Encountering a Legend

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Encountering a Legend

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Following a recent about against a rather tough opponent, Aurora Lund was making her down the halls of the LAW building. She was heading off towards her locker room, looking to shower off her sweat covered body. She released a rather loud huff of air as she wiped off the worst of the sweat from her face with a towel that had been handed to her by a stage-hand.

As she walked towards her locker room though, outside of it she caught the sight of quite a large woman. A tall and muscular blonde was waiting outside of Aurora's locker room. Of course it was a sight which only put a smile on the veterans face as she would walk up towards woman. Aurora was by no means a small woman, she was stood at 6'1" after all, but even so this other woman practically towered over her. Standing at 6'7"...she was certainly a specimen.
"I didn't think I'd see you tonight?" Aurora questioned though she had a warmth to her tone of voice and the smile on her face.

The large woman answered with a shrug of her shoulders. " I just thought it would be nice to grab a bite to eat after your match." She spoke out happily towards Aurora. After all, this was Aurora's daughter Cerridwen, she had recently moved to Japan and begun to train in the profession of wrestling. She mostly went to a small school not too far away, and in whatever spare time that Aurora had got lessons from her. It was by Cerridwen's choice, as she didn't want to emulate her mother's style too much and at least get a good base to work.

"That would be lovely, I have to freshen up a bit first though." Aurora spoke as she would wipe off some more sweat from her body. " Are you alright with waiting? Should we make a reservation somewhere?" She asked. From the looks of it, this was going to be a rather peaceful evening for the mother and daughter duo...perhaps things wouldn't go as smoothly as they hoped...

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Re: Encountering a Legend

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After making a very good impression in her debut as a wrestler, Britanny wanted to aim high and plan to face the best wrestlers in LAW to show that she was just as strong as them. Even though she was still very young and new to this sport, the Frenchwoman was able to stand out by showing very good performances, whether in technique, strength, endurance and smothering!
Her popularity was exponential, everyone was talking about this rising star who seemed to be wreaking havoc.

She also took advantage of her weeks without a match to see what the best LAW wrestlers were worth, those who were at the top of the bill. Obviously, not everyone interested her and some styles were even boring, according to the lady. But one woman stood out, an elegant and powerful blonde who caught Britanny's eye, she was exactly the kind of woman she was looking for, Aurora Lund

The story could have stopped there and ended with Britanny asking the staff for a match against Aurora but that wouldn't be significant enough. The Frenchwoman simply decided to introduce herself to her future opponent, walking towards her locker room while laughing while Aurora chatted with a person she didn't know.

"OHOHOHOH~ I know a very good restaurant not too far from here, I can invite you there if you want, Miss Lund~"

Britanny then imposed herself in a conversation and in a fairly private place, she clearly had nothing to do there but her audacity and her arrogance was rather impressive. She smiled mischievously at the blonde in front of her, having eyes only for her, and she stretched her hand forward to shake her hand, while introducing and revealing her intentions.

“Britanny Ysé, nice to meet you~ Congrat for this win, it was a great match.~ I would like to be your next opponent, you look quite worthy of my time~”
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Re: Encountering a Legend

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Both of the blondes eyes shifted along with their attention to the loud and rather obnoxious laugh of the buxom Ojou wearing that pristine white pants suit. Aurora was quite confused when a woman whom she didn't know offered to invite her to a restaurant. She raised her eyebrows a bit, wondering if this was supposed to a date invitation?

Cerridwen looked on at the woman, she watched as Brittany imposed herself on this rather private conversation of theirs. Worse than that, she was completely ignored from the looks of it. What was worse, was the way that she was talking to her mother?...something just struck Cerridwen the wrong way.

Aurora would bring her hand up to her face and scratch her cheek lightly, reaching her hand forward next to accept the handshake. " Pleasure to meet you Miss Ysé...? Am I saying that right? You seem to already know me well enough." Aurora spoke. She'd tilt her head a bit as she gave Brittany's idea some thought, she was being challenged from the looks of it. She was fairly used to being challenged, but usually not right after being offered a dinner date first. She was about to respond to the challenge when Cerridwen spoke up.

"Excuse me." The taller blonde spoke rather firmly, she'd step in next to Brittany and staredown the fellow tall woman. Standing just an inch taller than the white haired woman. " Unfortunately Aurora Lund is busy tonight." Cerridwen spoke sternly towards Brittany. She would place her hands on her hips in a power pose. " I'll be rather frank with you. Buzz off. If you want a match contact management or something."

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Re: Encountering a Legend

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It was clear that Britanny saw herself as the center of attention, she was a woman recognized around the world and was starting to make a name for herself as a wrestler, she wanted to continue to burnish her image by fighting against ever more female wrestlers. known and prestigious, Aurora was obviously a woman who lived up to her expectations. This is why Britanny said that Aurora would be a woman worthy of her time instead of saying that she was worthy in Aurora's time.

Just as Aurora was finally going to give her answer to the French woman, she was cut off by another woman who was in the room. A blonde, stronger and taller than Aurora, the kind of woman Britanny would have liked to face if she had a minimum of elegance. The Frenchwoman was a little frustrated with this stranger who dared to impose herself in a conversation between two real and powerful wrestlers.

"Who are you?~"

Britanny may have been angry at this huge woman imposing herself between her and Aurora, but she showed no animosity. She simply smiled at the tall woman and crossed her arms under her chest.

"Ohohoh~ You should not impose yourself in a conversation between two ladies, it is very rude and unsightly of you, young lady. I do not need to go through management, Lady Lund was about to respond to my ask, please excuse us and push you aside~"

Following her words to Cerridwen, the French woman moved forward slightly, shoving the tall blonde with her shoulder to once again find herself in front of her goal, Aurora Lund. She uncrossed her arms and clapped both hands together, showing a friendlier smile towards the little blonde.

"Forgive me about this, lady Lund, you were about to accept my request, weren't you ?~"
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Re: Encountering a Legend

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Cerridwen was quite annoyed with this woman who had imposed herself on the conversation that she was having with her mother, she didn't really have much in the way of respond to Britanny's words after she had asked who Cerridwen was. It wasn't like the Irish/Swede had much to say about that, she wasn't exactly a known quantity in the world of wrestling but still, what did annoy her was what Britanny had to say after that.

She was about to respond to Britanny but the white haired heavyweight decided to shove her shoulder into Cerridwen which caused the blonde to stumble back a step. Clicking her tongue out, she stepped right back up to Britanny and grabbed her by her shoulder, looking to spin Britanny around so she was facing Cerridwen.

"Look here. I'm not going to be lectured by someone like you. You imposed yourself on our conversation, and now you try to push me aside? Do you have zero self-awareness? We are busy, so how about you just get the hell out of here." The blonde barked out at Britanny as she would step right up into Britanny's face.

Aurora for the moment decided to take a step back, she folded her arms underneath her chest and tilted her head, deciding to watch what was unfolding. " Oh no, please continue Miss Ysé. You seem to be preoccupied at the moment. " She'd give a slight smile and a glance towards her daughter who seemed entirely focused on Britanny at the moment.
Last edited by Devastated on Mon Apr 01, 2024 11:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Encountering a Legend

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While the white and blue haired ojou only had eyes for Aurora and was waiting for her response, her attention was diverted, literally, to the third person in this room whom she had kindly pushed away few seconds ago. Cerridwen, Aurora Lundt's daughter, was far too enterprising a woman for the French's tastes. She had just touched Britanny, turned her around then stuck to her as if a staredown had just started, but Britanny was not interested in this woman. She turned her head slightly towards Aurora who showed a simple smile, amused by this scene.

"Uhhh.. I see I see.. What a pain !..~"

Britanny remained smiling at Aurora when their eyes met, but that smile faded when the ojou turned around to find herself facing Cerridwen. Britanny had no time to waste against a woman like her who had yet to prove anything in wrestling, it wasn't going to increase her popularity or make her more worthy of competing against stronger wrestlers and Britanny intended to make her understand it, with her words.

"Cerridwen, right ? As you can see, lady Lundt and myself are talented and famous wrestler unlike you who... Well, you are not a wrestler at all. You can proclaim yourself a wrestler like your mother because you joined LAW but you didn't have a match yet, did you ? Only REAL wrestler are allowed to use the locker rooms here, could you please leave this room?~"

Following her words, Britanny took a step forward to crush her chest and abs against Cerridwen's. The woman in front of her was normally slightly taller than her but Britanny was wearing heels. She slightly inflated her chest to make Cerridwen move backwards slightly, now taking on a more hostile and aggressive air.

"Also, dogs are not allowed in the locker rooms. I ask you to leave this room immediately, without barking of course, unless you want me to accompany you when you leave ?~"
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Re: Encountering a Legend

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Cerridwan stood her ground as Britanny chose to step forward and press herself firmly against the slightly taller blonde. As Britanny tried to force her back, Cerridwan would stand tall and hold her ground, her eyes narrowed as she listened to what the Ojou had to say, letting her speak her piece. After Britanny was finished Cerridwan would let out a long sigh.

"Dogs. Barking. All this nonsense being croaked out from a frog." Cerridwan let out under her breath before she would press firmly back against Britanny. Mashing her chest and abs hard against the French wrestler. "If you want to step outside with me, then let's go." Cerridwan would bare her fangs at Britanny, she had had enough of this Frenchie.

Aurora however would clear her throat and step in beside the two. Grabbing them by their shoulders and prying them apart a bit. " Easy now. How about you both take a step back." Aurora would nod her head and put on a fairly smug smile as she had figured something out. " You do make a point Miss Ysé. Though we are wrestlers, so I don't think it will be apt for you two to just duke it out. Better yet, why don't the two of you face off in a match, it would solve all of the problems here." Aurora addressed the two women. " Cerridwan can get a match much like you spoke about her not having had one yet, and even more so you get to have a match as well since that seems to be what you came looking for right?"

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Re: Encountering a Legend

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Britanny and Ceridwen looked at each other with nonchalance and anger as they tried to push each other with their bodies, both of which were powerful and well trained. Following her words, which were rather provocative, it was up to Cerri to respond and she did not let go of her words, insulting the frog's ear in return in addition to accepting her challenge. This marked a small smile on the face of the French woman who in reality was hiding her anger after being insulted by a lesser person.

But fortunately Aurora intervened and offered an alternative to their two proposals to try to calm the two women. The Frenchwoman sighed long before finally stepping back and turning around to face Aurora, preferring to ignore Cerridwen for a little while by pretending she didn't exist to calm her anger and avoid starting a backstage brawl.

"The problem being, I came to have a match against you Lady Lundt, not against a nobody.~ Your proposal does not satisfy me.~"
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Re: Encountering a Legend

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The two tall women had quite a staredown as they were pushing their bodies firmly against one another. Both of those powerful frames fought for space against one another and it looked as if a brawl might break out at any point. It was certainly looking as if one of them might start swinging at any moment if it hadn't been for Aurora stepping in and trying to calm the situation.

Aurora would propose that the two of them simply have a match to settle whatever problem they currently had with one another and try to kill two birds with one stone as if seemed Britanny wanted a match and Cerridwen was in need of a match. Though as Britanny turned towards her and spoke Aurora would be forced to let out a soft sigh.

Cerridwen would glare at Britanny as she spoke, then she would fold her arms underneath her chest. " That sounds like the talk to a coward. You scared?" Cerridwen spat out with a venomous tone towards Britanny.

Aurora would raise her hands up and try to calm things down, but she wasn't sure if that was going to work at this point.

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Re: Encountering a Legend

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Britanny was the type of woman to get what she wanted by any means. She hated unnecessary obstacles, like Cerridwen, and it tended to annoy her. Several people had already seen the ojou get angry, notably in certain matches after someone pulled her hair or touched her butt... But this time, Cerridwen surpassed her two cases by winning a third time between Britanny and Aurora. This time it was too much for the French woman who sighed annoyedly before turning to Aurora.

"Please, excuse me Lady Lundt for what is going to happen.~"

She immediately turned towards Cerridwen and put an end to this provocative exchange by starting their brawls in earnest and not with just any movement. Being a former boxer, Britanny used her fists a lot when she was angry and that's why an uppercut to the jaw of her blonde-haired opponent was the most natural move for her. Confident of her strength and considering Cerridwen a failure, the ojou lowered her guard and imagined that her uppercut would be enough to silence her opponent.

“Stay down and stop barking, dog.”
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