Student and Mentor Meet as Champions

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Student and Mentor Meet as Champions

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"Man I'm going to need a lot of painkillers to get over this match.... that and a bath...." Nashi let out as she walked backstage after her match with Lauren that had fans on the edge of their seat to see if the blonde heavyweight would avenge her teams lost at, We Are LAW. Nashi did have her balance back, but her legs were still hurting like hell causing her to walk a bit wobbly backstage. It didn't help the pinkette was sweating like a hog after her match and needed a place to rest. She stumbled around until she accidentally opened the wrong locker room door and saw who else but her mentor Alaina Sander-Haines!"Oh hey Alaina!" She called over before trying to walk over but midway through her legs gave in and she fell on her knees."Ow!.... I'm sorry, I was looking for my locker room and stepped into yours
by mistake...."
She said a bit embarrassingly as she tried to push herself up but the pain was too much for her legs before looking up at Alaina."You wouldn't mind if I could rest here for a bit....?" She asked trying to give her friend a big smile hoping she would let her stay and rest up after her match.
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Re: Student and Mentor Meet as Champions

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Alaina was changing into her one piece tiger print attire preparing to go out for a promo later. She was checking herself over when Nashi came in surprising her. "Oh! Hey there, didn't expect to see you tonight..." Alaina said as Nashi came in. "Sit down and take it easy, I saw that match and was impressed you kicked out after going through a table! Really quite a feat there." Alaina said giving Nashi a pat on the back.

"So what is new? How have you been?" Alaina asked as Nashi sat down with the amazon looking herself over in the mirror again wanting to make sure everything was just right for her to go out to the ring later.

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Re: Student and Mentor Meet as Champions

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Nashi walked into Alaina's dressing room by mistake, but it seemed the Amazon was just as happy to see Nashi as she was seeing Alaina. The Idol walked in and smiled softly hearing her mentor praise her for her impressive display in the ring."Thanks- AH!... Sorry it still stings there...." She said groaning as her back was still aching from being slammed into the announcer's table. She finally sat down on a bench while hearing Alaina asking her questions about how her life has been like. "Well as you may have seen Yukino, and I won our Tag team championship belts at We Are LAW." She flipped her hair back to show off her belt towards the amazon with a cocky grin on her face. Speaking of her belt it reminded her of her and tag partners adventure in Austria. Ohh that reminds me since you also have a belt as well, Yukino and I went to the PPV in Austria, and it felt weird being treated as honored guest for wrestling. that and.... we saw your match....." Soon enough out of nowhere Nashi was reminded of that day where she saw flashes of the brutaliy on display when Alaina fought The Bast.

She looked down frozen with fear before taking in a gulp."I'm glad you are given the permission to wrestle...." Nashi added weakly as she felt a chill going down her spine as she felt like in that match would've been the end for Alaina if it wasn't for Alaina's endurance and strength.
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Re: Student and Mentor Meet as Champions

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"I saw that, congratulations! It is great seeing you two with gold around your waists. The two of you have improved quickly in the ring." Alaina said giving Nashi a nod of approval. Alaina listened as Nashi recounted her experience in Austria. She recalled the first time she was treated like a big deal and it is one of those things that sticks with you. At least it did in the case of Alaina.

"Yeah, that sort of 'I made it' moment huh? Once it hits you that you are in the big time and have expectations placed on you it hits different, I totally get that." Alaina said before Nashi mentioned her match with Bast. "Sometimes matches like that come along that leave you on the shelf for a while. I gave as good as I got against a bigger, younger absolute monster and when that time ran out I was the one on top of her." Alaina said. She still deep down wished for a definitive ending. She felt like she had Bast but there was no way to be sure, and a bit of that bugged Alaina even though she tried not to show it, looking to go back to clear cut wins on this title reign.

"Do you two have any title defenses coming up that you are aware of?" Alaina asked.

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Re: Student and Mentor Meet as Champions

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Even though Nashi saw Alaina's post on Twitter about congratulating them, it still felt special to get approval in person from her mentor, It caused a deep blush to go on her face as she felt like she truly made as a wrestler, even though she couldn't have done it alone."Yeah exactly! Sure Yukino and I were commonly the guest of honor for things like Idol Conventions and what have you, but for wrestling we never thought we would be invited as the guest of honor it's something I'll ever forget!" She said with an upbeat smile and a giggle thinking that nothing could ruin this moment of catching up with her mentor. That was until however when she was reminded of Bast nearly ending Alaina's career with her overwhelming power, if Nashi had to face her she couldn't imagine what she would do. She looked down in fear before Alaina spoke saying that even though it ended in a tie, she was a spilt second away from beating Bast.

Nashi looked up and saw the look all over Alaina's face, she was disappointed but still she would've won had not for the out of nowhere time limit. Then, Alaina asked Nashi about any title defenses with the girl moving back in embarrassment."Welll not in LAW yet, Carol has been having us compete at local wrestling leagues to test our might in defending the title before we defend it at LAW." She explained putting her hands on the belt that laid across her lap before giggling."What? do you and Tina want a shot at our belt?" She playfully gestured as she nudged her elbow onto Alaina's arm before adding."If you want a sense of now strong I am feel my arm it has a lot more muscle on it than last time." She laughed as she felt nothing but freedom and enjoyment just getting to spend time with the woman who trained her.
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Re: Student and Mentor Meet as Champions

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"Well, if Tina and I ever got a shot at those we would have to earn it." Alaina said. "It has been a while since we wrestled in a tag match and we would need to win a few matches before we challenge for anything together." The amazon sat back, and she did miss action in the tag division but it had been tough since both she and Tina had been focusing on solo matches as of late.

"I can tell just by looking at you that you have been going to the gym more." Alaina said patting Nashi's bicep. "It is clear as day. Really the weight and muscle gain in such a time has been quite amazing." Alaina added as she sat back and relaxed.

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Re: Student and Mentor Meet as Champions

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Nashi would listen to what Alaina had to say and knew all too well how she felt."Yeah I know how you feel, Yukino and I have doing singles, instead of tag matches, but we've been meeting up at least three times a week to keep up on our skills but we will be waiting for ya!" She grinned flashing a smile letting Alaina know that their next tag match against the two teams won't end like the first time.

Then things changed as Alaina gave her praise and even giggled from the pat on her bicep."Yeah, even though I'm more about speed I gotta make sure my muscles are good and strong for these tigers!" She laughed as she playfully flexed her muscles to show off her found strength. She then pulled them down and rest her hands on the bench before leaning over and smirked."Ya know I'd be down for another tag match since our first team of us working together worked so well, maybe I could rock your leopard print gear." She laughed giving Alaina's biceps a pat on in return.
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Re: Student and Mentor Meet as Champions

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Alaina nodded as Nashi spoke. She was glad that the young woman was taking the career change seriously. She tilted her head a bit at the thought of Nashi teaming up with her again. "You know that might be fun! I think I can work in a tag match with you once we find a team that will face us." Alaina said giving Nashi a nod of approval. "Did you have any opponents in mind who would want to face us or would we have to have a match against whatever team is available scheduled?"

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Re: Student and Mentor Meet as Champions

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Nashi was curious if Alaina would be interested in another tag match but thankfully she was! ”Thanks Alaina! It’s just I have a booked schedule as is so maybe it would have to be a few months.hehe” She let out a nervous chuckle as she scratch the back of her head.

When asked about an opponent, Nashi put her finger on her chin to think.”Well I don’t know really it could be another random team up to make it easy. Also since we did pink for the first one wanna do leopard print and you think I could rock it?” She giggled putting her hand on her head twerking it out to strike a pose to get a feel for what she would look like.
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Re: Student and Mentor Meet as Champions

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"I mean, I will wrestle anyone so whatever team is fine with me." Alaina said. "I do think wearing something like I wear could be a good look on you too. We can wear some leopard print wrestling gear when this all goes down." Alaina added. "Random wrestler aside is there anyone you want to get in the ring with? Maybe that can help us find a pair of women to set foot in the ring with?" Alaina said putting the suggestion out there. It was an intriguing idea and Alaina was down to do more tag team stuff. She knew she and Tina needed to go out there more, and Irelia had been asking about it recently as well.

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