Victory Conditions: Submission Only
You couldn't have asked for a better day on Nishihama Beach. The sun was out in full effect, casting rays across the sprawling sands, with just enough cloud cover to keep it from being a pain. Spring was setting in, putting temperatures at the sweet spot - hot enough for swimwear, cold enough to keep the sweat inside. Families were out in force, children were running into the ocean only to retreat when the waves came in quickly, some girls were playing a volleyball game, and a light breeze blew over it all. A more perfect day was scarcely seen.
And Sara hated it.
She’d always hated the beach, even as a kid. She hated the way the sea smelled. She’d hated the sand, getting into places where it had no business. The ocean was pretty, but it got old after about five minutes. It was just an enormous body of water. So what?
Typically, she would have avoided this place like the plague, but she had a particular reason for being here: a match. Ever since she’d arrived in Tokyo, she’d been clambering for an opponent to get her start in LAW, knowing that she would need to wrack up a few wins to impress potential clients. They’d been hesitant to give her one, fearing that she might injure one of their starlets, but they finally caved after knocking on their door enough times. They even gave her a submission match, something she could really sink her teeth into. The catch, though, was that she had to participate in this silly beach promotion they were doing for Red Ribbon’s new swimwear line, and she even had to wear one of their ridiculous bikinis.
Sara In the Sun
Sara slid into the ring and made her way over to the furthest corner, where she promptly leaned against the turnbuckle, tipped her head up and closed her eyes, meditating while she waited for her opponent to arrive. Best to go into this with a clear mind.