Amy Schmidt vs Spectre - Hardcore Match
Match Type: Hardcore
Match Rules: None
Attire: Standard wrestling attire
Location: LAW mandated ring
For some reason, Amy was getting tougher matches, despite having an awful start to LAW, having lost her debut in horrendous fashion, and even having the term "The new Ossi Shamar" floating around in hushed murmurs around LAW itself. Amy did not know who Ossi Shahar was though, so it didn't matter to her, though she did assume it was someone amazing, like she was, according to her own arrogance.
Her next match was a hardcore match, meaning she could fight without limitations, and that petrified her. That meant anything could happen to her, and her opponent could easily end up breaking her so badly that she could be sent to A&E. But she could not abandon a fight, as she knew that if she defaulted on a match, her contract could easily be terminated, leaving her without anywhere to go.
As such, she headed to the ring, being immensely nervous, and praying that her opponent wasn't going to be savage, though she expected they would be. Upon arrival, she slipped into her wrestling attire, and made her way out to the ring.
"Greetings peasants!" She said as she slipped into the ring clumsily. "It is I, the Prinzessin Der Verurteilung! Here to make my powers known throughout the world once more after my amazing debut!" There was a smattering of laughter to this blatant lie, to which Amy ignored. "And once again, the scoundrel that will come opposite me will fall foul of my moves, and submit themselves to my majesty!" She said, walking to her corner and waiting for her opponent to arrive.