Intergender matches have never been one Aiden Bolt had ever shied away from even if he did not enjoy the experience some of them had. Walking through the backstage of the arena his match was in, Aiden had all the confidence in the world. A smirk showed the canines of his prominent teeth and his body drenched in water but his hair refused to fall, stubborn as the person who wore it. However, The Five Foot Tornado wore something different this time. Shying away from his usual trunks looks for a particular reason.
Coming out to the sound of Everlong, a new theme as opposed to the usual Plan B theme, Aiden walked down the ramp to the cheers of everyone, cockily strutting as he slapped the hand of every fan who laid their hand out for the Tornado, walking around ringside to do so too!
His attire became clearer as he soon entered the ring, a white denim singlet overalls, with one strap lazily pushed away to the side, he soon assumed the ropes raising his arm up forward and shouting from the top of his lungs...
Much to the raucous cheers of the Japanese crowd he soon jumped down to the mat to wait for his new opponent! The Denim Bolt debuts!
She watched from behind the curtain as Aiden entered, bursting with energy as the crowd welcomed him. She could see why they were so enthralled, too - the young man had an energy about him. Bright. Wild. Vivacious. He was the kind of untamed youth that a crowd could get behind, so full of promise and talent with no real idea on what to do with any of it. Someone they could live vicariously through.
Or maybe they just thought he was cute. And he was cute. A short, muscular frame, an offbeat attire that drew attention to his loins, and that hair…
The hair was a bit much, if she were being honest. It looked like he used his head as a mop.
However, she found Aiden rather pleasing overall, which was all she could’ve asked for in her debut. She needed to be memorable and make some art, and he’d be the perfect canvas. She smiled from the shadows of the gorilla position as his music died down and the director gave her cue. ”Let’s begin.”
Going from the Foo Fighters to Sarah Vaughan was about as stark a contrast as you could imagine, but that was precisely what the LAW crowd received, making the transition from alternate rock to breezy lounge jazz. The 1955 classic
began, the lights came down and a single spotlight lit up the entrance ramp, illuminating the path as Lola slipped through the curtain. The Body, In Full
”Whatever Lola wants
Lola gets
And little man, little Lola wants you…”
Lola made her way down to the ring with a slow stride, taking her time, her bare feet gently padding across the metal. The crowd didn’t seem to know what to make of her right away—some of them fawned her figure, others booed her swaggers. There were more murmurs than anything as they tried to figure out what her gimmick was, if she even had one, to begin with. She was an unknown quantity, an enigma, and she preferred it that way. It was best that they start her career with a clean slate, letting her build her reputation from the ground up and giving her more leeway in whatever path she chooses.
Make up your mind to have no regrets
Recline yourself, resign yourself
You’re through
That path went through the man she spied in the ring. She kept her eyes forward, locked on him and solely him, as she made her way up the steps and slipped through the ropes, slipping her thick thighs through the middle and top rope to give both him and the crowd an enticing treat. She strutted towards the center of the ring as the lights came back up with her hands on her hips, and took a moment to look him over through half-lidded, inspecting him from head to toe, all while she kept the calmest, gentlest smile on her face, like she was watching a squirrel wandering into her yard or a curious bird on the windowsill. Like he was just a minor amusement to pass the time, the furthest thing from her opponent in a wrestling match.
When the moment passed, she walked, spun about on her heel, and made her way over to her side of the ring while her music faded. There, she promptly leaned back against the turnbuckle and raised her arms in a high stretch. From her demeanor, you would never have guessed this was her first match in LAW.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Thu Mar 28, 2024 1:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
The words circled through that jumbled mess of a brain when he say the sheer size of Lola compared to him.
Though, everyone seemed to be taller than Aiden. His eyes never left below her waist line, as much as he wanted to, he maintained his urges. Lounge jazz soothed the whole room, if nothing else, Aiden would have thought this was going to be like the Alix situation, but fortunately for him, the Tornado's prayers for a simple standard match were heard! Though Aiden did seem to avert his gaze for a second while she entered the ropes.
Nope! No sexual tension for the Five-Foot Man! Just pure. real. graps.
Shaking his hands to get last second jitters out the way, Aiden made it a side mission to try and move the fallen strap of his singlet somewhere else. But the strap seemed to prove to be tougher than his past opponents, flicking it back up his shoulder didn't work and throwing it under his armpit was just plain uncomfortable. So he gave in and left it be. The strap may have won the battle but never the war!
Soon after Lola seemed to finish her entrance and the bell had rung, Aiden seemed to want try and give this match a more friendly vibe to this match as he tried to meet the taller lady in the middle, raising a hand for a handshake to show good sportsmanship. A rarity in most cases for Aiden's matches.
So. Lola’s first match in LAW. Her first opponent Aiden Bolt. Thoughts?
She stood across the ring, sizing him up, noting how he moved, what he focused on, and what he didn’t. While Lola was a stranger to the ring, she wasn’t a stranger to people. Learning how to read them had been a crucial skill, and she employed it now, scanning him from head to toe. Short, far shorter than her, and she was no giant. She had the weight on him, indeed, though she wouldn’t go so far as to call him ‘skinny’. He was in good shape and strong for his size. Probably stronger than her, at least above the waist. That could amount to real problems, especially if he had the experience to back it up.
On paper, she shouldn’t have stood a chance, as inexperienced as she was. But there was more to winning than just that, and as the man lost a fight with his own clothing, she saw a path to victory. She just had to take it.
She made her way to the middle of the ring as the fight began, only stopping when he held out his hand. For a moment - an instant - she gave it a quizzical stare, as if he’d come at with a gesture from another planet, but she wiped it away soon enough and brought out a warm smile. It was tempting, so tempting, to take the hand and give him a cheap shot, but that might give away the game too quickly. She liked having surprise on her side, for as long as possible.
Lola took his hand and shook back, taking care to run her thumb along the back of his hand as she did, giving him a soft touch, the smallest taste of what she could offer. When spoke, her voice came out like poisoned honey. ”Best of luck, little man.”
Lola moved away and began to circle the ring with her arms raised, slipping into a standard stance, nothing fancy. She played things cautious for now, wanting to see how he approached things before committing.
Aiden smirked, looking back at his opponent with his usual smirk, good. Clean. Just what Aiden wanted in this match. A little palette cleanser for a- Well, AIden wouldn't call it a bad experience. Getting into his own stance, Aiden circled the ring while he tested the waters with his mixed opponent. Getting into the match, Aiden looked to use his speed to his advantage, trying to get behind the Body and take her by surprise with a headlock, a mischievous smirk from the little man while he tried to wrangle the Colombian-native.
He would prove his upper strength with how he held onto the bronze-skinned woman's head and neck, refusing to let go while trying to bring her down with a headlock takedown! Hopefully, Dolores wouldn't mind some corny side talk as Aiden took control of the opening of the match!
"Gotta say, your skin is surprisingly soft! What lotion do you use? Or is it genetics? Cuz that would be some good freakin-"
He was going on for a bit, distracted by his own tangent about moisturizers and genetics that it wouldn't be hard to overpower him!
Lola was already starting to hate Aiden’s corny sidetalk.
She had only just met the boy, but she could already say she found an air to him grating. He reminded her too much of the vatos who would come to her club, young fools fresh off the streets looking to score big in the nightlife, full of pride and ego with none of the experience to earn it, who thought they were always so clever and devilish. She had put more than a few of them in their place, luring them to a back room with sly winks and curling fingers, only to get her legs around them and bring out the screams.
She was of a mind to put Aiden in a similar situation, and she would, given half the chance. But there were certain complications.
Lola moved in low, only to find herself caught when he wrapped his arms around her head. She struggled out of it, only to flip over and drop flat on her back in a less-than-flattering position. Caught off guard, she thrashed beneath and pushed at his face, trying hard to get free before he could turn this into something more potent.
Aiden seemed to have the match in his bag. Checking aisle, register, and receipt. And who could blame him for being a little cocky, he was overpowering the taller, bigger and quite thicker with a double c wrestler with his slightly exceptional wrestling skills. He could wait until he actually kicked it into maximum capacity!
But for now, he was enjoying the moment, like one of her little vatos. Letting go of the hold to mess around with his food a bit while he spun around the body of The Body grinning like a madman while he finished it off by laying atop of her with his arm rested across her chest, providing a headrest for Aiden and his left leg resting across his right in the form of ultimate disrespect from the Five-Foot Tornado.
It was a good thing that Aiden was having some fun with this. He was just about the only one, at the moment.
”If you don’t get the fuck off me-”
The world would never know what dark ideas Lola would use to finish that sentence, as she was too taken aback by what happened next to finish. The man began to spin all over, flopping this way and that, using her as a prop as he showed off for the audience. It wasn’t a concept she was unfamiliar with, but being on the receiving end? No. Never. No one who even knew a little bit about her would ever dare.
Enraged, she shrieked, jerked to the side, and shoved him off hard, knowing that she needed to make some distance. Lola scrambled towards the ropes on her hands and knees, then used them for leverage as she pulled her way back up. Already a disoriented mess, and this match had only begun.
Maybe he should tone on the teasing, this was a wrestling match after all. He didn’t want to welcome the wrong idea. Aiden seemed to have a little change of heart, relented a bit off of her. That was until...
He nearly got launched to the other side of the ring, of course.
Aiden was ragdolled across the ring from the push, for someone who seemed to be a rookie, she sure did have a hard punch! And the shrieking didn't help his case either. Now he just seemed like a bully...
Slowly getting back up from the ring and rubbing his back from the skidding, Aiden allowed for The Body to get back to her feet as she tried to regain herself, with the Tornado feeling a bit remorseful about the situation.
This was bullshit. This was not what Lola had been sold.
When she first signed up for LAW and allowed herself to participate in mixed matches, she had told that, by and large, the male roster was a bunch of pushovers. Idiotic, horny little boys who just joined the company so they could roll around with hot women. Easy prey, no challenge, unless you counted dealing with their grubby hands.
That was not what she had been getting with Aiden so far. Even from that brief encounter, she could tell he had real skills to work with, definitely more than she had on offer. It was tempting to cut out already, call this a loss, start over and hope she get someone a little more suited to her tastes.
But she found her resolve after a moment after she heard a few laughs from the peanut gallery. She could bare through this. For the moment. For now.
Lola stood back up, dusted herself and glared Aiden’s way, seething with contempt. She pushed it back under the surface, then lowered back into a grappling stance and moved his way again, looking to lock up, warier than she had been a moment ago. No tricks, this time…
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.