Alena Stepanova [D] vs. Kimiko Izanagi

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Alena Stepanova [D] vs. Kimiko Izanagi

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Match Type: Standard Match
Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.
The arena had fallen into a hushed silence as the lights came up over the entrance ramp. Everyone who had been following the card knew what was up next - the debut of LAW's most recent signee. A woman who many die-hard fans would recognize from her time in the MMA circuit, noted not only for her prowess in the octagon, but also for her bombastic, devil-may-care attitude and her willingness to take risks all in the name of proving her own worth. She had garnered quite a bit of media attention by calling out women who were easily twice her size, and despite all evidence to the contrary she seemed completely convinced that she could stand a chance against them. While many had seen her dismissal from her previous promotion coming after the stunts she'd pulled, she had enough fans rallied behind her who wanted to see just how far she could push her luck - and when she announced that she was making the jump to pro wrestling, those fans were eager to see what the next chapter of her career would bring her. Now...they were about to find out.

"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Coming first to the ring...from Perm, 5'2, weighing 116 pounds, and making her debut in professional wrestling...ALEEE-"

Misa Otomura, LAW's long-suffering ring announcer, had begun to call the newcomer to the ring - but before she could finish, another voice cut back from the ramp. "HOLD IT!!"
A small and lean woman appeared from behind the curtains then, wearing an elegant dress and backed by an entourage of men in dark suits and sunglasses - at least one of whom visibly sighed at her outburst. Nevertheless, the beaming grin never fell from the woman's face as she posed defiantly with her hands on her hips. Already, she had gotten a few cheers for her bravado! As she descended the ramp, she pointed to a crew member to pass her a microphone, and as one was placed into her hand, she continued with her speech on the way down.

"Misa Otomura-san, it's a pleasure. You do a fine job out there and I'm not going to contest that! But! I think for an occasion like this? A historic moment for both myself and for LAW? The day that the great Alena Stepanova graced your presence? Nyet! This calls for something greater! And for that...I'm happy to oblige!"

Climbing up onto the apron, then onto the turnbuckle - many commenters would note that being able to do that in a dress was a feat in itself - Alena clambored high over the ring, where she pointed a finger out along the crowds. "Ladies and gentlemen, you are bearing witness to the one, the only, the strongest woman to grace the face of combat sports - and if that's not the case now, it will be by the time I retire! Doesn't matter how big or how strong you are - no one is ready for me! I'll take on anyone in this company if I have to! I'll take on Alaina Sanders! I'll take on Astrid Arvidsson!! At the end of the day I'm here to prove that I can be the best there is! And whatever that might take...I'll do it!"

She flexed a bicep proudly. "Because I'm Perm Krai's greatest export, da! Forget about what you heard about oil and natural gas and magnesium - none of those things can do what I'm about to do right here in this ring, tonight and on many nights to come! I'm the Grand Duchess of the Octagon, and that's not just a name I came up with, but one that I've earned - and that I wear with pride! So I want to hear the biggest cheer all of you can manage for me! The great! ALENA! STEPANOVAAAAA!!"

Alena threw her hands high in the air - and even if a good portion of the fans had never heard of her before this day, the energy and enthusiasm she put into her introduction was more than enough to get everyone's hype soaring high for what she might be able to back it up with! The cheers echoed through the arena as Alena stood high on the turnbuckle, tossing off her gown to reveal her ring gear underneath it. Only then did she hop down into the ring - and upon rising back up and dusting herself off, she cracked her knuckles, sinking back into the corner.

"Now! Who's my opponent tonight?"
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Re: Alena Stepanova [D] vs. Kimiko Izanagi

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Kimiko would be excited for her next match, but very nervous too... because last time she fought an aggressive girl! She wasn't this strong but if she had to lose at least it would be better to lose from a nice one!

She would walk into the arena very nervously and a bit scared and saw her opponent that was already into the ring... she had a funny way of talking.. maybe this time Kimiko would get a nice opponent?

"H-hi! I'm Kimiko... hoping you'll be nice..." She said, clearly that would indicate that Alena would be the strongest between the two, at least that came out from the crowd prespective..

Kimiko would ankwardly try to shake Alena hand, while getting closer but she stumbled from panic and landed on her opponent while the match still didn't start!
"Oww!!! I'm sorry!!" The crowd laughed, this wasn't even started and it was already comical...

"Please don't punch me it's not on purpose! I swear!" Kimiko tried to get off Alena but she falled again right into her chest! "Mphmphp!!!!" It was really embarassing and the crowd couldn't wait to see Alena reaction to all of this..

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Re: Alena Stepanova [D] vs. Kimiko Izanagi

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Alena had only been a publically-facing employee of LAW for a few minutes, but already her gradiose antics had set off a furor of discussion, and even those who had never heard of her before were watching intently to see what she was going to do next. They were watching just as eagerly to see just who she was going to be put up against - if there was even someone else in LAW who could possibly come close to the dramatic display she had promised! But perhaps no one was anticipating who would next come to the ring more than Alena herself, who stood proudly in the ring, her back straight, her hands on her hips, and a grin beaming across her face. She had come to LAW intent on taking on some of the most formidable challengers the wrestling world had to open, just to prove that she had it in her to raise herself to their level! She could only hope that her first opponent in the League could deliver a challenge worthy of such a promise!

...Which was why, when Kimiko came staggering to the ring shyly, quivering with every step, Alena was...confused, to say the least. She tilted her head to her, raising an eyebrow in befuddlement. This girl looked like she would fall over if you breathed on her too hard - she had fought opponents in her MMA days who would have crushed her in seconds! She looked at Kimiko, and then back at the referee, a few times, and each time the look on her face grew more and more frustrated. She hadn't come all this way just to be put up against someone who wasn't even going to try to act intimidating! "I'm sorry," she grumbled. "Is this some sort of joke? It isn't very funny-!"

As Kimiko stepped into the ring, Alena looked back at her just in time for the red-haired girl to lose her balance, falling right on top of her! She landed with a gasp - and when she heard the crowd laughing, her eyes narrowed in a glare. She was a proud mixed martial artist and a champion in the making, not some sort of clown! This wasn't the impression she was trying to make at all, and to have everyone laughing at her simply wouldn't do - to say nothing of the laughs and wolf-whistles that came a moment later, when Kimiko slipped a second time, her face planting into Alena's chest before the brunette had even fully picked herself back up!

"Hmph!" This time, Alena shoved at Kimiko's shoulders, looking to push her away from her. If anything, she was more embarrassed by how ridiculous she looked right now than she was by her opponent's face falling into her breasts. "Enough of this! I did not come to LAW to be treated as a mere farce!" She rolled up on her knees...but then, rather than get on her feet, the newcomer did something unexpected. She proceeded to throw herself down onto her back, laying on the mat with her hands behind her head! She had an idea of how she could use this!

"However...I appreciate your boldness in wishing to face me on the ground! As a master of BJJ, you should well know that facing me in this way is no easy feat - and yet, you go for it right from the start? In that case, go ahead! I will start this match from my back! And, as you will won't impede me one bit! Just try it!"

A few murmurs went through the crowd. Was Alena plotting something here? Or did she just want to show off? Either way, everyone was waiting for the moment the bell would ring, if only to see what would happen next...
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Re: Alena Stepanova [D] vs. Kimiko Izanagi

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"Master of...BJJ?" Kimiko was a bit confused, She didn't even know what that meant.. but since Alena was there laying down She would Just grab Her legs and go for a boston crab! "Ehm...okay take this!"

Both Kimiko and the crowd were confused about this but She wouldn't let a free move wasted!

"I don't know what your Plan Is but im not gonna stay still!" Kimiko said while still attempting It hoping to start and get some damage!

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Re: Alena Stepanova [D] vs. Kimiko Izanagi

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Alena still hadn't gotten up - but as Kimiko came closer, she watched her with a smile on her face. In most situatons like this, a wrestler on the ground, with their opponent still on their feet, would seem to be at a clear disadvantage - and yet, Alena was willing to take that chance. She wanted to make a point, and she wanted to prove that no matter what situation she was in, her abilities were more than enough to turn things around! In fact, if she was on the ground, she was right in her element - and she was going to demonstrate as much here and now! If this was to be her debut, she wanted to show the world what she was capable of, and this seemed to be the perfect opportunity!

Kimiko bent in closer to take hold of Alena's legs - but just then, the Russian girl struck, throwing both legs in the air to grab for one of her opponent's arms! If she could scissor her bicep in between her legs, she would push off the mat with her palms and attempt to flip her weight over, hoping she could generate enough force to throw Kimiko off her balance and send her crashing to the mat. If it all paid off, Alena hoped to land with her legs locked around Kimiko's bicep - and if that worked, she would grab for the wrist of that arm to crank at the shoulder with an armbar!

"Well, you're seeing my plan right here!"
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Re: Alena Stepanova [D] vs. Kimiko Izanagi

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"ARGHHH!!! It hurts!! You Meanie! Then i'll do this!" Kimiko was Indeed trapped Into the armbar but Her hand was in between Alena blossom! So She groped It a bit or at least She tried to make the woman embarassed!

"You made your point...but can you be gentler? I don't want my arm to be broken :("

Kimiko looked in pain and sad and Just realized that She was the jobber here without experience the thing Is She didn't like to be stretched! It was too painful!

She could only Hope that the teasing on Alena would work so She could get free from this torture!

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Re: Alena Stepanova [D] vs. Kimiko Izanagi

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As Alena's legs locked into place around Kimiko's arm, a smirk flashed across her face, and her grip tightened around the girl's wrist. If Kimiko thought she could outsmart a master grappler in a contest of submission holds, then Alena was going to show her how naive she truly was! However, while Alena had plenty of experience in MMA and competitive grappling, she was still new to LAW - and there were some tactics she simply wasn't prepared for. When Kimiko grabbed at her crotch, she never saw it coming - not until she felt the rush of sensation shoot through her body from it! No one had ever done that to her before!

"Whaaa-!?" Alena's cheeks flushed red - she had been caught completely by surprise! Reeling from the sudden turn of events, she relinquished her grip on Kimiko's arm, rolling aside to come to a stop on her knees. There, she rubbed at her groin a little to try and get the lingering sensation out - and once she was sure she was ready to get back into the game, she cleared her throat, looking back up at Kimiko and planting her fist against her palm. She wouldn't let this slow her down!

"Gentler? You should know what sort of a fight you're getting into!" she huffed, hopping back up onto her feet. "I hope you have more in you than that..." With that, the Russian girl bent at the knees, holding a hand out to Kimiko to help her to her feet.
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Re: Alena Stepanova [D] vs. Kimiko Izanagi

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"Eheh seems someone is weak to that.. <3" Kimiko recognized the difference between her and Alena but she wasn't gonna lose that easly! In fact since she got relased Kimiko rushed to Alena trying to punch her in the belly!

"You are just a show off! Why all the people only think about hurting? Just have some fun! But that was a tactic to distract Alena, if Kimiko punch would go in she would follow with her cute uppercut to bring Alena down! Of course it wouldn't be THAT strong, after all Kimiko was inexperienced and a jobber so it would be hard for her to win this fight!

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Re: Alena Stepanova [D] vs. Kimiko Izanagi

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Despite Alena's taunts, Kimiko seemed content with knowing she had found a point where she seemed to hold the advantage over her foe. And as soon as the Russian grappler realized that, her eyes narrowed in a glare as a stern look crossed her face. For as ditzy and cutesy as Kimiko might have acted on her way in, she was still a wily opponent who was going to go to whatever means she needed to in the pursuit of victory. Alena couldn't afford to treat her as a joke. And when this was her debut, and her chance to show the wrestling world what she was capable of bringing to the table, it was all the more imperative she give this fight just as much focus and effort as any main event!

As soon as Kimiko got to her feet, she came charging in to narrow the distance on Alena, throwing a solid punch toward her stomach. Alena tried to get her hands up to shield herself, but it proved too late - the redhead's fist slipped through her guard, and glanced off her abdomen with the sound of a thud! She buckled inward and grumbled under her breath, taking a few steps back from Kimiko. The blow hadn't been hard enough to knock her down, but she was still feeling it.

However, it was what Kimiko said next that truly caught Alena's attention. And when she looked back up at her, her eyes narrowed into a glare as she huffed under her breath. "Show-off!?" Now she was reminded of why she was fighting. Alena was here to show the world that she was a force to be reckoned with - it simply wouldn't do if the world was convinced that she was all style and no substance! One way or another, she was determined to turn that perception around! "If you really think I'm such a's because we aren't on the mat, where I can really shine! But I can fix that, just you wait!"

The next time Kimiko came her way, Alena would be ready! The redhead threw an uppercut in her direction, but this time, Alena would move to catch it! If she could get a hold of Kimiko's arm, she would use it to pull it toward her and drag Kimiko off her balance, where she would then throw her hip back against Kimiko's stomach to drag her down in a hip toss!
Last edited by CaptainL on Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alena Stepanova [D] vs. Kimiko Izanagi

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"Yes sho of....oww!!" Kimiko didn't expect Her uppercut to be blocked and was hitted with the hip toss falling on the ground but! She somehow tried to grab Alena down with her, if that was successful Kimiko face would be under Alena breasts again.....

"You come with me! Since you want to fight on the ground so much!" Kimiko said teasing the russian girl!

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