, giving her an even better view of the dress she wore.

It was surreal to see Nerissa in something so fancy, but it suited her in a way. It complimented her dusky, dark skin, showed off those lethal legs, and put her whole body on fine display. The woman cleaned up well, and Sheila didn’t think she was even in the same ballpark, but she took the counter-compliment all the same.

Sheila clicked tongue and followed after, only a few steps behind, plopping down in the seat across from Nerissa and settling in with a wiggle. She picked up the menu and gave it a scan - or pretended to, anyway. The thing was in English, thank god, but so much of it might as well have been sanskrit as far as she was concerned. At a glance, she could hardly pronounce most of the foods on offer, let alone guess what they were. This wasn’t the kind of place that served cheeseburgers and fries for people who couldn't make up their minds, either. Fancy all the way.

So it was a good thing that Nerissa seemed to know what she was doing ordering them a…Pully Fuss? No clue what that was, but she figured she’d be learning soon enough.

She watched the waiter go off, then went back to deciphering the menu, only looking back up when Nerissa spoke. Normal speak, too. Conversational. This was probably the first time they’d talked to each other without something sexual going on between them, at least nothing overt. Had to nail it.

”Pfft, nah.” She waved it off, then shrugged. ”I mean,maybe. Kind of. A little. Yeah, sure.” She used the menu to cover up some of her face, peering at Nerissa over the edge like she was in the trenches. ”Think this is my first time on a real ‘date’ sort of date. Not just ‘hey, come over and watch a movie and we’ll fuck afterwards’. So it’s new territory.”

Sheila sat back and tried to relax, crossing her legs one way, then the other in an attempt to find the optimal position. ”What about you? You look calm enough over there.”

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Re: Under the Boardwalk

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Nerissa looked at Sheila and slightly raised her left eyebrow after the blonde said that she was not at all nervous about what was happening. Even though Nerissa wasn't in the habit of digging into other people's souls, it was obvious to her that this was a lie. Therefore, her reaction was quite natural, because she absolutely did not expect that Sheila would try to lie in such an obvious way.

However, the Australian woman hastened to correct herself and after a moment she decided to open up to Nerissa, admitting that she was really nervous about their date.

"Thank you for not being afraid to be open with me," she said, looking with a smile at Sheila, who tried to hide her face behind the menu in her hands. "As for me... well, such romantic dates are not a constant part of my life, but, you know, sometimes it's nice to spend time in a more civilized way than usual, huh!"

Yes, Nerissa really had another side, which she did not show every day. Many saw her only as a big fan of BDSM and bloody matches. However, she also had a passion for reading, delicious food, good wines and chess. Of all the people she has fought and fucked in the LAW ring, so far only Sheila has been trusted to see this side of Nerissa.

"Can I advise you?" Nerissa leaned forward and put the menu on the table. "I ordered white wine for us, and a great dish for it will be salmon steak on a spinach pillow, I think your taste buds will be delighted!"

Seeing that Sheila was feeling a little awkward, Nerissa wanted to do everything in her power to make this woman allow herself to relax. And although Nerissa herself was not a fashionable lady and a regular visitor to expensive restaurants, she could easily help Sheila make a dish choice to save her from having to worry about such a small thing.

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Re: Under the Boardwalk

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

It was good that Nerissa was making light of all this, because, being frank, Sheila felt more than a little stupid. She was nervous. Why was she nervous? This was far from the craziest thing she’d ever done, not even in the top 100. She’d jumped through flaming tables, crawled through thumbtacks, jumped out of every ring she’d ever been in. A sweet date with a stunner like this should’ve been easy, no problem. And yet…

”I guess. Yeah.” She shrugged, still trying to decipher the menu and find anything close to edible. ”Never been much for ‘civilization’, myself. More of a country girl, outdoors and all that. Pretty sure my food bill for the week’s gonna double just coming here.”

Ugh. Not looking forward to that check.

She perked up when Nerissa leaned and gave her a suggestion, though it didn’t all register. ”Spinach pillow?” She’d heard both those words before, just never used in conjunction. But, fuck it, you only live once. ”Eh, sure.” Sheila closed the menu with a definitive slap and shrugged. ”Sounds like a bonzer time, I’ll try it.”

With that out of the way, Sheila plopped back and did her best to ease into the moment. She scratched her bra, thinking about whipping the cards out, but she kept them secured for the moment. ”So, this whole…refined palette you got going on, here. Where’s it from? Come to think of it, where are you from? Don’t think I ever asked. I’m guessing the States, but I can’t narrow it down from there.”

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Re: Under the Boardwalk

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Nerissa was pleased. Despite the fact that Sheila was visibly tense for the first few seconds, now the blonde seemed much more relaxed. The comfort zone is an important thing and when you get pulled out of it, it can be a big blow. Even for a wild woman like Sheila. So Nerissa was really glad that her companion had found the strength to relax.

"Oh, actually it's just a fancy name for spinach puree, haha!" The Native American woman laughed. "Restaurants often use such fancy words!" Closing the menu, she leaned back in her chair. "For example, a toast! Did you know that in many restaurants the toast is called a crouton? It's exactly the same toasted piece of bread, but a toast can't cost eight bucks, but a crouton can!"

Laughing from your own words is far from the most common practice, but this time Nerissa made an exception because this story really seemed funny to her. In addition, this story with toasts and croutons showed very well how much society likes to exaggerate things. But enough of this.

Finally relaxing, Sheila decided to find out more about Nerissa, which caused a soft smile on the lips of the brown-haired woman. Funny. So far, the entire story of their acquaintance has consisted of three consecutive stages. Wild fuck, then hardcore match, then wild fuck again. And only now have they come to know something more about each other.

"Where is it from and where am I from..." Nerissa repeated the questions that were asked. "Let's start with the second question, I really am from the United States, namely San Jose, California." Nerissa cast a quick glance to the side, hoping to catch the waiter's eye and let him know that he should hurry up with the wine. "And I'm Native American, so... how, paleface!" Nerissa, raising her right hand with the palm outstretched, laughed loudly.

"Ladies, your wine..." The waiter suddenly said, as if appearing out of nowhere.

"Finally!" Nerissa almost licked her lips as she watched the man fill their glasses. "Two salmon steaks on a spinach pillow, please."

"Sure!" The waiter nodded, leaving Sheila and Nerissa alone again.

"Well..." Nerissa picked up her glass and raised it. "To two wild bitches who first fight, then fuck, and then go on a date to a restaurant!"

Nerissa clinked glasses with Sheila, took a short sip and closed her eyes for a moment. A pleasant fruity taste filled every receptor of her tongue. It was a middle-class wine, but it was the kind of wines Nerissa preferred. Even an amateur could fully appreciate the taste of this drink. The Native American woman put her glass down on the table and winked at Sheila.

"As for your first question, unfortunately I don't have a clear answer for you," Nerissa shrugged her shoulders. "I love pro wrestling and I love fucking, but it just so happens that along with it I love reading, playing chess, and I never mind eating delicious food and drinking good wine." She spread her hands to the sides, palms up. "I only do what I like, that's all."

Nerissa put her elbows on the table and joined her fingers under her chin, looking at Sheila. Unlike the blonde, she was able to find time to view her profile on LAW website, so she knew some basic information. But this was clearly not enough for her.

"What about you, country Australian girl?" She smiled broadly. "Will you tell me something about yourself besides the fact that you fight and fuck like a wild beast?"

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Re: Under the Boardwalk

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

It occurred to Sheila that, despite their relationship starting on intimate grounds, she hadn't really gotten to know Nerissa all that well. At least, not beyond a physical level. She knew how the women felt, the way their bodies meshed with each other, where to touch and what to grab and how to move when she wanted to drive her wild, all the best spots. But their encounters so far had been sexual, physical, violent. Good stuff, of course, but they couldn't always be that way. Had to come up for air.

So, this was the real Nerissa, who she was when they weren’t having sex or doing sex-adjacent activities. She was different. Perky. Funny. Laughing. Kind of bubbly, even. A far cry from the leatherbound, tough, Queen of the Universe she’d met with her foot up some fuckwit’s ass in a BDSM club. Sheila was still trying her on for size, but so far, she didn’t hate it.

”Yeah, my bumpkin arse doesn't really know what a ‘puree’ is, either, so that doesn’t help much. But I’ll take your word for it.” She briefly had the idea to make a joke about vomiting on Nerissa if worse came to worse, but she thought better of it and reigned the impulse in.

California? Yeah, that tracked. Sheila wasn’t too familiar with the States, but from what she’d heard, the more exciting folks were on the West Coast. Being a Native American was a bigger mystery, though, and she quirked an eyebrow up at the ‘paleface’ thing - it was a joke, clearly, but she was often too much of a bumpkin to pick up on that sort of thing in her own country, so it was a lost cause.

She sat back as Nerissa made the orders and nodded her thanks to the waiter when drinks were brought in, glad she had something to wet up her throat. She did the whole toast thing, maybe tapping Nerissa’s glass a little too hard, then took a long sip of the wine. It was fruity—a little more so than she was used to, but good. She was a beer sort of woman, to no one’s surprise, but she could make exceptions.

Now, they were full on the conversation, with Nerissa laying everything out, giving a little rundown of her interests. Wrestling and fucking were no brainers, but she was surprised to learn she was into Chess. Didn’t strike her as the type, but what did she know? ”Never learned how to play Chess.” It would be more accurate to say she could never remember how to play it despite being taught at least three times, but she figured that was about the same.

”But you do what you like, I get that. Myself included, right?” She smirked at her own little joke, then went on. ”Me? WYSIWYG. Not that complicated. Fighting and fucking is all I’ve ever been good at, really. That and doing stupid shit that should get me killed. Hasn’t happened yet, though.”

Sheila took another sip of the wine, forcing herself not to down it all in one gulp. It tasted expensive. ”I did run my own wrestling promotion, though, so there’s that. Outback Wrestling.” She couldn't help but put some pride in her voice with that one. ”A backyard outfit, nothing even close to LAW, but good times. We had fun.”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Under the Boardwalk

Unread post by skip-stop »

"To play chess is actually not that difficult," Nerissa said. "It's a lot harder to play well, huh."

Perhaps the same could be said about almost anything, even about pro wrestling. Perhaps not everyone, but many can afford to devote some time to physical training and enter the ring, there is nothing difficult about it. But it's much harder to make sure that your ass doesn't get kicked every time.

"Really?" Nerissa asked after taking another short sip of wine.

No, she wasn't disappointed, but she was really surprised. For some reason, it seemed to her that Sheila, among all the others, must definitely have something special. Nerissa shared some of her hobbies, but this was far from a complete list of her activities since she decided to keep silent about some things for now. And although the fact that she was wrong didn't change anything at all, it really seemed surprising to her that Sheila had no other interests besides fighting and fucking.

"Wow, now that's interesting," Nerissa's eyes sparkled after Sheila told her about her own wrestling promotion. "You know, even though it wasn't my own promotion, I started my journey from a similar place."

Nerissa emptied her glass with the last sip and put it on the table. Taking the bottle, she refreshed the contents of their glasses, politely doing it for Sheila first. This time without loud words, but she clinked glasses with the Australian woman again before continuing the story.

"UWC, which stands for Underground Wrestling Club," Nerissa paused briefly for a sip of wine, simultaneously giving herself memories. "Damn, sometimes I miss the good old days!" She confessed, chuckling softly. "Not wanting to pay the rent, every time we placed the ring in some real ass of the city, be it an abandoned basement, or under a bridge, or right in the middle of a damn nothing." Although it was in the past, it was easy to tell from Nerissa's face that these were all good memories for her. "And every fucking match was a real battle to the death, no rules, just you, your opponent and the realization that you will beat each other until one of you bleeds so much that you can no longer continue to fight." She took another sip of wine. "I remember it as if it happened yesterday, there were shards of glass in my back, my attire was torn to shreds, my nose was broken, and barbed wire was digging into my left arm... at that time I barely had the strength to breathe, but at the same time I had a smile on my face from ear to ear, because I was sitting on a defeated bitch who forever remembered that no one can't look at me from high." Nerissa took another sip of wine with pleasure. "At the same moment, Victoria, who later became my manager, handed me the contract that brought me here."
Last edited by skip-stop on Tue Jul 09, 2024 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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