Serpentine Clash: Nox Dynasty vs Sven

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Serpentine Clash: Nox Dynasty vs Sven

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Two On One Handicap Match: Winner to be declared by pinfall, submission or knockout. Danica and Vesper must tag to enter the match

Standing backstage of the LAW arena Danica and Vesper were getting themselves ready for their next match, a special one that would see both of them in the ring... against only one opponent. "Well this will be a first for us eh sis?" Vesper said with a cocky smirk on his face while Danica chuckled in response. "Heh I'll say, but it'll be a easy day for us at least." Danica said before finishing up and standing up while looking confidently at Vesper.

"Ready?" She'd ask getting a nod in return as both smirked and headed towards guerilla position to make their entrance together, their music blasting through the speakers before the two came out, posing together cockily as the crowd rained down boos before they began to make their way down the ramp, happily ignoring the booing fans until thy made it towards the ring. Climbing through in unison until they were both inside and then posing together before heading towards their corner to await their lone opponent.

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Re: Serpentine Clash: Nox Dynasty vs Sven

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After his debut in LAW, Sven probably caught the attention of the organizers more than he expected. This was the thought of the blonde wrestler when they proposed him to do a handicap match. Why should they want to see him fight against two wrestlers? Maybe they wanted to put him on the test and see if he could give a good show even in such troublesome match.

Anyways, whichever would be the reason, Sven was not the one who would run away from challenges, of any kind. Moreover, that would have been an interesting match since he was going to fight against not just a simple tag team, but rather a family! In fact his opponents were two siblings. Sven knew something about their mother, a wrestling veteran who gained quite lots of popularity around the world and that she came back to wrestle after some years of retirement. Those two siblings (actually twins!) were the outcome of her, and Sven was looking forward to meet them both in the ring!

The Nordic guy was watching their entrance from the monitor, and he was ready to enter as well. Today he chose the red outfit. When the host called for his name, Sven walked out the curtain and greeted the crowd in his style, calm and composed, with a little smile. All cheering for him, he reached the ring and clambered to then pass through the ropes and walked to his corner.

Sven observed the two twins, both smirking. They were quite big, he had to be very careful. Just outside the ring, underneath them, there was their mother, Lydia. Sven didn’t expect she would be there. Somehow he was honored to have her there tonight and that she could see him in action.
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Re: Serpentine Clash: Nox Dynasty vs Sven

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Prior to her children's entrance Lydia had come out to the ring herself, intent on watching this match. It was a rarity for her to get to see her children in action together against a singular opponent, so she was quite eager to see how they did. Especially since unlike them she had done her research on Sven and knew what the two were getting into, in fact she was rather interested in the lad and his capabilities. So him against her children would be an excellent chance to scout him out and see what he was truly capable of.

Coming out not too long after the twins did their eyes would widen a bit seeing just who they were up against. "Well shit... this may be more difficult than anticipated sis..." Vesper said in a bit of concern seeing that Sven more or less matched them in size, and may very have surpassed them in terms of muscles and power. At not receiving a reply though Vesper would turn to his sister. "Uh sis? Sis?" He said towards Danica who was still starting at Sven, a look of intense interest in her eyes before snapping out of it and turning to her brother.

"Huh? Oh yeah don't worry we got this." She said waving off his concern before smirking a bit. "But tell you what, if you're worried let me take the first crack at him." Danica said with a smile making Vesper roll his eyes before shrugging. "If you say so." Vesper said before stepping between the ropes, leaving Danica to face the blonde across from her, cracking her knuckles in anticipation for the bell to ring and officially start this match!

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Re: Serpentine Clash: Nox Dynasty vs Sven

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The two siblings were saying something between them, but Sven couldn’t listen from his corner. Though, he could notice (and feel!) the intense gaze of Danica towards him. She had something in her eyes, something charming and naughty. He would probably find out during the match. Maybe very soon, since she decided to start the match, while her brother was stepping out the ring passing through the ropes.

Sven reached the center of the ring before the bell would announce the beginning of the match. He was staring at his opponent.

“Ladies first uh? Ok then, it will be an interesting match. I’m glad to fight with both the children of Lydia. May the best win!”

Said Sven, always keeping a respectful behavior towards his opponents. The ref already checked the wrestlers and was ready to give the sign to start the match…

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Re: Serpentine Clash: Nox Dynasty vs Sven

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Insuring that she would start the match for her team Danica would put her fists up while circling the tall blonde man across from her and smirking slightly upon hearing what he had to say. "Oh well aren't you the gentleman, just don't think it'll get me to go easy on you." Danica said with a teasing tone followed by a wink before darting in suddenly, moving to start the match off by grasping hands against Sven's neck and elbow for a classic collar and elbow lock up!

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Re: Serpentine Clash: Nox Dynasty vs Sven

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Sven raised up the arms in a fighting guard and smirked at Danica, which was walking in circle around him, ready to fight as well. At her taunt the blonde wrestler answered:

“I’m always a gentleman with ladies...but don’t worry, I will not go easy on you too…”

Soon after the verbal exchange, Danica ran towards Sven and locked up in a collar and elbow tie-up. Sven quickly responded mirroring the silver-head girl, locking her as well. She was quite strong and Sven tightened the hold on her neck and elbow, almost laying his forehead on hers. Giving two yanks, Sven moved forward. He wanted to test her strength further.
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Re: Serpentine Clash: Nox Dynasty vs Sven

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Danica was the first one to take on Sven, something she was very much interested to do, and something Vesper had no problem with. Meeting the big Norse man in the center of the ring and locking horns with him they immediately began pushing and shoving against one another, being rather close in strength it seemed. Pressing her forehead flush against Sven's own Danica was smirking softly, even as she was forced to take a step back from the blonde's strength.

Despite that though she was enjoying this but as she was forced to take another step back she knew this probably wouldn't end well. So without warning she would give one shove forward while throwing her arms down to separate from Sven with hopefully a bit of distance between them and in a way where his arms would be down. All so she could raise an arm of her own up and swing it forward to try for a chop across Sven's chest!

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Re: Serpentine Clash: Nox Dynasty vs Sven

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The two wrestlers were showing their strength to the cheerful crowd. Head against head, Sven grinned to the silver head girl and pushed stronger to impose his superiority. After the second step forward, Sven was thinking to the next move as he was satisfied with the test of strength.

But Danica would bring forward her next move and the blonde was pushed back while his arms were driven down and for a short moment he was guard-less. That moment was enough to let Danica bring her chop on Sven’s chest.


Sven moved a hand to the aimed part. It was not very hard, but still effective. Without any hesitation he charged forward trying to lock Danica’s waist, and if he would be successful, then he would swing behind her while locking for a further move.
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Re: Serpentine Clash: Nox Dynasty vs Sven

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Danica was smirking softly, even as she pushed and struggled against Sven, the man's impressive figure being matched by impressive strength, greatly impressing her thus far. Of course all good things had to end as she pushed down his arms and swung her arm about for a stiff chop to his chest! Smirking a bit wider at this Danica's eyes would widen as he ducked down and got behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind! "Ngh! Seriously?" Danica huffed while shifting and struggling in his grasp, slamming her hands down against Sven's own to try and weaken his grip and even swinging her arms around to lay into him with elbow strikes to try and force him off!

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