Rules: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout.
"The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Coming first to the ring...from Perm, 5'2, weighing 116 pounds, and making her debut in professional wrestling...ALEEE-"
Misa Otomura, LAW's long-suffering ring announcer, had begun to call the newcomer to the ring - but before she could finish, another voice cut back from the ramp. "HOLD IT!!"

"Misa Otomura-san, it's a pleasure. You do a fine job out there and I'm not going to contest that! But! I think for an occasion like this? A historic moment for both myself and for LAW? The day that the great Alena Stepanova graced your presence? Nyet! This calls for something greater! And for that...I'm happy to oblige!"
Climbing up onto the apron, then onto the turnbuckle - many commenters would note that being able to do that in a dress was a feat in itself - Alena clambored high over the ring, where she pointed a finger out along the crowds. "Ladies and gentlemen, you are bearing witness to the one, the only, the strongest woman to grace the face of combat sports - and if that's not the case now, it will be by the time I retire! Doesn't matter how big or how strong you are - no one is ready for me! I'll take on anyone in this company if I have to! I'll take on Alaina Sanders! I'll take on Astrid Arvidsson!! At the end of the day I'm here to prove that I can be the best there is! And whatever that might take...I'll do it!"
She flexed a bicep proudly. "Because I'm Perm Krai's greatest export, da! Forget about what you heard about oil and natural gas and magnesium - none of those things can do what I'm about to do right here in this ring, tonight and on many nights to come! I'm the Grand Duchess of the Octagon, and that's not just a name I came up with, but one that I've earned - and that I wear with pride! So I want to hear the biggest cheer all of you can manage for me! The great! ALENA! STEPANOVAAAAA!!"
Alena threw her hands high in the air - and even if a good portion of the fans had never heard of her before this day, the energy and enthusiasm she put into her introduction was more than enough to get everyone's hype soaring high for what she might be able to back it up with! The cheers echoed through the arena as Alena stood high on the turnbuckle, tossing off her gown to reveal her ring gear underneath it. Only then did she hop down into the ring - and upon rising back up and dusting herself off, she cracked her knuckles, sinking back into the corner.
"Now! Who's my opponent tonight?"