Annabelle Valentine vs Chika Fujiwara Pinkette Smother-fest!

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Annabelle Valentine vs Chika Fujiwara Pinkette Smother-fest!

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Bernadette was pacing in the locker room with her arms crossed. The last time Annabelle was in the ring, she let her horny side take over when she could’ve beaten Alaina Sander-Haines and further expanded The Harbingers reign over LAW!”Annabelle, you are booked against someone who is a complete jobber, I need you to win!” She leaned forward with her hands on her hips looking down as Annabelle was putting her ring gear on.”Oh, i understand Bernie, I’ll win tonight for sure!” The heavyweight pinkette said with the outmost confidence. While that was going on Candice was sitting down with her hand on her chin with her legs crossed looking bored out of her mind as she let out a yawn.”Yea know Bernadette, if it was me, this Chika chick would be in the dirt, especially what I did to Lyra.” She chuckled mischievously reminding herself of what she did to the poor singer.”NO CANDICE!” Bernadette turned her head shouting the grenette before fixing her posture.”My apologies, it’s just we need Annabelle to get a squash win to show she means business like us!” She raised her a voice at bit at the end to emphasize the importance of this match.”Alright, Harbingers let’s go!” Bernadette began to march to the hallway as Annabelle and Candice followed her with Candice being on the right, and Annabelle being on the left.

Coming to the ring first….. From Miami Florida, she is one of The Harbingers….. ANNABELLE “THE LOVE” VALENTINE!

Annabelle with her teammates
The lights begin to strobe bright pink as the trio is coming down to the ring. There was a chorus of boo’s and cheers from their recent actions, like what they did to Lauren Fredericks or Lyra Heart. Annabelle was smiling and waving like a little kid. While they were coming out she did her classic hug pose for a gesture as she walked down by side her friends swaying her hips left and right. She even wanting to give someone a hug, before Candice and Bernadette pulled her way before she broke someone’s back by accident. Even the music that played didn’t mess well with Bernadette or Candice, Annabelle begged them if she could use it and they reluctantly agreed knowing full well she wouldn’t stop asking still they conceded.

Finally they approached the ring with Annabelle stepping up the steel steps with Bernadette opening up the middle and top rope for Annabelle to lean down and step through before entering the ring. She blew kisses as she went to her corner waiting for her adorable opponent to come down.
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Re: Annabelle Valentine vs Chika Fujiwara Pinkette Smother-fest!

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Chika had already participated in a smother match but she had trained and improved since then, she had no doubt that she was going to give a better performance than the last time. She warmed up in her locker room, smiling as she looked at herself in the mirror and smacking her cheeks, ready to fight for the first time against a heavyweight.

She came out of her locker room and showed up on the ramp with a big smile, greeting the audience with both hands with a look as happy as ever. Each step made her chest bounce and this always pleased the public as much. The Japanese quickly climbed into the ring, sighing slightly before standing in front of her opponent, smiling widely with a motivated look before extending her hand forward to be on good terms from the start.

“Let’s do our best tonight Annabelle !”
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Re: Annabelle Valentine vs Chika Fujiwara Pinkette Smother-fest!

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Annabelle would wait to see what her opponent looked like as she heard she was adorable. Then she finally came out and she was just the cutest to Annabelle! She clasped her hands together on her cheeks as she watched the fellow pinkette coming down to the ring. She saw how every step she took, her breast were flapping up in and down, causing Annabelle to blush at the sight of it.

As soon as the Japanese girl got into the ring, Annabelle thought she wouldn't be able to control herself. When Chika offered a handshake, Annabelle was about to just run up and hug her before she turned her head and heard something. "Annabelle, don't get distracted, crush her!" She ordered from outside of the ring while the entrance pinkette shook her head to snap out of it."Yes sorry Bernie!" She saluted before waiting for the bell to ring.


Just like that, Annabelle came charging at Chika with her arms extended hoping to put her arms around the smaller pinkette to hopefully put her in a bearhug!
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Re: Annabelle Valentine vs Chika Fujiwara Pinkette Smother-fest!

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Chika was impressed by her opponent's size and was speechless. She was going to have to fight against such a big and powerful woman... It was almost impossible for her, the challenge was much too great for her but she had a dream to accomplish and for that, she had to know what it felt like to fight against an opponent much too big and heavy for her.

The bell rang even before the two wrestlers could shake hands and the Japanese found herself trapped in the arms of her opponent, understanding that the match was starting with a bearhug! She was far too weak to escape so as a reflex, Chika raised both legs and wrapped them around her opponent's hips for a powerful bodycissor, her best technique!

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Re: Annabelle Valentine vs Chika Fujiwara Pinkette Smother-fest!

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Annabelle may have been a heavyweight but when it came to giving someone a hug, she was like a cheetah! She quickly wrapped her arms around the small pinkette trying to shove her head into her blossom. When she was about to push her in, the smaller pinkette was able to raise her legs and was able to wrap them around Annabelle’s hips!

”Owie!” She let out a weak groan as while Chika didn’t have much upper body strength, her legs were surprisingly strong. Bernadette was smacking the bottom of the ring gritting her teeth.”Come on! Slam her!!!” She shouted ordering Annabelle to slam her. “I’m sowwy Chika….” She apologized liked a kid as she went to try and lift Chika up and slam her down for a powerbomb!
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Re: Annabelle Valentine vs Chika Fujiwara Pinkette Smother-fest!

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The match started strong! Chika barely had time to understand that the match had begun when she found herself locked in a powerful bearhug but she managed to react quickly enough to trap her opponent between her powerful thighs, squeezing her hips in a powerful Body Scissor that almost made her miss Annabelle. But the giant pinkette didn't give in and threw Chika to the ground with a powerful powerbomb, making the little pinkette moan who didn't expect to take a hit like this from the start of the match.

"GAAAH !... Ughh.."

The powerbomb was powerful enough to stun Chika for a few minutes, who released the pressure from her legs, completely freeing her opponent from her body scissor in addition to being now defenseless.
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Re: Annabelle Valentine vs Chika Fujiwara Pinkette Smother-fest!

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Annabelle lifted poor Chika up and slammed her down by the orders of Bernadette causing a giant thud to be heard as she collided with the mat! Bernadette grinned beginning to clap outside the ring as Annabelle was showing off what she could do if she wasn’t so keen on winning just with her boobs.

Annabelle meanwhile rose to her feet as she saw the bad shape Chika was in and pressed her finger on her chin thinking what she could do before a lightbulb popped in her head! Her eyes lit up like sparkles as she went to reach down and pull Chika up to her knees.”I think you’ll love this! Since you’re such a cutie” The Love said happily as she was drooling a little bit. Chika was utterly adorable and wanted to treat her right! She leaned down and pinched Chika’s nose as she began to kiss her deeply in the lips. Bernadette facepalmed in disappointment seeing Annabelle use one of “Signatures” True Loves Kiss!
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Re: Annabelle Valentine vs Chika Fujiwara Pinkette Smother-fest!

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Chika was still stunned when Annabelle pulled her up onto her knees so she could kiss her and the little pinkette wasn't expecting this kind of thing from the start of the match. Was Annabelle trying to smother her in a kiss? Probably ! And Chika decided to play along by kissing her opponent in return. She had kissed many wrestlers in her matches and felt ready to challenge another wrestler in this type of duel.

The kissing duel continued between the two pinkettes but Chika was still a little dizzy from the powerful slam she took earlier. She wasn't in top form and it showed on the outside, by her tongue, Chika wasn't moving anything else and was defenseless against any other attack.
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Re: Annabelle Valentine vs Chika Fujiwara Pinkette Smother-fest!

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Annabelle was locked with the smaller pinkette in a kissing duel. She had to admit, even though chika’s tongue wasn’t moving due to being dazed, she was a great kisser and Annabelle would love to take her home tonight to show her more love.

Her team members were outside the ring with Candice having her arms crossed rolling her eyes. Bernadette meanwhile was smacking the mat and wanting Annabelle to stop messing around and go in for the win!”Annabelle! Stop kissing her and start crushing her!” Bernadette ordered Annabelle to do as Candice unfolded her arms and chimed in. “Yeah! This is getting boring, finish her up so we can she fun!”” She added as Annabelle took a glance at her members and nodded.”Okay, Candy and Bernie, sorry Chika-Chan my friends want me to win, so please forgive me.” She apologized sweetly as she went to put her arms around her waist and went to lift her up for another bearhug! The only difference was this was her finisher Loving Embrace! Just like the name says, Annabelle went to put her head in between Chika’s breast and began to went to town on them! She was kissing and shaking her heads in between them.
While this was going on Candice sneered being reminded of Annabelle’s nickname for her.”Can she not call me that when we’re in the ring!?” She leaned over to Bernadette as she simply shrugged.”Just ignore it, besides the real fun will begin soon.” Her shrug demeanor turned into a glint of excitement as she grinned ear to ear waiting for this match to be over. When it’s finished Chika will become nothing more than a lamb to be slaughtered by The Harbingers, and that’s something Bernadette was waiting for.
Last edited by SRG on Thu Mar 21, 2024 4:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Annabelle Valentine vs Chika Fujiwara Pinkette Smother-fest!

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Chika was starting to regain her consciousness in the middle of the kiss, now trying to fight with her tongue and hope to win at least this duel against the pinkette who was heavier, taller and stronger than her. But before she could even move her tongue, Annabelle lifted the Japanese girl in her arms to lock her in a bearhug even more powerful than the first one she received at the start of the match.


Chika left her opponent's lips, moaning shyly in pain as her back began to twist in two and her head tilted back. She tried to do like at the start of the match, lifting both thighs to wrap them around her opponent's hips to lock her in a body scissor but she couldn't lift her legs. The pain prevented her from moving properly and she was forced to endure this incredible and powerful bearhug for several seconds.

"L...Let me...G-Go...Please..."
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