Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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From the looks of it, Yuki's kick had landed exactly where she wanted it, and left Lucy stunned with the pain. That was perfect. Yuki wasn't normally the type to fight this dirty, but in a match like this, anything she needed to do to get ahead, she would. While Lucy staggered back in a daze, Yuki rose to her feet, trying to pull her hands free from the snare Lucy had made from her top. With her hands bound as they were, it wouldn't be easy, and her efforts mostly served to send her small, perky breasts jiggling, which drew a fair bit of attention from the crowd, though it was perhaps merciful Yuki didn't really pay attention.

Eventually, though, Yuki was able to wriggle her hands free, letting her top drop to the ground. The black-haired wrestler wrung her arms out, getting back into a stance. Reluctantly, she conceded that at this rate taking the time to put her bra back on would only eat up time, and the crowd had seen enough as it was. But she vowed that she would get even with Lucy just the same.

"I'm ready for you now," Yuki said as she looked across at Lucy, her stance firm and fixed, showing no signs of giving. "Go on and try me!" She stood poised and ready for Lucy, prepared to throw another kick into her stomach if the blunette came near.
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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Lucy was pissed at herself. She shouldn't have played so much around. She should have instandly go for her plan. Yuki didn't put her bra back on and instead let it fall on the ground. The bluentte wanted to get her opponent back under controll and after her opponent said that she was ready for her Lucy got a big smile on her face.

She would watchrith her eyes towards Yuki and look her directly into the eyes.
"Fine. Then I will come to punish you for that cheap shot."
Lucy would say. She knew that getting angry in a match was bad because she would lose her concentration rather fast. Because of that instead of running head first into her opponent Lucy would decide to slowly walk towards Yuki keeping her guard up in case of any attacks from her opponent.

If Yuki would then kick her Lucy would be able to easily catch her leg with both her hands and with her feet she would kick towards her other leg to get Yuki down on the ground.
Last edited by Rougue on Sun May 06, 2018 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Yuki watched Lucy closely as she came nearer, her eyes narrowing as she seemed to tune out the world around her to focus her intentions on this one moment. She seemed perfectly still, her muscles tense and ready, up until the time was absolutely right, and then she kicked out...

...and Lucy caught it. Yuki's eyes went wide in shock. She had already planned out everything in advance, already anticipated her blow landing just where she wanted it. But she barely had time to react, taken by surprise as she was, before Lucy took advantage of that position and kicked at her other leg, knocking her down to her knees.

Yuki didn't want to be in a position like this against an opponent like Lucy, especially in a match like this. She had already made that promise to herself that she would push through and not be humbled. Even if Lucy was going to bring her to her knees, Yuki wasn't about to stay there for long. Reaching out, she grappled her arms around Lucy's waist and tried to push herself up from the ground, digging her fingers into the fabric of Lucy's swimsuit for more traction.
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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Lucy surprised her opponent and send her to the ground. She thought to herself that she had figured Yuki out by now. She smiled as she send her opponent down and wanteed to follow her and maybe squeeze her neck but Yuki was tough and because of that she reached forwards and pushed into the bluenette.

Physically Lucy wasn't pretty strong. She was fast and kinda skilled but she had a major lack of strenght. She didn't hold out for long as Yuki pushed herself against her. The bluenette would fall backwards on her butt. Lucy smiled as even when she was pushed down because how things were right now she already would make a plan.
"I gotta say you are not dumb. But I knew what you wanted to do and I also know what you want to achieve with this move. You are smart but sadly for you is that Iam already two steps ahead of you."
Lucy would smile at the raven heared girl. She wanted to distract Yuki from her plan with her words. The bluenette planned to apply a scissor hold against her opponent but she had to get Yuki into a good posistion at first for a maximum effect. To make preparations for this Lucy would try to grab her opponents shoulders and push Yuki a bit back. Then she would try to get her legs on each side of Yukis body.

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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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It came as a bit of a surprise to Yuki that Lucy went down so easily, as she was only planning on getting back on her feet. Nevertheless, she thought, she could use this. If Lucy was down, then surely there was some way that she could steer this situation to her advantage. And besides, if Lucy went down that easily, then it was just proof that she would be easy enough to soften up with strikes. While the blue-haired girl might have had the edge when it came to dealing with humiliation, it was clear that Yuki was ahead in power, and if she could keep dealing damage, then she could steer things to her favor. She just needed to think on the fly.

Unfortunately for Yuki, it was going to be hard to do that when her opponent had figured out her greatest weakness was in breaking her concentration. As soon as she heard Lucy's words, she froze, her blood running cold. If Lucy could figure out what she was planning, and think ahead to counter her moves before she even made them, then things could go poorly quick. While she was considering the magnitude of this situation, Yuki was distracted long enough for Lucy to take her by the shoulders and steer her back, drawing a yelp of surprise from the girl. But while Lucy was getting her legs into position, Yuki was brought back into reality. Her heart was racing as she tried to think of what to do, not knowing what Lucy wanted or if she would even be able to get any attack in before her opponent foresaw it. Left without any hope of anticipating the best course of action, she could act only on instinct. She reached out and grabbed for Lucy's arms, trying to push back against them and offset the leverage she had on her, to maybe even see if she could get her to let go.
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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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With her words it seemed that Lucy had done more then just distracting her. Yuki was frozen into the place which gave Lucy a greater advantage then she thought at first. With her opponent out for a while Lucy made it to put her legs on the side of her opponent. This however seemed to get her opponent back into reality. The black haired girl grabbed Lucys arms and pushed her back.

Lucy was smiling. her plan worked better sofar then she anticipated. As Yuki pushed against her she pushed back at first giving Yuki the feeling that the bluenette just wanted to push her back. She would do this for a while be she would suddenly grab her opponents arms.

After this Lucy would let herself fall back trying to pull Yuki with her using her opponents weight. Now on the ground Lucy would wrap her legs around her opponents waist. Then Lucy would start to squeeze her legs together applying a body scissor at her.

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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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When Lucy took Yuki's arms and started to push back at her with her own force, Yuki felt like she could stay in control. If this was just another test of strength, she could certainly hold out for a good long time, after all. The lockup went on as the two girls pushed back and forth at each other, jostling for control, but neither budging or holding the position for long before their opponent was able to take control. Yuki bit her lip, focusing intently. Time seemed to slow down for her as she concentrated all her energy on keeping up this move. Unfortunately for her, she was so focused on this moment that she let the last move Lucy had been lining up slip from the forefront of her mind.

When Lucy fell back, Yuki's eyes went wide in shock, the momentum pulling her forward as her opponent fell on her back. The bluenette clamped her legs down hard against Yuki's sides, drawing a gag from her throat, and her grip on Lucy's arms started to loosen and slip back, the strength in her hold wavering. Her mind started to race, in what seemed like whatever little time she had before Lucy crushed her waist, to think of some way to take action. She was running out of time, and she had to do something, fast. She would act on the first idea that came to her, even if it was something she hardly would have considered normally.

This was, after all, a humiliation match, and so far Lucy was way ahead of her. Not only was she clearly more at home in a match like this, disrupting Yuki's single-minded concentration through her taunts, but she had already managed to strip Yuki of her bikini top, while her own modesty had so far stayed intact. Letting go of Lucy's arms, Yuki went to grasp the shoulder straps of Lucy's swimsuit and yank them down hard around the girl's arms. Hopefully, she thought, that might be enough to distract her, and if she could use her own clothing to restrain her, she'd be able to buy some time. And while it seemed from her previous behavior that Lucy wouldn't be the type to be slowed down by being exposed, against such an unpredictable opponent Yuki would take whatever she could get.
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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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The small wrestler wondered herself what her opponent had in mind as she let go of her arms. At first it seemed for her like Yuki gave in and was crushed by her bodyscissor. This however wasn't the case. The black haired girl had something planned. She grabbed Lucys shoulders straps and yanked them down. Her swimsuite wasn't down entirely but enough so that he breasts got exposed to everyone.

"Interesting that you go this far just to get me to let you go. However if you wanted to see my breasts you could have just said something."
Lucy would try to taunt her opponent at her attempt to get the bluenettes legs away from her by exposing her small chest. She would then wrap both her arms around her opponents chest and go closer with her face.
"Another thing. If you want me to ease my hold then why not tell me? We could have worked something out you know."
With her words Lucy attempted to confuse her opponent a bit. She would also add a kiss to her forehead to increase the confusion a bit. If this would have worked then Lucy would loosen the bodyscissor a bit to give her opponent enough space to take a few breathes.

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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

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Yuki's gambit worked, and Lucy's breasts spilled out of her swimsuit, leaving both of the girls so exposed. The sight of it caused Yuki to blush softly, but she reminded herself she wasn't just here to look. She was trying to keep Lucy distracted so that she could at the least prevent her from totally dominating this match. Unfortunately for Yuki, that wasn't quite what happened. Rather than being embarrassed, Lucy almost seemed emboldened by the measure. That caused Yuki to gulp rather audibly. If she couldn't embarrass Lucy like this, let alone in a match where the only goal was to embarrass your opponent, then what could she do?

Her face only grew redder as Lucy leaned in closer to her, and her brows narrowed. "S-Shut up!" Yuki said. "It's not like this means anything!" Nevertheless, she couldn't prevent Lucy from pressing up against her and kissing her on the forehead. At the same time afraid of what might be to come and morbidly curious, Yuki's muscles relaxed just a bit, and her breathing quickened against Lucy's neck. As Lucy loosened her bodyscissor, the brunette remained on guard. Lucy had proved to be completely unpredictable, and the thought of that frightened her. But without any way to anticipate her opponent's techniques, all she could do was wait for what might happen next.
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Re: Yuki vs. Lucy - Beach Humiliation Match

Unread post by Rougue »

Lucy enjoyed it as her opponent got red as she looked at her opponents breast. It seemed like that her opponend wasn't going to be confused and remained on guard for what Lucy would plan next. Lucy smiled at her.She wanted to get Yuki down on the ground so that she could execute another plan she had in mind.

"Hey Yuki do wanna hear a riddle?"
Like always Lucy would try to distract her opponent for a short moment. She would grab with her hands on her opponents wrists and pull her legs back to place them under the black haired girl.
"What has four limbs can fly but once it is on the ground his back and maybe his belly hurt alot?"
Lucy would ask her and wait for a bit to get the distraction to work.

After a minute Lucy would press her feet into Yukis stomach and press her up with full force. She tried to get her opponent over her head and on her back with this. If this would work Lucy would then roll backwards and ontop of her opponent still grabbing her wrists. Then she would pin her opponents hands on the ground.

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