Sienna Smith vs Wicke Sykes - Best of 3 Falls Beach Match

Midcard to UpperCard stars compete in the back half of the PPV for glory and stardom!
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Re: Sienna Smith vs Wicke Sykes - Best of 3 Falls Beach Match

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Unwilling to give the spiteful woman what she wanted, Wicke endured an imitation of her beloved finisher, even if the assortment of colours and sweat meant Sienna did a number on the plump woman. In the end, she managed to last long enough to shake off her abrasive attacker, allowing this round to continue. However for a period of time, she laid down like a beached whale needing plentiful time to recharge from her warn state, along with needing to ready herself a means to combat this pest.

"Hurgh..." Even with best odds, it was a chore to simply press down with enough force to support herself to a wheel. Thus an enraged Sienna functioned as an unwilling solution. Deciding to shift her focus about upcoming events, she let herself get forcibly carried to two wobbly feet once again. Midst the blinding light, she was able glimpse her opponent's stance and predicted specific arm movements. Time for a game of quick reactions as within a flash, Wicke's arm raised up to try catch Sienna's wrist midstrike. If she successfully defended her voluptuous orbs, she tried to abruptly adopt the momentum as her own by suddenly bowing down and draw the halted Sienna onto her shoulder for fireman's carry!

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Re: Sienna Smith vs Wicke Sykes - Best of 3 Falls Beach Match

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Sienna had made it a point to take it to Wicke from bell to bell, here! With a crushing defeat in the first fall to avenge, the bodacious beauty wasn't about to let the story of this PPV outing be the story of Sykes dominating her!

Smith had work Wicke down in short order! She even used the purplette's finisher against her! And even in the face of the threat of possibly being made to submit to her own move, Sykes hung in there! The fans cheered when she bucked Sienna off her person and escaped the hold! But that didn't mean that Smith would let up! Sienna stomped over to Wicke. While the sexy scientist struggled to push herself up to her feet, Sienna assisted her so that she could get Wicke up for the harsh strike she had in mind!

"Let's see 'em bounce some more!" The scorned, fit middleweight would brag as wound up for her chop! Sienna and some members of the audience got excited at the thought of getting to see Wicke's large, pale orbs bounce as a result of the impact of the Chop!

"No!" Sienna would soon find a reason to let out an audible protest! Wicke was savvy, after all! With keen timing and good reaction time, the plump heavyweight plucked Sienna's wrist mid-strike, denying the ebony beauty the chop and instead countering by crouching down and hauling Sienna up onto her shoulders for a Fireman's Carry!

The beachgoers and attendees of Fight The LAW began to rally behind the purplette as she set up, seemingly for another power move! They cheered as Wicke hauled her opponent around on her shoulders! But Sienna's refusal to be trounced against manifested in her next move!

"Uh nah nah nah! Not this time!" Smith would grit her teeth and protest! Rather than go for a traditional counter like elbowing the head or raining down clubbing blows, Sienna would instead attempt a cunning play of her own!

The bikini-clad bombshell would reach for the side of Wicke's head...and snatch the curvaceous beauty's glasses away from her!

"Hahahaha!" If Sienna succeeded, she'd laugh loudly and mischievously and hold the glasses up high, even while on Wicke's shoulders!

From there, Smith would chick the bifocals over the top rope and into the sands! She was sure the surprise would give everyone quite a shock, especially Wicke! And if it did, Smith would attempt to slide down off of Wicke's shoulders and roll the woman up from behind with an O'Connor Roll into a pin!
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Re: Sienna Smith vs Wicke Sykes - Best of 3 Falls Beach Match

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Even after being put in her old main finisher and further humiliation induced by a few chops, Wicke's stamina and perseverance managed to pull through barely. Figuring out the perfect rhythm, she managed to slip through Sienna's offences and transition into another fireman's carry. In controlled settings, the timing couldn't be more perfect. All she needed was a few more seconds and a second Shattered Psyche could be dealt for a sudden finish!

However a sour reminder that her opponent was a dirty fighter would be embedded in that large cranium. The sunny skies, burning ropes and electrified fans suddenly became a blur in one swift notion. "" Being trapped in this darkness left suddenly evaporated the purplette's confidence. The sight of Wicke's uncovered pupils put the fans in disarray, as if witnessing a zebra without its stripes. She couldn't exactly feel around for her spectacles with her arms preoccupied with a thieving pest, almost collapsing about due to loss of focus. Was this even legal?

Her sneaky passenger would slip off, but the abrupt loss of vision left Wicke paralyzed by her state of anxiety. Without proper grounding, she would be in for even more discomfort thanks to her world spinning. A sudden revolution left the purplette murmuring in response to her dizzy condition and sudden weigh coursing through her lower body as the pinfall set!


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Re: Sienna Smith vs Wicke Sykes - Best of 3 Falls Beach Match

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Going after Wicke's glasses certainly didn't earn Sienna any favors with the crowd. Sienna didn't always fight dirty. But desperation wrestlers do desperate things. A second Shattered Psyche here would make the match a clean sweep for Wicke and offer her a dominant win over the dominant diva! And Smith couldn't have that!

A brief moment of disorientation followed the theft of Sykes's glasses! Sienna knew this act would take the curvy purplette by surprise! The ebony bombshell knew this was her moment! She quickly turned the tides and rolled Wicke up such that she was sitting on the backs of the plump heavyweight's thighs!

"ONE....!" The referee had already taken note of the pin! She slapped the canvas and began counting!

But Sienna didn't stop there! She needed this pinfalls! As she laughed at her own mischief, Smith grabbed hold of the fabric of Wicke's bikini bottoms! Surely, many fans would appreciate the full view of the scientist's big, pale bum as Sienna kept the purplette pinned here!


"Come on! Come on!" Sienna grit her teeth, leaned back, and smiled! If she did manage to steal a fall here, she'd quickly rise up to her feet and jump for joy with both hands in the air!

She'd take the time during her celebration to venture her way out of the ring and collect Wicke's glasses from the sands. Sienna would flaunt the bifocals before sliding her way back into the ring and handing them to her opponent.

"I think you dropped these, nerd~" The bikini-clad babe would tease as if she wasn't the one that discarded Sykes's glasses in the first place!
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Re: Sienna Smith vs Wicke Sykes - Best of 3 Falls Beach Match

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A rollercoaster for her mental state as Wicke went from a punching bag to almost winning the match to 2-0, only returning to unease with the theft of her glasses. Despite staring past rivals in the eye, nobody went this far to gain leverage over the purplette as if these spectacles were a bodypart instead. Although the awareness that this wasn't even a rulebreak meant a huge risk for the future. While not in excruciating pain, the lack of vision and discomfort in becoming folded by Sienna left her paralyzed.

Even with the added humiliation of those fragile bikini bottoms being waved around, she felt more naked with those eyelids exposed and twitching around.


Of all times and places to concede a fall. While the cheating woman did their celebration lap, Wicke plummeted onto her stomach deeply in thought about the past few minutes. Having been humiliated in all areas by somebody so reckless yet lacking any shame left the researcher gobsmacked. Imagine who would be endangered if this chaos was rewarded by a PPV win?

When Sienna returned, it took a few seconds for the purplette to register that her foe was prideful enough to not even hide the glasses. However this didn't mean mercy, far from it actually. Taking what was rightfully hers and wiping any dirt off the lenses, Wicke would be forced to witness that smug expression.

"I think we need a longer evaluation, since you continue to defy my expectations." A blank stare accompanied by emotionless words confirmed that this last round won't be on playful terms. Wiping any bits of sand from her worn body, she raised herself to an upright stance as the clock ticked down. The concept of crossing the line and self-preservation wasn't registered in this foe.

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Re: Sienna Smith vs Wicke Sykes - Best of 3 Falls Beach Match

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"How about you evaluate the L I just handed ya?" Sienna stuck her tongue out at the plump purplette as she retorted.

Sienna never lacked for pride or backbone. And now that she had tied up the score 1 fall to 1 fall, now that she was within striking distance of winning the big PPV match with Wicke altogether, Sienna's shamelessness was beyond vindicated!

Sienna's mix of spunk, confidence, shamelessness, and sex appeal made it difficult for some fans to commit to booing her. Even now, as she struts about the ring, waiting for the officials to give the go-ahead for the next and last fall to start, the reactions from fans in the stands and passerbys on the boardwalk was mixed! Sienna even ran a small victory lap in a circle inside the ring after handing Sykes her glasses! She settled in her corner and shook her arms and legs out the try and get loose and limber and to try and shake off any damage she had sustained as she got ready for the last round!

The sun-kissed skin of the tanned beauty glistened in the sunlight hitting the beach ring. You could already see tan likes forming near the straps of Smith's bikini top. Her long hair frayed in some parts. Trading slams and strikes with Wicke was demonstrably not an easy task. For all her bravado, Sienna was holding her own. The question was: how long could the bodacious ebony beauty hold out against an irate Wicke Sykes!

"Ready when you are, Einstein! May the best woman win!" Sienna would boast sarcastically from her corner.

The bikini-clad bombshell would place her hands on her knees and lean forward. She'd eye Wicke from across the ring, doubling down on the antagonistic attitude and spunk that sparked a rivalry between them in the first place! The crowd got antsy in anticipation of the last third and final fall! And when the bell sounded to kick it off, Sienna burst out of her corner and looked to set the pace by trying to meet the bigger, softer women in the corner across the ring from her with a Running Spear!
Last edited by winner3 on Wed Jan 10, 2024 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sienna Smith vs Wicke Sykes - Best of 3 Falls Beach Match

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Oh Wicke was definitely evaluating the results of this last phase as well. If the strategy was to morph Wicke's bubbly self into a sullen and disgruntled demeanour, it just might persist for months if her mature body does indeed cave during the last round. While most watchers remained loyal towards Wicke's charisma, general optimism and luscious figure, they were gradually becoming drowned by chants begging for the self-proclaimed alpha to tear through those cooked curves.

Her posture and glare unadjusted, she chose to not play into Sienna's banter, instead decide how to deliver a firm hand or two for such contempt. It also functioned as a poker face since even during the breaks her stamina was worn by the everbeating sun. Will it be her rival ending this or Wicke herself?

"Let us proceed..." As the bell rang, Wicke already anticipated that the green-clad bombshell was aiming to devastate by lodging her into the corner. Seeing that evasion was too risky, feeling she lacked the safe zone to step into, this was a dilemma she had to thwart head on. Wicke was lucky those glasses remain preserved, since she needed absolute perfect accuracy to time her own movements. When a split-second could decide safety or injury, with absolute focus Wicke shot out her arms to encircle Sienna's neck and waist. If this in timeframe, she did manage to succeed, Wicke would try to control the flow of the middleweight's momentum to twist her in an upside down position, releasing all through one more step and a powerslam!

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Re: Sienna Smith vs Wicke Sykes - Best of 3 Falls Beach Match

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Just one more fall would decide which of these capable, curvy women would emerge from this match with a massive PPV win! While the sun beamed down on everyone with an oppressive swelter that had the crowd and staff covering this bikini beach match fanning themselves to keep cool and follow the action! But right now, the only thing hotter than the scantily-clad women in the ring was the intense rivalry between Wicke Sykes and Sienna Smith!

"Let's go!!!" Smith would cry out as she charged in at the plump purplette!

Fans gasped as Sienna took the initiative! It seemed the dominant diva intended to carry her momentum forward from winning the previous fall! It was clear that Sienna was looking to put Wicke away in short order here! Smith had youth and power on her side! Before Wicke could even set foot out of her corner, Sienna had already more or less closed the gap between them! She knew she was faster and stronger than her rival. No one thought that Wicke would be fast enough to somehow find her way out of her corner and dodge! All signs pointed to Smith Spearing the curvy purplette into her corner and setting up to trounce Wicke in decisive fashion!

"Hrk!?" Which made the audience let out a collective gasp when that did not happen!

When Sienna made contact with Wicke, she grunted as the heavyweight's arms skillfully hooked over her waist and neck! While Smith was quite impressive physically in every respect, Wicke had the edge in experience and technique!

"Wait wait wa!" Sienna was just as surprised as anyone else. She had banked on the idea that the sexy scientist might be tuckered out and running on fumes this late in the game on the third fall!

But Wicke managed to stop Sienna in her tracks and counter! And just as impressively, the purplette hoisted Sienna upsidedown into prime position to step through and stride out of her corner with Sienna in tow! Wicke moved with a purpose and conviction that made it come across like she was slamming any and all doubt away that she was on the back foot here in this match! She burst out of her corner and made the ring ropes shake by reversing Sienna's Spear and taking a big step out of her corner before slamming the bikini-clad bombshell down with authority with a Powerslam!

Sienna would go down in a heap near the center of the ring! Her eyes would shut tight with pain! Her breathing would be labored. The sun's rays would accentuate the ebony beauty's abs, arms, and legs as she lay there in a position that was becoming frustratingly familiar to her! Hapless and on her back at the feet of the capable veteran wrestler Wicke Sykes!
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Re: Sienna Smith vs Wicke Sykes - Best of 3 Falls Beach Match

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Those who couldn't stomach seeing lovely Wicke turn into juice by Sienna's charge already turned away. She could never outpace most of the new guard, but has been in their shoes enough times to simulate actions well enough. The timing of her catch couldn't be more perfect, knowing the precise place to grasp Sienna's body and neutralise her. What followed was a graceful yet disciplined stride where Wicke caused a sandstorm thanks to an awesome powerslam!

Any fears that the bronze warrior would bully the bubbly mother faded as Wicke began this round with a vengeance. Rather than immediately go for the pinfall, she slowly rose up, briefly brushing her sweaty frame against the laid out Sienna. Standing proudly once again, she soaked in the adoration and cheers even if they could only quell the heatwave ever so slightly. "Have you REALLY evaluated the first round? This all looks f-familiar" A slight stutter as she was mildly tuckered out by ticking clock, but nonetheless had the composure to slip a tease. The only reason she didn't pounce sooner was to earn a little rest and sensing that Sienna's condition was a millisecond off a three count. So the purplette bent down to grasp Sienna by her burly shoulder, eager to apply a frontal facelock and prepare to send her for a rise again through a quick vertical suplex!

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Re: Sienna Smith vs Wicke Sykes - Best of 3 Falls Beach Match

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It was a scene that was becoming more and more frustratingly familiar to Sienna. The sight of the curvy, mature, half-naked Wicke standing over her commandingly, convincingly. Sienna could just barely make out the finer features. The sun beamed down on that luscious purple hair of Sykes. The bikini that clung to the sexy scientist's curvy frame about as separately as Smith was trying to hang on in this match right now!

Sienna's buxom bust heaved as she took heavy breaths while laid out on the canvas at Wicke's feet. The Powerslam was demonstrably effective, much like most of Wicke's offense in this match! It was clear that both women were fatigued at this point. Though Wicke had shut down Sienna's offense, she was unable to quickly go for a cover. Instead, the veteran used this moment to collect herself and stand tall, much to this beach crowd's approval!

Even after all the time it took for Wicke to get to her feet and drink in the crowd reaction, Sienna stayed down still! What's worse, she had to endure yet another "lesson", another tongue lashing from her rival here. One that was frustratingly true, much to Sienna's dismay!

"Mmmm....hng...." Smith groaned as Wicke bent down to take hold of her in a Front Facelock.

Sienna's arms drooped as she was forced up to her feet and subjected to more offense. There was none of the resistance and defiance that Wicke had become so accustomed to. With hardly any effort at all, Sykes hoisted Sienna up and slammed her onto her back in the middle of the ring with a Vertical Suplex!

"Guh!" Smith would let out a groan as she was laid out on her back, arms and legs spread eagle! Sienna's face contorted not just with pain but with visible anger as she wondered how many times she would have to be laid out and forced to squint up at Wicke standing over her!

It was just like Wicke had said! Her wealth of pro wrestling experience and high in-ring IQ were helping her best Sienna at every major juncture! This third fall was playing out just like the first- perhaps even more lopsidedly than the first fall! All in Wicke's favor!
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