Allie-san's Super Kawaii Hot Tub Stream, Special PPV Edition!

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Allie-san's Super Kawaii Hot Tub Stream, Special PPV Edition!

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LAW's decision to hold its annual Fight the LAW event at different venues across the world had garnered plenty of attention. Fans praised the move for giving them a chance to witness LAW's hottest stars closer to home, especially after the Tokyo-based promotion had remained in Japan for its first few years. But the talent had plenty of praise for it as well. LAW management had decided to partner with all sorts of luxury vacation destinations to bring the action to their doors - which meant that when the cameras weren't rolling, they had a chance to unwind and make the most of the amenities.

And not just the wrestlers, either. After the success of the previous Fight the LAW, held on a cruise ship he had helped procure, wealthy real estate tycoon Jeffrey Lee saw the potential in cross-promoting LAW's ventures with his holdings. The following year, he signed off on a deal for Fight the LAW to be held at a ski resort in the Austrian Alps he owned. And of course, that meant his daughter Allison - herself a LAW-sponsored streamer and goodwill ambassador - had come along for the ride. Allie couldn't get enough of the attention that came from being an official partner of one of the hottest names in pro wrestling, and when she was given the privilege of promoting its upcoming events, she jumped at the opportunity in a heartbeat. If she could do that from the comforts of a five-star hotel? Even better!

Any major ski resort was going to have a hot tub. And considering how Allie was known for her hot tub streams, she knew an opportunity when she saw one. She already knew that in the leadup to Fight the LAW 3, she was going to do one of her streams to hype up the event and drive her viewers in its direction. But when she could do so from a hot tub at the very event the PPV would be broadcasting from? It practically wrote itself.
"Hiiiiiii all my Kawaii Kommandos out there!!" The stream went live with a close-up on Allie's grinning face as she flashed a peace sign to the camera - and soon after, as she leaned back in the water, a shot of her ample cleavage, hugged tightly by the American-flag-print bikini she had made her trademark. Sinking back in the water, she let out a contented sigh, letting its warmth run over her. Yep, this place was five stars for a reason.

"I know the stream is earlier for most of you guys - but that's 'cuz we're live from Innsbruck, Austria, for the first night of Fight the LAW 3!" She giggled, bouncing excitedly in the water, and not-so-coincidentally letting her breasts jiggle. "Sorry, sorry, it's just hard not to get excited!~ Didja know that the temperature outside is...uh...negative two degrees? What? It doesn't feel that cold...oh, that's Celsius...what is that in-" Realizing she was rambling, she stopped and cleared her throat. "...Well, it's cold out there, anyway. But you wouldn't know that in here, because the water's keeping things niiiiiiice and steamy...~"

"We've got a ton to talk about tonight!~ We're gonna run down the card for the event, make some predictions...but of course, we've got a special guest with us too! This is super exciting, because she's actually a good friend of mine even before both of us got involved in LAW! It's been a while since we last met face to face, but I can't wait to catch up! I bet you guys are gonna love her too! 'course, I know who your donations are really for..."

She shot the camera a coy wink...but, deep down, Allie knew things weren't quite that simple. She and Sylvia weren't exactly "friends." They were both the daughters of wealthy businessmen, and they had both been raised in the lap of luxury...which was already a red flag when it came to how well they could get along. They'd been rivals since they were children, when they got introduced to one another during their families' business dealings. Allie just knew Sylvia thought she was better than her, and that she wanted to rub that in her face - not that Allie would ever budge. Even when Allie and Sylvia had reunited under the LAW banner, they had sniped at one another not too subtly on their social media pages. But Sylvia's father was a local, and when LAW was coming to Austria, it was only to be expected that he would be involved behind the scenes too - and so too would his daughter want the spotlight. It was just this once, Allie begrudgingly thought to herself. She just had to tolerate Sylvia's presence for tonight, and she wouldn't have to think about her again. Besides, they hadn't seen each other face to face in years. Maybe Sylvia wouldn't be so bad in person...

"Well, without further ado...pleeeeease welcome Sylvia Steiner!!" Allie clapped her hands excitedly, moving to the side to allow her special guest to enter the frame...
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Re: Allie-san's Super Kawaii Hot Tub Stream, Special PPV Edition!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Allie Lee. Out of all fucking people to become famous for being a bigchested airhead it had to be Allie Lee. Sylvia Steiners old classmate from their days at the high society school. And since then both of them had been fierce rivals. There was one group around Sylvia and one around Allie, both competing every year to gather new followers. Tough Allies breasts and Sylvias behind made for good excuses for both sides as and Sylvia had never been someone who liked to share or be even at the same level with someone. She had to better, more famous, more beautiful. But for every time Sylvia had success by winning a beauty competition, Allie came forth with some comparable and their rivalry at school had been the stuff of legends. When they left, Sylvia hoped to never see that bleachblondehaired bimbo ever again.

But then suddenly Allie started to appear at LAW. That little idiot had somehow made it to one of the biggest promotions in the world. Hah, "somehow"! Sylvia knew exactly what was up. Her father had bought himself into it and shoved his talent free daughter right into things. Oh how it disgusted Sylvia. She ignored the fact that her dads money had opened most doors for her. For her, Allie was just a talentless little bitch that managed to become famous thanks to running around in skimpy bikinis.

Well if the people wanted skimpy then Sylvia was about to present her whole new self to the world as her theme started to play. It wasn't necessary, this was no match after all, but Sylvia wanted to make an impression and to the loud riffs of the band Queen, fitting for her new gimmick, the Million Dollar Queen appeared at the resort. But she did not walk, she was carried, carried on a golden throne by four muscled men in loincloths that brought her into the room and to the jacuzzi were Allie was waiting. Sylvia leaned her head against her hand and gave her old rival a cocky smile as she came closer.
And as if the carriers weren't enough, suddenly a small man, dressed in some medieval looking garments stepped forth and opened a roll in front of him.
He cleared his throat as the throne was slowly sat down behind him.
"Ahem, from the sunny state of California, comes the epitomy of excellence, the fairest around the fair, the most beautiful in all the country. Please bow all of you for Sylvia Steiner the Million Dollar Queen!" he said and bowed as Sylvia stepped down from her throne, looking around and greeting the people waving and smiling all around.

When she saw Allie sitting there in the water she chuckled and came closer. When she approached the water she lifted one of her legs and another servant came forward slipping one of her golden boots off of her then the other and with graceful steps, the Million Dollar Queen stepped into the hot and welcoming water, standing upright, lording over Allie as she turned around, lifted her arms and "accidently" shoved her well equipped behind directly into Allies face , wiggling it left and right before turning around, her hand before her mouth.
"Oh sorry Allie, darling. I did'nt meant to!", she said while hiding her poisonous smile behind her slender fingers. And with the end of her theme and her entourage leaving, she slipped into the water across Allie and leaned against the corner of the jacuzzi, enjoying the water and giving her old rival a sickening saccharine smile before taking her mic.

"Thank you Allie. It is so nice to see you again and be here, in my second home, Austria, were my dad was born. Austria knows the name Steiner very well, after all, who likes some Pu-C Juiiiiice?!", she asked and as the people cheered, some others servants of her started to walk around giving the people cans of the energy drink that had made Sylvias father so successful in the first place!
Sylvia then turned back to Allie.

"In fact, I was so looking forward to see you again that I wanted to give you a present. So, exclusively only this month, a special Edition of Pu-C Juice, Allie Lee Duriaaaaan!",she said and took one of the cans that was given to her by her servants and threw it Allies way. It not only showed a picture of said "Durian" or "Stink Fruit", but a comically drawn naked Allie Lee hugging it to her chest as logo of the drink.
"Drink up Allie, I hope you like it. But be careful not to choke on it...", she said with a big grin.

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Re: Allie-san's Super Kawaii Hot Tub Stream, Special PPV Edition!

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Yes, Allie had never really had the best relationship with Sylvia. It was only begrudgingly that she had accepted this collab at all, and she had felt the bile rise in her throat more than once in having to talk up Sylvia like she was a welcome guest, let alone like she was her friend. But it had been years since she and Sylvia had last seen each other. Hopefully, that was enough time for any lingering resentment to simmer down. Hopefully, both of them could recognize that they were doing this to promote LAW's latest event, and that starting trouble wasn't going to do either of them any good...although, even if that was officially the purpose, Allie wasn't going to promote her own channel as much as she could.

Any hope that Allie might have had of this going remarkably normally, however, were quickly crushed when Sylvia made her entrance.

When the cameras focused in on Sylvia being carried in on a golden throne, Allison's eyes went wide, and she let out a gasp. At first, it was from admiring the well-sculpted bodies of the men carrying Sylvia in...but she quickly shook herself back to her senses around the same time a herald stepped forward and unrolled a scroll to announce Sylvia's presence. That was enough to tell Allie something was definitely going on here - and she didn't appreciate it! This was supposed to be her stream, and Sylvia was merely to be a guest on it. But after such a dramatic entrance, was anyone going to be focusing on what Allie had to say? This was a calculated decision to upstage her - it had to be - just like Sylvia had done so many times before. But what was worse, now Sylvia was taking it a level beyond! She hadn't seen anyone throw around this much effort or expense just to feed their own ego before, but Sylvia's entrance was nothing if not attention-grabbing - and worse yet, it was working. When Allie glanced at the chat, she could see that Sylvia's appearance had set off a furor of discussion, excitement, and thirstposting; even the praise Allie had gotten before all of this had been utterly buried! The Floridian clenched her teeth. She couldn't stand for this!

Before she could say anything, though, Sylvia turned around just in time to smack her upside the face with her backside, sending Allie veering off in an arc! "Gah-!" she cried, before bringing a hand up to rub at her cheek, shooting a scowl back in Sylvia's direction. Despite her innocent act, Allie was all too well convinced that Sylvia had to have done this on purpose. But they were still here to get the stream attended to, she reminded herself. Clearing her throat and standing straighter in the water, she told herself once again that she wasn't going to get anywhere by losing her cool. "T-That's okay..!" she chimed in, forcing as cheerful of a smile as she could. "Just don't forget to watch where you're going next time, okay?" As soon as those words had left her mouth, Allie shot a sidelong glance at Sylvia, her eyes half-lidded in a glare. Hopefully, that would get the point across to her about what she really meant to say.

But Sylvia wasn't done with the mockery yet, as she passed Allie a can of the new flavor her father's energy drink business had put out - one that was, apparently, themed around her. "A-Ahh..?" She stared down at the can, blinking a few times in confusion. "Aaactually, I don't remember anyone contacting my people about this," she began. Her eyelid twitched a little. She was all too aware of why Sylvia would do something like this, and what intentions she might have had in doing so. She knew what the durian was known for, after all. But she knew how she could turn that back on her...

"Durian, huh? Cool! You know, they call that the King of Fruits because it tastes so good, so I should thank you for it!" She shot Sylvia another glance, waiting for her reaction. At the same time, though, she started to bob up and down in the water, letting her breasts bounce. Hopefully, Sylvia would be reminded of how much smaller hers were by comparison, and all the simps watching would be too distracted. But Allie's misdirection efforts served a purpose. In doing so, she was starting to shake up the can - and hopefully, everyone would be too focused on what else she was doing to call her out on it!

"Oh, oh-! Just thought of something! That's too kind of you, I should offer you a toast!" She passed the can over to Sylvia. "Since it's your drink and all, do you wanna do the honors of opening it for me? Pleeease?" Hopefully, Allie had shaken it enough so that when Sylvia popped the cap, she'd have something waiting for her...
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Re: Allie-san's Super Kawaii Hot Tub Stream, Special PPV Edition!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Sylvia was not content with being just superior to the vermin without at least a measly million dollars on their account, she wanted to be superior to everyone who dared standing in her way. And even if Allie was a fellow rich, society girl, she never could forgive her trying to take he rightful place as the most popular girl in their class. The fact alone that people thought that this bleacheblonde bimbo was anywhere close to Sylvia in looks and charisma was an insult. What did she have what Sylvia didn't? She was rich on her father's side and rich on her mother's as well, stemming from an old Californian clan of businessmen. And of course as she saw the little slut bobbing up and down in the water she knew exactly what she had. Even if Sylvia was beautiful and had a body that so many lusted after, there was one thing, all those simps and horndogs still preferred...

With her grin turning to gritting her teeth, totally missing the shake of the can in the proces, her eyes locked onto those...those...oversized, balls of fat in that hideous bikini top. Sylvia wanted to get the can and shove it down Allies throat. Why couldnt this be a match? Then she grinned. Ah yes because she WAS superior in one thing. Sylvia at least had SOME basic training in wrestling while Allie was nothing but a little weak bimbo, best suited for a fraternity jello match or something.

This thought made her deflated body standing upright again, as the lights made her whole golden outfit glitter. Then Allie asked her to open the can which made an annoyed sigh escape the luscious lips of the Californian. "Holy crap, give me that. Still too dumb to do anything right, eh Lee?", she said, even more annoyed that Allie managed to turn her insult into something good. Who the fuck had thought that naming a fucking disgusting smelling piece of shit the "King of Fruits?". She didn't have known that, that was for sure. But marketing knew and when she came back to the states, head would roll, that much was for sure! She swapped the can out of Allies hand and popped it up while shaking her head.

And then...

Sweet, much much too sweet liquid shot into her face and up her nose as Sylvia got hit by the effect of the shaken can, slipped and dropped onto her juicy behind, coughing and gagging as she threw the can away.
"Pfwah...gah...what the hell!", she said and as she got showered with laughter, her head became as red as an overripe cherry, both of shame and anger. She threw her gaze at Allie and took some water from the pool to clean her face.
"Why you little...", she said under her breath and was ready to jump at the blonde and choking her. But she managed to stay calm. She tried at least. She leaned back and looked at the innocently smiling blonde. What a fucking, lying, fake cunt. She could see it in her eyes. She was as much pleased with her old rivals presence as Sylvia was and the tension would only grow even if Sylvia decided to lean back and play along...for now.
Both smiled at each other while lighting shots were exchanged between their eyes...

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Re: Allie-san's Super Kawaii Hot Tub Stream, Special PPV Edition!

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Sylvia had fallen for her plan, hook line and sinker. Allie might have been a rich busty bleach blonde, but one thing she wasn't was a bimbo. She had been grifting off her viewers long enough to know all the tricks like the back of her hand, and she knew exactly how to move, what to say, and how to shoot them the right looks to keep her fanbase strong. Sure, she didn't need the money, but she could hardly pass up the sort of attention she garnered, and the drama it stirred up in its wake - it was too much fun. But her bubbly, cloying attitude made sure that no one looked too deeply into what she did, as long as she did a good enough job at looking cute and pretty enough to excuse any suspicion. When she did it all with a giggle and a winning smile, no one would have any suspicions as to why she'd be shaking up the can. Not even Sylvia. When Allie saw the silver-haired girl reach for the can, and go to pop the tab, she had to cover her mouth to stifle the urge to laugh at how thoroughly she'd fallen for it. But when the drink proceeded to explode all over Sylvia's face, she couldn't hold it back any more - she burst into raucous laughter, seeing her rival hoist by her own petard!

Hopefully, the shock of seeing the drink explode all over Sylvia's face would be enough to divert viewers' attentions from that, though. Allie quickly realized how her outburst wasn't making the best case for her innocence, and as soon as she caught her breath, she feigned a gasp, holding her hands to her mouth as though she hadn't expected that to happen. "Omigosh omigosh omigosh!! Sylvia! Are you okay!? I'm so, soooooo sorry! Gomen, gomen!" She hurried over to Sylvia's side with an excessive outpouring of apologies, even bowing a couple of times toward Sylvia. "I have noooo idea how that could have happened!! Did you drop it on your way in!?" Hopefully, the insinuation that Sylvia was clumsy wasn't lost on anyone. If she thought she could steal Allie's spotlight, the Floridian was determined to cut her low, and to make sure she couldn't escape with her good name intact.

"Oh, gosh, it's aaaaall over your face, too..." Quite pointedly without asking Sylvia if she could, Allison reached out to brush her fingers across her face, getting into her personal space. "Oh, here, maybe I can wash that off for you! Just hold your head down a little, and..."

It was around that time that Allie was circling around behind Sylvia. Whether she bent down or not, as soon as Allie was behind her, she gave her a sharp shove to her back, looking to dump her face-first into the tub! "OOPSIES!!" she gasped again. As long as she kept playing it off as her being clumsy, she hoped no one would catch on. Perhaps Sylvia would...but if Allie could break Sylvia's composure and make her realize that she wasn't safe here? That, Allie would consider a job well done...
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Re: Allie-san's Super Kawaii Hot Tub Stream, Special PPV Edition!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

To say that the Million Dollar Queen was pissed was the understatement of the year. If the water hadn't been bubbling already then it would now as Sylvia really tried to hold her composure. Especially when this highpitched speaking, overly sachharine bitch came over and apologized to her in the most fake way possible. Not that she had cared either way of course.
"Get away from you fucking weeb!", she said and grabbed for something to wipe the disgustingly sweet liquid out of her face. Hopefully her make up wouldn't suffer, this stuff that her dad filled into cans and that people put into their system could hardly be called beaverage at all. She got hold of a handkerchief that had been placed on a table with snacks next to them and wiped her face sputtering and grunting.

Meanwhile she hadn't looked for Allie who sneakily went around and behind her. And when she heard that annoying squeaky voice again it was too late as she got a shove that sent her right into the water of the pool! Sylvia landed with a splash and even if she was underwater she could hear the loud reactions from all the people around her, laughing and enjoying the so called "Queen" getting put down a peg. Sylvia tough knew that the time for talking was over. Her make up was ruined now anyway as was her hair. What was there left to do? She would not do an interview looking like this. But she certainly could do other things. Wasn't this all about wrestling? Well if the bitch wanted to have a fight then she could have it.

Sylvia emerged out of the water, but as she knew were Allie stood she could turn things around as she dropped back and into Allies arms, gagging and coughing.
"Ungh...", she said and pretended to be a little winded.
"Could you help me for a moment?", she managed to get out as she put her arms onto Allies hips.

And when she got a good grip she made sure to turn them away from the cameras, grinned, and sent her leg right between Allies legs before letting her hands slip down onto Allies behind and send her into the water with a double leg takedown that splashed water everywhere! The mics were swept away like other material Allie had at the side of her pool and Sylvia, using the momentum crawled on top of Allie who still was underwater, holding her down as she posed for the crowd.

"Don't forget guys, this whole event is sponsored by Pu-C Juice! Drink up, it's one me!",she grinned as her servants threw colorful cans into the crowd that made the crowd change their tone.
Meanwhile she felt Allie struggling under her and sighed, grabbed for her hair and pulled her up, pressing her against the edge of the pool, grinning as she saw that her hated rivals hair and make up were as messed up as hers.
Sylvia looked her directly into the eyes, forehead to forehead before pointing her eyes to the crowd.

"They sure changed their tune fast. Now, I think this whole thing is over before it started. I hope you now know who's the real deal fucking, cumcrusted slut...", she said and gave Allies breasts a painful squeeze, as hard a she could before shoving her down into the water, getting out and raising her arms to the cheering fans!

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Re: Allie-san's Super Kawaii Hot Tub Stream, Special PPV Edition!

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Chiaki Nanami's already hesitant face turned into an outright scowl as she continued to watch the Fight The LAW stream hosted by her friend and wrestling rival Allie-san. She had on Sylvia Steiner as a guest, a woman who was notably unpleasant, egomaniacal, narcissistic, dirty, cheating, and a million other negative descriptors. Chiaki watched them takes shots at each other until Sylvia started squeezing Allie's boobs and say stuff that could probably get the streamer's channel in trouble, at which point, she got to typing. Before long, Allie's stream would get a TTS notification: UltGamerGirl donated 2,000 Yen, "Kick her butt Allie. Having wrestled you both, I can say that you are definitely way stronger than Sylvia. Best Wishes- Chiaki"
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Re: Allie-san's Super Kawaii Hot Tub Stream, Special PPV Edition!

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When Sylvia went down into the water, Allie bit her lip, doing everything in her power to resist a giggle. But it was almost too perfect. If Sylvia thought she could still try to one-up her at every turn and act like she was better than her, then it was up to Allie to show her this was her stream, and her rules. When she went down with a splash, that was the best message Allie could ever hope to send to a stuck-up glory hog like her. The sounds of her screams were just too much.

Of course, Allie couldn't let on about that. This was supposed to be a reunion between two old friends, and the Floridian was going to play along with that as much as she could. Sylvia was making that hard, sure, but Allie still had an image to uphold as someone who was upbeat and positive, and she didn't need drama. She'd just play it off as an accident...but she would maintain that this was the most satisfying moment of her life.

"I'm soooooo sorry about that, Sylvia!! I don't know why I can be so clumsy some times..." As Sylvia got up from the water, Allie leaned over and threw her arms around her, pulling the silver-haired girl into a tight hug - and covertly slipping one hand down to grab at her ass, knowing it would just annoy her even more. "Are you okay? Here, let me look you over...hey, what are you-WHOAH!! OW!!"

Allie's moment to be smug and superior was quickly cut short - when Sylvia kneed her in the groin, and her whole body went numb and locked up! From there, Sylvia took the opportunity to scoop her up, hurling her down into the water! A shriek ran out through the room as she landed with a splash, spraying water everywhere. And if that wasn't bad enough, Sylvia clambored on top of her, holding her in place! "Mmmmrrff..!! MMMFF!!" At once, Allie had been thrown into the fire! Her arms and legs thrashed wildly at the water, kicking up waves in all directions. She couldn't even get a word in edgewise when her voice was muffled from lack of air - and worst of all, Sylvia had to assert her father's company as the sponsor of this whole event! First of all, Allie didn't get a sponsorship deal from them and the last thing she needed was to deal with misrepresentation claims right now - but more to the point, she couldn't stand for Sylvia to be one-upping her like this!

Eventually, Sylvia let go and broke away, leaving Allie to pick her head up from the water. Mascara was running down her cheeks, and her wet hair was plastered to her face, her whole body rising and falling as she gasped for breath. But as tired as she was, a fire still burned inside of her. This time, she knew, there was no more room for pleasantries. Sylvia knew exactly what she was doing - and Allie couldn't stand for it! "The fuck-!?" she hissed. "You could've killed me, you psycho bitch!" She winced as Sylvia looked her dead in the eyes - and when she squeezed her breasts, she doubled over forward with a pained moan. "Owww, owowow-!!" Only for her groans to be silenced once again when Sylvia dunked her head under the surface!

To Sylvia, this was over. She'd already made her point and shown Allison her place. As she stuck her head up from the water a second time, Allie could only watch as Sylvia turned to walk away, mugging for the camera. It made her teeth clench, and her body go stiff. No - Allie couldn't let her get away with this. She couldn't barge in here, ruin her stream, and then walk away like she owned the place. This was Allie's stream - and she couldn't tolerate this sort of disrespect!


In a burst of energy, Allie shoved herself up out of the tub. Then, she threw herself forward as hard as she could, going to tackle Sylvia from behind! If she could take her down, Allie would clambor on top of her back, burying one hand in her hair to hold down against the back of her head and pin her against the ground beneath her weight. The fans were already popping off from Sylvia's introduction, but now, it was clear this stream was getting far more excited than anyone had anticipated!

You guys seeing this??
better than the show tomorrow tbh

But there was one name in the chat that truly got Allie's attention - Chiaki Nanami. When she heard the announcement, Allie looked up with a grin and flashed a peace sign with her free hand, as though she wasn't in the middle of a berserk rage. It seemed that Chiaki was keeping close attention after their match, and now, knowing she had the support of a fellow streamer was all Allie needed! "Ohmigosh!! Thanks, Chi-chan! I'm gonna do this for you, 'kay?"
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Re: Allie-san's Super Kawaii Hot Tub Stream, Special PPV Edition!

Unread post by RedShinigami »

For Sylvia this was all but over. Sitting here and talking with Allie, generating even more fans and making her money? More or less...working for her? Yeah sure, when pigs would fly. The only thing the Million Dollar Queen would do was to send a message to her hated school rival and after Allie trying to up stage her she knew she had to do something that hurt. So if her make up was a mess how about to get the bitches face a little color?

When Allie came out of the water, showing a little of the real Allie, the one that was not the persona she had given herself to turn on simps and neckbeards with good jobs, much money and no girlfriends.And this made Sylvia grin even wider as she sent her message, clawing her distatefully big boobs and climb out of the pool.
Sylvia turned her head one last time, a sly smile appearing on her face.
"Sooo, you finally show your true self Allison. If I wouldn't hate you like the pest, I would almost be intrigued.", she said and was ready to move on. Away from Allie. Trying to never engage with her again and...

Or so Sylvia thought as her body hit the wooden floor of the big lodge they held this shitty show in. She felt the body of Allie climbing onto hers, holding her down and the people around her laughing. Laughing for God's sake! Sylvias face, already capable of distorting into various comedical poses, now went through many emotions at the speed of a freight train. Hurt, surprise, shock, shame and then...anger.

And as if all of this had not been enough there was another voice she knew all to well, suddenly coming to her ears. It was...what's was he name again? Charlie? Chimp? Chorizo? Then she heard Allie call her Chi-chan and Sylvia knew! Chibiusa that was it! That bitch really had the balls to even think about Sylvia being weaker then Allie. That fucking bitch didn't even had proper training!
Everything in Sylvia came to a halt as her bodys muscles tensed. No this could not stand. This was not possible. This bitch wanted war? She could have it!

She grit her teeth and buckled up like a wild horse at rodeo, trying to get Allie off of her.
She would win this for Chika?Very well then she would have to work for it!
With a loud scream Sylvia shoved the E Girl off of her and turned around. Her mouth in a snarl, her eyes gleaming with rage. She got to her feet and stomped right into the direction of Allie, looking down at her.
To make sure she wouldn't move the next few seconds she sent her heel right into Allies midsection, garnering some boos among the crowd.
"Oh shut up!", the Californian hissed and grabbed for one of the mics that hadn't been destroyed.

"Listen you creeps! I see what you want out of this and guess what! I will give it to you! Get it up, slut!",she said and grabbed Allies hair pulling her to a standing position.
"You and me will do your beloved fans favor now. ", she said with a grin.
"So Allie, I challenge you to a fucking street catfight, an all out brawl! Right here, right now! Everythings allowed, no holds barred, so...", she said and shoved the mic between Allies breasts, chuckling a little.

"Do you accept?! Oh and by the way...something can only win by begging or getting incapacitated in any form. And after this...there will be a humiliation JOI for your dear fans and all the good people around here!", she said with a grin, opening her arms like Russel Crowe in Gladiator.
"You hear this people?! No fucking overpriced Patreon or Private Show to see your beloved Allie naked! How about that?! Aren't you entertained?!", she said inadvertently and even if it was silly as hell the thought of seeing a free catfight between two beautiful girls was just too good to not be excited about and so the crowd cheered and chanted Sylvias name, making the Million Dollar Girl grin wide with success.

"Oh and you can decide the ref. Consider this a...friends service, bestie~", she chuckled and crossed her arms before her...not quite so generous bust...

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Re: Allie-san's Super Kawaii Hot Tub Stream, Special PPV Edition!

Unread post by CaptainL »

Sylvia had probably said just about the nicest thing that had ever come out of her mouth about Allie. But that didn't mean the blonde was going to take it in stride. No, Sylvia had gone too far! This was supposed to be Allie's big night - she would have more attention on her than ever before, she'd get to highlight one of the company's biggest events, and she could do it all from the lap of luxury in a five-star alpine resort. And Sylvia couldn't be content with being nice for one day in her life and doing something that might actually get some people to like her for once - she just had to sabotage Allie and ruin her biggest stream yet! No, Allie couldn't sit idly by and let this happen - Sylvia needed to learn a thing or two!

It was, perhaps, appropriate that Allie would be promoting a wrestling event tonight, because when she found herself backed into a corner like this...she had no choice but to throw some hands! In a blitz, she lunged out of the water and hurled herself against Sylvia, tackling her to the ground! The sensation of Sylvia's body smacking against the wet floor brought some satisfaction to Allie, and a grin flashed across her face for just a moment at the thought; it would only get wider when Chiaki chimed in in her support. For a moment, Allie was ready to celebrate what had to be another sure-fire success for her; she practically forgot that Sylvia was far from finished. But she would get a stern reminder just a moment later, when Sylvia began to buck up and down, jostling her in all directions!

"W-Whoaaah, whoah..!!" Allie tried her best to hang on to Sylvia, grasping at her sides. But when both of them were still wet, it was hard to keep a grip. The motions caused Allie's breasts to bounce up and down wildly, and she honestly wished she had the cameras focused in to take advantage if that was going to happen - but a second later, Sylvia managed to buck Allie off of her, sending her tumbling across the floor. She panted for breath as she rubbed at her head, trying to dull the aches, but when she looked back at Sylvia, her eyes narrowed in a wince. And barely a moment later, Sylvia would haul her up to her feet! "Yeeowch-!!" Allie yelped as Sylvia yanked her up by the hair, and when she slammed the microphone into her chest, she slipped a little in a puddle of water on the floor - but a moment later she sucked in a breath, crossing her arms and puffing out her chest as she tried her best to look tough.

It was there that Sylvia named her challenge. If cooler heads were around to prevail, Allie might have backed down then and there. For better or worse, she wasn't exactly favored to win - she had never actually been in a real fight before. But she did have some wrestling training in order to prepare her for her charity ironwoman match with Chiaki, and she had managed to keep up with her the whole way through - so, in Allie's mind, that was all she needed! More to the point, though, Sylvia was pushing her a step too far - and Allie was through with rolling over and letting herself be walked on. She needed to stand up to Sylvia and send a message - and that message was that her tricks wouldn't work!

"Oh, yeah? If that's the case...I accept! So long as you're prepared to lose when I kick your ass, anyway!" Looking to punctuate her statement, Allie took a step forward, shoving her far larger chest into Sylvia's own. "These people came here to watch me hype up Fight the LAW, so we might as well give them the sort of excitement they can look forward to when the show kicks off! Or, at least, I will - we all know that you couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag!"

If the fans had gotten excited over the spontaneous burst of mayhem this stream had seen a moment ago, this was only hyping them up even further! The chat was awash with viewers cheering on one girl or another, asking if the mods could set up a betting pool, and some of them speculating if the two of them were in on it and just wanted to set up a show to promote LAW's event. But when Sylvia proposed a humiliating display in store for Allie if she lost...that was enough to touch a nerve, and the Floridian's response would have proved to anyone that this was real!

"Excuse ME!?" Allie scoffed, leaning in toward Sylvia with her hands on her hips. "Okay, THAT'S a little far! We both know I don't just give the good stuff away!" She grit her teeth - if Sylvia thought she could make a spectacle out of her in her stream, Allie was all the more motivated to prove her wrong! The longer she had to put up with Sylvia's unbearable voice, the more excited she was to finally get to kick her dumb stupid teeth in. All that was left now was for Allie to name the referee for the event - and she knew exactly who to pick.

"If that's the case, I just want to make two requests!" she said. "First of all, we're gonna need someone to keep the cameras running if we want this to work. Maybe one of you boys could help out? Might give you something special if you win~" Allie added, turning to one of Sylvia's muscular manservants with a wink as she leaned in closer to flash some more cleavage in his direction. She chuckled a little to herself - it never failed.

"And my second request? When it comes to a referee, I don't think I could make a better pick than someone with plenty of experience both in LAW and on Twitch, and someone who I know is watching us right now - Chiaki Nanami! Chi-chan, street fights are no-DQ, so all you'll really need to do is announce it when Sylvia has to throw in the towel. You can do that from home just fine!" She waved to the camera as the new cameraman began to set it up - she wouldn't want to get the match started until she knew she was in focus, after all. But once she was sure she was..."If that sounds good, can consider THIS the bell!"

Allie wouldn't waste a second more. Right then, she would swing her hand out, attempting to hit Sylvia right from the get-go with a hard slap straight across the cheek!
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