Calling Out A Challenger

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Calling Out A Challenger

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina was wearing her wrestling attire, complete with her LAW Heavyweight Championship over her shoulder. She was walking through the arena halls after having just spoken to Nashi and it was time for her to seek out a challenger.

Her music began to play and she entered the arena flexing while holding her title belt high as the crowd roared. The 49 year old strut her way down to the ring with a mic in hand smiling all the way. As she walked up the ring steps and through the ropes she posed with the title again in the middle of the ring before holding up the mic.

"Hello everyone, it is great to be here and STILL as your LAW Heavyweight Champion after now nine successful defenses." Alaina said nodding along as the crowd cheered. "I am here because you know I don't shy away from challenges or matches. I don't sit back and only show up to wreslte at PPVs or Supercards. I am here to offer any qualifying challenger in the back the chance to come out here and face me for the LAW Heavyweight Championship in a match of their choice that they belive gives then a leg up on me. I want to have things stacked against me to prove that this old amazon ages like a fine wine, able to beat anyone in whatever situation! So whaddya say ladies? Who is woman enough to take on the amazon?"

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Re: Calling Out A Challenger

Unread post by SRG »

The crowd was in aw of Alaina, despite what happened at Fight the LAW, the Amazon was still willing to put up another title defense and wanted to see if anyone had the guts to come down and face her right then and now with rules of their own choice!

The lights went dark before turning into gold and black as the challenger would appear right then and there at the top of the ramp.... it was KIRA KUSANAGI!!!! She came out with her WOWW Championship Title firmly around her waist as she came out with a grin as evil as you could imagine. She sauntered slowly out raising her arms as she took in a mixture of cheers and boos from the stance not caring but enjoying the attention after being away for so long.

She climbed up the steps and sild through the ropes before gesturing for a mic of her own."I must say Alaina it's quiet impressive that those old bones still work after Bast crushed you from the inside out." She snickered as she placed her hand on her belt before looking back up at her foe."I am still the undisputed champion of WOWW so why not we grand the audience a good show eh? Champion vs Champion in... A BARBED WIRE DEATHMATCH!!!!!!!!" She shouted at the end for dramatic effect letting everyone know this wouldn't be a typical title match but instead one where they could receive injuries that could permanently end their career! She took a moment as the crowd began to cheer at the idea of Alaina competing in a death match before Kira unhooked her belt and gave it to the ref and folded her arms."So Alaina do you accept?" She grinned as people on the outside already began wrapping the barbed wire around the ropes as the audience waited for a response from the Amazon.
Last edited by SRG on Fri May 03, 2024 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Calling Out A Challenger

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina held her title high and then handed it to the official, her hands up as she bounced foot to foot. "All right, lets do it. The LAW Heavyweight Championship is on the line as we clash in a barbed wire match! Now hurry up and get down here so I can show the world the difference between a real fighting womens wrestling champion and a fraud like you!" Alaina shouted as she motioned for Kira to come down! The amazon was ready to roll and she had a brutal title defense on her hands right here! She felt the adrenaline surge and was getting amped up by the cheering crowd as she was ready to take on Kira.

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Re: Calling Out A Challenger

Unread post by SRG »

"Oh ho, I think the only fraud is the woman who belongs in a retirement home!" She fired back causing some members of the crowd to sit back saying."Oh no she didn't!"Soon enough, Kira would get into her corner making sure to not touch the new barbed wire that was placed there.


Just like that the bell rang with Kira immediately going on the offensive against her opponent. Kira would aim for a lockup with the Amazon but in her own special way. If Alaina accepted the lockup, Kira would immediately go for a knee shot just right above Alaina's goodies to hopefully stun her! Had Kira been successful she would try and grab Alaina's arm and went to irish whip her straight into the ropes to begin the destruction of the Amazon!
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Re: Calling Out A Challenger

Unread post by Highfly »

Alaina moved in for the lock up but the cheap shot caught her off guard! Alaina stumbled back a step as she was grabbed and sent running to the ropes! As she ran her back racked against the barbed wore and Alaina groaned in pain, stumbling forward as the wire dug into her back! She grit her teeth and tried to move back towards Kira.

When she got close Alaina would try to grab her by the arm to whip her to the ropes to return the favor!

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