Throat Goats - Audrey Trovita v. Russell Reyes [D] - Oral Only Submission Match

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Throat Goats - Audrey Trovita v. Russell Reyes [D] - Oral Only Submission Match

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Oral Only Submission Match
Victory by submission only. No submission will be accepted unless the losing wrestler gives the winner oral. Once the match ends, the loser must finish the winner with their mouth.

Justin Gabriel de Los Reyes, Jr. had watched enough wrestling to know that submission matches often had some stipulation or another attached. Accepted submissions only, multi-fall matches, and of course, the handful of matches where just tapping out wasn't enough. You had to do something to really rub in the fact that you just got your ass beat. Kiss My Ass, I Love You, and all the rest.

This was one of those! Which, like -- awesome! But tonight's match also had a healthy dose of another trend in pro wrestling: Sex. He didn't watch a lot of those matches back home -- not until everyone else went to bed, anyway -- but they excited him nonetheless. Who wouldn't love a chance to put the moves on a lovely lady (or strapping lad, he didn't judge) until they were putting in your hands? Being in a match, here and now, to help push LAW's growing intergender division?

It brought a smile to Justin's face.

"Introducing first! Making his debut, from Quezon City in the Philippine Islands--"

And when his entrance music came on?


Russell smiled even wider.
Russell Reyes
For now, he was dealing with generic entrance music while he workshopped something signature. But that was fine, as long as he had the cheers and the ramp and the canvas right in front of him. Russell's journey to the ring was filled with pitstops: Selfies, autographs, and fist bumps galore. A producer yelled from the side, telling him his opponent's entrance was about to start. With an apology to the woman whose program Russell was signing, he scampered between the ropes and awaited his opponent with a grin.
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Re: Throat Goats - Audrey Trovita v. Russell Reyes [D] - Oral Only Submission Match

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"They're making these up, right?" Audrey had exclaimed as her next match was revealed. "They're literally just making up rules just to make me fight in them. They have to be."

The redhead had been annoyed earlier, but now that the time had come, she was just nervous. For all she knew, this wasn't a new type of match just for her, but she couldn't help feeling like she was going to be in for another rough night. And worse off, she had no idea who she was fighting. She was given a name, and was unable to find anything about them. So this was likely going to be their first match, which meant she had no idea what to expect. She could only hope that she wasn't about to step out there to see another huge musclehead twice her height and four times her weight.

None of this showed on her face as she danced down the ramp, signature sparkler in hand, twirling and dancing for the crowd to her music. She made sure to spare a second and glance towards her opponent, who waited for her now in the ring. Not a mountainous monster, at least, but still rather well-built. He certainly looked happy to be here.

Audrey dampened her sparkler at ringside before crawling through the ropes, then made her way to the center, her attention now fully on Russell. She extended her hand for her usual handshake.

"Lucky me, getting to have you down between my legs at the end of the night."
Last edited by ThurmanMermanPlx on Wed Apr 24, 2024 5:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Throat Goats - Audrey Trovita v. Russell Reyes [D] - Oral Only Submission Match

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When Audrey came down the ramp, Russell let out a low whistle, He wasn't one to ogle -- that would be uncool -- but man. Audrey had it all. Freckles dotted a path that Russell suddenly wanted to smooch down, and the way she sashayed with each swing of the sparkler just did things to him. Thankfully, he realized, he could make good on all those desires just by winning this match.

Audrey entered the ring and locked eyes with Russell. He grinned widely before adopting a more steely, smouldering gaze (or what he thought approximated one, anyway). Still, he was grateful enough to take her hand and shake it.

"Believe me, I wouldn't mind," he said in as good a sotto as he could muster. His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat before continuing. "I mean, I know a thing or two I'd like to show you down there... But maybe that's for another time?" He released Audrey's hand and took a step back. "For now, we'll have to make do with getting those cute lips of yours around me." As the bell rung, Russell flashed his opponent a wink. He raised his arms into an athletic stance.

"Game on, yeah?"

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Re: Throat Goats - Audrey Trovita v. Russell Reyes [D] - Oral Only Submission Match

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It was always a good sign when the opponent accepted the handshake (and didn't sneak in a low blow or some shit). In a big way, that alone helped Audrey relax. He was grinning, and not in that 'I'm going to own you' kind of way she'd been far too used to, which was another plus. He had a bit of a cocky air about him, but it didn't carry that familiar condescension. More like a guy who was out to have some fun. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, after all.

Of course, none of that meant she'd have an easy time of it.

She stepped back also, in preparation for the bell. She couldn't stop her eyes from drifting down below the belt as he spoke (although she didn't miss his wink, either, which drew out a pink tint on her cheeks). She didn't exactly fancy being the one on her knees, but she supposed it could be worse. She'd been in worse.

She started to circle, waiting to see how he'd move. Would he do the same and wait for her? Or would he try to lock up, or charge her, or otherwise make the first move? She had no issue taking the lead if he didn't... in fact, maybe she could distract him.

"Tell you what, you could just surrender to me here now and maybe I'll willingly repay you in kind later."
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Re: Throat Goats - Audrey Trovita v. Russell Reyes [D] - Oral Only Submission Match

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God, he was already getting hard. Back in wrestling school and in the indies, Russell hadn't dipped his toes into the sexier side of pro wrestling. Not with his friends and family all close by, which... Was being on global television much better? Either way, this was a new experience for Russell, and as game as he was for it, the fact that Audrey was just as ready got him hot. It was like being at the club and meeting a girl ready to go home with you... but having to spend ten minutes rolling around with her in a ring first.

When he put it that way, it didn't seem so torturous. But under the bright lights, with a very real chance that a LAW wrestler would be sucking him off come the end of the night? How could he possibly focus on anything else? Every pump of his heart sent a new shock of adrenaline through his body. Every second was another moment to be a-fucking-cutely aware of the way his junk brushed against his boxers. And every damn word from this pretty little redhead kicked all that wrestling training out of his head.

Russell eventually managed to find a memory in between the visions of plowing Audrey Trovita. It was one of his first lessons: When all else failed, start off with a collar-and-elbow. Russell raised his arms and moved in to lock up with his foe. He got the elbow part of collar-and-elbow all right, linking his arm with Audrey's. But when he reached out for the collar part, he paused. Then, instead of snaking around his opponent, that hand closed in slowly towards Audrey's chin! When he reached it, Russell tilted Audrey's head up to look her in the eyes, and he swiped his thumb across Audrey's pretty lips.

"I dunno," he said despite his cottonmouth. "I think I got my eyes on the prize." Then, his hand passed by and locked around the back of Audrey's neck.

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Re: Throat Goats - Audrey Trovita v. Russell Reyes [D] - Oral Only Submission Match

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When the time came, neither fighter charged. Audrey was sure it must be obvious how nervous she was. She felt like it, anyway. While so far this wasn't looking to be a midnight ice bath sort of evening, there was no arguing that her record spoke for itself. If Russell had looked into her at all, he'd know she was no stranger to having things shoved down her throat. Perhaps that was part of the reason he'd been so upbeat? Audrey had even found her voice enough to throw some playful trash talk his way. Maybe he was trying to help her relax.

God, wouldn't that be a change.

Seconds ticked by, and still neither one lunged. She couldn't read his face; same grin as earlier, but it betrayed no hint of whatever he was scheming. All she had were her guesses, but she was sure he was up to something.

At least, until he finally shifted. Audrey thought he was attempting to lock up... until his arm caught hers and his free hand clutched her chin. She stared, wide-eyed, into his own for a moment, surprised by the sudden intimate touch! That light blush resurfaced again when his thumb tickled her lips.

"I dunno. I think I got my eyes on the prize."

It took a few moments for Audrey's brain to process his words. The prize? He was looking at her in that very moment... was she- oh. Of course she was.

But while she simply blinked at him, Russell completed his first step, slipping his hand off her face and around to her neck.

Shit! Do something, dumbass!

She panicked. She'd let him distract her, get her off-guard, and she was about to pay for it! Her reaction was purely instinctual; she kicked out a leg, aiming to hook Russell's and take it out from beneath him. If it worked, they'd both be going down, but Audrey would bet it would be preferable to whatever he intended to follow up with! At least this might give her a few extra seconds to make up for her lapse in concentration.

If not, well, he'd take a very early step towards claiming his prize.
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Re: Throat Goats - Audrey Trovita v. Russell Reyes [D] - Oral Only Submission Match

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The lockup was a little delayed, but thankfully, Audrey didn't take advantage of his little flirt. In fact, he had just enough game to throw her off-guard for a moment, yeah? That let him get set up in their little collar-and-elbow, but just before he could get his forehead onto hers--


The world went upside down! The pretty red locks and green eyes in front of him were swiftly replaced by white-hot floodlights, and a split second later, he hit the canvas. Thanks to his grip around Audrey's neck, Russell brought the girl down with her, but while her fall would be cushioned by Russell's well-earned pecs, Reyes himself was in for a far rougher ride!

All in all, it was so not what he meant when he said he wanted a beautiful woman to sweep him off his feet. He barely broke his fall with his off hand, but skull and canvas were never a good combo. Russell groaned as he rubbed the back of his head and waited for the spins to go away. "Note to self: the other guys were right... Never give a girl you're into a reason to smack you upside the head..."

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Re: Throat Goats - Audrey Trovita v. Russell Reyes [D] - Oral Only Submission Match

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It had been a hasty, sloppy attempt, but Audrey's leg hook got the job done, sparing her from whatever he'd been planning to put her through. The asterisk was that it had simply sidestepped a bullet, not gotten her out of danger. With his arm around her neck, she had no choice but to sacrifice her upright position and allow herself to be pulled down with - and on top of - him.

Russell barely managed to throw a hand back to brace his fall, but Audrey flopped down on him moments after. Not the worst position in the world, all things considered, but a small part of her still wished Russell had had some more fat rather than muscle. Oh well; he made for better eye candy this way, and the impact wasn't that bad, even factoring in the tenderness of her chest. She'd get over it.

Meanwhile, Russell was busy making jokes, which got a light chuckle from the redhead. Audrey almost wanted to apologize - the collision had been accidental, after all - but... well, she could do that after the match. Instead, she took the opportunity to tease him a bit before inspiration got her moving.

"A pretty girl is sprawled out on top of you, and all you can think of is a bump on your head?" As soon as she said it, she slid sideways off him. "I suppose I should be grateful it's this head you're focused on."

If she got the chance, she'd follow up by attempting to wrap her arm around him and snare him in a side headlock. "Why don't I give you an actual reason to worry about it, hm?"
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Re: Throat Goats - Audrey Trovita v. Russell Reyes [D] - Oral Only Submission Match

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Apparently it wasn't so common to share a laugh with your opponent in the middle of a match. Most of the people in Russell's wrestling school were in it for the fun, and even in the indies, everybody seemed to know where they were at. There were levels to this, though, and LAW was a new one altogether. All sorts of baddies -- the good kind and the bad kind -- walked that locker room.

Audrey was a good sort of baddie, though. She had a cute laugh, too, one he wouldn't mind hearing again and again. It had a little bubble to it, a sweet kind of air that played melodies in his ears. She wasn't a prude either -- far from it, though that had to be the standard in a business half-built by sexfights. Either way, he dug a girl who talked a big game, especially when it was this kind of game.

Unfortunately for Russell, Audrey had even more game to show off! She quickly cinched her arms around him for a headlock. Russell grunted and immediately started to scrabble at her grip. "I dunno..." he grunted, "I'm not feelin' too worried yet, if all you wanna do is cuddle."

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Re: Throat Goats - Audrey Trovita v. Russell Reyes [D] - Oral Only Submission Match

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Though it had happened a couple times by now, Audrey still felt a moment of surprise in the cases where her opponent had made her feel at ease - much more so when it was a male, and especially given what was on the line. But she couldn't deny that there was something about the casual, matter-of-fact way that Russell spoke that relaxed her. It wasn't even necessarily the words he said, but how he said them. He wasn't afraid of her, like just about all of her previous opponents, but his voice lacked the condescension in his tone that the redhead had become so used to.

Stress level aside, it didn't alter the fact that strength was not Audrey's most prominent feature. She had locked her arm around his neck as best she could, but she already felt him prying her off. Not the worst thing in the world should he succeed, as she still had a positional advantage, but she really didn't want to give up her early edge so quickly.

"Oh, you wanna cuddle? I could get behind that idea."

To go with her playful words, she'd attempt to sit up, pulling Russell with her. Then, without letting go, she'd attempt to slip behind him and lock in a proper sleeper hold - possibly wrapping her legs around his waist if given the opportunity.
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