Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Mina Piper vs. Sam Roberts

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Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Mina Piper vs. Sam Roberts

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Match Type: Singles Match
Rules: Winner is determined by pinfall, submission, knockout, count-out, or DQ. The victor will qualify for the tournament to crown the inaugural Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Champion
All Japan qualifiers will be held at the Nippon Budokan
Nippon Budokan
Mina Piper
Sam Roberts
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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Mina Piper vs. Sam Roberts

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As the eccentric woman's antics spread to other promotions, Mina was looking to make up for a recent lack of achievements by competing for some real Heart and -"I AM LATE!"
Gold. Sprinting through backstage, the pinkette was fighting the clock. "No! I am supposed fight Sam Roberts today like the title says!" Thanks to some inconvenient speed bumps during a more important outing, Mina yelled out her circumstances randomly as if messy curls and a rather revealing ninja ensemble didn't establish Mina as somebody well put together. Sighing as she finally reached the intended station, There wouldn't be any checks for even a second before abruptly entering the arena.

Chattering spectators would suddenly have their attention fixated on the ramp thanks to the sound of an explosive and presence of pink smoke. In a few seconds, the plume cleared to reveal the energized woman ready to get this show on the road. Taking a huge puff of air with arms outstretched, she ran down the aisle in supersonic fashion. With the trampoline lined in front of the apron, She took one brief leap and bounced over 8 inches into the air, sailing over the top rope into the ring through a somersault. A clean roll leading to the showy woman springing up onto her feet with arms spread out.


A mostly quiet crowd despite the over the top theatrics. Initially feeling triumphant, the pinkette grew increasingly anxious yet still keeping her pose.

"(Did I do something wron-)"
Her entrance music. She performed her entrance in a mute arena, having not given the right signal prior. Thus a crewmember chimed in late upon finally seeing Mina.

"The Following Contest is set for one fall. This is a Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier. Standing in at 5'7 and weighing 148lbs, coming from Pennsylvania... Mina Piper!"

A delayed announcer gave the crowd finally a reason to cheer for Mina, deducing these blunders were all part of the plan this entire time. "Haha...nailed it (Why must you torture me so much..." Playing things off as she drowned in her thought process and remained still until wrestler #2 appeared next.

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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Mina Piper vs. Sam Roberts

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It took no time at all for wrestler #2 to arrive! In fact, she had been waiting on it for some time!

"Dudes, I've BEEN ready to go! I showed up early! Do I get to qualify if Mina somehow doesn't show up on time?" Sam crossed her arms and tapped her foot backstage as she complained to the LAW staff. She was getting antsy at the thought of whatever technicalities might get in the way of her qualifying to compete for the Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship!

"It just feels silly to have me go out second when I'm already here. Does anyone have her number? Maybe I can meet her and give her a ri-" Roberts's concerns were set aside when Mina's music finally came on, signaling the pinkette's entrance!

"Oh thank God!" Samantha would exclaim with a sigh of relief! She was so eager to meet Mina in the ring and get the action started that it didn't take any time at all after the crowd's reaction to Mina for Sam's music to hit!
Entrance Music
Samantha Robers
Samantha came out smiling, waving, and jumping! The crowd warmed up to her right away! She'd dash down the entrance ramp with her hand outstretched, high-fiving many fans as she made her way toward the ring!

"Hup!" The perky bluenette would jump onto the ring apron and slide on her knees! She gripped the rope for balance before flashing a wide smile at the crowd and entering the ring!

"And her opponent! Standing in at an even 5 feet! Weighing in at 100 pounds! Saaaaaamantha! Roberrrrrts!"

"Mina Piper! Nice to meet you! I was worried you wouldn't make it!" The girl seemed to say with genuine concern as she walked up to Mina. Sam extended her hand for a handshake as a show of sportsmanship before the match.

"Are you ready to throw down to get a crack at some gold?!" Roberts would ask her opponent excitedly before the bell rang.
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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Mina Piper vs. Sam Roberts

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Polar opposites in approach, but identical levels of enthusiasm apparently. Even as Sam's own entrance music started playing, the pinkette kept her arms spread out as if paralyzed. Would a blow to Mina's ego have significant effect on her performance in a few minutes? "(The bookers saw it. The ones reading saw it. I don't want to retire in my twenties!) WAHH Oh hi there!" Lost in her thoughts until the more than friendly Samantha Roberts made their presence known.

Shaking Samantha's hand vigorously was the least she can do. "Nice to meet you too Sam! I just didn't tell anyone that I would be ahem fashionably late" Laughing nervously as she had to step back to permit space for both.

As for the question about Gold. "Not sure about all the way, but even the appetizers have to leave a taste." Being a bit transparent about her chances. "SINCEIKEPTYOUWAITINGFORWEEKSLETSMAKETHISQUICK" Blurting out the rest in a single breath.


Before Sam could comtemplate the meaning of those words, Mina immediately throw some repeated jabs to stagger her first round rival!

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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Mina Piper vs. Sam Roberts

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The levels of enthusiasm did indeed match and yet somehow both women carried the energy they brought with them to the ring entirely different from one another!

"Hey, hey no worries! At least you showed!" Sam waved off the very fashionable lateness.

Though what came next definitely took the bluenette by surprise! Sam nodded at the appetizer metaphor. She was honestly following Mina for a hot second until she heard the girl blurt out something quickly in one long breath!

"Wh-wh-what?!" Roberts remarked with an incredulous, bug-eyed expression! But the bell came right after!

"W-wait! You would think that! Gr!" Samantha raised her forearms and blocked as best as she could! Between the grunts she let out from the impact of the jabs Sam would chastise Mina!

"You would think that coming late would make you want to take your tiiiiime!" One of the taller woman's jabs actually connected! Mina scored a glancing blow on the side of Sam's face! But that didn't deter the peppy, petite lightweight!

No, instead of being beaten back, Sam lunged forward! She seemingly shrugged off the blow and charged into Mina! Sam looked to ram her shoulder into the girl's core and bullrush her into the nearest corner of the ring!

Of course, Roberts wasn't invincible, whether her strategy worked her not, she would stop after her charge and hold her face for a few seconds, seemingly needing some time to recover from the punch! Albeit with some very vocal complaints!

"Instead of just being late, now on top of that, you're plain rude if you think you can make this quick!"
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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Mina Piper vs. Sam Roberts

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Acting without thinking, rolling the brute force lottery managed to gift Mina one clean hit. However Samantha's disgruntled nature from the pinkette's lack of professionalism left a slightly bigger imprint on Mina's mind.

"Well I can't be late tw-" She couldn't finish her reaction to Samantha's rhetorical question as the lightweight ploughed into her gut. Having been overcome by the sharp sting and a hundred thoughts, the playful woman would be hurled hard into the nearest corner.

"Ah!" Almost collapsing in a heap if it weren't for a caught rope. Having taken another one of Samantha's scoldings and some minor head trauma, a few months simulated in the pinkette's mindscape, allowing her to process past actions. "Just thought it was needed with this weird format we are in, but yeah it really doesn't matter anymore!" Mina exclaiming all of her thoughts, while using the ropes to pull herself up the turnbuckles. "My bad! Is it too late for a do-over? A midnight snack? The show ends when it ends" Oddly enough, she chose to ask for some forgiveness while on the top rope, waiting for Sam's response before coming down with a diving clothslines

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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Mina Piper vs. Sam Roberts

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Both women's manic energy filled the ring and the arena. Samantha managed to chastise the perky pinkette. As someone who often rushed into things, herself, somehow Sam felt she understood Mina.

"Phew!" Roberts let out a sigh of relief while standing up and giving Mina a clean break in the corner. Sam didn't press the attack physically or verbally. Instead, she collected herself and smiled at Mina.

"Totally not too late! I think we just got off on the wrong foot is all. You actually seem super cool! And I love your jumpsuit! Did you make it yourself or did you buy it some-!" Sam's chat was soon interrupted. The entire time she had been engaging her opponent, her opponent didn't miss this opportunity to poise herself on the top rope and sail towards her to take her down to the mat with a Diving Clothesline off the top rope!!!

"WHEEEERRREEEEEE!" The bluenette would cry out as Mina's arm connected with her upper chest and the base of her neck! The impact of the clothesline made Sam flip backward before falling flat on her front! The lightweight would lay there stunned and unmoving! Mina Piper seemed to have taken full control of the match by capitalizing on Sam's mistake of being overly friendly during the match!
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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Mina Piper vs. Sam Roberts

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Mina should be very grateful that not only her opponent was open to forgiveness, but just so happened to rival her level of energy, as both of their enthusiasm began to mesh and infect the arena.

Upon glimpsing a smile, Mina's lips curled to mimic the warm expression even as she sailed into the bluenette for a little collision course. Now that she took the lead, it was up to her to move the show along as painlessly as possible (for her a bit more).

"Wait a sec..." Of all times to delay while kneeling in front of the laid Sam. Mina then grasped the other wrestler's shoulder with one hand while slowly raising them both to their feet again. Her arm reached down between the legs, trying to use upper body strength to lift Sam onto her far shoulder. "My amazing tag partner made this herself! I'll get you in touch after!...and thanks for being cool about it!" Dropping all of this in one breath, as she prepared to proceed with the front powerslam. If Sam was unable to break right away, the pinkette went off with a follow-up, dashing towards the ropes and back in a blur fashion. Expecting to rebound and return to a prone Sam, she prepared to keep the other woman down by leaping forth for an elbow drop!

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Re: Heart and Gold Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Qualifier: Mina Piper vs. Sam Roberts

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Mina's intensity and enthusiasm proved to be a reflection of her capabilities in the ring as a wrestler! The pinkette quickly took the lead in the match to offset her lateness, entirely at Sam's expense!

The crowd roared as Piper connected with the first big strike! And with Roberts dazed and on the ground, Mina had all the opportunity she needed to kneel down and hoist the lightweight up onto her shoulders, showing off her power and wrestling acumen by carrying Samantha up from a kneeling position into a standing one, primed and ready for a Front Powerslam!

"GUUUAAAHHH!" Nothing made the height and size difference between their two weight classes more apparent than the thud that Sam came down with when Mina slammed her! Same let out a cry when Mina brought hard down to the canvas hard on her back!

The commentators and analysts calling the match remarked on how Mina Piper was certainly not working by the hour! The perky pinkette began to run the ropes the moment the slam connected! Mina showed up late but she showed up prepared to make short work of Samantha Roberts! The fans and the commentators prepared themselves to wince again when Mina came barrelling in again toward the downed bluenette! Mina turned to her side and stopped her run to bring down all of her momentum and body weight onto Samantha with a Running Elbow Drop! And all that inertia from running the ropes would culminate in Mina's elbow sinking into....nothing but canvas!

"HA!" Sam would roar after very narrowly rolling out of the way to dodge Mina's elbow!

"Oh, I'm cool, alright! Cool enough to beat you in this match!" Sam would boast while turning and getting into a running position on all fours! No doubt Mina, and would need a moment to nurse her arm after missing the Elbow Drop! And that moment was all Sam needed to prove that she could be as fast-paced and dominant as Piper!

"LETS! GO!" Sam would hype herself up by running to the same ropes that Mina just did! Quick as a hiccup, the bluenette would zip her way to the ropes and back to pick up speed to come at a likely seated Mina with a running Penalty Kick to the chest!

If Sam managed to connect here, she'd smile and pump a fist into the air to rally the crowd behind her before running to a different side of the ring perpendicular to Mina to try and follow up her kick by leaping onto the middle rope to springboard her way backward onto the strong, pink fashionista with a Lionsault into a pin to turn the tides!
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