Carol Carter vs. Sheila Morgan - Where The Wild Things Are

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Carol Carter vs. Sheila Morgan - Where The Wild Things Are

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Match Type: Softcore Bedroom Pillow Fight
Stipulations: Victory by pinfall, submission, or knockout. Only pillows can be used as weapons.

Sheila had been in a bit of a dry spell for the past few months, not having much to do in Japan. While she’d had a few good matches with LAW, they’d all had a habit of fizzling out, rivalries that wound up going nowhere in the long run. People dropped out, moved on, just up and disappeared sometimes. It was a pain in the ass, but as a former wrestler promoter herself, she knew that was how the business went sometimes. She could accept it, sure, but that didn’t stop her from begging management for a match, trying to get her something she could sink her teeth into, anything to keep her claws sharp.

There was always some excuse, always some reason. They didn’t want to do a hardcore match with some new girl, didn’t want to risk a top star getting hurt, didn’t want to interrupt a feud that was going on with a random bout. She kept asking, they kept saying no, until the day they finally said yes.

This is what Sheila ended up getting. Honestly, she kind of wished they’d just said ‘no’ again.
Sheila, on the prowl
Sheila wandered down the hall towards her next ‘match’, if you could even call it that. Instead of her usual cavewoman outfit, they’d given her this dumbass evening gown to wear, a cute little pink number that looked like something out of Victoria’s Secret catalog. It was the most frilly, girly thing she’d worn in her entire life, but she didn’t have much of a choice - management made it clear that if she didn’t wear the thing, there was no match.

She’d grumbled then, and she was still grumbling now, as she made her way down towards the designated room. She found it soon enough, opened the door and found herself looking at…
The Love Suite
…this. ”Gotta be fucking kidding me.”

Pink. Way, way too much pink. Sheila didn’t hate the color by itself, but this was way too much of it for the human eye to take. She was already starting to get a headache just being there as if it was causing some kind of sensory overload. The place looked like something off the set of that Barbie movie she still hadn't bothered to go see, and it was taking real effort to keep from vomiting all over it. Would probably improve the scenery if she did.

The referee was already there, which was good - she wanted someone to see the look of utter disgust on her face as she walked in and plopped on the bed, bouncing up a few times after the impact. She sat there for the moment, huffing and puffing, still trying to get all the rage out of her system. If this was the kind of match they put her in, then they’d probably gotten some soft bitch for her to fight, some hentai marshmallow who couldn't wrestler her way through the first day of training school. Just her damn luck…

The sooner this shit was over with, the better.

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Re: Carol Carter vs. Sheila Morgan - Where The Wild Things Are

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It had been a week or two since Carol's last match, LAW's booking had seemed sporadic and disorganized at times, hell it had been that way since her debut being told she had a PPV match just days before it happened, then having to set up a match of her own with another opponent a few weeks later and then it was nothing yet again. So when Carol finally got a call for another match disappointment and annoyance would be and understatement of what she was feeling, none the less Carol accepted unsure if something else would come up any time soon.
Carol just wore her jeans and vest hiding the pink lace lingerie she wore under it, something she wouldn't be caught dead wearing in public. As Carol walked down the hall she would glance at each room number, looking for the so called "Love suite" even the name of the room made Carol cringe violently. It wasn't long or hard to find considering how it was tucked neatly at the end of the hall.

The wolf themed heel let out a sigh as she grabbed onto the door handle and opened the door. being greeted with a pink blur that made her squint briefly before looking around the room. 'What in the pink fuck?" Carol asked aloud glancing back into the hall, contemplating just walk out on the match for a few moments before letting out another sigh and stepping into the room, closing the door behind her. "Hey Barbie" she said jokingly towards Sheila as she kicked off her shoes and began to strip off her jeans and vest revealing the pink bedwear underneath.

'The Just had to book a match in Barbie and Ken's sex dungeon didn't they?" Carol muttered as she slowly walked over to the bed and plopping down next to her opponent. "What kind of shitty match was this supposed to be again?" she would ask turning her head to look her opponent in the eyes."At least she's hot" Carol thought to herself.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Re: Carol Carter vs. Sheila Morgan - Where The Wild Things Are

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Luckily for what little patience Sheila had left, she didn’t have to wait long. Only a couple minutes later, the door busted wide open to reveal…

…huh. Okay, wasn’t expecting that.

The woman that came bursting into the room was anything but the gentle little snowflake that Sheila had envisioned. The outfit she wore made her look like she was more ready for the mosh pit than any kind of bedroom match, though she was quick to strip out of it and really the cutesy crap underneath. It looked even weirder on her than on Sheila herself, like a bowtie on a pitbull, and she had the attitude to match.

Kind of hot, though, in a rough way. Ass, tits, super fuckable. Kind of made Sheila wish it was that kind of match—total waste.

The referee, a little mousy thing with blonde hair that looked far more suited to this match than either of the women actually in, spoke up to answer Carol’s question. ”It’s a Softcore Pillowfight.” She spoke up and gestured towards the pillows, as if they needed to be presented. ”Anything Goes, but you can only use the pillows as weapons.”[/color]

”So a No DQ match where I can be DQed for using the wrong weapon. That makes sense.” She looked her opponent over as some recognition set in. ”I know you, right? Carol? Think I posted on your Twitter, once.”

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Re: Carol Carter vs. Sheila Morgan - Where The Wild Things Are

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It was true Carol did look extremely out of place in pink lingerie, honestly she rarely ever wore bedwear like this, preferring a nice pair of small shorts and a sports bra in the bedroom. Carol's attention turned from her opponent to the referee as they answered, she was asking her opponent and not this referee that looked like they would be afraid of there own shadow.

Carol appeared less than amused as the referee explained the match which rules made little to no sense. Carol then shifted her attention back to Sheila as she spoke smirking as Sheila clearly showed she didn't like the match as much as if not more than Carol did and as Sheila mentioned it Carol remembered briefly interacting with the woman on twitter. "Oh yeah I remember you, you seem cool, never thought you would be into this softcore shit though" Carol said with a small chuckle before turning back to the referee.

"So a couple of things Ref. What if she smashes a lamp over my head and I think its hot and want the match to keep going? What about sex toys? Are there any in here so I can fuck her ass halfway through the match? Carol said bombarding the referee with questions mostly to annoy them but to also see what she could get away with.

Carol then turned back to Sheila leaning in close to whisper into her ear. "Fuck the rules first chance we get?" Carol suggested making sure the referee couldn't hear what Carol wanted to plan.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Carol Carter vs. Sheila Morgan - Where The Wild Things Are

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The referee seemed satisfied with her answer, but Carol definitely did, giving her a barrage of followups that left her stumbling. ”Well, I mean…” She scratched her head. ”I’m honestly kind of new here, but I guess I’d allow some leeway? Maybe give you a warning or two?” She shrugged. ”I’m not sure if there’s stuff in the drawers or not. They weren’t really all that clear about the particulars, so…”

That didn’t surprise Sheila all that much - it sounded like a case of someone at the top throwing two random women together and not thinking about the best way to use them. Booking bullshit, she’d seen it way too often back home.

Carol’s whispers did get her thinking, though…

”First chance, huh?” She leaned in and matched Carol’s smile, running her tongue along her canines before she spoke again. ”Why wait?”

And that was all the warning Sheila would give before she brought her arm up and popped Carol in the face with her elbow.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Carol Carter vs. Sheila Morgan - Where The Wild Things Are

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Carol listened to the referee stumble through her answers but gave them no mind simply rolling her eyes, she already made up her mind how things were going to go when she whispered into Sheila's ear. If the bookers didn't know how to use the two sexy women in the room it was up to Carol and Sheila to figure it out instead as the two leaned in and conversed making sure the referee couldn't hear them.

Carol was tempted to sneak a quick kiss on her sexy opponent's lips but refrained from doing so as the woman licked her teeth in a way Carol found quite hot in a strange way, her expression lighting up for a moment as Sheila seemed to be on the same page before.... '"GAH" her opponent's elbow connected with her face in a painful and surprise strike causing Carol to roll off the bed onto her hands and knees trying to create some space between her and Sheila.

'That... was fucking cheap" Carol said as she tried to push herself back to her feet using the bed for support. "Bit of a turn on though" Carol added as she managed to get to a knee, her masochist side showing itself for a moment.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: Carol Carter vs. Sheila Morgan - Where The Wild Things Are

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Was that a cheap shot? Yeah.

Did Sheila care? Nope.

While she didn’t know Carol beyond a brief Twitter conversation, she got the impression that the two of them had a few things in common - similar style, similar attitude, similar way of looking at things. The way she figured, if she didn’t land the first strike, then her opponent probably would, so she might as well get to the point. The point of her elbow, to be more precise. It worked out well enough, too, sending Carol ass-over-teakettle to the other side of the bed as the referee waved her arms about in a panic.

”Hey, wait, I haven’t even-”

Sheila paid even less attention the referee than she usually did, as she immediately spun about and scrambled up on the bed, giving chase to her opponent. When Carol came up to her knee, she was ready for her, already pouncing her way. ”Try this!”

She tucked her legs in as she flew, balled up tight, and tried to crash into Carol’s chest with both knees, attempting to hammer her into the mat floor with a Meteora.

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Re: Carol Carter vs. Sheila Morgan - Where The Wild Things Are

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Sheila's thinking wasn't exactly wrong though if she didn't strike first Carol would have though she would have enjoyed the peaceful moments for just a long longer before doing so. "Just shut the fuck up" Carol shouted scoffing at the referee, the bitch already proving herself to be an annoyance more than anything else in the wolf's mind.

Carol slowly started to get off her knee looking up just in time to see her opponent diving at at her and balling up, using her own body like a one hundred and twenty pound projectile that struck Carol in the chest as she tried to rise, immediately sending her back down. 'GRUH" Carol let out as her back hit the carpet, the fall didn't hurt but her opponent landing on her chest did!

Carol tried to shove her opponent off quickly knowing she needed to get into this fight quickly. If she could get her opponent off Carol would roll onto her stomach trying to crawl away again knowing her opponent was relentless just like her, and if she was in her opponent's position she would be stomping holes into her right now, something that Carol needed to keep in mind.

"Is that really all you got?" Carol would taunt as she tried to push up and get to her feet.


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Re: Carol Carter vs. Sheila Morgan - Where The Wild Things Are

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In theory, Sheila’s move was a good one. Pressing her advantage, going wild, using her body as a weapon, all standard stuff. It would’ve been great in the wrestling ring. Here, though, in a confined room, she had things to worry about besides the ropes. Namely the furniture, which were a little closer than she would’ve liked.

After she landed the Meteora, Sheila came rolling off Carol’s chest with the momentum, only to wind up smacking into the dresser halfway through, leaving her upside down with her legs folded over for an awkward moment. She corrected herself soon enough, but that gave her opponent more time than she would’ve liked to make a retreat, rising up nearby.

”Talking way too much shit, bitch.” She scrambled her way back up, drove forward, and tried to drive her shoulder into Carol’s stomach, looking to plow her into the wall - and into the referee, too, if she didn’t move out of the way in time.

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Re: Carol Carter vs. Sheila Morgan - Where The Wild Things Are

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As Carol got to her feet she started to mentally curse herself for seeming so helpless so far in the match. Carol's head raised just in time to see her opponent scrambling up and diving for her, Carol would give the woman one more thing, she looked even hotter when she was angry. The wolflike heel grunted as her opponent's shoulder connected with her stomach but Carol forced herself to remain focused. Thinking quickly Carol wrapped her arm just below Sheila's head so that it was right under the woman's chin she would then kick her legs and throw all her weight back in order to spike the woman's skull into the floor right in front of the referee and just inches away from the wall!

Carol wasn't done though, grabbing her opponent's hair she would stare daggers into the referee's eyes as she pulled the two of them up. "Your job is to count pins and confirm it when I make this bitch tap, nothing more, you got that? Carol would say to the woman not caring if the referee said otherwise. Carol would then attempt to slam Sheila face first into the nearby wall.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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