New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
- thesteedman
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New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
“Good! That is a vast improvement… but anyone can advance upon mediocrity! Again!” Sophia called out, taking a step back after Asp was able to kick towards her head. Sophia was able to block the oncoming attack, but it was the first time Asp was able to gain an inch of ground in the long hour the two had been in this session. Upon the expensive and large mats, there were visible droplets of sweat and hints of footprints from the movements. It was not Asp’s first visit to Sophia’s expensive high rise apartment, stationed in one of the larger rooms that had been converted into something of a mock dojo and training room. There was more than enough space for the duo to work and train, with mats placed down to cushion the ground.
Both women glistened a little from the intense workout, with Sophia pushing Asp to help her improve her striking game. Working with Sophia in this capacity was a stark reminder of how much of a hard ass Sophia could be when her head was in the game. In the time Asp had come to know the German, she had always been seemingly sheepish and shy; stumbling over her own mannerisms when faced with how expressive and open minded Aspasia was. The platinum blonde had come leaps and bounds, opening up more and more each time to two met, with Asp able to explore and witness the pleasant and alluring individual that Sophia Wolfe is.
When it came to training in this capacity, there was none of that. Asp got to witness the woman she first met in the ring. The Middleweight LAW Powerhouse possessed sharp focus, unmarred even with the scar that ran through one of her dangerous eyes. She held a commanding presence, holding a stoic and disciplined expression at all times. In truth it was quite intimidating to see that shift, and it was difficult not to follow her instruction. The results were certainly showing, but during the latter stages of the sparring session, it always became a slog as Sophia continued to power on with the same energy as when she began. That… and she was quite cold too, as indicated by her comments, looking to drive Asp hard.
Sophia launched a kick towards Asp when she noticed the delay, looking to force a reaction from her and get her to respond back with a kick in kind.
“Again!” Sophia shouted out, her eyes widening before she took a defensive stance. As she stood and waited, an alarm began to beep behind her from her mobile phone, indicating that the hour had passed. All at once, that deadly look within Sophia’s eyes eased, her stance softened a bit as a calmness slowly began to creep into her demeanour.
“That’s it. That was the hour. Although we can keep going if you so please? You are making fantastic progress. I think we could push for another fifteen minutes… easily.” Sophia’s tone was softer; her compliments sincere when moments ago it was nothing shy of a shit sandwich.
Sophia was beautiful to behold, both now and even when she had been intense during the training. She was clad in a black sports bra with sporty style loose trousers that hung onto her hips, leaving that marvel of a core she possessed bare along with her arms and feet. It was clear she hoped Asp wanted to continue… both because she wanted to help Asp improve but probably to also delay whatever it was that was ‘personal’ Sophia had mentioned when she first invited Asp for another session the other day. It was strange that she had not brought it up at all since Asp had graced her place.
Both women glistened a little from the intense workout, with Sophia pushing Asp to help her improve her striking game. Working with Sophia in this capacity was a stark reminder of how much of a hard ass Sophia could be when her head was in the game. In the time Asp had come to know the German, she had always been seemingly sheepish and shy; stumbling over her own mannerisms when faced with how expressive and open minded Aspasia was. The platinum blonde had come leaps and bounds, opening up more and more each time to two met, with Asp able to explore and witness the pleasant and alluring individual that Sophia Wolfe is.
When it came to training in this capacity, there was none of that. Asp got to witness the woman she first met in the ring. The Middleweight LAW Powerhouse possessed sharp focus, unmarred even with the scar that ran through one of her dangerous eyes. She held a commanding presence, holding a stoic and disciplined expression at all times. In truth it was quite intimidating to see that shift, and it was difficult not to follow her instruction. The results were certainly showing, but during the latter stages of the sparring session, it always became a slog as Sophia continued to power on with the same energy as when she began. That… and she was quite cold too, as indicated by her comments, looking to drive Asp hard.
Sophia launched a kick towards Asp when she noticed the delay, looking to force a reaction from her and get her to respond back with a kick in kind.
“Again!” Sophia shouted out, her eyes widening before she took a defensive stance. As she stood and waited, an alarm began to beep behind her from her mobile phone, indicating that the hour had passed. All at once, that deadly look within Sophia’s eyes eased, her stance softened a bit as a calmness slowly began to creep into her demeanour.
“That’s it. That was the hour. Although we can keep going if you so please? You are making fantastic progress. I think we could push for another fifteen minutes… easily.” Sophia’s tone was softer; her compliments sincere when moments ago it was nothing shy of a shit sandwich.
Sophia was beautiful to behold, both now and even when she had been intense during the training. She was clad in a black sports bra with sporty style loose trousers that hung onto her hips, leaving that marvel of a core she possessed bare along with her arms and feet. It was clear she hoped Asp wanted to continue… both because she wanted to help Asp improve but probably to also delay whatever it was that was ‘personal’ Sophia had mentioned when she first invited Asp for another session the other day. It was strange that she had not brought it up at all since Asp had graced her place.
- BlackAkuma
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
When Asp had first started in wrestling and had her taste of combat, she had believed it to be not altogether different from dancing. After all, there was great overlap between the two disciplines. Both required a good deal of footwork and coordination, knowing where to step and how to master your bodyweight. Both required years of strenuous practice and dedication, a sort of focus that most lacked. Both pushed you in ways you might never expect, challenging your ability to plan and improvise differently.
She had thought her transition a decent one, admirably executed, and she had thought herself to be improving in significant ways.
That was until she started training with Sophia. ”Heavens above…”
Sophia was one of the most exacting, demanding women Asp had ever encountered once the two of them began training, entering what she had unaffectionately dubbed ‘the zone’. Back when they fought, she had been able to fluster the woman and disrupt her game, and while she knew that it had helped her survive their battle as long as it did, she didn’t appreciate just how much until she saw firsthand how rigorous she could be. It seemed as if she had an endless fountain of energy to draw from, a bottomless that allowed her to push harder, faster, and stronger each time she was put down, and keeping up with her was akin to running a marathon.
Asp struggled to keep her lungs going as she and Sophia faced off once. She wore crimson yoga pants and a matching sports bra, both of which clung tight to her figure, though they also highlighted their differences. Sophia was the perfect middleweight, a body balanced with enough muscle to give her great power while also staying mobile. Asp, on the other hand, was in the lightweight class and would never be mistaken for otherwise. It was at least part of the reason keeping up with the German was so exhausting; her body was far more able to store energy.
Asp was readying herself to throw another kick, chambering her leg for the strike, when she was graced with the blessed sound of the alarm going off. She sighed and started to relax, only for Sophia to drag her back into it, clearly craving more. The woman was a true workaholic, sometimes.
”Easily, you say?” Asp tipped her head to the side and gave her an even stare. ”If you insist.” She let her leg come back and began to circle about the room, preparing to engage again. ”Wasn’t there some matter you had to deal with after we were finished? I would hate for you to miss an appointment.”
She had thought her transition a decent one, admirably executed, and she had thought herself to be improving in significant ways.
That was until she started training with Sophia. ”Heavens above…”
Sophia was one of the most exacting, demanding women Asp had ever encountered once the two of them began training, entering what she had unaffectionately dubbed ‘the zone’. Back when they fought, she had been able to fluster the woman and disrupt her game, and while she knew that it had helped her survive their battle as long as it did, she didn’t appreciate just how much until she saw firsthand how rigorous she could be. It seemed as if she had an endless fountain of energy to draw from, a bottomless that allowed her to push harder, faster, and stronger each time she was put down, and keeping up with her was akin to running a marathon.
Asp struggled to keep her lungs going as she and Sophia faced off once. She wore crimson yoga pants and a matching sports bra, both of which clung tight to her figure, though they also highlighted their differences. Sophia was the perfect middleweight, a body balanced with enough muscle to give her great power while also staying mobile. Asp, on the other hand, was in the lightweight class and would never be mistaken for otherwise. It was at least part of the reason keeping up with the German was so exhausting; her body was far more able to store energy.
Asp was readying herself to throw another kick, chambering her leg for the strike, when she was graced with the blessed sound of the alarm going off. She sighed and started to relax, only for Sophia to drag her back into it, clearly craving more. The woman was a true workaholic, sometimes.
”Easily, you say?” Asp tipped her head to the side and gave her an even stare. ”If you insist.” She let her leg come back and began to circle about the room, preparing to engage again. ”Wasn’t there some matter you had to deal with after we were finished? I would hate for you to miss an appointment.”
- thesteedman
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
"Oh. No I do not have any appointments tonight. I suppose I was not so clear on the phone was I? I do apologise for that. I was a bit rushed at the time. It was something I was hoping to ask of you but... it is alright. It was not important. We can continue training." Sophia would speak, with Asp taking a note of a small amount of nervous energy within Sophia when bringing the subject up. She had sounded oddly incoherent when she mentioned it during the call when she was asking if Asp wanted to come over for this session, as if unable to form the correct words to ask what she desired from Asp directly. Something was definitely on Sophia's mind, but she seemed intent on bypassing whatever it was she wanted to ask now that Asp was here in person.
Sophia managed a small smile and nodded when Asp said she was ready to proceed, watching as the Egytpian beauty began to circle around her and pick up where the two left off. The alluring German paused however, just when she was about ready to place herself back in the mind-set to continue the intense training. Her guard lowered as Sophia let her form ease a little.
"Actually. It probably is best if we stop there for now. We have done plenty within that hour." Sophia would note with a small and honest smile.
In truth she could see the look in Asp's eyes that she was a little hard pressed to go on. No doubt the crimson haired beauty of a woman was simply being too kind to say no and simply humouring Sophia. It had been the other way around plenty of times when Sophia joined Asp for belly dancing sessions, and Asp always seemed to sense when Sophia had reached her limits to what she could handle. Training to fail achieved little progress. It felt only correct to give Aspasia the same courtesy she often offered her. Approaching the side of the mat, Sophia pulled out a fresh bottle of water from the ice bucket, tossing it towards Asp deftly before she took one for herself, unscrewing the cap to take a few modest sips.
"Your positioning has improved significantly, yet your timing still needs some work, but you are getting there. You need to mix up your approach. You telegraphed your intent and your motions too much for my liking. After the first minute I had a complete read on you. It is fine in a sparring environment or against lower card opposition, but in the ring against a capable opponent... you really need to stay unpredictable. Keep it fresh and get creative." Sophia would speak out with her unique accent, approaching Asp.
Her tone was much altered, a lot easier and agreeable on the ears from the intense commanding tone during the actual session itself. Sophia was still in training mode all the same during her post talk, so her words still held a firm edge, but Asp was aware Sophia had Asp's wellbeing at heart. It just felt like when Sophia took lead compared to Asp's Belly Dancing sessions that it all seemed much more unforgiving.
"My major critique is your lack of commitment. This is our third session and I suspect you are still holding back because you think you are going to harm me. Do... not... hold... back." Sophia finished off, giving Asp a playfully light poke against her bare shoulder to stress each syllable.
“If you manage to land one of those deadly kicks on me during training… it means I am doing my job well.”
Sophia managed a small smile and nodded when Asp said she was ready to proceed, watching as the Egytpian beauty began to circle around her and pick up where the two left off. The alluring German paused however, just when she was about ready to place herself back in the mind-set to continue the intense training. Her guard lowered as Sophia let her form ease a little.
"Actually. It probably is best if we stop there for now. We have done plenty within that hour." Sophia would note with a small and honest smile.
In truth she could see the look in Asp's eyes that she was a little hard pressed to go on. No doubt the crimson haired beauty of a woman was simply being too kind to say no and simply humouring Sophia. It had been the other way around plenty of times when Sophia joined Asp for belly dancing sessions, and Asp always seemed to sense when Sophia had reached her limits to what she could handle. Training to fail achieved little progress. It felt only correct to give Aspasia the same courtesy she often offered her. Approaching the side of the mat, Sophia pulled out a fresh bottle of water from the ice bucket, tossing it towards Asp deftly before she took one for herself, unscrewing the cap to take a few modest sips.
"Your positioning has improved significantly, yet your timing still needs some work, but you are getting there. You need to mix up your approach. You telegraphed your intent and your motions too much for my liking. After the first minute I had a complete read on you. It is fine in a sparring environment or against lower card opposition, but in the ring against a capable opponent... you really need to stay unpredictable. Keep it fresh and get creative." Sophia would speak out with her unique accent, approaching Asp.
Her tone was much altered, a lot easier and agreeable on the ears from the intense commanding tone during the actual session itself. Sophia was still in training mode all the same during her post talk, so her words still held a firm edge, but Asp was aware Sophia had Asp's wellbeing at heart. It just felt like when Sophia took lead compared to Asp's Belly Dancing sessions that it all seemed much more unforgiving.
"My major critique is your lack of commitment. This is our third session and I suspect you are still holding back because you think you are going to harm me. Do... not... hold... back." Sophia finished off, giving Asp a playfully light poke against her bare shoulder to stress each syllable.
“If you manage to land one of those deadly kicks on me during training… it means I am doing my job well.”
- BlackAkuma
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
Something was…off.
Through their interactions, Asp felt that she had a fairly decent grasp on the woman that Sophia Wolfe was, as much as anyone could expect from a relatively short acquaintance. She excelled at many things - working out, combat, focus. Hiding her emotions, however, was something that she failed miserably at and would likely never improve upon, not that this was a failing on her part. Sophia was honest, perhaps the most honest Asp had ever encountered. Deception was simply not in her DNA; try as she might, she couldn't hide her distress.
Without a heading, Asp’s mind was left to wonder and speculate, coming up with far-reaching theories about her loneliness. Relationship trouble, perhaps? While she had not yet come to know Katherine Hart well, Sophia always spoke fondly of her, her growing affection was evident. It was hard to imagine that they had reached some kind of impasse, though a small, selfish part of her wished that to be the case. She made little secret of her own feelings towards Sophia, and there was a point where she wished they could have pursued something more. Even though she accepted and encouraged the German’s relationship, always happy to dole out advice on the subject, she couldn't help but wonder about the road not taken, if she had only met Sophia only a month before…
Silly thoughts. She pushed them out of her head as she focused on Sophia’s critique, taking it to heart as she sipped a water bottle and refilled her fluid. She could already feel some cramps coming on, as they often did when they trained, with the karateka pushing her in unique ways.
She had a rueful sigh when Sophia poked her shoulder, jerking back a little with every touch, exaggerating the impact for effect. It wasn’t the first time she had heard such advice. ”You make that sound like such an easy thing. Try as I might, combat is still a new thing for me - aggression doesn't come naturally. Especially with a friend.” She gave the German a poke on her own shoulder as retaliation. ”But you’re not wrong. It’s simply a mental block I need to push past, one way or another.”
Through their interactions, Asp felt that she had a fairly decent grasp on the woman that Sophia Wolfe was, as much as anyone could expect from a relatively short acquaintance. She excelled at many things - working out, combat, focus. Hiding her emotions, however, was something that she failed miserably at and would likely never improve upon, not that this was a failing on her part. Sophia was honest, perhaps the most honest Asp had ever encountered. Deception was simply not in her DNA; try as she might, she couldn't hide her distress.
Without a heading, Asp’s mind was left to wonder and speculate, coming up with far-reaching theories about her loneliness. Relationship trouble, perhaps? While she had not yet come to know Katherine Hart well, Sophia always spoke fondly of her, her growing affection was evident. It was hard to imagine that they had reached some kind of impasse, though a small, selfish part of her wished that to be the case. She made little secret of her own feelings towards Sophia, and there was a point where she wished they could have pursued something more. Even though she accepted and encouraged the German’s relationship, always happy to dole out advice on the subject, she couldn't help but wonder about the road not taken, if she had only met Sophia only a month before…
Silly thoughts. She pushed them out of her head as she focused on Sophia’s critique, taking it to heart as she sipped a water bottle and refilled her fluid. She could already feel some cramps coming on, as they often did when they trained, with the karateka pushing her in unique ways.
She had a rueful sigh when Sophia poked her shoulder, jerking back a little with every touch, exaggerating the impact for effect. It wasn’t the first time she had heard such advice. ”You make that sound like such an easy thing. Try as I might, combat is still a new thing for me - aggression doesn't come naturally. Especially with a friend.” She gave the German a poke on her own shoulder as retaliation. ”But you’re not wrong. It’s simply a mental block I need to push past, one way or another.”
- thesteedman
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
"Your patience and kindness is admirable Asp, it is a strong quality and one of the things that makes you a great woman and a dear friend to me... but come the next training session, if you do not try and actually attack me, I will kick you hard and it will put you on your rear." Sophia spoke firmly, though the slight rise from the side of her lip gave away the jestful nature of her response. That said, there was enough of a serious edge in the tone that perhaps there was some truth to what Sophia was saying. The German seemed to take this training seriously, looking to bring Asp closer towards her own level.
"That said, we can also work on holds if you would like next time? From what I recall your ground game is good, but there is always room for improvement. I can teach you a few techniques, and perhaps you can share a few of your tricks with me." Sophia added in a more pleasant manner, taking another modest sip of her water. Despite the hard and long hour, it was alarming to see that Sophia did not show any real signs of fatigue. For certain there was a layer of sweat upon her alluring skin, but her breathing was calm and controlled, and she was not downing her water as if she was dying of thirst.
Sophia shifted to grab a towel next, lightly dabbing her forehead before she passed a spare towards Asp. There was a small moment of silence as it looked like Sophia was contemplating something. However, she managed a small smile once Asp would take the towel... whatever it was that was on her mind had passed, though Sophia still spoke before the silence had a chance to become awkward.
"You are welcome to stay for a while if you so desire. You can use my facilities to shower and freshen up. I can cook us something for later on... or we can get takeout. It would be my treat. I think we have probably earned it after that session." Sophia would say, seemingly eager to have Asp at least remain in her place for a while. Sophia's apartment was of significant quality, with perhaps more rooms than she would ever need, all surprisingly spacious yet populated by modern furniture. The room they were in now was probably the largest, potentially designed to be a master bedroom. Yet Sophia had fashioned it into a personal training room and gym of sorts. On the far side of the room was several fitness apparatus, whilst the rest of the room had the makings of a dojo-esque space. The mats Sophia had dragged out for the session were of the highest quality, soft yet somehow firm. Asp might have felt like she could leap upwards and land on her rear and not suffer for the impact. Yet when she walked upon it, her feet did not sink in, allowing for graceful movements.
Beyond the windows was the city in all its glory, the sun slowly coming to set as the lights of the apartment auto adjusted to compensate for the encroaching darkness. It made for a splendid room, but the same could not be stated for the rest of the apartment. Sophia's home was modern and of the highest design which could be complimented, yet tragically it felt like nothing like Asp's own home, holding no real personality. The art and decor, whilst nice and well designed, lacked passion or pride, no doubt already present when Sophia purchased it. Everything was clean and immaculate, yet there was a coldness that lingered, no soul to welcome the heart like in Asp's splendid abode. Sophia lived here... but it did not feel lived in. The only room that possessed any semblance of passion was the one they stood in now, great effort had been made to fashion a dojo like room... and one could not help but wonder if there was any other passion Sophia Wolfe possessed beyond her desire to better herself and fight. Asp had almost seen every seemingly soulless room... but at least there remained a single enigma... there was but one unexplored room which Sophia had not even mentioned, but Asp had seen during her three visits here. A locked room that remained a mystery.
"If you are not busy this evening... you are welcome to stay the night." Sophia added, though this time there was a bit of a nervous edge creeping into her voice. A sleep over seemed like a significant step for Sophia to request. Perhaps she was trying to build the courage to speak about what was on her mind, building more ins than there were outs. Perhaps there was something for Asp to work with here...
"That said, we can also work on holds if you would like next time? From what I recall your ground game is good, but there is always room for improvement. I can teach you a few techniques, and perhaps you can share a few of your tricks with me." Sophia added in a more pleasant manner, taking another modest sip of her water. Despite the hard and long hour, it was alarming to see that Sophia did not show any real signs of fatigue. For certain there was a layer of sweat upon her alluring skin, but her breathing was calm and controlled, and she was not downing her water as if she was dying of thirst.
Sophia shifted to grab a towel next, lightly dabbing her forehead before she passed a spare towards Asp. There was a small moment of silence as it looked like Sophia was contemplating something. However, she managed a small smile once Asp would take the towel... whatever it was that was on her mind had passed, though Sophia still spoke before the silence had a chance to become awkward.
"You are welcome to stay for a while if you so desire. You can use my facilities to shower and freshen up. I can cook us something for later on... or we can get takeout. It would be my treat. I think we have probably earned it after that session." Sophia would say, seemingly eager to have Asp at least remain in her place for a while. Sophia's apartment was of significant quality, with perhaps more rooms than she would ever need, all surprisingly spacious yet populated by modern furniture. The room they were in now was probably the largest, potentially designed to be a master bedroom. Yet Sophia had fashioned it into a personal training room and gym of sorts. On the far side of the room was several fitness apparatus, whilst the rest of the room had the makings of a dojo-esque space. The mats Sophia had dragged out for the session were of the highest quality, soft yet somehow firm. Asp might have felt like she could leap upwards and land on her rear and not suffer for the impact. Yet when she walked upon it, her feet did not sink in, allowing for graceful movements.
Beyond the windows was the city in all its glory, the sun slowly coming to set as the lights of the apartment auto adjusted to compensate for the encroaching darkness. It made for a splendid room, but the same could not be stated for the rest of the apartment. Sophia's home was modern and of the highest design which could be complimented, yet tragically it felt like nothing like Asp's own home, holding no real personality. The art and decor, whilst nice and well designed, lacked passion or pride, no doubt already present when Sophia purchased it. Everything was clean and immaculate, yet there was a coldness that lingered, no soul to welcome the heart like in Asp's splendid abode. Sophia lived here... but it did not feel lived in. The only room that possessed any semblance of passion was the one they stood in now, great effort had been made to fashion a dojo like room... and one could not help but wonder if there was any other passion Sophia Wolfe possessed beyond her desire to better herself and fight. Asp had almost seen every seemingly soulless room... but at least there remained a single enigma... there was but one unexplored room which Sophia had not even mentioned, but Asp had seen during her three visits here. A locked room that remained a mystery.
"If you are not busy this evening... you are welcome to stay the night." Sophia added, though this time there was a bit of a nervous edge creeping into her voice. A sleep over seemed like a significant step for Sophia to request. Perhaps she was trying to build the courage to speak about what was on her mind, building more ins than there were outs. Perhaps there was something for Asp to work with here...
- BlackAkuma
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
Asp couldn't help but laugh when Sophia spoke of ‘putting her on her rear’. Not that she doubted the woman’s ability to do that; she had demonstrated, time and time again, that she was perfectly capable of accomplishing such a feat with anyone on LAW’s roster, regardless of size, and she could certainly do it on a lightweight such as herself. But knowing who she was, knowing her demeanor and her ways, it was like being threatened by the smallest, cutest dog - she was absolutely adorable, in that way.
She moved over to her things, stuffed in a bag near the couch, and began to pull out a change of clothing - a long, black skirt and a matching tube top, casual wear. While she wasn’t ashamed of her form, even she wasn’t so brazen as to go out into the city dressed in her dancing attire, as fun as it would’ve been to see the reactions.
Her first reflex was to change then and there, accustomed to doing so in the presence of other women from her time with the troupe, but she stopped herself before she could more than take off her shoes. Given how skittish Sophia could be about such things, the last thing she wanted was for her host to feel uncomfortable. She had nearly made the same mistake a couple of times in the German’s presence, old habits dying hard.
”My ‘ground game’? Is that what the kids are calling it, these days?” She couldn't help but throw in a little tease, recalling their first match quite fondly. Rolling around with Sophia had been an erotic experience, despite her host's best efforts to avoid it, though she was well aware that her unique approach had been the secret to her success. ”We could give it a try sometime, perhaps. Though I’m not sure you and I share the same philosophy and goals when things turn…” She turned her wrist about, searching for the most acceptable word. ”...horizontal.” It would have to do.
She quirked an eyebrow at Sophia’s offer to stay the night - not that it was unwelcome, she had often dreamt of spending a night with Asp, though she doubted her fantasies were anything like what her host had in mind. Even so, it was an odd thing to allow, given what she knew of her relationship with Katherine Hart. While she was sure the two trusted each other, there was still the appearance of impropriety. Asp was an unapologetic hentai wrestler, and had made no secret of that in their first encounter, nor of her lust for Sophia, unrequited as it may be.
”Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to cause any troubles. I treasure our time together, but…” She slowed in her unpacking and looked over her shoulder. ”Sophia, is everything all right? You seem out of sorts.”
She moved over to her things, stuffed in a bag near the couch, and began to pull out a change of clothing - a long, black skirt and a matching tube top, casual wear. While she wasn’t ashamed of her form, even she wasn’t so brazen as to go out into the city dressed in her dancing attire, as fun as it would’ve been to see the reactions.
Her first reflex was to change then and there, accustomed to doing so in the presence of other women from her time with the troupe, but she stopped herself before she could more than take off her shoes. Given how skittish Sophia could be about such things, the last thing she wanted was for her host to feel uncomfortable. She had nearly made the same mistake a couple of times in the German’s presence, old habits dying hard.
”My ‘ground game’? Is that what the kids are calling it, these days?” She couldn't help but throw in a little tease, recalling their first match quite fondly. Rolling around with Sophia had been an erotic experience, despite her host's best efforts to avoid it, though she was well aware that her unique approach had been the secret to her success. ”We could give it a try sometime, perhaps. Though I’m not sure you and I share the same philosophy and goals when things turn…” She turned her wrist about, searching for the most acceptable word. ”...horizontal.” It would have to do.
She quirked an eyebrow at Sophia’s offer to stay the night - not that it was unwelcome, she had often dreamt of spending a night with Asp, though she doubted her fantasies were anything like what her host had in mind. Even so, it was an odd thing to allow, given what she knew of her relationship with Katherine Hart. While she was sure the two trusted each other, there was still the appearance of impropriety. Asp was an unapologetic hentai wrestler, and had made no secret of that in their first encounter, nor of her lust for Sophia, unrequited as it may be.
”Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to cause any troubles. I treasure our time together, but…” She slowed in her unpacking and looked over her shoulder. ”Sophia, is everything all right? You seem out of sorts.”
- thesteedman
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
Asp's response to Sophia's suggestion did fashion a slight shade of red upon the angelic but scarred German's cheeks. It was a quick reminder that Asp was indeed a different kind of wrestler to Wolfe herself, and without a doubt Asp would no doubt gain some joy from training in 'ground game'. The first time the two had met each other was in the ring, and Asp had nearly undone the normally fierce Sophia by taking the fight to her own level, flustering Sophia with sensual looking holds as well as using her lips as a weapon. Fortunately Sophia had managed to rally when it mattered, but Asp had certainly taken advantage of what was once a terrible weakness. Thanks to her lover and Asp in unison, Sophia was getting a better defence against such arts.
"Oh! Well... I am not completely against it. I am improving when it comes to defence against the arts of... your fighting style." Sophia would confess. As much as it tended to fluster her, and as much as she disagreed with involving herself in that part of LAW, regrettably it was a part of the federation. So many wrestlers bled into both fields, wrestling seriously whilst others indulged in the more expressive and sensual side of LAW which was equally popular to the mainstream side. As such, Sophia had been subjected to moves and strategies that tested her will. Sophia hated it, but she was indeed getting better at dealing with it. If anyone could help her improve her defences, it was better to be from her friends and allies in a more controlled environment. Plus... it was not today's problem, giving her plenty of time to prepare herself.
What she did not have time to prepare herself for was Asp, who was very much aware that Sophia was holding something back. Whilst she wanted to bypass the matter, it seemed subconsciously Sophia was doing everything to give herself an opportunity to talk to Asp, from inviting her for dinner to having her stay. Such things would have come across as the norm in truth as Sophia was more than willing to host her new friend, very much enjoying her company despite their varied philosophies and nature. Her expression shifted when Asp would ask if everything was alright, looking a little nervous. The commanding presence Asp had experienced had vanished now that Sophia was faced with the real world, no longer able to hide behind her craft. Even her stance began to tell a story as she gripped at one arm in a defensive fashion, struggling to keep eye contact with Asp.
"Y... yes everything is fine. I just..." Sophia trailed off, taking a deep and controlled breath.
"I am just concerned... and I... I may need your help with something very personal." Sophia would finally conceded that it was best if she stopped tittering over the matter.
"My relationship with Katze... Katherine. It is moving forwards to a new step. It is amazing but it.... it is frightening me a little bit too. I... do not have a lot of experience with things like this. I have only ever had one girlfriend before Kat and it.. it was not a good relationship. With Kat it... it feels different and so special. I did not know what it was to feel what I feel when I am with her. We... took things to the next level, and it has been amazing, fantastic. I just... I am worried because I do not know what I am doing, and I want to make certain I am satisfying Katze, because she makes me feel like I am the most important person in the world at times. I want her to feel the same way when she's with me." Sophia would explain, sharing what was no doubt a very difficult thing for her given her usual temperament.
"Can... can you help me?" Sophia whispered nervously, the look upon her angelic features had something akin to desperation. Sophia was not the most expressive of people, but Asp could see she was very serious.
"Oh! Well... I am not completely against it. I am improving when it comes to defence against the arts of... your fighting style." Sophia would confess. As much as it tended to fluster her, and as much as she disagreed with involving herself in that part of LAW, regrettably it was a part of the federation. So many wrestlers bled into both fields, wrestling seriously whilst others indulged in the more expressive and sensual side of LAW which was equally popular to the mainstream side. As such, Sophia had been subjected to moves and strategies that tested her will. Sophia hated it, but she was indeed getting better at dealing with it. If anyone could help her improve her defences, it was better to be from her friends and allies in a more controlled environment. Plus... it was not today's problem, giving her plenty of time to prepare herself.
What she did not have time to prepare herself for was Asp, who was very much aware that Sophia was holding something back. Whilst she wanted to bypass the matter, it seemed subconsciously Sophia was doing everything to give herself an opportunity to talk to Asp, from inviting her for dinner to having her stay. Such things would have come across as the norm in truth as Sophia was more than willing to host her new friend, very much enjoying her company despite their varied philosophies and nature. Her expression shifted when Asp would ask if everything was alright, looking a little nervous. The commanding presence Asp had experienced had vanished now that Sophia was faced with the real world, no longer able to hide behind her craft. Even her stance began to tell a story as she gripped at one arm in a defensive fashion, struggling to keep eye contact with Asp.
"Y... yes everything is fine. I just..." Sophia trailed off, taking a deep and controlled breath.
"I am just concerned... and I... I may need your help with something very personal." Sophia would finally conceded that it was best if she stopped tittering over the matter.
"My relationship with Katze... Katherine. It is moving forwards to a new step. It is amazing but it.... it is frightening me a little bit too. I... do not have a lot of experience with things like this. I have only ever had one girlfriend before Kat and it.. it was not a good relationship. With Kat it... it feels different and so special. I did not know what it was to feel what I feel when I am with her. We... took things to the next level, and it has been amazing, fantastic. I just... I am worried because I do not know what I am doing, and I want to make certain I am satisfying Katze, because she makes me feel like I am the most important person in the world at times. I want her to feel the same way when she's with me." Sophia would explain, sharing what was no doubt a very difficult thing for her given her usual temperament.
"Can... can you help me?" Sophia whispered nervously, the look upon her angelic features had something akin to desperation. Sophia was not the most expressive of people, but Asp could see she was very serious.
- BlackAkuma
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
Ah, one of Asp’s new favorite pastimes: Making Sophia blush. It wasn’t difficult, with intimacy being such a foreign concept to the German that she might as well have given out a How-To Guide on how to drive her up a wall, but the lack of difficulty didn’t make it any less entertaining.
To be fair, Sophia seemed to be improving in that regard. While she didn’t know and wouldn’t presume to guess what went on in her bedroom, from what she knew of Kat Hart, the woman had never shied away from intimacy, and she wouldn’t expect that to change in a real relationship. Asp still recalled their first match, when the German could be flustered by a simple touch in the wrong - or right - place, when her emotions were so easily manipulated. Exploiting that weakness was likely the only reason she had done as well as she had. If Sophia ever truly reaches a point where she ignores sensuality, or better yet, uses it herself, then she might become unstoppable.
She would’ve loved to tease the woman a little, see what cute reactions she could coax out of the blonde beauty, but she was caught off guard by the subtle change in demeanor. She couldn't keep a small frown from coming out as the woman voiced her worries and concerns. She found herself swimming in uncharted territory, completely adrift.
”I…do not know if I’m the best person to talk to about such things. Being truthful, I’m not a believer in monogamous relationships, and I’ve never been in one. So it is not the easiest thing for me to relate to.” She reached over and took Sophia’s hand, cupping it in hers to give some comfort. ”But I will do my best. If nothing else, I’m a good listener.”
Asp pulled Sophia along and led her to sit on the couch beside her, keeping her close, but not too close. ”Let’s start at the beginning and build from there. See where you’re coming from before we discuss where you’re going.” She gave the German’s hand a reassuring squeeze. ”Your last partner. Tell me about them.”
To be fair, Sophia seemed to be improving in that regard. While she didn’t know and wouldn’t presume to guess what went on in her bedroom, from what she knew of Kat Hart, the woman had never shied away from intimacy, and she wouldn’t expect that to change in a real relationship. Asp still recalled their first match, when the German could be flustered by a simple touch in the wrong - or right - place, when her emotions were so easily manipulated. Exploiting that weakness was likely the only reason she had done as well as she had. If Sophia ever truly reaches a point where she ignores sensuality, or better yet, uses it herself, then she might become unstoppable.
She would’ve loved to tease the woman a little, see what cute reactions she could coax out of the blonde beauty, but she was caught off guard by the subtle change in demeanor. She couldn't keep a small frown from coming out as the woman voiced her worries and concerns. She found herself swimming in uncharted territory, completely adrift.
”I…do not know if I’m the best person to talk to about such things. Being truthful, I’m not a believer in monogamous relationships, and I’ve never been in one. So it is not the easiest thing for me to relate to.” She reached over and took Sophia’s hand, cupping it in hers to give some comfort. ”But I will do my best. If nothing else, I’m a good listener.”
Asp pulled Sophia along and led her to sit on the couch beside her, keeping her close, but not too close. ”Let’s start at the beginning and build from there. See where you’re coming from before we discuss where you’re going.” She gave the German’s hand a reassuring squeeze. ”Your last partner. Tell me about them.”
- thesteedman
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
Asp guided Sophia from her converted training room to the more spacious living area of her abode. It was early afternoon, and as such there was still good lighting from the outside. Guided towards her own modern designed couch, Asp would gently pull her down to further try and guide her to sit besides the red haired beauty. Still clad in their training attires, Asp wore little. Her yoga pants clung to her figure, leaving her legs completely bare whilst a thin sports bra coated her chest, leaving her slightly glistening flesh on display along with all the well-shaped definition being a dancer and performer had gifted her.
She slid close, one of her knees coming to brush along the knee of Sophia as she kept hold of her hand in a soft and gentle grasp. The mention of her last partner took Sophia off guard a little. The platinum blonde beauty realised all at once that she never really spoke about her, and that in Asp's presence she had let slip that she had been in a toxic relationship. Sophia was unsure what to say, she did not hold desire to speak ill of others even if they had wronged her. The German was so private about her personal life, so quiet about these things. Was it simply because she had no friends to speak of until now? No one knew of how her parents mistreated her, what trials and tribulations she had to endure to become the woman she had despite all that life had thrown at her. Nor did she ever talk about her past... or how she received her vicious scar that remained etched against her angelic features.
There was a pause as Sophia inhaled quietly, squeezing Asp’s hand softly within her own to try and draw some strength and courage. Sophia had never really opened up before, this was all so new to her just like everything else. Still… she had mentioned this past trouble to Asp, and now she desired to hear more, to shoulder this. Her friendship was greatly valued, and for the first time in a long time, Sophia allowed herself to relax.
"I used to think she loved me... and for a time, I shared what I thought was the same feelings for her. In truth I think she was merely infatuated with my strength and ability as a fighter. We were lovers but we were also rivals. Looking back, I used to let her get away with so much. It is only now, that I see how much she mistreated me. There were happy moments to be certain, but they were so few. I do not like to talk about her... but if you must know the kind of character she possessed, she was the one who gave me this." Sophia ran her hand softly over her eye, tracing over the mark that ran down it. There was a pause as Sophia took a moment, feeling the shift in skin tone as her fingers ran over the scar.
"It always horrified me even to this day, that she was so astonished and bewildered that I ended our relationship after she inflicted such an injury on me, as if it was her right to do what she wanted to me. To scar me like she did." Sophia trailed off. It was clear her scar was a bit of a sensitive subject, with Sophia believing herself to be hideous because of it. Her eye was half closed where the marred skin ran down, no doubt taking considerably more effort to open then her untouched eye.
"I did not want to be in a relationship ever again after that, it felt like it hurt too much. Joining LAW and encountering so many twisted people... that stance did not change. But... then I met Katze. She makes me feel like... I belong. At least I think that is what it is... It is something I have never felt before. I just... I do not want to ruin what I have with her... simply because I'm too scared or... because I do not know what I am doing. I... I want to be certain that I make her feel the way she makes me feel. I want her to know how I feel beyond... just words." Sophia spoke, glancing towards Asp with a look of quiet desperation, hoping to hear an answer to all of her riddles and woes.
She slid close, one of her knees coming to brush along the knee of Sophia as she kept hold of her hand in a soft and gentle grasp. The mention of her last partner took Sophia off guard a little. The platinum blonde beauty realised all at once that she never really spoke about her, and that in Asp's presence she had let slip that she had been in a toxic relationship. Sophia was unsure what to say, she did not hold desire to speak ill of others even if they had wronged her. The German was so private about her personal life, so quiet about these things. Was it simply because she had no friends to speak of until now? No one knew of how her parents mistreated her, what trials and tribulations she had to endure to become the woman she had despite all that life had thrown at her. Nor did she ever talk about her past... or how she received her vicious scar that remained etched against her angelic features.
There was a pause as Sophia inhaled quietly, squeezing Asp’s hand softly within her own to try and draw some strength and courage. Sophia had never really opened up before, this was all so new to her just like everything else. Still… she had mentioned this past trouble to Asp, and now she desired to hear more, to shoulder this. Her friendship was greatly valued, and for the first time in a long time, Sophia allowed herself to relax.
"I used to think she loved me... and for a time, I shared what I thought was the same feelings for her. In truth I think she was merely infatuated with my strength and ability as a fighter. We were lovers but we were also rivals. Looking back, I used to let her get away with so much. It is only now, that I see how much she mistreated me. There were happy moments to be certain, but they were so few. I do not like to talk about her... but if you must know the kind of character she possessed, she was the one who gave me this." Sophia ran her hand softly over her eye, tracing over the mark that ran down it. There was a pause as Sophia took a moment, feeling the shift in skin tone as her fingers ran over the scar.
"It always horrified me even to this day, that she was so astonished and bewildered that I ended our relationship after she inflicted such an injury on me, as if it was her right to do what she wanted to me. To scar me like she did." Sophia trailed off. It was clear her scar was a bit of a sensitive subject, with Sophia believing herself to be hideous because of it. Her eye was half closed where the marred skin ran down, no doubt taking considerably more effort to open then her untouched eye.
"I did not want to be in a relationship ever again after that, it felt like it hurt too much. Joining LAW and encountering so many twisted people... that stance did not change. But... then I met Katze. She makes me feel like... I belong. At least I think that is what it is... It is something I have never felt before. I just... I do not want to ruin what I have with her... simply because I'm too scared or... because I do not know what I am doing. I... I want to be certain that I make her feel the way she makes me feel. I want her to know how I feel beyond... just words." Sophia spoke, glancing towards Asp with a look of quiet desperation, hoping to hear an answer to all of her riddles and woes.
- BlackAkuma
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Re: New Teachings... [Asp - Sophia]
This was not the first time Asp had asked Sophia about her past. She had done it the very first time they met, when she inquired about her scar. Admittedly, she had primarily been teasing at the time, trying to get some reaction out of the stoic, taciturn woman, but she did have genuine interest. To the surprise of no one, getting to know her on a friendlier level had done nothing to quell her intrigue, but the German stayed so guarded, so private, so remote. It made what little nuggets Asp could gleam far more valuable than if she let them go freely, making mining them a more worthwhile endeavor.
Asp sat by and leaned in close, ensuring Sophia knew where her full attention was when she spoke. Not that the woman would’ve had any reason to doubt, but unspoken cues were important in matters such as this, reinforcing her deep personal feelings. She sat still, focused forward, and let the woman get out everything she had to say, and it turned out to be no small sum of information.
Asp was tempted to interject several times throughout the story, mostly wanting to console her friend, but she fought the need to do so right away, content to merely squeeze her hand and rub her shoulders as she spoke, helping her along with light support. She could tell that simply getting out these words was a Herculean effort, recounting a dark chapter of her past, but this was healthy - such emotions did harm the more she held them in, poisoning the mind and body like a disease.
When she was done, Asp let silence reign for a few moments, smiling warmly her way. When it passed, she spoke after a deep sigh. ”Thank you. I know that could not have been easy, but I appreciate you sharing more than words can convey.” She leaned forward just enough to touch their foreheads together, then moved back.
”I don’t know Katherine, but Katherine knows you. She knows who you are, what you are like, and who she’s getting in a relationship with—and she still wants it. I don’t think you should rush into intimacy. Doing so only risks putting you in an unprepared situation.”
Asp spoke carefully now. She pulled away, drew her legs in closer, and folded her arms. ”That being said, if you are open to it, I could give you some general pointers about intimacy that might help you along. But, if at any point you grow uncomfortable or feel I’m taking liberties, you must promise to let me know. Understand?”
Asp sat by and leaned in close, ensuring Sophia knew where her full attention was when she spoke. Not that the woman would’ve had any reason to doubt, but unspoken cues were important in matters such as this, reinforcing her deep personal feelings. She sat still, focused forward, and let the woman get out everything she had to say, and it turned out to be no small sum of information.
Asp was tempted to interject several times throughout the story, mostly wanting to console her friend, but she fought the need to do so right away, content to merely squeeze her hand and rub her shoulders as she spoke, helping her along with light support. She could tell that simply getting out these words was a Herculean effort, recounting a dark chapter of her past, but this was healthy - such emotions did harm the more she held them in, poisoning the mind and body like a disease.
When she was done, Asp let silence reign for a few moments, smiling warmly her way. When it passed, she spoke after a deep sigh. ”Thank you. I know that could not have been easy, but I appreciate you sharing more than words can convey.” She leaned forward just enough to touch their foreheads together, then moved back.
”I don’t know Katherine, but Katherine knows you. She knows who you are, what you are like, and who she’s getting in a relationship with—and she still wants it. I don’t think you should rush into intimacy. Doing so only risks putting you in an unprepared situation.”
Asp spoke carefully now. She pulled away, drew her legs in closer, and folded her arms. ”That being said, if you are open to it, I could give you some general pointers about intimacy that might help you along. But, if at any point you grow uncomfortable or feel I’m taking liberties, you must promise to let me know. Understand?”
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