Hello, Wisconsin!

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Re: Hello, Wisconsin!

Unread post by DSX93 »

"And you know I'd love for you to take me down, but don't think I'll be letting you. You'll have to earn it."

"Oh, I'll earn it." He wrapped an arm around her waist. The other followed after he set his drink down. Terrell turned in his seat, and with amorous eyes, leaned in to bring his lips just inches away from Keira's ear, whispering..."And maybe I'll even...'own it."

He liked the idea of her tackling and "owning" him more, but he wouldn't mind things working out this way either.

The bartender chuckled silently at the sight, but had to chime in: "Hey, hey, no Hentai here, you two. This ain't an LAW-owned bar."

Terrell kissed Keira's cheek and laid his head on her shoulder, sighing. "Sadly." And then an idea came to his mind. "Hey, if you want, I can try to talk to somebody. See if LAW's interested in linking up with y'all. They rent places out from time to time, so you don't have to worry about something kicking off when there's families around."

"It'd be much appreciated, Sev."

"Yeah, I got you. I'll see what I can do."

A round of applause would grab Terrell's attention. Juniper had finished up with her song. "Thank you!" Two simple words spoken rather adorably, like a stage frightened girl who'd gone up there feeling certain that she was going to be booed out of the building only to receive a request for an encore. The audience hadn't, but they were still showing her love. The Filipina descended the steps, joining the redhead who'd stood to clap for her.

That was when Keira asked, "When's our turn?"

To which the bartender's wife would reply, "Y'all are up next." And he'd add, "Get up there and kill it, you two!"

Terrell finished his drink and left the sizeable tip he was thinking of. He was feeling a little stage fright himself, but Keira's complete acceptance of him thus far had emboldened him. "Alright! Let's do this." When the pair turned to make their way to the stage, the bartender leaned in to whisper something in his wife's ear. With a conspiratorial smile, she nodded.

Terrell and Keira received some early cheers when they stepped onto the stage and grabbed their mics. After it quieted down,
told him and everybody who was even somewhat familiar with 90's music exactly what they'd been set up to sing.

Oh boy.

"Okay." Yeah, Britney Spears was about the last thing he was expecting to sing. Terrell looked over to the bartender and his wife and saw all smiles. The former had a particularly big shit-eating grin on his face, giving him a two thumbs up. Terrell gave him a nod and that sort of smile that said, "You bastard."

But you know what? Fuck it. He promised Keira a good time and he was going to give it to her. "♩Oh, baby, baby, how was I supposed to know?♩" He tried to add as much of a feminine touch to his voice as he could in his attempt to mimic Britney's. He had no illusions of sounding like anything besides a twelve year old whose balls just dropped, but maybe it would get a laugh out of Keira.

He threw in the dance choreography for good measure. That, he could definitely pull off. He spent...more time than he'd care to admit getting it down as a child. "♩That somethin' wasn't right here? Oh, baby, baby, I shouldn't have let you goooooo! And now you're out of sight, yeah!♩"

Way more time than he'd care to admit. He didn't need to look at the screen above them for the lyrics either. The crowd would receive some focus, but the majority of the performance was directed at Keira herself.

"♩Show me! How you want it to be! Tell me, baby! 'Cause I need to know now! Oh, because! My loneliness! Is killin' me! And Iiiii! I must confess! I still believe -- I still believe! When I'm not with you, I lose my mind! Give me a siiiiiign! Hit Me Baby, One More Time!♩"
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Re: Hello, Wisconsin!

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

Keira stepped closer the second she felt Terrell's arm snake around her. She sent Terrell the slyest of grins as he used her own words against her. With his face so close to hers, she wasn't sure he'd catch it, though...

...but the bartender decided to interrupt just before she had a chance to respond. Ah, well. They were out in public, after all. Not that she cared much if other people saw or heard her, but she did respect Terrell's love for his home town enough to keep her mouth shut. That was fine, though. She'd simply 'own' him later that night, her thanks for showing her an evening on the town.

Mirroring his gesture of affection, when his head landed on her shoulder, Keira reached up to tangle her fingers in his hair. She did get a small laugh out of his suggestion to let LAW partner with the bar. Maybe she should have been less concerned with family friendliness than she had been... still, when unknown, better to be safe than sorry. He was surprisingly receptive to the idea, given he kind of rowdiness LAW got up to.

She clapped politely as the girl on stage, clearly embarrassed but successful in getting through her song, retreated down into the crowd. Keira hadn't expected to go so soon, so it was a good thing she was starting to feel the wine. A little more time to do it's work would be nice, but oh well. As Terrell reminded her, own it.

And she did feel relatively confident... at least until hearing the opening piano.

"You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me," she said with a laugh. At least it was something she recognized, but she'd be relying heavily on the on-screen lyrics.

But if she wasn't prepared for the song choice, that was nothing compared to Terrell's singing voice. Keira got two words out before she burst out laughing. She reached out a hand to lay on his shoulder, reassurance that she was laughing with him and not at him, but she couldn't help herself as she doubled over with tears in her eyes. Surely, he was doing it intentionally...

And even then, he wasn't finished, throwing her one more curveball when he busted out into dance, one Keira only vaguely recognized but was unmistakably the choreography of the song! Yep, there was the wine. Good choice.

He was halfway through the chorus before Keira had settled down enough to even start, her own voice still shaky with laughter. "My loneliness! Is killin' me! And Iiiii! I must confess! I still believe -- I still believe! When I'm not with you, I lose my mind! Give me a siiiiiign! Hit Me Baby, One More Time!"♩

Yeah. This was the right call.
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Re: Hello, Wisconsin!

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Terrell tried to keep it together, managing to make it through the chorus before her laughter proved to be too infectious and broke him. He missed the first few lines and his own voice shook when he tried getting back into the rhythm. "♩Girl, you got me laughin'! Oh, pretty baby, there's nothin'. That. I. Wouldn't doooo.♩" Here, he'd break away from the choreography to do a spin, "slip", and fall on his ass..."♩That's not the way I planned it!" Rubbing the non-existent pain away as he rose to his feet.

Back to the irregularly scheduled butchering of a Pop classic.

"♩Show me! How you want it to be! Tell me, baby! 'Cause I need to know now! Oh, because! My loneliness! Is killin' me! And Iiiii! I must confess! I still believe...!♩"

Terrell wanted to show off here: The flip leading into the splits that was done in the video. There would be no "mistakes" there, and the stunt would draw a pop from the crowd. He sprang back up onto his feet, missing only a few of the following lines. "♩Give me a siiiiiign! Hit Me Baby, One More Time!♩"

"♩Oh, baby, baby! Aaaa-♩" The attempt at that bit of vocalizing was a little too much for his cords to handle with the voice he was shooting for, forcing him to cough. It was nothing he couldn't laugh off, and fortunately, it cleared up by the time the dramatic piano hit.

"♩Oh, baby, baby, how was I supposed to know?♩" With a hand clutched over his heart, he looked off to the side, into the distance at nothing in particular, his expression making it look like the dramatic scene the piano painted a picture of. "♩Oh, pretty baby, I shouldn't have let you goooooo!" Then he turned back to Keira as the song entered the home stretch. "♩I must confess! That my loneliness! Is killin' me noooowww!♩"

The choreography in the video presented the perfect opportunity to provide her some fanservice in the form of his washboard abs, exposed when he pulled his shirt up over them during the next few lines. "♩Don't you know! I! Still! Believe!♩" They were directed at her, but it still got some noise from the ladies in the crowd.

"♩That you will be here! And give me a siiiiiign! Hit Me Baby, One More Time! My loneliness! Is killin' me! And Iiiii! I must confess! I still believe -- I still believe! When I'm not with you, I lose my mind! Give me a siiiiiign! Hit Me Baby, One More Time!♩"
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Re: Hello, Wisconsin!

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

First Terrell was singing. Then Keira was laughing. Then Terrell was laughing, and Keira was in tears, and no one was singing. Perhaps that wine had a bigger effect on her than she's realized. And thank god for that.

Terrell was doing quite a number on this song, choreography included. Eventually, Keira had settled down enough to cover most of what he'd missed. At one point though, he'd tried to do a spin and slipped, and Keira paused to check on him - but he was laughing again, so she kept singing. She couldn't be sure, but she wondered if even that had been intentional... she held out a hand to help him back to his feet, either way.

The splits were impressive, and got a one-handed clap out of Keira while she kept her microphone close enough to pick up her voice.

When he turned away and back to her, Keira started trying to mirror his moves. She knew she wasn't doing them right, but that didn't matter. The wine helped the goofiness slide. She copied him up until he lifted his short, which she paused to give a sultry "Oooooooooh!" and reached out to brush her fingers down his body. For a brief second, she considered mirroring that, too... but she wasn't quite drunk enough for that yet.

Eventually, though, they settled into the final lines and the song wrapped up. They completely shredded that performance to ribbons, but that was the whole point of karaoke anyway, was it not? They got a surprising amount of cheers and clapping, at least in her opinion. Keira took Terrell's hand and bent over, bowing to the crowd, laughing again.

"Thank you, thank you, I'm sorry to say we'll be here all week!"

With their performance over, Keira wrapped her arms around Terrell's while they headed back to the bar.

"Let's get a snack and watch the next few singers. We need to talk about what you just did up there. Where did you learn to do splits like that?"
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Re: Hello, Wisconsin!

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This was going so much better than Terrell thought it would. He was having the time of his life up there with her. The spin and slip was a swing and a miss, but looking at her, the rest of it felt like gold. The abs especially. Throughout his performance, he could feel the margarita settling in, sped along through his system with the help of his metabolism and the increased blood flow. It had just the effect he needed, but it would be his only drink tonight, at least until he didn't have any more driving to do.

He was surprised to see Keira joining in on the dancing. Pleasantly so. Not that he would've minded if she just stuck to singing, but it was a lot more fun.

In the end? Yeah, they "killed it", alright. Not in the way he was looking to when they were walking up, but it felt like a good show anyway, just shifted over to the Comedy genre. Of course, there was one loudmouth shouting from over at the bar, telling them to get off the stage. He didn't get the backing that the power he'd put into his voice suggested he believed that he'd be getting. In fact, he didn't get any backing at all.

Looking over his way, he could see the nearby patrons telling him off. Seeing that he was getting nowhere fast, the guy got up and left, almost entirely without any ripples made. He was merely a background event that stopped nothing, getting little notice.

Terrell joined his lady in bowing for the otherwise loving crowd.

"Thank you, thank you, I'm sorry to say we'll be here all week!"

That only got them more cheers. It was in that moment that he knew: Wrestling was the thing for him.

"Thank you, Milwaukee! Love y'all too!" He patted his chest for emphasis, feeling like a star walking arm-in-arm with Keira.

"Let's get a snack and watch the next few singers. We need to talk about what you just did up there."

"We need to talk." Four words that no man ever wants to hear a woman put together, normally. But her tone made it clear that there was nothing to worry about, so he kept walking tall. Upon returning to the bar, he noticed
sitting at the end. Their gothic manner of dress made them impossible to miss. The two or three second glance he had of them before he and Keira passed them by made him suspect that maybe -- it was hard to tell -- maybe they had some relation to each other?

There were a couple fellows beside them, shooting their shots. The woman in red was engaging, but the one in black, while not outright ignoring the man attempting to chat her up, seemed disinterested.

She was.

Terrell and Keira's presence turned her head. A small smile would form on what was an unreadable expression before her eyes landed on them. Terrell couldn't make out what was being said when they passed the women by, but it was definitely in another language. His gut was telling him that things were probably going to be getting eventful on that angle. He wasn't quite certain. But if it was, he wasn't about to pursue it.

He met the bartender with a joking, "You. Bastard. You told her to play that, didn't you?"

To which the man would respond, with a shrug and a chuckle, "Hey, it worked out, didn't it?"

"That, it did. Thanks. It was fun."

"Glad to hear it. What can I get'cha?"

Terrell would say to Keira, "I recommend the nachos. They're the bomb."

He liked mostly everything that was offered, though. Whatever the choice, after getting their snacks, the two would go to find a table. The woman in black was speaking with the bartender's wife when they passed her by again. With no one else stepping up, it felt safe to assume that she was going to be stepping up to perform next.

Once they were seated, Keira asked him, "Where did you learn to do splits like that?"

"Well, I've been doing that since I was a kid. I watched a lot of Jean Claude Van Damme movies, and I wanted to be like him. And Jackie Chan too, but yeah. Wasn't very successful at first." The memories got a laugh out of him. "I started out trying to do that one kick he does, where he jumps into the air and spins, and splits his legs -- I got in trouble once after breaking a vase. After that, I just tried to do the plain old splits. Couldn't quite manage it. Then one day, B sees me trying to pull it off, and asks me to do ballet with her.

At first, I'm like, 'nah, ballet's for girls'. Then she does the splits, even does the kick, and I'm like 'woah!' So she tells me that if I do ballet, it'll turn me into Jean Claude Van Damme. Her big sister Alicia chimes in on that; does the splits, does the kick. And my kid brain is like, 'okay, let's do this!' Just in secret, because I don't wanna get embarrassed. The stretches were the thing that did it."
Last edited by DSX93 on Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hello, Wisconsin!

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

Keira was grateful her hands were full - microphone in one, Terrell's hand in the other - at the end of their performance. She'd heard their heckler and had half a mind to flip him off, the only sore spot in an otherwise highly amusing performance. As it stood, though, she merely spared him a two-second glance, at least until failing to start a bandwagon and getting shooed out of the building. That got a chuckle out of her.

She and Terrell left the stage with heads held high. That made it easy to spot the two women sitting near the end of the bar. Their outfits stood out enough that Keira might have noticed them anyway. "Holy shit, nice," she whispered, not really intending to be overheard. The two women had a bit of a crowd nearby; clearly Keira wasn't the only one who's eye had been caught.

And it seemed something about the pair of them likewise caught the eye of the woman in black. Keira averted her gaze when she realized she'd been caught. Couldn't really blame her for looking, anyway; they'd just been up on stage.

"Nachos sound great," Keira said after they reached the bar again and Terrell chewed out the barkeep.

With those in hand, they wandered back towards the seating area.

"Well damn, I didn't know you were so flexible! That's one hell of an advantage. So, ballet, huh? Think Beatriz could teach me that one? Hell, think you can teach me?"
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Re: Hello, Wisconsin!

Unread post by DSX93 »

"Holy shit, nice."


Terrell kept that agreement to himself, not wanting to take any chances of blowing this thing. He took care not to give the goths any more than a split second's glance when they passed them by again. Yeah, keep your eyes facing forward...

The picture of Keira wearing her own fit of what the woman in black was wearing stuck around in his mind. An admission to that had about...a fifty-fifty chance of going wrong, so that stayed in too.

It wouldn't be long before other images started floating around.

"Well damn, I didn't know you were so flexible! That's one hell of an advantage. So, ballet, huh? Think Beatriz could teach me that one? Hell, think you can teach me?"

"Sure thing! B's the one who took actual classes and all, but I know some good stretches that'll limber you up. I've been doing yoga for a while too, so I can show you some good regimens on that end. And I happen to know of a few...unconventional techniques." Yeah, come on. They were talking about making her flexible; how could his mind not visit the gutter?

There were murmurs and whistles that would call attention to the stage and the woman in black who made a cool, confident approach towards it, carrying the air of someone who did this for a living. Once on it, she grabbed a mic and raised it to her face in a way that cast an obscuring shadow over it. But one could see that she kept her eyes closed, without even so much as a glance shown to the screens above her as
sounded. They were busting out some real classics today.

Terrell was nodding his head to the beat when the drums came into the track. This was one of his favorite songs. And this woman, she knew this song. And the energy she put out from the moment she opened her eyes; that dark and mysterious rock star feel...She must've seen the movie it's connected to as well.

"♩ I'm over iiiit! You see I'm falling in the vast abyss!♩ "

Exclamation points that were at the same time not exclamation points, with her voice. Raised appropriately, but it was still easy listening. Not booming, but clear. A feminine, aural caress.

She had a smoldering, piercing gaze. One that felt like it could've melted through some invisible barrier than he didn't even know was there to form some sort of psychic connection if it was held for too long. But she broke contact, so he was safe. For now.

"♩ Clouded by memories of the past!♩ "

Are those...

"♩ At last, I seeee...♩ "

Are those fangs?

And those eyes...She was looking at him again. His groove stopped. "♩ I hear it fading.♩ " She's been looking his way for a little too long. A little too long to be looking at him like that. It would've been hot as hell just days ago, but now...Well, to be perfectly honest, it still was. And that was exactly what made this uncomfortable. "♩ I can't speak it.♩ " Is she...Yep, that's a smile. Oh no. "♩ Or else you will dig my grave.♩ " Yep, those are fangs.

Woman, whose grave are you trying to dig?

Terrell suddenly felt the need to wrap an arm around Keira's shoulders. Hold her close, hold her tight.

Sorry, lady.

It was right when he had those urges and that thought that her...admittedly seductive gaze shifted. Right on over to Keira.

"♩ We fear them finding. Always whining. Take my hand now. Be aliiiive!♩ "
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Re: Hello, Wisconsin!

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

"Yoga too, huh? Feels like every time you speak I learn something new about you." Given how long they'd known each other, that wasn't much of a surprise, but it was fun to note. Keira's eyes drifted down to Terrell's abs, covered again now by his shirt. Keira reached out and stroked him again. "Whatever these unconventional techniques, they're obviously working."

Like Terrell, Keira followed the whistles towards the stage, where that woman in black was starting her performance. She was properly terrifying, given the way she handled the mic to cast shadows at the perfect angle. Either she'd done this before, or she was just unnaturally skilled.

"I need more outfits like that in my closet," she said aloud, making sure Terrell knew that's what she was interested in, not the woman wearing them. Although, truth be told, her aesthetic was kick-ass. Keira had the hair highlights, but not much else. But this woman, she had an entire spooky air about her.

And her voice wasn't bad, either.

And her piercing gaze.

...Wait, was she looking at Terrell?

Keira's grin faltered a bit. Yep, she was definitely looking in their direction, and her focus was just a fraction off-center, which meant there was no doubt, she was looking at Keira's date. And he noticed it too, enough to drape his arm over her shoulder. She leaned into him, letting her grin settle back onto her face. She had nothing to worry about, regardless of what the pretty singer was thinking.

Until that piercing gaze shifted to her.

She raised a brow at first, expecting to see some trace of anger or frustration or jealousy on the woman's face. Sorry, but he's mine. ...But that gaze lingered, far longer than she would have expected, and there were no hints of the emotions Keira expected to see. Instead, there was... intrigue? Curiosity?

She turned her head to Terrell to ask him a question, and only in doing so did she realize she'd been staring, as if captivated by the songstress. Keira didn't necessarily believe in curses, but that was... odd. "I'm not crazy, am I? Is she watching us?"
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Re: Hello, Wisconsin!

Unread post by DSX93 »

It can be amazing sometimes, how fast vibes can change. And exactly how strong those changes can be. It's been going on all day now, seemingly with no signs of stopping.

"I need more outfits like that in my closet."

"Ooh, that would be a fine sight to see."

Oh! Well that's one worry gone. Terrell made a note to put some money aside to save up, certain that Keira would own the look. Ooh, that body of hers in that leather dress...The corset, and that tiny miniskirt...

Totally a worthy investment.


Or maybe not. When the gothic beauty started doing her thing, he wasn't so sure. He got his thumb moving to soother when Keira cuddled up to him. A silent reminder of what he'd said in the car: Nothing was going to take him away from her.

He figured that maybe that would've gotten the vampire chick to avert her eyes. Maybe turn her charm towards someone else. And he was right. In the very last way that he would've expected.

"I'm not crazy, am I? Is she watching us?"

And again, it was as though she had the power to read minds or something, or happened to have an enhanced sense of hearing. Her attention turned elsewhere -- here and there, but with seemingly no particular focus as she went through the chorus.

"Uh...Well, it felt like it."

"♩ I'm over iiiit!♩ " And yet again, her timing was impeccable. Right after he'd said that, her gaze found its way back to Keira. "♩ Why can't we be together? Embrace iiiit!♩ " She punctuated the lyrics with exactly that: A self-embrace.

"Yep. Yep, she is."

And he didn't know exactly how to feel about it anymore. He was relieved that he wasn't the only one who had her attention. And the eyes that she was making towards his date appealed to the caveman part of his brain. "Ooga booga, girl on girl hot!"

"♩ Sleeping so long, taking off the mask! At last, I seeee...♩ "

Then his rational mind slapped the shit out of it and pointed out the disregard being shown here. They were clearly here together, but there she was, still.

"♩ I hear it fading. I can't speak it. Or else you will dig my grave.♩ "

But...The bedroom eyes that were now being directed at both of them, though.

"♩ We fear them finding. Always whining. Take my hand now. Be aliiiive!♩ "

Now that he and Keira were experiencing this together, he suddenly wasn't feeling as unsettled as he was just moments ago. Not because he saw an opportunity to shoot for a threesome -- really, nor did he want one, again, really -- but because...not even he was sure exactly why. It just felt better to see that this was one hundred percent a team situation here.
Last edited by DSX93 on Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hello, Wisconsin!

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

No sooner did Keira ask the question that the mysterious woman's eyes shifted once again. She couldn't really tell where, just elsewhere in the crowd, but... she didn't seem to be lingering on anyone else the way she had on the pair of them, at least as far as Keira could tell. Almost as if she knew she'd been silently called out...

"Uh...Well, it felt like it."

Okay, so she wasn't imagining it, he'd noticed it too. Keira knew that already; he'd all but confirmed it when he put his arm around her. But there was also something about hearing it spoken aloud that made her feel better. He'd been in her eye first, after all.

"Yep. Yep, she is."

That was, until the goth once again looked in their direction. As Keira watched the girl hugging herself in time with the song, she felt torn. Something inside her had a - quite surprisingly - deep desire to be the one up there with those arms wrapped around her. But even as the thought formed in her head, a deep shame bubbled alongside it. She already had an arm around her, and was quite happy with the man it was attached to. Maybe if Terrell hadn't been there, if she'd never found him, she might have taken a chance on this woman. But the fact was, he was here, and Keira had no desire to give him up, hot goth or not. Hell, she wouldn't even be in this city if not for Terrell.

Keira pursed her lips and brought a hand up to rest on top of Terrell's, the one on her shoulder. The goth had been looking at him, too. Perhaps seeking signs that he might be willing to ditch his date? And upon seeing none, wondered if she would, instead?

Suddenly, Keira felt a bit silly, worrying over her relationship status like a high schooler. There were plenty of things from high school she had no desire to relive, including that feeling. She was fine. They were fine.

But as she continued to observe the singing woman, she wondered... "Why would she possibly take an interest in us? It's pretty obvious we're here together. It's a little freaky."
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New Thread Requests are CLOSED, however I am more than happy to plan something with you for the future! I am simply not starting new matches currently as I have a backlog of requests and not enough time to reliably respond to them all.

Audrey Trovita (LW) || Audrey (mixed)
Keira Robinson (MW) || Keira (mixed)
Delphine Abyssia (MW, young lioness)
discord thurmanmermanplx
(same as username)

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