Heavyweights New And Old

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Heavyweights New And Old

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Alaina was watching the action backstage on TV wearing her two piece tiger print wrestling attire. She wasn't slated for any action tonight which made her quite sad, but she would step in at a moments notice to fill out the card if need be. Alaina wanted to wrestle every week if she could. She was pretty sure that is why she had wrestled more matches than any woman in LAW as far as she could tell. The champion stood with her hands on her hips intently watching as the action in the ring unfolded. Her title was over her shoulder and the amazon shift her weight as she was getting into what was going on in the ring.

She really did wish she could step between the ropes the sooner the better. A champion who sat by and only wrestled to defend her title at big shows was dull. She wanted to keep sharp. She also liked to watch as many opponents as she could heavyweight or not. It gave her a scouting report of sorts while also helping her find good challengers for her title, as the amazon wanted to make it perfectly clear she would wrestle anyone at any time no opponent was turned down.

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Sigma Morgan
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Re: Heavyweights New And Old

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Yumie was walking backstage wearing a crop top in jeans, she had already had her debut match only two days prior but she still wanted to get back in the ring as soon as possible, eager to prove herself and make it up the ranks of LAW as quickly as she could. Out of boredom Yumie walked towards where she knew the televisions that showed the ring were wanting to see some of the action that was happening having a feeling the card was full and she wouldn't be seeing action again tonight. As Yumie turned the corner she saw someone, someone who looked familiar, someone who she had watched since we was a kid. "Alaina Sanders?" Kimiko asked approaching the woman until she was just a foot and a half away.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sat Mar 23, 2024 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Heavyweights New And Old

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Alaina was so involved in what was going on in the match she was watching that she didn't even notice anyone approach. "Oh! Yes that's me all right." Alaina said tapping her title and nodding to the woman. She was obviously a wrestler and a big heavyweight herself. "It is nice to meet you, your name is?" Alaina asked extending her hand for a handshake.

She wasn't sure who this was or what type of person she was. While she did have her hand ready for a handshake Alaina was tensed up and prepared just in case. The LAW lockeroom was home to such a variety of women that she never knew if people would say hello or hit her in the head from behind with a chair.

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Re: Heavyweights New And Old

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Yumie let out a chuckle as Alaina confirmed who she was and tapped on her title. "I'm Yumie" she replied as she accepted Alaina's handshake though she saw the woman immediately sense up prompting Yumie to back up just a bit not sure if a person she had watched wrestle was going to randomly attack her thinking it was best to show Alaina she had no ill will or intent towards her. "I've watched you wrestle since I was a kid" Yumie said with a smile trying to ease the slight bit of tension. "I might be a bit late on congratulating you on the title win though" she added jokingly taking another step forward towards the woman.


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Re: Heavyweights New And Old

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Yummiest seemed friendly enough and was a younger wrestler who had watched Alaina growing up. That was a common theme since her LAW comeback in 2017. Alaina smiled at her and nodded. "Thanks! I hope I put in some memorable work then." Alaina said.

"So Yumie how have you liked LAW so far? Based on your attire here I am guessing youbare a wrestler. Have you been in any matches yet?" Alaina asked again curious about how much of a rookie Yumie was.

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Re: Heavyweights New And Old

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"I'm sure you've already put in plenty of memorable work here Alaina, just like you have done in the past" Yumie replied her smile never leaving her face and only grew as Alaina asked about her career. "Well, I wrestled for about five or six years before I came to LAW, then I made my debut here two days ago" Yumie said answering the woman's question. 'Time really does fly" she added with a chuckle. "So I guess this is the part where I challenge you to a match right?" Yumie asked half jokingly just wanting to extend the conversation though a match with someone she had watched since a kid certainly would be a dream come true for her.


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Re: Heavyweights New And Old

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Alaina smiled and stood with her hands on her hips. "You aren't the first woman here to tell me how you watched me growing up and want to step in the ring with me." Alaina said.

"I can go see if they have any open space on the card tonight and we'll make it happen. Standard match to keepnit purely all about wrestling?" Alaina asked as she smiled at Yumie looking her over. She was young and strong but Alaina was happy to show her just what the muscular buff 49 year old could do in the ring. She held the title for a reason after all...

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Re: Heavyweights New And Old

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Yumie playfully raised her eyebrow hearing she wasn't the first one to have a similar conversation with Alaina. "Oh is the really so?" Yumie asked rhetorically. "I guess I'll have to make sure I'm the toughest challenge you've ever faced" Yumie said her words dripping with confidence before listening to Alaina planning on booking the match that night.

"Yeah standard works perfectly for me, wouldn't want either of us to get hurt on a random show right?" Yumie said placing one of her hands on her hip giving the title on Alaina's body a glance. "Who knows maybe once if I beat you I'll come for that title also" Yumie said finally crossing the line into cockiness.


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Re: Heavyweights New And Old

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So it was another one. She saw Alaina on TV and felt like by stepping up she would be able to knock the amazon down. So so many have tried this. Alaina looked at her and shook her head, laughing quietly as she turned to walk away and set the match up. "We will see won't we? Enjoy the match as much as you can my cocky little challenger." Alaina said as she made her way down the hall ready to do what she could to schedule the match.

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Re: Heavyweights New And Old

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Yumie had a small smirk on her face even as Alaina shook her head and walked away chuckling. "Cool, I'll be ready Alaina" Yumie shouted as she stood up straight and began walking towards the locker room eager to get ready for both her dream match and likely toughest match so far. Amazon Alaina Sanders vs Yumie "The White Fox" Hayashi. "Time to show all of LAW what I can really do!" Yumie thought as she entered the locker room, the door closing behind her.



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