Psymon Derby vs Kelani Alex - Beat Your Heart Out

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Re: Psymon Derby vs Kelani Alex - Beat Your Heart Out

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"... Nggghuh..." Psymon finally stirred again, albeit weakly, at the mercy of Alex. Now that the shock of getting blasted in the face had passed, all he felt was a throbbing pain in his cranium, comparable to even the hardest of his skateboarding slams... At the present moment, he was simply a ragdoll for the pretty boy to toy with. And up he went, being picked up with surprising ease for all to see, his arm falling slack as he was held juuuust long enough for the blood to start rushing to his head...

And with a harsh thud, he was slammed back down to Earth, bouncing slightly as all the wind was driven right out of his lungs! He lied sprawled on the canvas as Alex draped himself over the wild boy- Was this it? Was Psymon about to be defeated in just two moves? The ref slid in for the count...



"AAAGH!!" With a shout of exertion, Psymon threw his arm to the sky with enough force for him to turn over underneath Alex! He wasn't going down that easy! Even if, he was still floored, wincing in pain... Ow...

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Re: Psymon Derby vs Kelani Alex - Beat Your Heart Out

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There it was. A bit late but Alex wasn't picky about the timing of it. Just meant more time to get his shots in. For someone a bit salty about how his debut match went to the point of lashing out at someone, he did seem a bit mellowed out when they got to the ring.

Sitting back, Alex went to grab at Psymon's hair while the two rose to his feet. Once they were back up again, Alex would guide the groggy skater to the turnbuckle, placing him there while he got himself tendered up!

Grinning from ear to ear, Alex appeared to be getting off to the torment of Psymon, pressing himself firmly into the skater, winding up for a move and excecuting it! Attempting to take his head off with a good lariat!

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Re: Psymon Derby vs Kelani Alex - Beat Your Heart Out

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And for someone who was very salty about being booted in the face unprompted earlier, a lot of the fire Psymon came to the ring with seemed to have been stoked now that he was on the defensive. Alex could feel his foe shift underneath him and roll onto his stomach, his panting heavy as he tried to find the right rhythm to regulate his breathing again. Before he could hit that sweet spot though, his enemy had gotten up and gripped at his messy hair, dragging him up and over to the corner as the skater could only mewl in protest...

With his back shoved harshly into the corner, Psymon grit his teeth and whined softly as Alex pushed himself firmly against his body, raising his hands up indignantly... Until he received a brutal club to his collar, a visceral SMACK of skin striking skin echoing in the arena!

"ACHKK--!" The skater recoiled from the stiff shot to his throat and collapsed near instantly, hooking his arm over the top rope and careening to the side as he palmed at his chest, a haze of red left upon his pale skin! "Errrgh, ghd-- dammit...!"

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Re: Psymon Derby vs Kelani Alex - Beat Your Heart Out

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"kaua! kaua! kaua! ʻO Psymon!"

Alex taunted as he looked down at the collapsed skater, a sultry smirk peered across his face while he played rough with his brand-new pink-haired skater Ken! Pressing the bottom of his boot into his face before releasing it to lightly kick him in the back of his head! Demeaning him in the corner as he ground his heel into his head, using the ropes to force his entire body onto him. Which soon got him a scolding from the ref as he counted to 5!


Alex still held his ground.


Still pressing into his head as hard as possible to get through his thick skull...


Alex grunted as he let go of the illegal choke! Arguing with the ref about the legality of the move, still had his eye on the suffering skater, his argument would be cut off with Alex soon bolting to the corner, aiming a shoot kick to Psymon's chest, if that connected Alex would turn his side, raising his arms up as if he did nothing wrong!

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Re: Psymon Derby vs Kelani Alex - Beat Your Heart Out

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Psymon hardly had a second to breathe before the heel of Alex prodded at his face, kicking him back into the corner and grinding the tread of his boot right into the skater's cheek. All Psymon could do was hiss and snarl through gritted teeth as the pretty boy squished his head in humiliating fashion, his legs kicking and stomping helplessly. "Khhhhnh, ugh-- G-Go, fuck yourself...! Phhhph..."

Finally the ref managed to pry Alex away from Psymon, barking at him for his disrespectful behavior as the wild boy was left sitting vulnerable in the corner, whining to himself as he rubbed at the faint boot mark left in his face. Spotting his chance to punish the skater forward, Alex ran across the ring then charged at him again, aiming to decimate Psymon with a well-placed boot to the face...!

"Haah--!" But finally, Psymon started to shows signs of life again, ducking his head out of the way just in time for Alex's foot to whiff and sail through the ropes! Seizing his chance at comeuppance, the wild boy quickly shifted out of the corner and snaked his arm between Alex's legs, grabbing at his trunks and yanking roughly to sweep him off his feet and roll him up! If he could manage that, Psymon would roll him back far enough until Alex was on his knees... At which point, he'd quickly attempt to stand, and- With a quick flip of the bird- Send a superkick right for Alex's nose!

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Re: Psymon Derby vs Kelani Alex - Beat Your Heart Out

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Verde was watching in gorilla position while Alex was out fighting, not wanting to be interfering with the match. But the manager couldn't help but wonder if they made the right choice in allowing this match up..

Meanwhile, back in the ring, Alex's cocky attitude would shoot him in foot after a failed boot attempt from the Hawaiian left him open and at the mercy of the Skater! He missed the boot by a mile with Psymon already one step ahead!

With one swift motion, Psymon would roll him up aftwrt getting him off the ground with said roll-up. The heel was soon getting beforehand the same treatment he gave him!


With the sound of a gunshot, Alex's chin would be left a crumpled heap after Psymon managed a superkick. Alex was breathing in hard and slowly from the kick...Gasping for air while tried to regain himself...moaning in pain


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Re: Psymon Derby vs Kelani Alex - Beat Your Heart Out

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Having thrown his whole weight into that kick- And with his equilibrium not quiiiite fully recovered yet- Psymon found himself nearly toppling over thanks to that superkick, letting out a small yip as he reached for the ropes to prevent himself from eating shit. But, as ungraceful as his counter was, it sure as hell was effective, and as he glanced over his shoulder at the floored Hawaiian, he couldn't help but laugh softly.

"Yeah how's that for a 'lolo', fucker?!" The skater snickered to himself as he called out to his rival, not looking to waste time in capitalizing. Time to pull out a little something he's been practicing: He gripped the top ropes tightly and hoisted himself up onto the middle turnbuckle, before suddenly bouncing up to the top rung-- And without skipping a beat, he leapt off and flipped backwards, looking to plummet right down upon Alex!


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Re: Psymon Derby vs Kelani Alex - Beat Your Heart Out

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Alex was most definitely in a bad way after that superkick, something that he was learning during his rematch was not to underestimate people, even if you were beating the crap out of them earlier.

He barely had time to recover from the move as the skater was already on the prowl, from his blurred vision and swimming ears, he managed to to infer that Psymon was going for atop rope move...but he couldn't do anything about it, that damn shark-toothed bastard got him good...


Alex groaned out as the skater bounced off of him! Clutching his stomach from the impact, Alex would try to roll out of the ring, attempting to get some distance and prevent himself from throwing up a coke...

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Re: Psymon Derby vs Kelani Alex - Beat Your Heart Out

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