Courage Takemi vs. Vin Caster - Willpower against Pride

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Courage Takemi vs. Vin Caster - Willpower against Pride

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

type: Thematic match.
Topic: Idol!
rules: "All be it for the public!" On this occasion, it is a rather libertarian match in favour of the slogan. No-DQ. The only rule is that they must dress as idols. Besides, the ring is decorated to have objects, gravures and other according details for theme.
Win by: pinfall, knockout, submission.

The bustle of the stands dimmed as the proximity of the next match was sensed by the lights dimming to extinction, leaving the small headlights on the railings and the spotlights lining the upper ring to provide an outline of the stadium - as seen from the overhead cameras, before the first of the two wrestler crossed the gorilla position.

And as soon as the lights flickered in a wave, the audience inhaled anxiously to make themselves heard as soon as the silhouette of one of them showed, holding a microphone in front of her lips about to roar as the lightning flash fell and lit up every corner of the ring symbolically.

The brunette's voice roared to the sound of her theme! Lighting up every corner of the entire stadium with their rhythm. Showing herself off on the top ramp in a two-piece, gothic sailor-outfit, shirt and skirt, matching tights, tight bracelets, bangles, the occasional fake spike embossed on her elbows, waist and neck. Nothing! Nothing in she was trying to be flirty or cute.

Her fans were small, yes, Vin Caster didn't really have a way to go here, but they were there, roaring with her and praising her and her wild style. Besides the lyrics had to go on without Vin Caster's voice in favour of the theme. Though she loved her song, she was well aware that singing wasn't her area and she wasn't going to humiliate herself by trying - the European flipped the microphone she howled into and indolently kicked it with her heel into the audience to one side of her - It was already switched off, as a precaution - and the Englishwoman continued on her route to the ring.

She swooped her hand to shake and high-five several fans on either side of the top ramp forcefully, as her thanks for giving her this support and, at one point, noticed the obvious sign on the side with her name in luminescent flaming letters - which surprised her and made her jump before she cringed with her hands folded under her chin in a cute and flattered expression, wincing with embarrassment even, but then composed herself and gave their a high-five as she would give it to one of her brothers.
Vin's idol 'punk' gear
And once she was in the ring, she finished her entrance by climbing up to her corner and unleashing one more howl to stir up the fans' favour again, before leaping backwards to close with a backflip from up there and landing perfectly on her feet like a veteran gymnast before concluding by leaning back on the turnbuckles to await her opponent.
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Re: Courage Takemi vs. Vin Caster - Willpower against Pride

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

"Introducing! From Hokaido, Japan!" The announcer roared as the stage was bathed in jade. "COURAGE! Ta-Ke-Miiii!"
Stereopony - Hitohira No Hanabira(Kayfabe; Courage Generation "One of My Petals")
The green lights spun and centered upon the entryway, heralding her arrival!

Though the music behind her was her own, Courage Takemi had transitioned out of the life of an idol. She now embraced that she was her mother's daughter, a second-generation professional wrestler! Tonight, and forevermore, she looked the part!
Courage Takemi
White wrestling boots led her down the ramp toward the ring. Her smooth legs were bare except for a red thigh band that helped to accentuate just how succulent they looked.

She wore a tight-fitting leotard very much in the theme of a traditional sailor uniform. The skirt was too short to fall past her thighs, but it fluttered behind her in the wind, tickling her barely covered backside. The leotard had a window that offered the crowd a look at the cleavage between her full round breasts. A white ribbon fell over them, but again, did little more than draw attention to the exposed skin. Rather than her typical green, she was adorned in white, pink and purple. Traditionally cutesy and feminine colors. This was an idol costume match, after all!

Her arms were sheathed in gloves that ran past her elbow. This, and the puffy shoulders of her outfit added an air of nobility along with the large yellow bow that bound her luxurious and long chestnut brown hair in a ponytail that swept behind her like a cape.

Courage Takemi took on a dash as she neared the flat of the mats surrounding the ring! She dove under the bottom rope and slid into the ring with unmistakable enthusiasm! She popped onto her knees and threw her hands into the air with that same energy! A big, excited grin was stretched across her innocent-looking features! "LET'S GO!!!" She prompted the fans to scream and they showered her with the noise she'd demanded! She popped up onto her feet in one fluid, graceful motion before extending a gloved hand toward her opponent.

"Nice to meet you Vin-Chan!!" She gave the girl a genuinely sweet smile. "You look really cute in your outfit! What do you say we put on a show that'll send the fans home happy?!" She threw her other hand out with her fingers parted in a V-sign! It was clear which of the two was clearly meant to play an idol. Of course, Courage had been doing it for the better part of a decade.

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Re: Courage Takemi vs. Vin Caster - Willpower against Pride

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

Vin would have been more excited to observe the entire front of her voluptuous natural enemy if it weren't for everything that came with stepping into the ring today. The idea of her having to dress up like a sailor moon knock-off toy didn't sit well with her. She was playing it down a lot, she found pleasure in adorning it in her punk style, in her entrance down the ramp, and she was partly trying to enjoy it now as Takemi mesmerised everyone with her flirtatiously adorned attributes. But the more she thought about it and realised where this match was going, the more her brow furrowed, and her eyes sharpened at the thought of how low she could sink by hitting someone up. As if those amber pearls were competing with the ornamental spikes of her idol's attire to see which one is the sharpest.

She almost facepalmed at her own ambiguously aloof ramblings at Courage, who was showing off with her introduction to the ring โ€”the idol had everyone in her cornerโ€” but Vin restrained herself from making such a rude hand gesture. Maybe one of her friends like Sonny or one of the twins would love a Courage autograph, even if she's not such a well-known idol outside of Law. Vin should get them for her before or after she beat her up?

Vin stammered as she heard someone speak to her. Takemi's daughter had flattered her.

"E-ehm? Me? O-oh. Y-yeah...Maybe I look decent, but you look better in a skirt." She returned, turning her eyes away. Her tomboy discomfort contrasted with the idol enthusiasm of a professional showgirl like Courage. She responded to the next thing the true idol asked her with the same obtuse, self-conscious enthusiasm. "Actually, I'd like to think that what we're going to do will please the vast majority." There was an underlying emotion in those words.

One of Vin's eyebrows arched upwards perfectly as her shadowed eyes found the referee perched in the corner of her eye, about to give her the signal for the timekeeper to assert her role with that bell. The Scot extended her hand towards Takemi without returning her gaze from where the referee was standing, it looked like a salute; but with the difference that Vin didn't plan to let go of his hand if he shook it.

"And... why did an idol like you decide to throw punches in the ring? Is it a marketing ploy or just a whim?"
Last edited by Hagen-Autem on Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Courage Takemi vs. Vin Caster - Willpower against Pride

Unread post by SuckerPunch »

Courage could tell that her opponent was being a good sport. She felt bad that Vin had been cornered into this embarassing stipulation. She hoped that it wouldn't effect her ability to fight! But she would do her best regardless! Like always!

"Wrestling is in my blood!" She answered Vin's question succinctly! It was a powerful reply. One that was given as she took the other girl's offered hand. "I'm following in my mother's footsteps!" She added. Her fingers tightening within Vin's grasp.

"It's true that I was an idol first." She stated plainly. "And that becoming a wrestler has made me more popular." In truth it had practically saved her career. "But I'm in this ring because I love it!" She doubled down. The initial nuetrality of her statement was now overflowing with passion!

"What about you!? Are you here because you love this ring too?"

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Re: Courage Takemi vs. Vin Caster - Willpower against Pride

Unread post by Hagen-Autem »

If there was one word to define a punk like Vin, it's: inconsiderate to those she doesn't like, like the idols, and cruel when it comes to proving who is the tougher fighter.

She just needed the referee to finally make the damn call for the bell to assert her position as Pub Queen, and the difference between a martial fighter like her and an idol, like Courage would be engraved in everyone's mind. She would soon feel vindicated by her fiasco with the flaming idol, Yukino.

The greeting between them had gone on too long, at what point was a handshake considered awkward?

"Well..." She stammered, stretching out as much time as she could to think of her next vague response to disguise her true interests. Though everyone seemed to realise what this brunette Brit wanted, minus Courage.
The referee would start to turn back to them, which meant Vin could hardly wait to look Courage in the eye. Like her opponent.
"If I can be honest:.."
Ding Ding Ding Ding!
"I'd say I love to hit others."

With that last sentence, Reatchelle would sediment a thrust kick to her opponent's abdomen! Pulling on her hand to make sure to sink her boot all the way down to push her stomach against her spine! Though perhaps it's a dream of Vin's to have the leg power to go that deep.

If the blow went in, Vin wouldn't be slow or patient to see the effects manifest - she'd hook her by one of the straps of her dress and join Takemi's head under her armpit with a yank, looking for the DDT position. At the same time, she would make sure all her retractors in the ring could see what was under that green idol's skirt to shut them up. After all, that's precisely why they paid for the ticket to this show of gimmick wrestling.
๐†๐€๐‘๐“'๐ฌ ๐๐ฎ๐›&๐’ž๐“๐“Š๐’ท ๐“ก๐“ธ๐“ผ๐“ฝ๐“ฎ๐“ป
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Gabriel Vinlee:

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K&K - Katima Karisma:

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Leona Chase-Arawn

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Liliel North:

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Sonata Moon:

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ViVi S.Valentine:

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Vin Castler:

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