Booty Queens Vs. Kiyoko Sisters - Smother Fest

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Re: Booty Queens Vs. Kiyoko Sisters - Smother Fest

Unread post by dddybee »

In what looked to be the final stretch of this match, Jasmine and Handa pummeled away at each other, throwing punch after punch! The two of them managed to give each other clear bruises from their fists. But Jasmine got the better of Handa here! She ducked down, dodging one of Handa's punches, before springing up for a full-power, leaping uppercut! "POW!" Jasmine exclaimed, as she sent Handa flying and crashing down into a seated position in the corner. This was Jasmine's favorite spot to have her foes in for a very good reason!

"Bomb Cake Bash!" Jasmine announced her signature running hip attack, racing at Handa and turning at the right moment to ram her powerful posterior into the brutal heel's face! "KA-BOOM!" And if that impact alone didn't knock Handa's lights out, Jasmine would butt smother her in a stinkface afterwards. Shaking her giant cake all over her face in quite the rough matter, the queen was going for the final smother elimination of this bout!

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Re: Booty Queens Vs. Kiyoko Sisters - Smother Fest

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Handa would be in a daze as she sat in the corner. Her anger point was depleting rapidly and it was seeming like the end of her anger. That was when she got hit with Jasmine’s signature move, “Bomb Cake Bash”.

Handa’s face was bashed into the butt of Jasmine before she got a stinkface. That pretty much ended Handa’s anger and before long, Handa was smothered and slowly she was knocked out. The referee would lift up the arm of Handa and after letting it drop, they rung the bell and the Kiyoko Sisters were weathered out and smothered into defeat.
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Re: Booty Queens Vs. Kiyoko Sisters - Smother Fest

Unread post by dddybee »

Jasmine's Bomb Cake Bash and follow-up stinkface were enough to finish the job; Handa had been effectively smothered out! And once the referee confirmed so, the Booty Queens were declared victorious! They had smothered both of the Kiyoko Sisters out, without suffering a single smother elimination themselves!

That being said, the pair of brutal heels had still of course done a number on them. After celebrating their victory, the Booty Queens would leave the ring and get checked out in LAW's medical room. Just to ensure everything was okay. Regardless, any damaged they may have sustained had been worth it, and they'd be all healed up and ready to smother out another team in no time!

Winners Via Smother K.Os: The Booty Queens

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