Barbaric Street Fight: Oscar Orelash vs. Drake Benton

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Barbaric Street Fight: Oscar Orelash vs. Drake Benton

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”The Barbarian Prince Oscar Orelash vs. “The Steel Colossus” Drake Benton
Match type: Street Fight
Rules: No DQ, falls count anywhere. Victory by pinfall, knockout, or submission

Drake Benton was pumped up. He finally was going to get his hands on his hated rival Oscar Orelash. And the feeling was mutual. Not 2 minutes ago, Drake had ambushed Oscar backstage. Their brawl was broken up, but LAW management was seeing dollar signs and booked the two men to fight right then and there in a street fight. Drake and Oscar had two minutes to prepare.
The Colossus immediately went to work preparing. He found a trash can and began stuffing it with weapons, including the spare hockey stick he brought with him. He then carried the trash can full of weapons to the parking lot area cordoned off for the fight.
“I promise you, Oscar, when everyone sees who the better man is, I’ll be done with you. Until then, I’m gonna enjoy showing you how we do it on the streets.”
Drake pulled his hockey stick out first and waited for the ref to signal the match’s start.

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Re: Barbaric Street Fight: Oscar Orelash vs. Drake Benton

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(Just this but like- shirtless)

Well... this was not how Oscar thought this night was going to go. Meet some fans, iron out merchandise stuff, then go home to play video games or something. That's all Oscar had to do tonight. Instead, after getting jumped by one of his least favorite people in LAW and getting into a right proper scrap in the parking lot, Management had gotten themselves involved and declared that an official match- a street fight to be specific- was to be held IMMEDIATELY. To be frank, as badly as Oscar wanted to be in his gear, he didn't want to run the risk of it being damaged by Drake in the fight- especially considering the fact Drake tore the Barbarian Prince's hoodie and shirt right off his body. It wasn't like there was enough time for Oscar to change anyways- so he had to suck it up and step out into the area in his ripped jeans... while completely shirtless. The lack of prep time meant no fancy fire show either, unfortunately- but Oscar still made an effort to smile and greet people who came out on such short notice. Of course, that smile instantly faded as he got into his spot and stared down Drake.

If there was anything the short notice allowed Oscar to do, at least, it was gather items he could use for the street fight. Much like Drake brought out his potential weapons, so did Oscar. It wasn't much at all. Only a kendo stick and a leftover steel chair that Oscar found in the back. Hardcore matches like these weren't exactly Oscar's specialty- having only ever fought one in his entire career against his pal and current LAWless champ Rylie Marshal. Still- if Oscar didn't want to spend the night in the hospital, he was going to have to do his best to remember what LAW's favorite Rascal taught him as he listened to Drake's promise.

"... I want to believe you. I honestly do, Drake. But the person who sends you after myself and the people I care about... can you be sure they won't send someone else in your place? That they'll work up the nerve to come after me themselves? Or even agree with your promise and respect it?"

Oscar placed his collected items off to the side and took position on his side of the parking lot, continuing to address Drake before the bell was rung.

"If you, at this point, just care about proving who's better- then I'll honor it, Drake. Just don't come at me assuming you'll win before the fight even starts. You'll just be making a fool of yourself"

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Re: Barbaric Street Fight: Oscar Orelash vs. Drake Benton

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Drake paused while pacing around when Oscar questioned what would happen after.
”I don’t care what that bitch who’s after you wants. You and me are all that matter. So let’s fucking go!”

Unlike earlier in their brawl, Drake did not sprint blindly towards Oscar. He advanced quickly and with purpose, but not a full charge. Drake would grab Oscar’s shoulder with his left arm and attempt to pummel him with his right fist and engage Oscar in a hockey fight.

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Re: Barbaric Street Fight: Oscar Orelash vs. Drake Benton

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Oscar offered Drake no sportsmanlike offers of good luck or anything that he'd usually do to before the bell. Once it was rung, Oscar went straight for Drake. It wasn’t Oscar's typical stratagey at all- making it as good as a guess as any that Oscar's emotions were flaring up and affecting his fighting style as Draje grabbed his arm and started throwing punches into his body. Oscar grunted and hissed from each blow that landed before he would take advantage of Drake's position to also grab the Colossus's arm and throw his own set of punches into him! Making the start of this match look more like a hockey brawl than anything else!

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Re: Barbaric Street Fight: Oscar Orelash vs. Drake Benton

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The two men punched away at each other. They were both large and resilient, so they mostly tanked the body blows. Drake, the resident hockey player, had been in many hockey fights before. During the flurry of punches, Drake would grab Oscar’s shoulders, raise his knee, and attempt to drive it into Oscar’s stomach while pulling him in.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Barbaric Street Fight: Oscar Orelash vs. Drake Benton

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Oscar kept his entire body tense as both he and Drake used eachother as human punching bags, soon finding Drake adjusting his grip to drive a knee strike into Oscar’s sculpted body. Oscar gritted his teeth and did his best to keep air in his lungs before attempting a counterattack- looking to use the position Drake put him in to grab Drake's head and crack the Colossus in the forehead with a mean headbutt!

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Re: Barbaric Street Fight: Oscar Orelash vs. Drake Benton

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Drake and Oscar’s furious brawl continued. After kneeing Oscar in the gut, Drake set himself up for Oscar’s counterattack. The Barbarian Prince delivered a rage-filled headbutt to Drake, who recoiled and cried out in pain.
“Fucking nerd punk!”
Drake staggered backwards, precariously close to his own pickup truck.
Last edited by ScylliasExoter on Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Barbaric Street Fight: Oscar Orelash vs. Drake Benton

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Oscar watched Drake curse him out and stagger back from the connecting headbutt- seeing how close Drake was getting to his truck and getting an idea for some more much, much deserved payback. Now that he was free from Drake's clutches, Oscar would break out into a short sprint and attempt to nail Drake in the ribs with a spear- specifically, a spear aimed to take Drake off of his feet and drive him straight into the side of his own pickup trick!

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Re: Barbaric Street Fight: Oscar Orelash vs. Drake Benton

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With the perfect combo set up, Oscar sprung into action to make it so. The Barbarian Prince charged a staggered Drake and lowered his shoulder. Oscar nailed Drake with a textbook spear. The impact sent Drake flying backwards into his own pickup truck. The crowds watching on the TitanTron went ballistic, as did the commentary team. Drake clutched his lower back and cried out in pain. The door of Drake’s pickup truck that he smashed against had a noticeable dent from the impact.
As Drake was propped up against his truck, he spied that he was within reach of his trash can of weapons. Drake grabbed the hockey stick and went for Oscar. He seemingly swung for Oscar’s head, but it would turn out to be a feint. Drake suddenly went low with the hockey stick to hook around Oscar’s legs and attempt to trip the Barbarian Prince up.

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Re: Barbaric Street Fight: Oscar Orelash vs. Drake Benton

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Even Oscar looked like he physically cringed as Drake's body connected with his pickup truck, watching the metal siding warp inward as the impact left quite the dent in the Colosus's personal vehicle. Pulling back from the connecting spear, Oscar caught Drake grabbing a hockey stick from his trash can of weapons out of the corner of his eyes and threw his arms up on instinct- preparing to block any strikes that he believed were coming his way... only to be outplayed by Drake, who would instead hook the stick around his leg and yank on it! The action caused Oscar to gasp and lose his balance, falling right on his ass with a hiss before trying to kick back and get some distance from his rival!

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