Quest to conquer my weakness! Hitomi's training Arc begins. Hitomi Rose vs Fuse Kiyoko

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Quest to conquer my weakness! Hitomi's training Arc begins. Hitomi Rose vs Fuse Kiyoko

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After 30 humiliating consecutive losses in the ring Hitomi Rose has been thoroughly dragged through the mud earning the title of Law's "Bottom Bitch"(a pun name as she has a weakness for Smothers from both breast and booty and that she has become the lowest rated wrestler in all of law.)

Each loss was more painful and humiliating than the last, some of her opponents even took her unconscious body home just to humiliate her even more without the prying eyes of the audience. yet still after all this Hitomi persists as a wrestler trying to continue climbing the ranks even if every wrestler she encountered was determined to throw her off the ladder.

Hitomi headed to the gym in Kyoto Japan trying to hopefully train in peace without other law wrestlers challenging her to a match just so that they can humiliate her again.

Hitomi: Nggggh...24...hrgggn...25...ugggh...26...

she counts as she trains doing weighted squats with 40lbs on a barbell. Hitomi is fed up being humiliated and is training hard to try to climb out of the jobber hole that she's been thrown into.

drenched in sweat she sits on a bench drinking some propel taking a break.

Appearance for this RP. I didn't draw a workout outfit for her but this is more or less what she's wearing except the shorts are pink.

her usual appearance.
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Re: Quest to conquer my weakness! Hitomi's training Arc begins. Hitomi Rose vs Fuse Kiyoko

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Fuse Kiyoko would enter the gym not to work out but to possibly lure some unlucky individual to have their soul sucked out of them, whether it be male or female. As she was looking around, she found a potential target. Fuse would watch Hitomi doing weighted squats and knew she was perfect target for her. Fuse then listened in to Hitomi talking to herself while she worked out.

「おお。LAW のボトム ビッチ。誘惑するのは簡単だろう。窒息させるのが得意なのが彼女だとわかってる。」
(“Ooh. LAW’s own Bottom Bitch. I’m sure she’ll be an easy target to seduce. I know she can’t take a smothering, which is my specialty.”)
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Re: Quest to conquer my weakness! Hitomi's training Arc begins. Hitomi Rose vs Fuse Kiyoko

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Hitomi: Huff...huff....I wonder how much training I'll have to do until I can fix my reputation...

she said to herself out of breath from her workout when suddenly she felt a chill up her spine like someone was watching her. someone...dangerous.

Hitomi: W-whos there?

she asked sounding nervous and a bit frightened. she never felt a chill like this before. it was as if she were a fish being hunted by a shark or some even worse apex predator.
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Re: Quest to conquer my weakness! Hitomi's training Arc begins. Hitomi Rose vs Fuse Kiyoko

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Fuse knew she had Hitomi’s attention as she menacingly walked up behind her and introduced herself. She was wearing her gear as she looked out towards Hitomi. Fuse then spoke in her classic “big sister” voice.

(“Oh I see you’re working on your squats. I can tell you’re making good process as I can see that cute little booty you’re growing. Tell me. What’s your name?”)
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Re: Quest to conquer my weakness! Hitomi's training Arc begins. Hitomi Rose vs Fuse Kiyoko

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Hitomi was approached by a tall curvy yet menacing woman. she spoke with a tone that shook her to her core.

Hitomi: Wh-wha?...i-im...H-h-Hitomi...

she says stuttering in a scared tone. it's odd she's never been scared of anyone before but something about this woman makes her skin crawl. her hands shake uncontrollablely and even her knees tremble. just who was she? why did she scare her so much?
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Re: Quest to conquer my weakness! Hitomi's training Arc begins. Hitomi Rose vs Fuse Kiyoko

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Fuse would strut towards Hitomi before grabbing her waist and began feeling her up. She also a coo’d face as she was groping Hitomi very gently.

(“Oh you don’t need to be afraid. You can tell big sister about all of your problems. How about big sister help you on not getting smothered every single time you fight in the ring.”)
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Re: Quest to conquer my weakness! Hitomi's training Arc begins. Hitomi Rose vs Fuse Kiyoko

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Hitomi moaned a little as Fuse felt her up.

Hitomi: W-why would you do that for me?

she says blushing as Fuse gropes her.
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Re: Quest to conquer my weakness! Hitomi's training Arc begins. Hitomi Rose vs Fuse Kiyoko

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Fuse smirked as she then smacked Hitomi on the ass as she held onto her. She then gave her some comforting, but internally deceiving, eyes.

(“Well I just want to help you not be smothered by such inferior competition.”)
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Re: Quest to conquer my weakness! Hitomi's training Arc begins. Hitomi Rose vs Fuse Kiyoko

Unread post by StriketheTiger »

Hitomi's blush deepens as her butt gets spanked.

Hitomi: Y-you do?...well...wh-what do you have in mind?

she asks no longer stuttering from fear but nervousness from how foreword Fuse is.
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Re: Quest to conquer my weakness! Hitomi's training Arc begins. Hitomi Rose vs Fuse Kiyoko

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Fuse conniving smiled at Hitomi as she grabbed onto her.

(“Simple. I will just smother you until you are no longer affected by the smothering.”)
Renee’s Undercarders

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