Reiko Hinomoto vs. Ms. Spencer - Refresher Course

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Reiko Hinomoto vs. Ms. Spencer - Refresher Course

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Match Type: Mad Mud Match
Victory Conditions:Match occurs in a mud pit, surrounded by sand. Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout. No Disqualifications.


When Ms. Spencer signed her LAW contract, she made a few requests. Nothing too big, and nothing enforceable by her terms, but just little things that weren’t that big of a deal. Courtesies. First and foremost, she didn’t want to wrestle the other Roses on the roster. She had no ill will against any of them - except those who doggedly fostered such emotions - but she didn’t want to be defined by her previous career, looking to start afresh in the new league. Secondly, she didn’t want to do any Mad Mud Matches. She’d always hated doing them and the mess they made, to say nothing of the outfits she had to wear while wrestling in the hot sun.

It was not much to ask. Just a little thing. A trifle. They’d agreed, and she’d signed. So, what was her first match in LAW?

A Mad Mud Match against Reiko Hinomoto.

Even now, as she made her way out from the back in her outfit of choice, she could hardly believe the gall, and it still had her muttering her displeasure. ”For heaven’s sake.”
Teach me, please.
The former teacher came strolling out to the hot Japanese sun, coming down the boardwalk and receiving a total dose of nostalgia. She would give LAW credit; they had spared no expense in recreating one of Rumble Roses’ most prized match types, down to the finest details. The ring was a mud pit almost precisely as she remembered it, along with the two raised platforms with ladders leading up to them and the crowd watching them from behind the wooden fences. The sand, the surf, and the ocean breeze flowing through her hair brought her back to simpler times. Refreshing in a way, as much as she was loath to admit it.

She came down to the ring as her
played behind her, quickly making her way into the mud pit and letting it soak up to her ankles. Just as she recalled, it was more comfortable if you came in first and get used to the feel of it, a slight advantage to enjoy, but not one to be ignored, especially given the caliber of her opponent.

Speaking of whom…
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Re: Reiko Hinomoto vs. Ms. Spencer - Refresher Course

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The sunny day betrayed the current cloud that was hanging over Reiko's head, it seemed that no matter how much time has passed since the Rumble Rose Tournament, the allure of a Mad Mud Match would never escape her. But she knew who her opponent was, it was none other than Ms. Spencer, a former opponent she had crossed path with during said tournament.

Even then Ms. Spencer was a dangerous opponent, technical and powerful with a tall frame that she knew how to use to her full advantage to suplex her opponents into oblivion. She had such control over herself and her opponent that even mud couldn't slow her down. A high challenge for the Zero Fighter to overcome, no matter the circumstances she wasn't going to come up with an excuse. She was going to face her former colleague and this was a perfect chance to see how much she had grown over the last time they met and to see if any of the new tricks and growth would be enough to beat the more experienced wrestler in a pool of mud!
Her theme began to play as she made her way down to the mud pit, the fans were already excited having to wait in the sun's rays for this match to begin, being extra rowdy as Reiko could see Ms. Spencer waiting for her within the mud. Stepping through the wooden log barricade fence, stepping through the sand as she reached the edge of the mud, standing on the wood as she locked eyes with Ms. Spencer.

"It's been a long while Ms. Spencer." she spoke out to her opponent, hands on her hips before she stepped her bare foot into the cold mud before marching her way through the mud to meet the blonde Canadian in the center of the mud, tilting her head back to look at Ms. Spencer face to face! "I hope you haven't lost your touch in mud."
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Re: Reiko Hinomoto vs. Ms. Spencer - Refresher Course

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Muriel couldn't deny that hearing Reiko's theme again did her heart well. Out of all the Roses, she had always found her to be the most pleasant, with only Makoto providing actual competition. Bright and well-mannered, she had been the shining star of their brand, the boilerplate of a female wrestler, and someone she wished Ms Welsh would’ve taken the example of.

Though she wanted to stay focused and professional, the Zero Fighter couldn't help but smile as she made her way down to the ring, once more donning her polka-dot bikini. Beaming, she strode out of the corner and made her way to the center, eager to confront the young woman and stand toe-to-toe with her once more.

”It has been a long time, Ms. Hinamoto. Too long.” She gave her an appreciative nod, then wagged her finger. ”I think you’ll find that my skills are still quite exemplary. But there’s only one way to be sure.”

She moved back and lowered into her wrestling stance as the referee moved between them, eager to get things started. Muriel bounced on her heels and wiggled her fingers, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. ”Shall we begin?”

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Re: Reiko Hinomoto vs. Ms. Spencer - Refresher Course

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A smile curled on Reiko's lips as Ms. Spencer pointed out the one true way to put each other's skills to the test. "Yes, there is only one way." she repeated, lowering herself as she brought her hands up into her stance, ready to start this mud wrestling match on a high note! The fans around the mud pool was already unable to wait another second for the two beauties to start tangling down for some dirty action.

The referee ensured that both of them were ready to start the match before shortly calling for the bell!


Now with the match underway, Reiko sized up the taller woman, squaring her chest and sinking her feet into the cold mud before throwing herself forward, her arms shooting out to try and start the match with a collar and elbow tie up. The deck may have been stacked against her against the taller opponent, but she had locked up against strong women before and she wasn't going to back down this time! If her hands locked on Muriel, she would begin to push with all of her body, even trying to press herself up against her to use all of her body leverage in their first lock up!

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Re: Reiko Hinomoto vs. Ms. Spencer - Refresher Course

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And there went the bell, it was time to engage. It had been ages since Muriel had locked horns with Reiko, so now was as good a time as any to refresh herself with the Zero Figther’s strengths and weaknesses.

Reiko was good at striking.

Reiko was good at grappling.

Reiko was good at high-risk moves.

Reiko was good at submissions.

In fact, it was fair to say that there were precious few things that Reiko wasn’t good at. She had always recalled the woman being markedly balanced, almost to a fault, a true jill-of-all-trades. It made her an adaptable wrestler, but it also meant she didn’t specialize in anything. If Muriel could press her advantages and minimize her weaknesses, she would surely win.

The two meet and collided, connecting with a collar-and-elbow tie up. While Muriel would wager she was the stronger woman between them, Reiko made up for that with sheer determination and grit, powering forward with a full head of steam. The mud, unsurprisingly, gave her no purchase, and she was forced back, step after step, threatening to go tumbling out of the ring.

Muriel turned this around before that happened, however, as she ducked down, spun under Reiko’s arm, came out behind her opponent, bringing the arm along the ride to trap her opponent with a hammerlock. She shook her head with a chiding tsk, feigning disappointment. ”Too headstrong, Ms. Hinamoto.”

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Re: Reiko Hinomoto vs. Ms. Spencer - Refresher Course

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Looking to secure an early advantage and to show Ms. Spencer that although she may have given up a good amount within the size department, her fighting spirit to take on such challenges head on was going even those odds! Pressing with her body, breasts mashing into Ms. Spencer's more mature body, Reiko managed to take control of the lock up, forcing her opponent across of the mud in quick succession as mud splashed around them with each step they took!

But her opponent's experience allowed her to calmly and quickly turn all of Reiko's momentum against her and stopped the Zero Fighter in her tracks. Taking a hold of her arm, Muriel had ducked underneath her grasp and spun around behind her! "Nnnngh!" Reiko let out, her arm twisted and locked behind her back in a hammerlock. The strain on her shoulder and elbow was there, not too painful for any lasting injury but enough to keep Reiko under control as she leaned towards her captured arm.

"Hrmmmph! Just...a slip up!" she groaned out as she reached back with her free arm, wrapping it around Muriel's waist as a form of coping to try and keep any amount of control in their fight as she sunk down Muriel's body. Going through her ideas to break Muriel's hold over her, Reiko had an idea that she thought could catch her by surprise. She pulled on her arm, just enough to keep Muriel occupied as she pulled her hips forward before snapping them back, attempting to drive her butt right into Muriel's groin to try and free herself!

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Re: Reiko Hinomoto vs. Ms. Spencer - Refresher Course

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Though the match was young, Muriel was pleased to start things off on a high note against Reiko Hinamoto, knowing well how things could snowball if she gave the woman half a chance. She could already tell that this would be a game of inches, where she would have to make the most of every opportunity. The Zero Fighter would do nothing less on her side, well known for turning matches around at the drop of a hat.

She spread her feet wide and established a decent base in the slippery mud, fighting off Reiko’s attempts to break free. She was wily opponent, but her grip was solid and not so easily escaped. ”Proper preparation prevents poor performance, Ms. Hinamoto.” She chided the younger woman, slipping into one of her favorite sayings with little thoughts. ”And I believe I am more than adequately prepared for-”

Her thesis was proven incorrect when Reiko bucked back and rammed her hips hard into Muriel’s lap, hitting with enough force to drive the wind clean out of her. It forced her to break the hold and stumble back, but she was determined to do so without giving herself proper cover - her opponent would escape, but not without due recompense.

Muriel leaped straight up, tucked her legs in, then shot them out towards Reiko’s upper body, looking to hit with a swift dropkick to create separation.

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Re: Reiko Hinomoto vs. Ms. Spencer - Refresher Course

Unread post by TheManVan »

With a butt slam back, Reiko caught the experienced wrestler off guard with her unorthodox method, Reiko couldn't help but feel a little proud of herself as she pulled her arm freed. Shaking it to get the blood flowing back through it, Reiko was ready to turn the tables on Ms. Spencer as she turned around, splashing her feet in the mud.

But her opponent had prepared a waiting gift for her, Reiko's eyes widening as she saw the bare feet of Muriel rising up and shooting right into her chest! Muddy footprints was left after a loud wet clap, the force of the impact taking the Zero Fighter by surprise as she was taken off of her feet! Landing back first into the mud, an eruption of wet earth splashed upwards as the fans similarly erupted in cheers with both beauties getting down and dirty!

Reiko emerged from the mud, letting out a gasp of air as she was now caked in the mud, the cold sensation covering her body as she tried to wipe her face clean of the mud and out of her vision, slowly getting up to her knees as she tried to pull herself back together!

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Re: Reiko Hinomoto vs. Ms. Spencer - Refresher Course

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Yes, doing the dropkick resulted in Muriel splashing into the mud and creating a geyser with her impact, but she figured that was unavoidable at this point. No one in the history of wrestling had ever had a match of this kind without being covered in mud, so as much as she disliked the sensation, it was all well and good that she got this out of the way. Ripping the Band-Aid off, so to speak.

It worked like a charm, anyway, with Reiko take a headlong flight into the mud, much to the audience’s enjoyment. A good start on her end, indeed, though it fell on her to make more of it. She had some ideas on that front, too.

As Reiko rose, she moved in with, closing the distance as her opponent wiped her face clean of the muck. The first thing she would likely see was Muriel’s open arms as they wrapped around her head, securing her with a tight front facelock. ”Let’s see how well you remember my moves, Ms. Hinamoto.”

With the hold secure, Muriel pulled Reiko’s arm over her shoulder, lifted her up, and kicked her legs out as she brought the woman, slamming her hard on her back with a quick snap suplex.

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Re: Reiko Hinomoto vs. Ms. Spencer - Refresher Course

Unread post by TheManVan »

Mud rolling down her body, the wet earth blocking the sun from The Zero Fighter's pale body and sending a cold rush through out her, /Reiko scrambled in the mud, splashing it about as she got onto her hands and knees as she attempted to rise up. But before she could get any higher, Muriel had dove on her and secured her head in a tight lock! "Nnngh!" she let out, a hand shooting up to grab onto the arm as her form of resistance. She tried to pull herself freed but Ms. Spencer was not letting go of her as they both rose out of the mud.

Hunched over, Reiko tried to twist and worm her way free from her captor, but before she could, Ms. Spencer took a hold of her arm and wrapped it over her neck before quickly exploding upwards to fling Reiko up and over!

Another splash erupted out of the mud as Reiko hit back first, a fresh coating of mud being applied to her body as her back got the brunt of the impact of hitting the bottom of the pit along with the mud!
Last edited by TheManVan on Sun May 19, 2024 1:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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