The thought of control above all others absolutely thrilled Eileen; more so than even the most sexual of matches, and even the cries of foes whom she deemed worthy of such punishment. In other words, near enough any and every fighter whom dare oppose her.
But alas, for the redhead, gaining dominance within the world of wrestling, and within LAW itself, was not as easy a task as one might assume. The sheer scale of the resistance; champion calibre opponents, simply bigger, stronger women, and the use of teamwork and sheer numbers made it nigh impossible for Eileen to take steps ahead without taking several back. Eileen Sommers however, was not a figure whom would simply plow on ahead when tactics were not working.
And whilst she would never do so out loud nor in public, the redhead was not above admitting to atleast herself that she was wrong. And most importantly, that she needed help.

Nay, tonight, the LAW ring was but a meeting point for Eileen, and several others she deemed worthy of invite. Several others, whom she could collaborate with.
Several others, she could use.