Smothering Stars: Veyle Ombroso vs Niko Tomiji

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Smothering Stars: Veyle Ombroso vs Niko Tomiji

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Mercy Match: Match will only end once one wrestler submit, and the other chooses to accept it

Earlier Today

Veyle Ombroso had a match tonight. Her parents were aware of this fact, but Veyle herself was not. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that she was half-aware. But the half of Veyle currently on the phone with her mother was not the half that was aware. "Japan has a lot of really weird food, but weird in a good way," she said through her phone's mic. "There's a lot of spicy stuff too! I'm falling in love with wasabi!"

"Why that's wonderful, dear," said Veyle's mother Zephia, but the uncaring look on her face back in Italy did not match her words. The real reason that she didn't video call her daughter, rather than the technical issues she claimed. But her face grew more interested as she got to the part of the conversation she really cared about, "By the way, have you heard about <REDACTED>"

Veyle didn't respond, but that's exactly what Zephia wanted. She went blank, until her eyes shifted from amethyst purple to blood red. Then she spoke, "Hello mother. How am I needed?" Just like that, with one magic word, Zephia had brought forth the half of Veyle that knew she had a match tonight. The evil Veyle. And when the switched back, the good, true Veyle would be none the wiser.

"Why Veyle, tonight is your match," Zephia answered.

"Of course mother," Veyle replied. "Niko Tomiji, weakling jobber extraordinaire. I'll crush her."

"Just make sure you look good for the cameras, my daughter," Zephia said before hanging up the phone. Ecstasy shot up Veyle's back as she heard what Zephia called her. She was the true daughter, the true Veyle. Not that goodie two shoes of a defect that she was forced to share a body with. Veyle then went to make her preparations.

Present Time
Veyle made her entrance to a song that people who had scene her last match would notice was significantly different. They'd also see that her attire was much darker than when she had made her debut. The evil Veyle may be willing to keep the charade up enough that people wouldn't think she was two minds in one body, but she would puke if she had to try to completely copy the other Veyle. The evil Veyle was still her own person, and she was damn well going to act like it. Which meant that unlike the kindness that her other self had fought her first opponent with, this Veyle would tear her opponent apart until her voice had gone hoarse from begging for mercy.
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Re: Smothering Stars: Veyle Ombroso vs Niko Tomiji

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Niko took a deep breath in preparation for the match ahead of herself and what it meant to her. While still training with Tiki, she had all but completed a bulk of the main training the woman had for her. As a result she was now armed with skills and knowledge she wasn't before, and it was now on her to make use of them and do Tiki proud and not embarrass her by losing. As if to mark the evolution of her skill Niko had also changed up her ring gear, going from a simple string bikini to proper wrestling attire that made her look truly legit.
Taking a deep breath as she walked to the guerilla position Niko set her shoulders back and waited for the stage worker to give her her que, the music of her opponent ending as Niko's own started up, prompting the girl to come out. Immediately putting on her brilliant smile and holding her hands up for the fans she was greeted with her usual resounding applause. Shaking her hips just a bit to stay true to her roots Niko would blow a few kisses as she started to make her way down the ramp towards the ring with a smile on her face.

Unlike before however it wasn't a shallow smile based on arrogance and vain enjoyment. Instead it was a small grin of confidence in her own skills and abilities. Stepping into the ring Niko would look over her opponent and offer a friendly nod towards her. "Hi, I hope we have a good match." Niko said with a wave before stepping back towards her corner, forgoing trying for a handshake just in case, as Tiki had taught her. Granted Veyle didn't seem like the type to suckerpunch, but you could never be too sure. Hence she'd be friendly, but aloof, waiting for the bell to ring to start the match.

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Re: Smothering Stars: Veyle Ombroso vs Niko Tomiji

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Veyle watched with a smug grin as Niko made her entrance, swaying her hips and blowing kisses to the crowd, just like the fanservice jobber she was. The Italian was removing her horned headpiece and spider-like dress accessory as the busty pinkette greeted her. Veyle couldn't help but laugh in response to Niko's wish for a good match.

"Ha, hahaha. Yes, this will be a very good match," said Veyle. "I'll dominate, lewd, and humiliate you until you're kissing my foot on hands and knees, begging for the generosity of my mercy. While you'll be occupied with looking cute and crying sexily as I twist, bend, and break your jobber's body. Oh it will be delightful."

"After all, that's the only worth as jobber has in the ring," Veyle continued, growing more and more arrogant as she continued to tear Niko down. "Being eye candy while the real wrestlers have their fun. I mean if you're already defective as an actual fighter, then if you can't at least look pretty while you lose, well then you'd just be outright worthless. But at least a woman like you has some nice breasts and body for me to play with."

Veyle's trash talk would eventually be cut off by the bell ringing, and the Italian would charge in at Niko without hesitation. Once Veyle got close, she would interrupt her run to extend her leg out up between the pinkette's legs, opening the match straightaway with a crotch shot. Then once Niko presumably doubled over, Veyle would wrap an arm around her head and put her fellow Lightweight into a Side Headlock.

"You know, I really hope the new outfit isn't you trying to make some statement that you're a real wrestler now," Veyle chided. "After all, clothes make the wrestler far less than they make the woman, and I think this new outfit might make you look like even more of a slut than the bikini did." As Veyle said this, she would try to slam Niko face first into the mat with a Bulldog.

"I mean with the what, two inch long shorts," continued Veyle as she would grope a handful of Niko's ass. "And the top that doesn't have a back, or even sides for that matter," the red-eyed wrestler would then use her other hand to pinch the bare side of Niko's boob. "You're really just telling the world that you just want the men to tug off to you rather than to be a real wrestler." Veyle wouldn't even bother to put Niko in a real hold, just continuing to pinch and grope her body.
Last edited by deezcastforms on Sat Apr 13, 2024 4:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Smothering Stars: Veyle Ombroso vs Niko Tomiji

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Finishing up with her entrance completely Niko was feeling good, she was feeling confident, tonight all of Tiki's training would come to fruition as she'd show the world just what she was capable of doing now, and that she was no longer a jobber! Staring down her opponent across the ring Niko was wanting to start things off in a friendly and good sportsman like way, just as Tiki had taught her with a bit of caution. Though Veyle would make the decision of shaking her very clearly not worth it as she began insulting her out of the gate and promising to beat, humiliate and do every other horrible thing in the book to her.

Some of which Niko had been subjected too already. If this had been a six months ago Niko probably would have immediately succumbed to intimidation and fear, willing to throw the match and do exactly as Veyle promised to avoid taking more pain than she had too. Not this version of Niko though. Remaining silent and taking a deep breath Niko would focus, ignoring the words of her opponent, especially as the bell rang, officially starting the match between them. Normally Niko would charge forward and start off with a grapple like she had been taught by Tiki, however she wasn't expecting her opponent to take such liberal use of the match type so early on and was met with a kick to the crotch right away!

"UGH!" Niko gasped out, her stomach twisting into knots from the blow and forcing her to double over, in perfect position for her opponent to grab hold of her and pull her along for a bulldog, slamming her face into the mat with a bulldog! "Gah!" Moaning out as she hit the mat Niko would bounce up before laying on her face, curling in on herself a bit, holding her groin in pain after, trying to get some breath in, and consequently leaving her open for Veyle to start groping and pinching at her breasts and but, with Niko unable to do anything to truly stop her opponent!

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Re: Smothering Stars: Veyle Ombroso vs Niko Tomiji

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Veyle believed that she could probably eventually force Niko to throw herself upon the Italian's mercy with her grabbing and groping alone, but eventually she decided that she may as well put the pinkette into a real hold. So Veyle slid herself up onto Niko's back, pulling her arms up over her knees in a setup for a Camel Clutch.

Only Veyle had a different type of Camel Clutch in mind; specifically the Breast Camel Clutch. Instead of Niko's chin, Veyle would reach down to her breasts. Taking as much of her busty opponent's chest into her grip as her hands were capable of, Veyle would squeeze and twist them. She would pull them up, out, and sideways. Pulling and stretching them like they were caramel in a machine.

"Come on jobber, do your job and show off your breasts for the world," said Veyle as she looked down on Niko from her seat atop the pinkette. The rubied eyed sadist then brought her hands to the sides of Niko's breasts so that she could slide her fingers underneath her foe's skimpy top and begin to shake and rub Niko's tiddies directly.

"Maybe my breasts aren't too impressive, but I can have yours, right?" taunted Veyle. "Come on, say it. Who owns your boobs? Tell the world who your chest belongs to! And if you don't like that, well maybe I can make it even by letting your face have my ass." Veyle would then wait for Niko to say something, letting her extremely thinly veiled threat hang in the air.
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Re: Smothering Stars: Veyle Ombroso vs Niko Tomiji

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Niko was in a terrible position right now, victim to a low blow that left her utterly debilitated and unable to fight back against Veyle as the girl continued to flex her current position as much as she saw fit. Turning Niko over and taking a seat on her back Niko would whine softly in pain and annoyance but otherwise offered no other words as her breasts were grabbed, forcing her breath to hitch before she was pulled up into a breast hold came clutch!

"Aghhh Ngh!" Groaning out loudly in pain from the hold Niko would bite her lip in pain as well as annoyance, the latter born from Velye's continued shit talking directed towards her. Clenching her fists Niko did her best to withstand the hold as the pain between her legs died down, biding her time until she had the perfect moment to counter attack!

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Re: Smothering Stars: Veyle Ombroso vs Niko Tomiji

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It wasn't that Veyle disliked the noises coming from Niko as the monochromatic wrestler punished her amble boobs with a Breast Camel Clutch. But the poor, pink-haired jobber wasn't giving Veyle what she really wanted to hear. In fact, it felt to her like Niko was going out of her way to not engage with any of Veyle's trash talk at all.

That was not something that Veyle would simply let slide. "Alright, alright, you're a shrewd negotiator, Niko," she said as she let go of the pinkette's breasts to instead grab her by the chin for a proper Camel Clutch. Doing so so that she could tilt Niko's head back to make her eyes look straight up at the ceiling. "I'll let you have my ass first."

Veyle knew that she had to be quick with this. Even a weak jobber like Niko might be able to ruin it if she left her too much of a window. Still holding Niko's head in place, Veyle would get off of the pinkette's back, step over one of Niko's arms, and bring herself forward enough to get her butt on the jobber's face before her hands would be forced to let go.

The very moment Veyle's butt was in position, she would let all her weight drop, set to land straight on Niko's face if all went as it should. Veyle would then bring her other leg forward as well to complete her Backbreaking Facesit, using the weight of her butt and body to push Niko down until the back of her head was against her spine.

If Veyle got everything locked in, then she'd go back to Niko's breasts, which would be puffed out prominently by the arch of her back. Only this time the Italian wouldn't even be really attacking them. More just playing with them. Rubbing, fondling, poking, some light squeezing, almost if she was performing some type of examination on them. "Credit where it's due, they really are impressive."
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Re: Smothering Stars: Veyle Ombroso vs Niko Tomiji

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Groaning in pain and embarrassment from her breasts being grabbed and squeezed aggressively by Veyle it was hell to not try and defend herself verbally as well as physically to Veyle's taunts and attacks. Gritting her teeth to withstand both better Niko noticed her opponent shift tactics, releasing her breasts which could only mean she was switching tactics, and judging by what the woman said she was likely going for something to do with her rear end!

Sure enough within moments Niko saw one of her opponent's legs passing over her while the woman's ass now hovered above her face. 'Crap!' Niko thought with a gasp, knowing she'd have a split second at best to get out of this, but luckily Tiki's training prepared her to give her the best chance at making use of this brief window of opportunity.

Briefly, while there was no pressure on her back or legs Niko would pull her legs in so that she was actually on her knees with her feet just under her. Thus when Veyle came down onto her face Niko would groan and moan softly into the woman's plump, soft rear end. "Mmmph!" Groaning muffled into her opponent's but Niko would reach up and grab hold of the girl's hips.

All before pushing her feet under her and leaning back, pulling down onto her opponent's hips to drag her down along with her, trying to roll Veyle over her before rolling with her until she was on top, sitting on Veyle's legs to hold her down folded in half while Niko placed her hands on the mat behind them and arched her back, bridging to hold her opponent in a make shift victory roll up pin!

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Re: Smothering Stars: Veyle Ombroso vs Niko Tomiji

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This should have been the first red flag for Veyle. Her technique was proper and quick, she made no error. Yet Niko's defense was even better. The Italian got her butt to the pinkette's face, but even then she could tell it was wrong by the feel. Niko was at a different angle than she would have been had this gone right, and soon enough, Veyle found herself getting grabbed by her hips and dragged down.

But Veyle found fault with the way Niko had countered, which combined with her arrogance caused her to not even consider reevaluating the potential strength of her opponent. "Well I guess you weren't known for being too bright," she taunted despite being pinned beneath her opponent. "It's a MERCY match, remember? A pin doesn't mean anything!"

"Would getting a three count make you feel better? Make you feel like you actually accomplished something today once you're crying into your pillow later tonight after the match is over?" Despite being in an objective bad position, Veyle refused to stop running her mouth. "Tell you what, hold me here as long as you need in order to feel good about yourself. I'll wait. I won't do anything to get out until you try to go for a different move. Or if I get bored of lying here, I guess. But the view should keep me entertained for awhile, my darling little piece of eye candy."
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Re: Smothering Stars: Veyle Ombroso vs Niko Tomiji

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Niko was successful at managing to roll herself and Veyle backwards, successfully reversing into what would be a pin fall attempt in any other match. Unfortunately however that wasn't the case and in the heat of the moment Niko had forgotten that... or did she? Hearing what her opponent said Niko would crack a small smile on her face and for the first time in this match she'd speak. "You know... You should watch your mouth and what you promise." Niko said as she sat herself backwards a bit, planting her ass down onto Veyle's face, tucking one of the girl's legs under her arms before raising another arm up, trying to bring her palm down repeatedly on Veyle's ass, spanking her while holding her in this position!

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