'Thunder' Storm MacIntosh vs. Wendy Winston - The War Below

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'Thunder' Storm MacIntosh vs. Wendy Winston - The War Below

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Match Type Facesit War
Victory Conditions: Whoever scores the most submissions or knockouts via facesit in a thirty-minute period will be declared the winner. Anything Goes, No Disqualifications, No Count-Outs


Wendy Winston was pissed off.

Oh, this was far from the first time she'd been angry, true. It didn’t take a whole lot to piss her off in the first place, she had something of a hair-trigger temper, and she was more or less permanently in that zone, especially since she’d gotten to Japan. It seemed like every other day there was something that would tick her off a little, varying degrees of annoyances that would graduate into serious pains in her asses. During her time in LAW, she’d wracked up a fairly impressive little list of people she hated and people who hated her back just as much.

But none of them - not a single fucking one - had ever managed to piss her off quite like Storm Macintosh. Not even close.

It had been one week since Storm and Lyssa had invaded Wendy’s apartment and ran roughshod all over her. One week since they’d tied her up, humiliated her, beat the shit out of her, and spread the film all over the internet. One week since Lyssa used her face for a vibrator and Storm smothered her into unconsciousness. One week since she’d woken up with Lyssa’s cum-soaked thong stuffed in her mouth.

One. Long. Week.

Ever since that invasion, Wendy had spent her time doing two things, mostly. First, she tried to scrub the file off the internet, without much luck. She was able to get it off her website, but it had already started proliferating by the time she’d woken up, downloaded and appeared on a host of free porn sites. Getting it off PornHub was easy enough, but most of the other sites either gave her lip service and did nothing or just outright ignored her. Even if they all deleted the thing, it would just pop up on forums for free downloads. It was in the wild, dispersed, and the toothpaste was out of the tube. Nothing she could do about it. Fuck.

The second thing she did, though, was to speak with LAW management and demand a match with Storm. Not just any match, either. After what that woman did, Wendy wouldn’t be content with facesitting her once, or even twice. No, she wanted to sit on that face again and again and again. She wanted to sit on her so much that, when she was done, she’d walk up the ramp with an imprint on her face and leave no doubt as to who was the true queen of ass-smothering in LAW, the sort of beating that would ensure no one ever did what Storm did again.

It took no shortage of cajoling, calling, and outright irritating the upper officials, but she finally got what she wanted.

The LAW crowd erupted as Wendy’s
played, but they wouldn’t have long to enjoy it. She came storming out from behind the curtain, a microphone in hand, shrieking all the way down the ramp.

”Turn it off! Turn off the music!” She scrambled up on the apron and nearly tripped on the ropes getting into the ring, in too much of a hurry to even care. ”Storm! Thunder! Whatever-the-fuck you call yourself! She stomped around the ring, nearly knocking the referee out of the way as she went. ”Get your flabby butt out here right the fuck now, you stupid cunt! They’re gonna need a goddamn crowbar to get your face out of my ass, I swear to god!” She hurled the microphone out of the ring and continued pacing, fuming with every step.
Wendy, Not In A Good Mood
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Re: 'Thunder' Storm MacIntosh vs. Wendy Winston - The War Below

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Humiliating Wendy in a well-executed, and by now, well-publicised rampage of revenge had left Storm with a warm glow of righteous achievement. By rights, the elation that came from kicking a bitch’s ass should have started to wear off by now… but Wendy’s scandalised reaction to getting a taste of her own medicine kept the whole thing brilliantly, hilariously fresh in Storm’s mind. Rather than move on from getting outmanoeuvred in her own apartment, Wendy had kicked up a loud, indignant fuss, culminating in tonight’s match. A ‘facesit war’, she’d been keen to call it.

Well Wendy, thought Storm, if it’s war you want, you’ve got it. The stoic Scot was utterly unfazed by her foe’s frenzied threats, and had been looking forward to this upcoming battle with relish. Wendy’s wounded pride had turned a backstage squabble into an arena-filling event. It was exactly the kind of reputation-building win that Storm had wanted to score since starting at LAW. If she had to claim it by forcing this bully to endure yet another faceful of butt… well, that was an excellent bonus.

Glimpsing through the curtain backstage to see Wendy’s petulant entrance, Storm could barely suppress a smirk. The woman was still angry, vein-throbbingly so. And whilst having a big-bodied, brutal-minded, butt-smothering Southerner call you out for a beating wasn’t necessarily good news, Storm was confident in her own abilities, enough that she could savour Wendy’s tantrum and even take heart from it. If she was this wound up now, imagine how funny her fury would be at suffering successive smothers, as Storm surely would subject her to.

Storm’s own entrance theme was a cheesy rock affair. She didn’t always enjoy the extended opening, being a mid-rate show woman herself, a pugilist rather than a performer. But god, she enjoyed the anticipation-building riffs tonight, stalling her entrance as Wendy seethed impotently in the centre of the ring.

Finally, the music swelled, the vocals calling ‘Thunder’ and Storm taking the opportunity to show herself. Her smirking was very much still in evidence as she strode down the ring, raising a fist as the fans reacted positively to her appearance.

As well they might – Storm had dressed in accordance with the provocative match type, and come clad in a small black two-piece bikini, which struggled to contain her curves as she marched to the ring. Her grin widened as she reached the ring steps and caught Wendy’s eye. She hopped up keenly and ducked through the ropes.

“Did you just call my arse ‘flabby’?” she drawled sardonically, taking the opportunity to give her thong-clad rear a crowd-pleasing slap. “I think you meant ‘perfect’, but you’ll be getting plenty chances to change your opinion while I’m smothering your fuckin’ face with it… again!”

Storm stood tall in her corner, smiling, itching for the match bell to sound and the battle to begin. The battle that would decide this simmering feud, once and for all.
Black bikini
Lyssa Watts - Storm MacIntosh
Tag Team - Thunder & Lightning

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Re: 'Thunder' Storm MacIntosh vs. Wendy Winston - The War Below

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Wendy was much less pleased with Storm’s theme song than the woman herself. ”Oh my god, get the fuck out here, already!”

Wendy had been apoplectic with rage before she caught sight of the source of it all, so when Storm came out on the ramp, looking and smug and confident and cool…well, it didn't exactly alleviate her mood, to put it lightly. Just seeing the bitch brought back a whole flood of sensations, of getting shocked, getting beaten up, of having a pussy shoved in her face - which she didn’t totally hate, to be fair - and, most of all, of getting facesat into oblivion. It wasn’t the first time she’d had to taste her own medicine, but she couldn't recall it ever being done so brutally, and damn sure never on her home turf.

Her teeth ground down hard when she caught sight of the Scotswoman, seeing her clothed in a skimpy two-piece, perfect facesitting attire. Wendy let out a deep feral growl at the sight, already dreaming of choking the woman out with it. She was so proud of her inferior ass, the same ass she’d used to knock Wendy out.

The Backstage Bully swore she could feel Storm’s ass on her face for days after that, smell her, taste her, and those feelings only grew stronger as she made her way to the ring. Wendy managed to keep it together at first - still pacing back and forth and fuming, but she didn’t go running in straight away, held back for the moment. But when Storm spoke and made that little quip, with that smartass ‘again’ tagged on to the end of it…

Nope. Nope, she was done.

The referee had moved in between them and raised her hand to start the match, but Wendy came rushing out of the corner before she could bring her hand down, shoving her out of the way and rushing her rival head-on. There was no technique to it, no forethought, no planning. She just ran up to Storm and swung for the fences, hitting her with a barrage blows, not even caring where they landed so long as they hit something on this woman’s body.

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Re: 'Thunder' Storm MacIntosh vs. Wendy Winston - The War Below

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Storm had known this was going to be a tough fight. Expected it, relished it, even. Yet even she was surprised by the sheer, unhinged fury that unfolded when Wendy blew her top. Maybe it was the Southerner’s homecoming-queen good looks, utterly at odds with her feral personality, that made Storm forget – for a fraction of a second – how thuggish this bitch really was.

Seeing her opponent barge roughly past the ref girl put paid to any notions that this would be anything other than nasty, and ruthless. Quickly shelving her foray into pre-match banter, a shocked Storm brought her arms up instinctively, forearms covering her face. Wendy was soon on her, with a flurry of frenzied blows. The brunette was on the back foot, all defence, taking several harsh punches to her taut abdomen, forcing pained grunts from her lips. They were strong, angry thumps, and the wincing Storm knew that she could NOT stand there and take this for long. For every hard punch that landed, though, the defensive Scot managed to block or parry another with her forearms, and she weathered the initial assault without crumbling. Finally, she had enough presence of mind to launch a counterattack, seizing on one of Wendy’s wild, heavily-telegraphed punches to grab the Southerner’s arm. Storm span quickly, using the armlock to fling Wendy roughly into the nearby turnbuckle.

For good measure, Storm stepped up and fired a quick headbutt at the cornered wrestler’s face, wanting her opponent to know she wasn’t the only one who could play rough.
Lyssa Watts - Storm MacIntosh
Tag Team - Thunder & Lightning

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Re: 'Thunder' Storm MacIntosh vs. Wendy Winston - The War Below

Unread post by BlackAkuma »


Wendy had some pent-up rage to get out. Like, a lot of it.

She bumrushed Storm and laid into her, throwing out a whirlwind of wild strikes. She didn’t care where they landed, didn’t care if they were blocked, didn’t even bother putting up a guard to give herself some protection from a counterattack. It was 100% offense, a kamikaze strike, pushing the Scotswoman back step by step, letting out all her rage. She shrieked and cursed with every blow, and she was already starting to work up a sweat less than ten seconds in.

It worked well enough for a few seconds, but there was such a thing as diminishing returns, and they kicked in when Storm grabbed hold of her arm and sent her running off into the corner. She tried to push her way out and get back to swinging, but she was greeted with a headbutt, their two skulls cracking together and filling the arena with the sound of smacking coconuts.

”Fucking hell-” She fell back against the pads and shook her head, trying to clear her blurry vision, but it wasn’t happening. Still, she didn’t need to see much to know where Storm was at the moment, so she could work with that. She grabbed the ropes for support, lifted her lower body up, and shot her legs straight out, trying to drive both of her heels into Sotrm’s body’s at once and knock her away. ”Fuck off!”

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Re: 'Thunder' Storm MacIntosh vs. Wendy Winston - The War Below

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Storm was starting to think that the old adage about standing up to bullies wasn’t all that accurate. Wendy seemed the archetypal bully – hell, she’d gleefully adopted the moniker – and had definitely been stood up to (her painful public humiliation and smother harness session counts surely counting on that front)… and yet here she was, rage incarnate. Red hot hatred, all focused on Storm.

The Scotswoman was struggling to contain it. She thought she’d earned a reprieve, through the skilful counter and sharp headbutt, but it turned out a painful smack to the face was nowhere near enough to quell Wendy’s rage. The gap in Storm’s defence was seized upon with an energetic drop-kick, and the brunette grunted at the blow to her gut.

She staggered back, and dropped to her ass clumsily. Grimacing as pain shot through her tailbone, pain that served as a wake-up call that this grudge match was going to get nasty, and she would have to up her ruthlessness to survive Wendy’s onslaught.
Lyssa Watts - Storm MacIntosh
Tag Team - Thunder & Lightning

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Re: 'Thunder' Storm MacIntosh vs. Wendy Winston - The War Below

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There was no technique to anything Wendy was doing, no planning, no anything, she was just a ball of rage incarnate with a singular, focused target. Storm wasn’t dealing with the usual Backstage Bully, no - she was taking on nothing less than an unstoppable rage machine, a volcano with pressure that had been building up for days and was exploding all at once.

Wendy was not going to stop, ever, until Storm was screaming for mercy underneath her ass, and she was well on her way to making that happen, too. It seemed like the Scotswoman was making something of a comeback, but she put a stop to that before it could get anywhere and laid her foe out, leaving her flat on her ass.

The same ass that had been rubbing in her face.

The same ass she’d strapped to with a smother harness.

The same ass that had knocked her out her own damn apartment.

These little reminders did nothing to quell Wendy’s rage, no surprise, but it did give her a great idea of what to do next. While she didn’t often use the ropes for any of that highflying shit, she figured this was more than enough of a special occasion to warrant it.

With her hands still grabbed the ropes, Wendy pulled herself up, planted her feet on the middle rope, then leaped off with her legs straight out and her butt coming towards her opponent, looking to drive all of her weight into Storm’s chest with their favorite body part.

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Re: 'Thunder' Storm MacIntosh vs. Wendy Winston - The War Below

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Storm groaned and rubbed her back as she lay on the mat.

Okay, she told herself, this is going to be a rough old brawl. This was fine by her, she was hardly a goody two-shoes, and this fucking feral dog of an opponent obviously needed teaching another, harder, lesson. Hell, if Wendy was reduced to pure, unthinking rage, she could predict it and channel it. Make her look even more dumb than last time.

As Storm started to haul herself up from the canvas, and prepare for a down-and-dirty scrap, she was taken aback, again. This time from above.

A big girl herself, Storm lacked the speed to make good use of the top rope, and tended to avoid it. She assumed her similarly-built opponent would be the same, but it seemed she assumed wrong. Storm’s trip to the canvas had given Wendy enough time to get some air, and the Scot was suddenly faced with 180lbs of heavyweight flying towards her, butt-first.

“Agnghhhh!!” Storm gave a loud, pained grunt as gravity conspired against her, the heavy butt drop smacking into her chest and sending her flat on her back again, this time painfully pressed between the canvas, and the weight of Wendy’s body. The brunette convulsed, partly in shock and pain, and partly on instinct, as she tried to rock the white-haired girl off of her before she could get too comfortable in the top position.
Lyssa Watts - Storm MacIntosh
Tag Team - Thunder & Lightning

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Re: 'Thunder' Storm MacIntosh vs. Wendy Winston - The War Below

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

The drop wasn’t all that plenty for Wendy, either. As soft a target as Storm was, the human body wasn’t designed to come down like that. The impact sent a harsh shock up and down her tailbone. Once this match was over and the adrenaline ran out, she’d feel this impact every time she sat down, and she’d likely spend the next couple of weeks slipping on her chest.

But it was worth it for the look on Storm’s face, right before the impact. The shock, the surprise, the realization that she couldn't do anything to stop the freight train coming her way: All too perfect.

Wendy came down right on Storm’s chest, driving her hard into the canvas with her on top. Her first instinct was to slide forward and get in the first facesit of what would certainly be many, but that idea was nixed when her opponent bucked and threw her off to the side, forcing her to roll away, creating separation.

It was a gap Wendy wanted to close as soon as possible. She pushed up to her knees and shuffled up to her feet as she closed in, and she reached over to grab hold of her opponent’s hair as soon as she was close, yanking her up with two handfuls and jerking her head. ”Get the fuck up, get the fuck up!

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Re: 'Thunder' Storm MacIntosh vs. Wendy Winston - The War Below

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Storm’s big breasts ached from being used as a crash mat for Wendy’s butt. The impact had knocked air from the Scotswoman’s lungs and left her chest feeling unpleasantly bruised. At least she’d managed to throw her opponent off of her, but the reprieve was a brief one. Storm was still sprawled on the canvas, stunned from the aerial assault, when Wendy rallied and came calling for her. Again, the Southerner had moved with ferocious energy, scrambling back upright with an energy Storm couldn’t match, a big, foul-mouthed, ball of rage, already sinking her hands into Storm’s brown hair and roughly dragging the Scot to her feet.

It fucking hurt – a hairpull always did – but the sharp pain helped focus Storm’s frazzled senses. The match had been alarmingly one-way so far, and Storm knew she had to make a stand at some point, lest she be the one on the receiving end of a facesit. Wendy’s rage was palpable, but it was also becoming predictable. The white-haired wrestler was all offence, and Storm’s fighting instincts saw a chance to turn the tide.

As Wendy “helped” her up with the hateful hairpull, Storm’s groggy body suddenly came alive, using the rising momentum of their bodies to drill a fist straight upwards into Wendy’s crotch. The fans gasped at the brutal uppercut, drilling in between the standing woman’s spread thighs, a vital counter for the beleaguered Scot. Sure, it was cheap and dirty, but Storm needed to send a message that she’d scrap rough, if that’s what it took.

She’d be less keen to admit how badly she’d needed a break from Wendy’s relentless attacks, but now she had the opening, she was damn well going to use it. Storm would hug the crotched wrestler close, using her to haul herself upright, and wrapping a muscular arm around Wendy’s head to trap her in front headlock. She took a few steps to steady herself, and if she managed to keep Wendy under control, Storm would gather her strength and try and drop her shocked opponent to the mat in a falling DDT.
Lyssa Watts - Storm MacIntosh
Tag Team - Thunder & Lightning

Discord - hamish1024

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