Smother Superiority - Louise Belair vs Angie Samson [Smother POW Match]

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Smother Superiority - Louise Belair vs Angie Samson [Smother POW Match]

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Smother POW Match
Victory Via Pinfall, Submission or KO To A Smother.
The loser will belong to her opponent for 24 hours.

Louise was going to face Angie again this evening but this time, the stakes and the context were different. Their first meeting was... Special, Louise completely humiliated the blonde during her first match and since that match, everyone considered Angie a jobber. But by pure chance, the two women met again backstage a few weeks ago and rather than starting a brawl like Louise used to do, a match was planned and the Frenchwoman was sure that this match would be Angie's last match as a wrestler in LAW.

This match was going to be fun, an easy victory, her first POW match and put an end to the career of a wrestler for whom she had been the first match... Everything was perfect for this story to remain engraved in the most famous stories of LAW and this greatly pleased the self-named Goddess who already saw herself even more popular than she already was. She left her locker room after warming up, looking slightly at her opponent's locker room door and completely ignoring her. She had no need to attack her opponent, especially since Angie was really weak from memory !
She appeared on the ramp in front of everyone, the spectators could once again appreciate the French theme which was starting to be heard a lot recently. The crowd continued to boo her but she didn't care, she continued walking towards the ring and climbed it easily, passing under the ropes. Not a single salute to the audience, just a quick wink towards the camera before returning to her corner, standing against the ropes next to her while waiting for her opponent to arrive.
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Re: Smother Superiority - Louise Belair vs Angie Samson [Smother POW Match]

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Angie found herself in a familiar spot, waiting at the production area just behind the curtain to the arena before her match. Normally, the rather inexperienced blonde would be filled with dread as she awaited the almost guaranteed inevitability that she would have to suffer through another embarrassing and painful match ending in her loss. However the night before, after an encounter with Louise on her way to end her contractual obligation to LAW; the Blonde would end up deciding to stay with the company full-time!

With a sober mind, Angie could acknowledge her choice as a bit of a poorly thought out one; She was still hardly experienced in the world of wrestling and besides her in-ring experiences she wasn't particularity in-shape for this kind of work. But LAW was more than willing to let her continue as she saw fit; and inside... She felt like this was somewhere she really wanted to be. Perhaps her lustful or overly-ambitious thoughts had taken control of her reasonable side but there was no denying that for perhaps the first time, she was doing things on her own terms, with her own choices. And she was giddy with excitement.

Making her way to the ring... Angie Samson!
Angie emerged to the cold air of the arena with a smile on her face and a pep in her step~ She had opted to ditch the makeshift attire she previously was required to wear and came out wearing... Somehow less. But this being her choice she clearly was not bothered; In fact, She was looking forward to hearing Louise's reaction to her attire as the french woman had done nothing but berate her and the way she was made to dress previously... Hopefully it would come as quite a shock to her that Angie chose to expose herself so freely!

Angie made her way down the ramp with a light shuffle, but a pleased smile etched across her face. It was endearing to hear cheers for her; and the fact that her name was actually announced for once! Albeit, She did not have any special music to accompany her yet but the mere fact that as a full-time wrestler she was being treated like a bigger deal was heartwarming. She made her way to the stairs and locked eyes with Louise's arrogant stare; returning a pleased smile back at the brunette as she bent through the ropes inside the squared circle.

"Well Louise; surprised I actually showed up? I'm looking forward to... Letting you get a little more familiar with me."

Angie held her hands behind her back as she spoke; letting her cleavage very prominently be shown off to her opponent. Perhaps Angie had kid herself into thinking her attire was practical for the sake of a smother match; easier to press into her opponents face... right? Or was Angie hiding something behind her friendly tone?

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Re: Smother Superiority - Louise Belair vs Angie Samson [Smother POW Match]

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Louise yawned during Angie's entrance on stage, she wasn't particularly excited at the idea of seeing this blonde jobber again but at least, for the first time, she learned the name of her opponent thanks to the announcer. It was almost sad, Angie never had the time or the opportunity to introduce herself to Louise and even Louise was far too pretentious to find out about her opponents before the match started.

However, when Angie got into the ring, Louise finally saw her and noticed her rather unique outfit. She jumped slightly in surprise and warned herself when she saw Angie, she didn't seem threatening or dangerous, she was just... Much too naked to be considered a real wrestler! Was she fooled by the conditions of the match and its rules? However, she was sure that this match was a POW smother match and not a POW hentai!

"W-What the fuck is this attire ?!! Do you feel no shame ?!"

Louise groaned slightly when she heard Angie's voice which seemed softer and friendly... Much too soft for her taste. It was as if the blonde was trying to look sexy and seductive, this did not please the French woman who only wanted to crush her opponent. The referee quickly placed himself between the two women, waiting until both were ready and then starting this match by ringing the bell.
Last edited by Bearhug Goddess on Sat Apr 06, 2024 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Smother Superiority - Louise Belair vs Angie Samson [Smother POW Match]

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"W-What the fuck is this attire ?!! Do you feel no shame ?!"

Angie couldn't help but continue smiling at Lou's annoyed anger. It was like the blondes mere presence was an affront to Lou's senses; She seemed enraged and annoyed that Angie even bothered to show up! But all that... Just made her so much more endearing. Angie stepped forward to the centre of the ring where the referee separated the pair as she locked eyes with the brunette~

"I just figured You and me should get a little closer... Are you gonna punish me for what I'm wearing?"

Angie snickered lightly as she finished speaking~ Seemingly entirely devoid of the fear that usually encapsulated her before a match! Was this even the same Woman? The blonde seemed so... off from her usual self. She seemed giddy with excitement as the referee backed away before giving the signal to the timekeeper~


"Well Louise; let's get started!"

Angie would look to confidently approach the french woman and take her time going for a maneuver! While Angie still hardly had much experience in properly wrestling; showing off her technical prowess did not seem to be at the top of her mind as she tried wrapping her arms behind Louise's head! If she could lock in she would attempt to well... Awkwardly pull down on Louise perhaps in a meagre test of strength? The Blonde didn't seem to mind her technique being as flawed as it was... Was she just looking for an excuse to get up in Louise's face as their breasts pushed up against one another?

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Re: Smother Superiority - Louise Belair vs Angie Samson [Smother POW Match]

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"What the fuck...Are you a fucking masochist?!"

Shit, was that why Angie was hired as a jobber? Because she loved suffering and being in pain? No, that didn't make any sense, yet she didn't seem to appreciate Louise's blows, smothers and holds during their first match... It was so absurd that Louise remained frozen for several seconds, she wasn't one to think and all her thoughts came from saturated the memory of her brain.

This allowed Angie to approach the French woman without being hit and to wrap her arms around Louise's head, who returned to reality at that moment. The self-named Goddess found herself a little taken by surprise but thought quickly, quickly understanding that the match had just started, that Angie was trying to challenge Louise in a Lock up test of strength and above all that her chest was in contact with her chest. , totally naked if we forgot the pastis, from Angie!


She gritted her teeth slightly and quickly accepted Angie's challenge, wrapping her arms behind the blonde's neck to grab her by the shoulders before pushing her back, forced to crush their breasts harder and harder. Louise wouldn't have much difficulty pushing back Angie if she hadn't become stronger, the Frenchwoman was already strong enough to push back and lift heavyweights.
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Re: Smother Superiority - Louise Belair vs Angie Samson [Smother POW Match]

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Angie began her struggled grip on Louise as she tried to focus all the strength she could muster to simply pull Louise down as hard as she could! Although it would be unfair of her to admit thats where all her focus was; as the feeling of Louise's breasts brushing up against her own almost entirely exposed breasts was... fun. Stimulating even. Maybe this was just the perspective that Angie was looking for to truly enjoy wrestling; maybe sh-


Louise gripped Angie's shoulders and with much less effort than the blonde was giving, shoved her backwards as she desperately held onto the back of Louise's neck!

"L-Lou; you-you're gonna-"


Angie couldn't maintain her feeble grip any longer~ Louise with very little effort shoved her right forward, allowing Angie to slip right onto her rear against the ring! There was some force to it too- Louise didn't simply let Angie fall; She practically shoved the blonde right on her ass!

"Ahh.. ow... L-lou y-you just..."

Angie's tone sounded less playful as she was when this match had started... She almost sounded a little hurt by Lou's actions. Angie sat a little plainly still; not seeming to keep her hands up in case of an attack from the brunette as she massaged her backside she just fell on. Her expression sombred a little as she stared up in her seated position to look at Louise with her sombre eyes. Had she expected a playful catfight or something? Angie's emotions were certainly different from how they were previously but they had yet to match that of a proper wrestler... What was she thinking?

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Re: Smother Superiority - Louise Belair vs Angie Samson [Smother POW Match]

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Louise was still strong and she showed the difference in strength between her opponent and her simply with this lock up, pushing Angie back with great ease to pin her against the ropes in front of her. There were no issues, Angie was still weak and maybe she thought she was destabilizing the French girl with her outfit... No, it was stupid because Louise was already slightly used to it, although she could still feel the blonde's chest rubbing sensually against hers.

Louise stayed pressed against her opponent to crush her opponent in a Body Press, a move she was used to doing after a test of strength, even if the situation had a different vibe than usual. But something was starting to get awkward, more awkward than Angie's outfit. Her way of speaking was far too familiar for Louise's taste! “Lou”?! No one could afford to call her that and give her a rather affectionate nickname, especially if it came from a jobber as weak as Angie.

"Who do you think you are..."

She backed away slightly as the referee asked Louise to release her opponent. The self-named Goddess was pissed, was Angie's only goal to simply piss off Louise? Because it worked! The French girl growled slightly and clenched her fist, raising it to smack Angie's chest with a powerful chop.


Strikes were not very encouraged in a smother match but the Frenchwoman wanted to take revenge in her own way and punish Angie for daring to give her a nickname and for imagining herself being close to Louise. Angie called Louise “Lou” twice? So Louise was going to give her two chops and the second was much stronger than the second.
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Re: Smother Superiority - Louise Belair vs Angie Samson [Smother POW Match]

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Louise stepped back as Angie was leaned against the ropes on the referee's command; The blonde taking a minute to recover before slowly looking to get up to her feet... The french Woman was sounding more and more frustrated as Angie raised herself back up from her meagre position and looked to face Louise properly once more; a slightly unnerved expression on her face.



A thunderous chop from Louise hit the open chest of Angie as she did nothing to counter of soften the blow! The crack against her skin sounded like a whip and her breasts practically caved in from the impact for a brief second before bouncing back into place!



"AAHHAHHHHHhhhh... ow... o-oh my g-god Lou..."

Angie stumbled back against the ropes from the impact but still kept on her feet as the second chop slashed right in the same spot slapping each of her breasts! The skin had already started to get redder as Angie's expression turned a bright pink blush; s-she looked practically on the verge of tears! Her shaky hands found their way up to the spot where she was struck and she took her time while keeled over to sharply catch her wind...

"huff... g-uhf... L...Lou I j-just..."

Angie slowly brought her eyes up to stare at Louise~ She looked sheepish and worried; like she wasn't expecting this kind of attitude from Louise in their match! But of course she had to have expected the arrogant french woman to act like this... Right? Would Louise ease up as Angie tried to find her words or would her attacks continue to batter the blonde?

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Re: Smother Superiority - Louise Belair vs Angie Samson [Smother POW Match]

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Louise's anger was felt even by the crowd who could hear the sound of each chop as if they were in the ring. There was nothing to protect Angie's chest or to soften the noise when Louise's forearm slammed against Angie's breasts, especially when the Frenchwoman didn't hold back her thrusts.

Everything seemed to be going according to plan in this match, Angie was still as weak as before and was still the same crybaby as in her first match, but strangely this weakness was starting to be frustrating. During their second meeting backstage, Angie appeared more authoritarian, more impressive and above all a little stronger... Why was crushing this insect starting to irritate Louise?

But Angie didn't learn from her mistake and continued to call Louise with a nickname that shortened her first name? This continued to irritate the self-named Goddess who didn't give Angie time to finish her sentence so she gave her a third and final chop, more powerful than the first two to finally put Angie down.

"How ?!..."

Louise remained in front of her opponent, her fists clenched but this time she didn't attack Angie or try to humiliate her. The match spectators booed the Frenchwoman for this violent performance, it was a smother match and they were there for that, to see two extremely sexy women fight with sensual holds, not to see Louise hit a punching bag. But Louise needed to vent her frustration and she intended to make Angie understand that.

"How can you be so disappointing and weak ?!...Is that all you know how to do ?! You dared to provoke me in this match to be as bad as the first time and lose ?! Aren't you ashamed to stand in front of me and cry like a crybaby ?!"

This time the crowd was making too much noise and Louise slammed her foot against the mast to make a big noise and silence everyone, even those who were booing her. Guess everyone was impressed to see Louise angry, even though she was smaller than a lot of people.

"Get up and give it everything you’ve got, otherwise look down and let yourself get smothered out to end this fucking and annoying match."
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Re: Smother Superiority - Louise Belair vs Angie Samson [Smother POW Match]

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"How can you be so disappointing and weak ?!...Is that all you know how to do ?! You dared to provoke me in this match to be as bad as the first time and lose ?! Aren't you ashamed to stand in front of me and cry like a crybaby ?!"

Angie was laid back against the ropes as Lou continued her flustered taunting; The blonde still holding her chest where Louise had struck her which felt like it was burning a hole right through her! Looking up at Louise Angie was returned with a frustrated expression; Louise was infuriated with the seemingly clueless blonde. But Angie should have expected this; from what she had gained to learn about Louise it seemed obvious what she would do at any turn; And while Angie knew she couldn't really overpower the stronger woman... Perhaps that wasn't her intention.

"Get up and give it everything you’ve got, otherwise look down and let yourself get smothered out to end this fucking and annoying match."

Angie stood upright to lock eyes with Louise on equal footing; even though she was more hunched and reserved in her demeanour she still felt that the two were perhaps... Closer than they thought. Angie took in a few deep breaths as her pink blush continued to deepen in her face.

She placed both hands on either side of Louise's head and without a single word would lean in to passionately kiss the french woman. She seemed... Just infatuated with Louise. The way she leaned into the kiss and hummed softly while her lips met her opponents told everything one needed to know about her feelings. Angie wanted Louise more than anything in this moment; perhaps the pain she had to endure to reach her goal was worth every second to her. Angie's body would lean in against Louise's as both wrestler's chests met and Angie couldn't help but sink deep as she bent her knees and protruded herself forward.

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