French Heel Brawl

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French Heel Brawl

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Louise had just had a good week. Everything seemed to be going well for her, her new contract at LAW, her last matches, her recent victories... Everything was working for her. She had even stopped losing stupidly by disqualification, her attacks were more sneaky and she had found certain loopholes to be able to continue cheating without getting caught. Her popularity also continued to grow, some people had stopped considering her as a simple brawler who didn't know how to wrestle thanks to certain matches where she was able to show her skills as a wrestler, whether with submission holds, power moves and some aerials.

She wandered quietly through the corridors of LAW out of pure desire, she wasn't particularly looking to fight anyone for once. Despite this, she could feel that pressure was being felt around her and that spectators were afraid of her and avoided her. It was so nice. Louise saw it as a form of respect. A spectator even took the opportunity to ask Louise for an autograph, it was the first time that this had happened to her and as Al Française was feeling in a good mood, she decided to accept.

She took the person's notebook and her pen, preparing to sign on an empty page but she was suddenly jostled by a person before she had time to write. Louise's shoulder sank back and Louise found herself slightly relieved by this situation. She didn't like being interrupted in anything and especially hated rude people who forgot to apologize. She turned around to confront the person who had pushed her with a slightly aggressive look.

"Hey ! Is saying sorry for dogs ?!"
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Re: French Heel Brawl

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Cream grinned victorious as she walked away from her last match. She couldn’t believe how easy it was to leave her opponent in a puddle of her own sweat after making her scream and beg helplessly after locking in the Giant Trapper and Giant Slayer near the end.
Spoiler title
Really her opponent should’ve known better than to try and mouth off to her. Wiping some sweat off her face and armpits with a towel, her face scowled at how sweaty it looked. Seeing a fan looking at her and waving at her, she rolled her eyes and tossed the towel to her. Instead of being disgusted at the towel, the fan squealed in delight and ran off.

Cream nose scrunched in disgust as she couldn’t believe someone actually wanted that. Not caring at all where she was walking, she bumped into a familiar looking brown haired girl. Cream ignored the woman as she was about to keep on walking. But paused at hearing the woman’s words.

Hmph! Why not? So why don’t you bark and say sorry.” Huffed Cream as the brown haired woman was clearly the one who wasn’t paying attention and walked back, bumping into her after she signed something for the person in front of her.

Not saying another word, Cream turned her back to the brown haired woman and begin walking away, not caring at all for the person behind her.

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Re: French Heel Brawl

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Louise, who had originally come without the aim of fighting for once, couldn't believe it. She blinked her eyes several times while watching the blonde continue on her way as if nothing had happened. The people around, who knew Louise, knew what was going to happen and the worst happened. Louise returns the notebook and pen to the fan, without even having signed the contents, and smiles angelically at this person before approaching the blonde, clenching her fists.

The hallway was starting to get quiet and all eyes were on the two wrestlers and before the blonde could notice that Louise was behind her, the Frenchwoman grabbed her opponent by the legs as she walked to make her fall on her stomach before to quickly follow up with a Boston Crab, sitting on the little lightweight's back while pulling both of her thighs towards her.

"I'm going to teach you some manners you little slut, first you kneel to a goddess like me!"
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Re: French Heel Brawl

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Cream obviously didn’t know who Louise was, or at least thought that Louse wasn’t who she looked like. There’s so many women in LAW That kind of looked alike that Cream thought that Louise was just someone that looked like Louise Bélair.

That turned out to be the worst description today as once she turned her back to Louise, said woman followed Cream and quickly grabbed her legs, tripping Cream as she fell face first on the floor. “Ugh!” grunted Cream as she wiped her face.

Growling in anger, she turned towards the person who grabbed her legs but quickly began to scream in pain at feeling the Frenchwoman locking her legs in a Boston crab and sat on her back. “AHHHHH! Y-YOU BITCH! AHHHH! R-RELEASE MEEEE!” Screamed Cream as she pounded her fists on the floor in pain.

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Re: French Heel Brawl

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Louise tackled the blonde whose name she didn't know for a simple shove and pinned her to the ground by pulling both of her legs before sitting on her back and locking her in a Boston Crab. Louise wasn't really used to executing this kind of hold but all she wanted was to make her opponent suffer and for that, anything was allowed!

“You talk too loud..”

She let go of her opponent's legs to turn towards her, finding herself face against her head. She grabbed Cream's jaw with both hands to lift her back and perform a quick Camel Clutch so she could talk less and still be in as much pain. The French girl had no mercy and leaned back as much as possible to make her grip as painful as possible.
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Re: French Heel Brawl

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“AHHHHHHH!” Screamed Cream some more, pounding her fists onto the floor in pain. Due to just being in a match less than 5 minutes ago, Cream wasn’t as fresh as the other woman, allowing her to do anything she wanted to Cream for the time being.

Feeling her legs being released, Cream tried to get herself away from Louise but with her opponent weight on her back, she was kept down. Feeling the hands now grabbing her chin, she released a pained yell at feeling it yanking her chin back.

AHHHHHHHH! W-WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE!” Yelled Cream in pain as her legs kicked frantically and arms trying to wretched free from the Camel Clutch hold.

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Re: French Heel Brawl

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Louise continued to lean back, further and further to make her grip more and more painful. She gritted her teeth slightly in anger and even though she was dominating this exchange, she could notice that Cream wasn't the type to let things get her down. On the contrary, she seemed to be getting as angry as Louise and would definitely seek revenge if she managed to free herself.


She continued to lean back, making her Camel clutch even more painful than before but at a price, that of stability! The more Louise leaned back, the more chance Cream had of freeing herself by sliding the French girl's fingers across her face.
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Re: French Heel Brawl

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“AHHHHHHHH!” Screamed Cream in pain as her feet kicked desperately onto the floor. Her breasts jiggled with each scream of pain as Cream still tried to wiggle her way to freedom.

Feeling the hold only getting deeper and deeper, Cream kept on screaming away in pain. Her arms slammed and hit Louise's legs.

However feeling that only made Louise sink in the hold tighter, she tried for a new strategy. Reaching behind her, one hand would slide its fingers across the other wrestler's face while her other arm forearm/elbow would smash into her face.

Hoping that could unsteady the brown haired woman, Cream would toss her off of her

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Re: French Heel Brawl

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Louise was quite strong when it came to strike, smother and squeeze but a little less when it came to submission hold. She still tried to defeat the blonde who had pushed her with a simple Camel Clutch but it was far from enough. Cream continued to fight despite the pain, starting with light blows on the French girl's thighs before attacking her face, blinding her and elbowing her on the cheek.


The brunette released her grip and fell backwards, lying on her back. She didn't expect Cream to have the urge to fight after this start of brawl and she grunted as she stood up, first getting on her knees before getting up on her legs.
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Re: French Heel Brawl

Unread post by monkey299 »

Cream breathed heavily as she felt Louise's body finally off of her and onto the ground. Rubbing her poor back for a few seconds, Cream got right back up as she used the wall to help.

Glaring at the woman who attacked her, Cream would run at her and if she was first to stand up, she would give her a swift kick to her face.

Hoping that sent her onto her back, Cream would sit on her opponent and begin unleashing multiple forearms.

How. Do. You. Like. This!” Asked Cream as she kept on unleashing strike after strike. After a few more strikes, Cream would wrap her arms around Louise head and stuffed her opponent face into her impressive sized breasts, hoping too suffocating her.
Last edited by monkey299 on Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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