The Darkness Caught Off Guard! Mikoto vs Louise

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Re: The Darkness Caught Off Guard! Mikoto vs Louise

Unread post by Kookio »

Mikoto was entirely out of it which was rare for someone like Mikoto, Louise had completely and utterly obliterated her to the point where she was barely conscious. The last thing the Defiant Darkness would see other than Darkness would be Louise's foot coming down upon her head, stomping her into the floor and snuffing out the last bit of consciousness the girl had left. At least for a while.
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Bearhug Goddess
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Re: The Darkness Caught Off Guard! Mikoto vs Louise

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Louise continued to crush her opponent's face with her foot while waiting for a member of the staff to call the two wrestlers to come on stage and after a few seconds it was their turns to enter the stage, more precisely to Louise who smiled with a proud look and grabbed Mikoto by the hair to straighten her up.

"Hey are you asleep? Well too bad, it's going to be an easy match~"

Mikoto was completely stunned, knocked out because of Louise's stomp and all the attacks she suffered. The poor wrestler had just been totally dominated and humiliated by the Frenchwoman who felt no remorse. Worse still, she felt pleasure from this scene. Everyone was going to talk about her, she was finally going to be popular for what she had just done and she hurried out of the locker room.
Louise's theme
Her theme started and Louise finally appeared on the ramp, dragging her opponent by the hair behind her. Everyone discovered Mikoto's condition at the same time and Louise's theme suddenly stopped. The public booed Louise who once again dared to spoil a match with one of her ambushes, the worst she could have done in her career.

But the self-named Goddess ignored the spectators once again, walking towards the ring with a big smile to throw Mikoto into the ring and join her afterwards... But the referee intervened right after. The bell rang and Louise was declared disqualified from this match, leaving Mikoto victorious even though she was unconscious. The referee stopped the Frenchwoman from climbing into the ring and Louise, already a little on edge because of the referee, became even more so when she heard the announcer announce the end of this match.


The public continued to boo the Frenchwoman even if some were delighted with this ending. Louise had just been beaten at her own game and she was not going to forget that immediately, that it was her opponent and all the LAW staff who had dared to humiliate her in this match won in advance. She was so angry that hitting her opponent or the referee didn't even cross her mind, she preferred to growl as she walked towards the locker room, pushing a few cameramen along the way out of pure frustration.

"Bunch of asshole."

Louise was going to be angry for a while because of this... Who knows who this anger would fall on one day?...

Last edited by Bearhug Goddess on Wed May 01, 2024 12:58 am, edited 2 times in total.
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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