Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Kerstin Locke

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Kerstin Locke

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Cheyenne Black Rock kept a steady attack, sending a Polish Hammer right towards Kerstin Locke! She certainly didn't have her opponent's speed, but she could at the very least move a bit quicker than might be expected. Kerstin was ready--and she certainly was ready to make the best of their next collision. The strike missed, and then she was struck with a kick to the head! The Native American stumbled in place from the blow, rather surprised from it as her eyes were wide from the impact!

Before she could recover, Kerstin was already in motion again. A big dropkick to Cheyenne's side sent her staggering to the side, nearly tumbling over before her body spun and she planted her feet. Gritting her teeth, she planted a hand on the mat to keep herself steady. Those two strikes hurt. She figured any of Locke's strikes would hurt, even against her strong frame. She'd need to try to avoid being hit by too many of them. Picking her head up, she looked at Kerstin and blocked out the pain. Then, she would come charging and attempt to ram directly into her opponent with a big shoulder tackle! She wanted to strike back, and she hoped she could nail Kerstin with the force of her entire body!

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Kerstin Locke

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Kerstin used her speed and moved around Cheyenne and hit her head. Once she was at her side her drop kick would be her follow up and connected to knock her back. But Kerstin's power couldn't bring Cheyenne down that easily, even when she staggered Cheyenne found a way to stay on her feet while Kerstin was on her back after the dropkick. She quickly tried to get back, reaching her feet while Cheyenne was rushing her, in the end she wasn't fast enough to move out of the way before Cheyenne slammed into her.

"Gaagh!" Kerstin screamed as she was knocked back by the tackle. Her kick could only stagger the native but her charge knocked Kerstin off her feet and sent her back to the mat, groaning as she was slammed back into it and arching her back while keeping a hand on her chest. She tried to shuffle back so she had space to avoid her next move, knowing that her power was something to avoid until she could stand up again.

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Kerstin Locke

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Cheyenne Black Rock sent her powerful, thick form directly towards Kerstin Locke in a tackle. An effective move that would send most opponents to the mat in short order. With the proper application of the force of her strong body, the Chieftess was always able to win most battles of strength! After hitting the tackle, Black Rock winced as she held her chest for a moment, feeling the effects of acting so quickly after that dropkick. Still, she had to follow up, and Kerstin was already trying to make space.

As Locke would shuffle back, the Native American would then grab hold of her foot, keeping her from going forward any more! Cheyenne canted her head at Kerstin, giving her a skeptical look for trying to make space from her. She didn't need her opponent to get speedy or anything. Fortunately, Black Rock would make clear the force of her strength, which would be anything but fortunate for Kerstin.

Keeping a grip on Kerstin's leg, Cheyenne Black Rock would take a step forward, attempting to press a boot down on Kerstin's chest, wanting all of her wear to bear down on her opponent before stepping off. A suffocatingly simple move that would surely do plenty of damage to her foe if it went off successfully!

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Kerstin Locke

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Kerstin's tactical shuffle was barely able to start before Cheyenne put it down. Of course someone like the native would be used to stopping opponents from escaping that way, she moved so fast it was like she expected it and Kerstin played into her hands. Kerstin groaned in frustration and tried to launch a kick at Cheyenne's chest when the native would pull her in and bring her foot down on Kerstin's nice chest letting her power do the rest as the pressure picked up.

"Ugghn. Ngghh." Kerstin growled feeling her chest scream in agony. Cheyenne didn't need to do much to make this hurt and soon after she stepped off Kerstin already felt like her breastbone was starting to dent, the pain made her body cough and turn to the side to try and get some air back in her, and she remained on the floor.

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Kerstin Locke

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Cheyenne had literally stepped on Kerstin, doing enough damage for the most minimal amount of energy. A move that really made Kerstin yell out and hold her chest in pain. She didn't feel much sympathy. It was a match, and she wanted to win just as much as Kerstin did, presumably. And that meant a little cruelty was involved. With a shake of her head, she looked down at Locke and then grabbed her by her head, starting to pull her up. She wasn't much for talking. She was more for actions.

And after getting Kerstin up, Cheyenne would then make another definitive action. Her opponent's chest was aching, so Black Rock decided to capitalize on that. She wrapped her around around her and then hefted Locke up with impressive force, attempting to lock in a Bearhug! With the Chieftess's powerful muscles and her practiced skill in applying the move, it wouldn't be long before Kerstin was in for a world of pain, especially after already having her chest worked over.

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Kerstin Locke

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Kerstin tried to breathe carefully to keep the pain from Cheyenne stomping on her from getting worse, it was amazing how fragile Kerstin could look when faced with someone built like her. She knew how strong she was and yet it didn't matter at all in LAW when faced with some opponents. Surprisingly the thought excited her more than it terrified her, even now when she should be pretty scared. She just told herself she needed to fight back and find answers to dealing with the bigger and stronger opponents. Cheyenne tried to make that a tougher challenge when she grabbed her and pulled her into her arms before the native started to squeeze her with a crushing bearhug.

"Nggaaahh!" Kerstin screamed, feeling her chest struggling with another kind of crushing experience, shaking in Cheyenne's arms. The pain almost made Kerstin sick, her chest felt like it was going to burst. She tried to think of a plan, her mind racing with a bunch of possibilities while her hands would start by hitting Cheyenne, first in her face, then her side to fight the hold. Anything that might slow the crushing of her chest.

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Kerstin Locke

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Cheyenne kept that suffocating bearhug on her opponent, not letting up for a moment. She kept an even amount of force on her, trying to keep her trapped and slowly wearing her down. Their chests pressed together were also giving the Native American a clear advantage too. And as Kerstin screamed, that only encouraged Black Rock onward. She had her right where she wanted her--there was no reason for her to release it. At least, until Kerstin started to force her to.

A punch to the face was first, then her side, each garnering a loud grunt of pain. Scowling, the Chieftess knew where this was going to go. She would have needed to wear down Locke more, realistically, to get a proper submission with this. But instead, Cheyenne would decide to act before being forced to break free. With a huff of breath, Cheyenne would then heave Kerstin up and over in a big belly-to-belly suplex, looking to toss Kerstin Lock up high and far with her impressive strength!

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Re: Cheyenne Black Rock vs. Kerstin Locke

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Kerstin struggled throughout the bear hug, Cheyenne's impressive strength was unlike anything she'd ever seen before and was close to completely crushing her chest. It was taking all of Kerstin's willpower to avoid passing out while she fought to get free, and slowly each hit made the pain get less bad when Cheyenne started to slip up. But then she showed off her power in another way, lifting her up and going for a big belly to belly suplex to drop Kerstin to the mat.

"Ggaaggh!" Kerstin groaned. She was slammed again, feeling her body wrapped in pain from the focus on her waist and chest with her attacks. This was a new experience, despite her size and skill Kerstin felt like David fighting Goliath. She would need to adjust quickly before she was crushed.

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