Each loss was more painful and humiliating than the last, some of her opponents even took her unconscious body home just to humiliate her even more without the prying eyes of the audience. yet still after all this Hitomi persists as a wrestler trying to continue climbing the ranks even if every wrestler she encountered was determined to throw her off the ladder.
Hitomi headed to the gym in Kyoto Japan trying to hopefully train in peace without other law wrestlers challenging her to a match just so that they can humiliate her again.
Hitomi: Nggggh...24...hrgggn...25...ugggh...26...
she counts as she trains doing weighted squats with 40lbs on a barbell. Hitomi is fed up being humiliated and is training hard to try to climb out of the jobber hole that she's been thrown into.
drenched in sweat she sits on a bench drinking some propel taking a break.
Appearance for this RP. I didn't draw a workout outfit for her but this is more or less what she's wearing except the shorts are pink.

her usual appearance.