Kyoko Akan vs Yoko Littner - The Curvacious Debut

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Kyoko Akan vs Yoko Littner - The Curvacious Debut

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Standard Match
Kyoko Akan
Yoko Littner
Why she was asked to grace someone by giving them the honor of being there first opponent was just another injustice to tack on to her long list of greviances agaisnt the incompentent and uncaring management. Still She was convinced by her manager that this was a chance to make an example of the girls they brought in showing them the error of there ways by humilating and crushing these new girls before they became a problem later, like others that supported the GM and his current issues. Though Kyoko still had her own greviances she figured this newbie would be easy pickings to what she plans to do to all of LAW, hell if this went well she could break her now and make her someone she taught later.
With all this in mind Kyoko came out to her them the belt she was infamous for around her waist, grabbing it and raising it above her head Kyoko smirked as she shook her hips as she strutted down to the ring ignoring the boos of the disrespectful crowd. Moving down to the ring Kyoko placed the belt on the edge of the ring as she stood up and leaned agaisnt the ropes smirking as she let the crowd and the cameras get a good shot of her prized abs before she entered the ring looking at the crowd and waiting for this new girl to show her face.

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Re: Kyoko Akan vs Yoko Littner - The Curvacious Debut

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Yoko was in her bed, lazily opening one eye and taking a glance at the clock - 8:49AM. Yoko wasn't much of a morning person, she likes to sleep until... Until she gets hungry. Yoko closed her eye and thought she would sleep a little longer.


Yoko's eyes shot open. Today was her big day! Today was her debut match and it would begin in 10 minutes.
Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god! How could have i overselpt this?
Yoko was faster than ever, she jumped into her short hot shorts, quickly put on her red jacket, her scarf and most importantly - her gun.
On her way to the door, Yoko grabbed an apple and chomped on it while she made her way to her bike.
I cannot express how glad i am that they gave me this bike when they did, imagine the trouble i would be in if they didn't... I guess, i dodged the bullet with that one.

Yoko drove as fast as possible and was thinking about her matchup today. Kyoko Akan right off the bat, huh? Yoko knew that her match today is going to be rough, as rough as a debut match can get. Yoko suspected that, since she has done some research and has seen some ''highlights'' of Kyoko, and boi, she has plenty. The physical competition would be tough, but Yoko feared that dealing with Kyoko's personality would be even tougher, since Kyoko seems to be a piece of work. Well, look at the bright side - Yoko had a good sleep today, better than Kyoko, at least.
It was already time for Yoko's entrance and she was nowhere to be seen. Staff has been looking for her all over the building. Even the crowds started to wonder - what's the holdup?
Yoko was already in the building... WITH HER BIKE, driving through corridors. Sorry... Sorry about that! And that! Yoko was apologising as she nearly hit a number of wrestlers and staff members. BLAST OFF THE MUSIC, PEOPLE! Yoko shouted as she saw the entrance
A sound of a motorcycle was getting louder and the crowd went silent, wondering what the hell is going on, until just a second later when the speakers went loud with Yoko's Entrance Music:
Another second later Yoko drove out through the entrance with her bike, causing everyone a shock of mixed feelings - awe, confusion, joy and even arousal... ''Is that even legal?'' One spectator asked. ''Beats me, but who cares? That was AWESOME!'' Said another. ''What are you talking about? She's late.''

Yoko drove all the way to the ring and put her bike to a stop with a classy turn-brake. She turned to Kyoko and lifted her glasses a little, taking a good look at her opponent and then putting her glasses back in place after a moment.
Yoko would then get off her bike and make her way into the ring.
Yoko was carrying her gun, so the ref reacted with a concern for her and everyone's safety. ''Just stay calm and put the gun down. We can talk about this...''
Ignoring all that, Yoko motioned for the ref to come closer, handing over the rifle to the ref Hold onto this for me, will ya?
The ref took the rifle with both hands, while Yoko Nonchalantly put her scarf over ref's neck. And this...
Then Yoko took off her jacket, earning whistles from the crowd. Yoko put her jacket nicely onto ref's shoulders too. And this as well
And last, but not least, she ''equipped'' the ref with her glasses, too. Aaaand, we're done
Yoko just realized that her entrance turned out WAY more badass than anything she had in mind prior to this. This could be her thing...

With all that done, Yoko has now officially arrived in the ring, turning her gaze towards Kyoko with a serious look on her face. Yoko would not underestimate her opponent. Kyoko, despite some of her shortcomings, was a force to be reckoned with, especially for a freshwoman like Yoko...
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Re: Kyoko Akan vs Yoko Littner - The Curvacious Debut

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Seconds went by, then minutes, though after the first minute Kyoko's face was already one of annoyance. Here she was giving a rookie the the privilege to face her in her first match and by all accounts the girl no-showed!! The crowd seemed confused and she was just about ready to demand a mic to tear this 'Yoko' a new one when suddenly she heard something. It sounded like a vehicle and some screaming before suddenly the girls music played, Kyoko looked confused, she wasnt sure if this was managements fault or something on the girls part but she did know she seemed to have someone coming out...only for that someone to come out on a damn motorcycle...and carrying the biggest freaking rifle she had ever seen up close! Kyoko was by no means agaisnt guns but she was sure this place usually didnt allow them to be this close to the ring...right?! Then why was this chick suddenly coming here with one was she even her opponent? Or just some motorcycle enthusiast who fun her way in the building!

The ref seemed just as scared as the girl got off her bike and headed there way...what was she coming in the ring for. "Look if your someone pissed about how things are run here trust me attacking me isnt going to.." Like the ref though she was stopped as Yoko just handed her the gun....and just about everything else she had on her that wasnt the damn bikini top and shorts. All like it was no big deal or issue as Kyoko looked as confused as anyone. Thens he started glaring at her with a determiend expression as Kyoko looked completely lost and looking around to make sure everyone else was seeing this. "Im sorry im sorry....WHAT The Fuck is going on!!? Do you even work here? What was that?!" Kyoko said looking at the redhead.

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Re: Kyoko Akan vs Yoko Littner - The Curvacious Debut

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While staring at Kyoko, the redhead was already thinking of the best strategies to use against Kyoko, but nothing decisive came to mind.
More importantly - something was off. Yoko looked around and a small guilty smile formed on her face, she MIGHT' have caused a little confusion.
This became very apparent with Kyoko expressing this VERY vocally. Yoko couldn't hold back a chuckle because of her opponent's reaction.
Heh heh, must've scared the living snot outta you, haven't i? Yoko started throwing some jabs into the air, then doing some flexing and stretching, trying to shake away this awkwardness. Sorry, wasn't my intention. You see... I have overslept a little, no biggie. Yoko said as she finished her little warmup. They crowd may have been somewhat unhappy before, but they are certainly happy now, evident by their cheers and whistles, since they got to see Yoko body in all it's glory and were just hyped for the match.

Uhh, by the way... Yoko pointed her finger at the ref. I'm not late, am i right? Riiiiiiight?? The ''iii'' would continue until the ref would form a thumbs up and the ref did just that.

Now that the confusion is hopefully cleared up, Yoko would go to the center to meet her today's challenge from up close, extending her hand for a handshake. Yoko knew that Kyoko wasn't a friendly person, Kyoko established herself that way VERY thoroughly, but yoko knew better than to judge a book by it's cover. Yoko hoped that her opponent still has some dignity left.
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Re: Kyoko Akan vs Yoko Littner - The Curvacious Debut

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"S-Scared?! I'm not scared just confused. Like how else does one react when someone comes in to the ring on a bike and hands the ref all that shit?!" Kyoko said pointing to all of the things that the ref was handed by Yoko. Though the redhead seemed to be focused on her attendance, poking at the ref until she verified that she wasnt late...proving that Yoko had this big match agaisnt Kyoko, and she didn't even bother to be here in time to do it. That seemed to make Kyoko both annoyed and livid as she looked at Yoko as if she was about to lose it before she sighed in utter annoyance, face palming.

"Holy crap your gonna make me lose....Least your abs seem decent enough for me to relive some stress on.." Kyoko muttered mostly to herself as she observed Yoko. She certainly had the body of a wrestler and wasnt afraid of showing it off, though Kyoko still intended to make sure that she showed her who she was dealing with looking at the hand Yoko offered as she rolled her eyes and gripped it, hard as she shook it while seemingly trying to break the girls hands. "Well lucky you...though for making me wait you might end up feeling a bit unlucky about your choices."

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Re: Kyoko Akan vs Yoko Littner - The Curvacious Debut

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Well, i hand over all of my shit to the ref, BECAUSE, it dont want my SHIT to be broken or torn. And i certainly have no intention of testing your abs with a 20mm round of kinetic energy, flying at over mach 5 speeds... Yoko explained as she made her way to the center of the ring.

Yoko was already close enough to hear Kyoko complimenting her abs. Why thank you, although i wanted to work more on my abs before i could challenge the Belly Queen, but here we are... Yoko said, as the Queen accepted the handshake, to Yoko's pleasant surprise. The curvy redhead soon realized that Kyoko is not a fan of regular handshakes as she felt how Kyoko's grip was obviously stronger than it was necessary.

Relieve some stress, huh? Seems like you've got plenty of it. Yoko said as she responded in kind, strengthening her grip on Kyoko's hand with a small smile through grit teeth. She was quite a competetive person, after all. There is a video on Youtube, called ''Shittiest Birthday Party Ever'' featuring none other than the Queen herself. Yoko says. tightening her grip to match Kyoko's, while her smile through grit teeth gets a bit wider and wider. The funny thing is, that the worst part about it weren't the eggs and neither the cheeky party-poopers. It was YOU. You and your speech. Yoko wouldn't normally insult a person, but she wanted to express that she didn't like Kyoko's cocky attitude.

Any longer and they would start butting heads, but fortunately, the ref separated them and instructed them to go back to their corners, since they took too long expressing their boundless respect for one another.

Yoko's mind went back to earth as her body returned to her corner, where she would wait for the bell to ring.

As for her intentions afterwards? It was pretty obvious to Yoko, that her stomach would be Kyoko's main target. She even said that out loud that she wants that tummy. Yoko would need to be careful on this, so she would stay mostly on the defensive for the time being, raising her arms up, leaving her belly exposed, making an impression that this is just the most common stance that people take in street fights. In reality, however, Yoko was well aware of that. Yoko would move in close within striking distance and then watch very carefully, waiting for a punch from Kyoko to counter it:
If Kyoko would take the bait and go for her belly, she would turn her body to the side, while using the momentum to throw a straight jab at the Queen's face.
And if Kyoko tried to go for her face? Well, Yoko had her arms up, so at the worst, she would block it, at best - she would swat it to the side with one arm, and throw a straight jab to her face with the other.

Thats at least the thoughts that were on Yoko's mind, but the first move belongs to Kyoko.
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Re: Kyoko Akan vs Yoko Littner - The Curvacious Debut

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Kyoko raised an eyebrow at Yoko's words. She didnt understand her complaints about her stuff since if she didnt want them broken she probably shouldn't have brought them here, but she did feel a bit of pride that Yoko seemed to know who she was, even admitting she wanted to work on her abs before she faced her. That was how someone should be responding to facing a queen like her, something that no one else seemed to get in this business. Something that Yoko at least was worthy of praise over acknowledging. Though that quickly went away as the girl stopped her dead in her tracks by mentioning the video of what happened to her on her birthday. There arms clenching together as the two were locked in a staring contest of some kind.

"You just made breaking that pretty face of yours alot easier for me..." Kyoko said staring the girl down before she backed off at the ref's insistence. The time for talk was over and the Queen had to show her why she was that dangerous. She didnt like her attitude? She could get in line for all she cared. Once the bell rang Kyoko moved towards her opponent who brought her hands up and looking at her, which raised a slight red flag, Yoko knew her why would she blatantly let her stomach be exposed? She seemed to be baiting her to taking it and for now she wasnt sure if she should, though if she was implying her abs were strong enough she would pay for that later, attempting to move fast and go for a quick jab to her opponents belly only for Yoko to move out of the way and attempt to nail her face as Kyoko gasped and tried to move, taking the hit to the face slightly as she backed off and growling.

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Re: Kyoko Akan vs Yoko Littner - The Curvacious Debut

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''YES!'' Yoko thought in her mind, as her opponent took the bait and Yoko punished her with a jab to the face. The first phase of her plan was a success, now she only needed to follow up properly. Yoko would throw another quick jab at Kyoko's face immediately, but instead, Yoko would grab her opponent's arm by the wrist, while at the same time, Yoko would be winding up a left uppercut, aimed at Kyoko's stomach.

Yoko was hoping that the face jab from before, plus the arm grab would be enough of a distraction, for Yoko to land a full strength uppercut to the Queen's midesection. Yoko was confident that even if Kyoko managed to notice the redhead's big move before it connected, it was a low chance that Kyoko could effectively block a full force punch at the last second, with one arm, since Yoko would be holding the other.
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Re: Kyoko Akan vs Yoko Littner - The Curvacious Debut

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That first hit was nothing to scoff at but Kyoko could take it and keep going with no issue. The next few hits would be her major concern, she had to make sure she wasnt out punched in the early going or she would never live it down. Blocking the next punch to her face, Kyoko would try and move tot he side before her arms was grabbed, not only keeping her close but stopping her from going anywhere that was too far out of reach for her opponent. Yoko took full advantage of the opening throwing a punch right to Kyoko's belly to really start things off.

"Gnngh!" Kyoko coughed as the punch connected, her belly absorbing the blow as she felt it smash into her. Though two could play at this game and Kyoko was quick to strike back throwing a punch right into Yoko's belly to test her out for a change and maybe show her just why people feared her in this little game.

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Re: Kyoko Akan vs Yoko Littner - The Curvacious Debut

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For some reason, it felt real good socking a veteran wrestler in the stomach. Especially the so-called Belly Queen. How do you like them apples?
To finish her opponent off, Yoko was rearing back her right arm to smash Kyoko's face in...
Yoko wouldn't underestimate an opponent and she certainly wasn't underestimating Kyoko and yet... And yet it seems that Yoko miscalculated big time. Miscalculated the power of Kyoko's abs, who recovored in no time and sunk her fist into Yoko's soft belly deeper than Titanic. Aaachck... Yoko's sudden moan was cut off along with her air and she fell to one knee. At the time of impact, Yoko's hands went toward her tummy on their own, holding onto Kyoko's arm there. Yoko couldn't believe this happened, she didn't even harden her abs, so the hit felt quite impactful. Along with surprise, Yoko felt a slight bit respect - At least Kyoko wasn't just all talk about her abs and her belly busting experience.

Ugh. Should've... Yoko regained her breath at the next moment. Used my... Right arm.... Yoko said between her panting and rightfully so, since she actually was right-handed.

Given the situation that Yoko was on one knee, it was about time to put her juicy thighs to work - Yoko's thighs would work like a spring and she shoot herself forward shoulder first into Kyoko's midsection. If it worked, Kyoko would be taken down to the mat with Yoko on top, from where she would be working over Kyoko.
Sloth's Harem

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