Title Match: What Can Break Rylie's Bones? Rylie vs Stone (With Stick)

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Title Match: What Can Break Rylie's Bones? Rylie vs Stone (With Stick)

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

It was the night after Nightmare on Law Street, to which those that viewed or were in attendance watched Rylie defend her LAWless championship against Natalie McCathy. It was a rough match held in Natalie's home turf of a roller derby rink and the epic clash between the two ladies involved food fights, and throwing each other around at the nearby arcade set-up and eventually led to the locker room where Rylie managed to hit her finisher to knock Natalie into a detached locker which fell over and prevented Natalie from getting up at the 10 count.

As soon as her music hit, her fans roared for her as Rylie walked out from the curtain. She was wearing her purple latex spaghetti strapped dress that was thigh slit down one side, showing off her thigh high strapped boots as she also wore a belt with a skull for a buckle and wore fingerless purple opera length fishnet gloves. Above that, around her waist was the Lawless belt that she wore proudly. She also held a long cigarette holder with a brown cigarette attached to the end of it as she paused at the center of the entrance, closing her eyes as she took a slow drag from her cigarette holder as she pulled it from her lips and exhaled the smoke into the air as she then opened her eyes to scan the crowd as she grinned and gave an excited shout in response to the crowd as she began to strut her way to the ring, albeit a bit slowly, still feeling the effects from the pay per view match from the day before. She gave high fives to the fans, trading which hand held her cigarette holder to be able to reach out to the correct side as she made sure to get to both sides of her fans equally. Also stopping for hugs, selfies, and to affectionately nuzzle her little critters of fans as she made happy racoon chittering noises as she acted like a pet racoon for the kids as her racoon ears twitched and her tails swung back and forth happily.

She eventually made her way up to the steps, wincing a little with each step before she walked down the apron of the ring to make it to the center as she stopped to rest her back against the ropes as she looked out at the crowd again, giving them a wink and a wave before she slowly entered in between the middle and the top ropes before strutting over to the opposite side of the ring to lean through the ropes to grab the microphone. She then took another drag and exhale from her cigarette holder as she strutted back over to the center of the ring before bringing the mic close to her lips. "What's up my critters?!" She called out with a smile as she raised the mic up towards the crowd to catch their pop before bringing the mic to her lips once more. "I hope you all are having a rocking good time tonight!" She then allowed the pop again as Rylie took another drag and exhale from her cigarette holder.

"Phew, I knew that match was going to be rough last night, she really did a number to my lower back and guaranteed that if I wanted to have kids I need to wait a few years, but o/I'm still standing! Yeah yeah yeah!o/" She chimed in with a little Elton John song before resuming. "I made history by being the first person to allow a male opponent to challenge me and taught Drake a lesson for hurting my friends. I took on Natalie for the public humiliation she gave to my bro, thus concluding my revenge tour as I stand before you, LOUD AND PROUD, as YOUR Lawless Champion!" She walked over to hand her cigarette holder to a nearby event staff member before walking back to the center of the ring. "Speaking of Natalie, I do have to address this. As you may have seen after the match, Jonathan and his new...student I assume, attacked and dragged Natalie off to torture her in some way." She mentioned as she frowned and heard a few boos. "I assure you, I didn't mean for any of that to happen. All I can say is...Natalie...I hope you're ok." She then shrugged her shoulders a little. "I don't know if Natalie did something to Jonathan to make him and his new student do that to her, but what I witnessed is not the Jonathan I know. The coach I know, is family friendly, but I would be lying if I haven't seen clips of him doing some heinous activity and that's not cool, but he is my coach and hell, more of a father then my real dad ever was, so until I have a moment of having to curse his sudden and inevitable betrayal, I will continue to be his student." She mentioned with a pause as there were a few boos before she brought her mic to her lips. "But I will still do all of what I do, for you." She called out to the fans to get them cheering for her "As far as I'm concerned, what he is doing is part of his own path and right now I need to focus on my own path and with that being said." She undid the belt from her waist, holding it up to the air as she looked towards the entrance.

"Now that the revenge tour has come to a halt, I want to continue to be your fighting champion. There's people in the back that love to pretend that this belt doesn't mean shit, to which I have to say, what that kind of ego drink have you been sipping on? This belt right here is for the badass of the badasses. This belt tells the norm to shove it up their ass! This belt goes beyond the basic. It's literally a belt that proves I will fight you anywhere, anytime, and with any object in my possession." She then lowered into a crouch as she draped the title on the ground as she rose back up and took a step back and did a Vanna White like pose to model it off. "To those that do care about this belt, and I know there are some of you out there that would love a fuck the rules kind of belt. I am opening up a new chapter. This is an open challenge, if you have the passion that I do for this glorious title, then walk out that curtain and challenge me for it."
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Thu Jul 04, 2024 9:17 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: What Can Break Rylie's Bones? (For thesteedman)

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Without warning, the entrance music to the monstrous and giant wrestler Stone began to hit the PA system at high and intense volume. The crowd reactions shifts from joyous to jeering, all too aware that Stone and her manager Stick are suddenly about to appear. After a few moments of build-up, the raging crowd begin to increase in volume themselves as the duo finally makes an appearance at the top of the ramp. Without a doubt, all that hate is going one way… and it is not so much at Stone who has been gaining popularity… but at the crimson haired beauty known as Stick, who had a way of pushing all the wrong buttons. The look upon her face spoke more than a thousand words as she glared at Rylie from the top of the ramp, with the ever imposing presence of Stone who stood as a monstrous powerhouse of a woman.

Her shoulders would rise and fall with each deep breath as she stared towards Rylie, whilst Stick began to pace in front of the behemoth of a woman, a look of sheer confidence or perhaps arrogance upon her angelic features.
"An open challenge you say? Looks like Rylie has finally slipped up." Stick spoke with her clear English accent, managing a wry smile as the crowd continued to express their displeasure of Stick.
"I think you've held onto that thing quite long enough, it’s become tarnished whilst it’s been wrapped around that easily shattered waist of yours. It is time a real woman of championship material possessed it, to really give it the gravitas that belt both needs and deserves." The deplorable words from Stick granted her another volume of rage from the watching crowd. Stick herself seemed to feed from that negative energy, smiling in a dark manner as she glared at Rylie... before she struck Stone on her arm, pointing a finger at Rylie.

"Stone... destroy her! I want you to break that bitch in half... right NOW!" Stick roared out. The crowd gasped in horror as the monstrous Stone responded to Stick as she always had. She began to walk down the ramp, a menacing sight to behold, all broad and muscular in build, seemingly impossibly tall. Stick began to follow, a good distance behind as the behemoth of a woman stormed into the ring, stepping over the top rope to show off her sheer size. The crowd immediately rallied behind Rylie, seeing that her open challenge had attracted such a worthy adversary. With massive ovation they began to chant Rylie who had an instant challenge in front of her. After already going through so much, they hoped she could clear this latest obstacle.

There was a brief moment... a classic stand off where Stone glared at Rylie, standing mere feet away from the smaller and more slender LAWless Champion. It was after a few moments passed, that Stone would storm forwards, looking to stampede through Rylie, attempting to bring the smaller woman down with a thunderous and potentially rib breaking clothesline to try and start things off!
"This isn't personal Rylie... Your just the one that is standing in the doorway to our conquest..." Stick mentioned, slowly sliding up to the ring side, still holding the mic in hand. It was hard to believe this was anything but personal however, given the twisted tone Stick possessed within her voice, smiling as she watched the match begin!

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Re: What Can Break Rylie's Bones? (For thesteedman)

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As the entrance music for Stick and Stone came on, Rylie's eyes widened. She knew who these two were as she remembered Stone's brutality against her best friend trying to egg her older sister Tina on to continue a rather brutal feud that left one of LAW's top talents on the shelf for quite a few weeks in the aftermath. She then listened to Stick and as obnoxious as she was, she was right. She did slip up, she didn't specify that the open challenge was to be at a later date, and with the LAW belt, it had to be defended at any moment at any time and given that this was the day after the pay-per-view in which she had a grueling brawl with Natalie, she was a raccoon not at hundred percent being presented to a grizzly bear...a grizzly bear with the assistance of an pesky cub and this match also meant there were no rules and that the falls could count anywhere. Another bad thing was Rylie didn't prep for this match as she didn't expect it, so there were no Batman style preparation, clever Stick has done what she could on this chess board to put Rylie in check.

As Stick commanded Stone to march forward, she tossed the mic aside and picked up her belt and backed up so that Stone may enter. As objects started to become larger then they appear Rylie blinked in surprise. "Fuck, she's bigger then Drake!" She whispered to herself in surprise. As Stone entered the ring and the staredown began, it was like Hulk Hogan Staring at Andre The Giant. Rylie looked off to her sides hearing the rally of her crowd as she stared back at stone, she then lifted her Lawless Belt proudly up to the air as she . The bell ring and suddenly Stone charged before she could even hand the belt off to event staff, connecting with a thunderous clothesline that impacted Rylie to flip and corkscrew in the air before crashing to the mat, groaning out in pain as the crowd gasped as Rylie laid on her back, panting from the wind being knocked out of her as she looked up at the face of the towering monster of a woman before her.

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Re: Title Match: What Can Break Rylie's Bones? Rylie vs Stone (With Stick)

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