Tag Team Match: Thundergirls Vs. Glory

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Tag Team Match: Thundergirls Vs. Glory

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Match Type: Standard Tag

Clad in two piece tiger print wrestling attire Alaina and Tina were stretching in the locker room ready to roll. It had been far too long since they stepped into the ring as a team and they wanted to show off how well they could work together, having spent time training together frequently.

"Okay champ, let's go out there and get it!" Tina said. She was on a mission to perverted herself as still a top Middleweight, and top lady in the world of wrestling in general.

"Yeah, we got this. We have our plan and we'll stick to it. Isolate, tag, teamwork." Alana said as the current LAW Heavyweight Champion was more than happy to show she would wrestle any match any time.

Their music began to play and the crowd roared as the Thundergirls appeared up on the entryway in the arena. They both posed together before bounding down the ramp high fiving fans as they went. Before long the duo slid into the ring underneath the bottom rope before standing up and taking in the cheers of the crowd before settling into their corner to await the arrival of their opponents.

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Re: Tag Team Match: Thundergirls Vs. Glory

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Asuna and Karin were ready for their second match as a tag but their opponents.... were really strong! One was the heavy weight champion! So they were a bit... scared.

"Damn the heavy weight champ? Who organized this match??? They are gonna destroy us Karin..." Asuna was more warried since at least her partner had size but she versus those two.. was way smaller.

"It's ok Asuna for what i know the champ isn't that mean... so maybe we can have a nice match.."

Both walked into the arena with applauds and cheers but not that much since they only had 1 match as a tag.. but at least they weren't booed and when Asuna saw both girls... "Damn those two are very strong..." She said but she was ok doing this because they were imposing but they didn't seemed mean in look or in movements so it could be a nice lose instead of a crushing one..

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Re: Tag Team Match: Thundergirls Vs. Glory

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Alaina and Tina were looking at their opponents coming out and they looked timid. Nervous. This was already an edge for the Thundergirls.

"Okay get us started Tina." Alaina said patting the smaller Tina on the back as the Amazon stepped through the ropes to stand outside on the apron allowing the Tigress to kick things off.

"Okay, I will save some for ya." Tina said stepping towards the middle of the ring waiting to see who she would be up against at the bell.

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Re: Tag Team Match: Thundergirls Vs. Glory

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"I'll go Karin, you are too big for this One.." Asuna stopped in to confront Tina Who yes was bigger than Her but not as Alaina..

"Nice to meet you.. i Hope we have a nice match..
Asuna said getting ready to approach Tina slowly,when the Bell rang She went for a strenght contest hoping that Tina wouldn't put any tricks...

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Re: Tag Team Match: Thundergirls Vs. Glory

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Tina saw Asuna step up. She was bigger than Tina but not by much and the tigress was leaner with more defined muscle. Tina nodded to Asuna. "Yeah, same to you lets have a good match." She said as the two women stepped to the middle of the ring as the bell rang.

Tina grappled with Asuna and tried to use her strength and speed to push Asuna back to a corner against the turnbuckle looking to surprise her with her strength even though she was the smaller wrestler in the ring!

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Re: Tag Team Match: Thundergirls Vs. Glory

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"Woah!!" Asuna didn't expected to be pushed that fast, she panicked and found herself against the turnbuckle! But she panicked and her instincts kicked in giving Tina a hard knee into her stomach as a "self defense" "Oh no sorry! :(" Asuna was actually sorry for that..

But the woman looked strong so even if it was an hard knee it shouldn't hurt... right? That was the thought that crossed Asuna mind, yes it was a match but all the sudden thing maybe got her reacting too much...

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Re: Tag Team Match: Thundergirls Vs. Glory

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Tina pushed the bigger Asuna back but the knee strike made her stumble back a few steps. Tina stepped back up though and began smashing Asuna in the chest with forearm strikes trying to land three or four to get Asuna slumped against the corner to try to maintain control of the match. Tina was putting all she could do put power into these strikes wanting to start the match well.

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Re: Tag Team Match: Thundergirls Vs. Glory

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"Ughh owww i know this is a match but calm down OWW!" Asuna was a bit overwhelmed by Tina who was going really aggressive! So she had to do something to stop this girl! So when she got into the corner she just putted her hand in front of her and tried to push the smaller girl away to get one moment to breathe! "I can understand you want to win but calm down..."

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Re: Tag Team Match: Thundergirls Vs. Glory

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Tina hammered Asuna before being shoved back and looking confused as her opponent spoke. "The bell rang you know you are a wrestler in a wrestling match right?" Tina said as she stepped back up trying to grab hold of Asuna Tina attempted to lift her up and spin before slamming her down to the mat in the middle of the ring with as much force as she could!

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Re: Tag Team Match: Thundergirls Vs. Glory

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"I know! Woah!! No enough!" Asuna had enough, this girl was going too hard on her, and she had to stop this! So when Tina tried to lift her up she wiggled away and gave her a kick to the gut followed by a DDT! "Now i'll give you aggression!" After that she would try to sit on her belly and smash it with lot of punches! "That's what you get!"

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