An Oily Encounter - Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Fuuka Yamagishi

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An Oily Encounter - Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Fuuka Yamagishi

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Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Fuuka Yamagishi

Match type: Oil match
Rules: Standard wrestling rules apply. Winner makes the loser verbally submit
Location: A paddling pool filled with baby oil
Attire: Bikinis

This brought back memories, and not particularly good ones. Collei remembered this pool well, as it was the self same pool in which Sparkling Idol Barbara stripped and fucked her on her debut. Granted, she fought well, and Barbara was impressed, but she still had the occasional nightmare, and seeing the pool filled with oil once more filled her with dread.

However, this time things would be different on multiple levels. Firstly, this match was not hentai, in fact such moves were outlawed, meaning that it would be a simple test of skill with their oil covered bodies. Secondly, her opponent this time was one she had not heard mention of before, a certain Fuuka Yamagishi. All she did know of her was that she, like the Young Lioness, was no stranger to the slippery stuff.

She saw the lockers on the far side of the room, and dashed towards them while no spectators were present, before darting to one of the lockers that was there. Once there, she stripped out of her casual clothes and slipped on her bikini, before waiting for her entrance theme to play. Once the crowd had arrived, and they had settled, her theme played, and she stepped out towards the oil ring where she was previously defeated.
Entry Theme
As she walked her way up, the Lioness took in all the cheers that she got, winking to a few of the onlookers, before reaching the pool. She reached one foot into the pool, planting it down as the oil covered it completely, before bringing her other foot to meet it. She then waited for her opponent to arrive, but not before picking up some of the oil and oiling herself down.

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Re: An Oily Encounter - Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Fuuka Yamagishi

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It was once more back into the oil for Fuuka Yamagishi. A specialty that the bluenette was quickly becoming known for thanks to her prowess. LAW didn't have an oil/substance wrestling belt yet, but there have been talks about it, along with a smother belt for some time. And in those talks, Fuuka's name was beginning to crop up as a potential first contender. She knew that LAW decided it's inaugural champions via tournament, and Fuuka figured she would enter if one did arise for an oil belt.

There was thing about tonight's match that Fuuka wasn't exactly thrilled about; it was a bikini match. Oil wrestling and bikini's was a combination that was asking result in nip slips and lost tops. Something that Fuuka rather familiar with, though thankfully not because she had ever been exposed herself. She much preferred her usual leotard. Thankfully, Fuuka had managed to find something that should be able to stay on her chest for the match tonight.
Fuuka's music soon came on, and the bluenette made her entrance. She received heavy cheering, her oil wrestling results building her a growing popularity. But she took one look at her opponent's attire when she got in the ring and groaned to herself. Why? she thought. Her bikini is so low cut the cups aren't even connected. Does she want to have her bikini slip off and end up topless? Of Fuuka's three oil wrestling opponents, two had not had their tops survive the match, something that the bluenette wasn't exactly happy about. Would Collei make that three for four? Brushing that aside, Fuuka smiled and greeted her opponent as she oiled up,"Hello. I'm Fuuka. I hope we have a good match."
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Re: An Oily Encounter - Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Fuuka Yamagishi

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The crowd's uproar at the arrival of Fuuka made one thing clear to the greenette. She was definitely not a newbie in these parts. She was going to be up against another fully fledged oil wrestler this time, though she had a lot more confidence than when she was defeated by Barbara. Collei had also heard rumors about a possible messy belt being implemented and, even though she was merely a Young Lioness, she had decided that, if at all possible, she too would try to pursue it if it ever came to fruition.

But that was a long away off now, first she had to overcome the obstacle in front of her, to wit Fuuka. She gave a soft smile to the bluenette, before reaching a hand out for a handshake, a gesture she does that gives her an idea on what sort of an opponent she would be facing.

"Greetings Miss Fuuka, nice to meet you. Hopefully we will have a good match" She said in response, now knowing that her opponent wasn't a downright heel. Or at least, on first impressions. She watched as her opponent oiled herself up like she had done previously, meaning that grip between them wouldn't be easy. She then slid back to her corner, and waited for the bell to toll.

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Re: An Oily Encounter - Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Fuuka Yamagishi

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Fuuka and Collei shook hands as they greeted each other, and the bluenette noticed that her opponent slid back through the oil into her corner, indicating to Fuuka that Collei may have a bit of experience with oil wrestling. She'd largely been able to overwhelm her opponents by exploiting their lack of comfort and control in the oil up to this point, but Fuuka wondered if Collei may provide more of a challenge.

The bell rang, and Fuuka walked out towards the center without displaying aggression. Moving with as the same casual ease that she would have on a dry surface. Usually she came bursting out of her corner to immediately go on the attack in her oil matches, but the computer lover was really a defensive fighter at heart. So against an opponent who may be more capable of fighting back against her oily techniques, Fuuka opted to hang back a bit and see what Collei could do.
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Re: An Oily Encounter - Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Fuuka Yamagishi

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Collei watched as Fuuka slid back to her corner with grace, and she knew that her opponent was going to be tougher than Barbara, or at least in the substance wrestling part, likely not being lewd. As the bell rang, Collei was similarly cautious, with both girls hanging back and seeing if the other girl would make a move. Or were they hoping that one of them would fall over and be an easy target for a pin? Either way, nothing happened immediately, and it was clear that Collei had to attack first if this match was going to go anywhere.

She slid forwards to just outside of arms reach of Fuuka, before moving in suddenly and tackling the bluenette, hopefully taking them both down into the lake of oil before. If this worked, she would proceed to give her opponent a few oily slaps to the face, to show that she wasn't messing around

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Re: An Oily Encounter - Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Fuuka Yamagishi

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Fuuka watched as Collei came close before pausing, but the bluenette wasn't just going to stand there and wait. She knew from her own attacks in previous manages how dangerous one could be from just beyond reach. Fuuka slid around to the side, strafing Collei and trying not to give her a straight-on angle to attack from. And maybe even slip in behind the greenette if the chance presented itself.

Eventually, Collei decided that she had something she liked enough and went in for a takedown tackle. Fuuka had positioned herself so that Collei was coming in at a bit of a sideways angle, meaning that the only thing that was really there for her to try to target was Fuuka's leg. The tech whiz slid herself back to get her leg out of the way, but Fuuka also widened her stance and shifted herself into the Emerald Enigma's path.

Fuuka's plan went as such; Collei would go down onto her stomach and start sliding forwards after missing her tackle, and Fuuka will have positioned herself so that Collei slides between her legs. Then once Collei was underneath her, Fuuka would drop down, leading with her butt, onto the greenette's back. Then if she landed that, Fuuka would try to put Collei into an early Boston Crab.
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Re: An Oily Encounter - Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Fuuka Yamagishi

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This was a bad start, not only had Collei's first move failed, she was now face down in the oil with Fuuka on top of her, trying to get her into a Boston crab. In desperate measures, Collei lasted out with all of her limps, either to strike Fuuka in the side or head with one of her fists or back heeling Fuuka in the back. She couldn't be beaten this quickly.

"Nyuh..... I was stupid and reckless" Collei grumbled as she tried to get out of this predicament. Staying on the defensive was the best plan after all.

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Re: An Oily Encounter - Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Fuuka Yamagishi

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Fuuka succeeded in getting onto Collei's back, but the Emerald Enigma would not give the bluenette her desired Boston Crab without one heck of a fight. Collei's thrashing combined with the oil made her legs almost impossible to get a grip on. In fact, Fuuka ended up having to defend herself from wild kicks that almost went up into her chest and sides.

Soon enough, Fuuka chose to simply take a path of lesser resistance. If Collei was going to thrash her limbs around so that they couldn't be grabbed, then Fuuka would target something less mobile: her head. Fuuka would turn around and drop to her stomach, now laying on top of the greenette. Then she would try to wrap her arms around Collei's through and lock her into a Rear Naked Chokehold.
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Re: An Oily Encounter - Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Fuuka Yamagishi

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Collei knew this fight had taken a turn for the worse, but she didn't think Fuuka was going to be this good in oil. The greenette groaned as her opponent swapped from an attempt on a Boston Crab to an attempt at a Rear Naked Choke. Collei groaned and tried to plant her hand down to try and flip them, but it wouldn't work, due to the slippery surface underneath. Then she had an idea.

She saw the edge of the pool in the distance and she thought that would suffice as a rope. In an attempt to force a rope break, she tried to worm her way towards it, feigning an attempt to free herself from the hold that she knew she couldn't get out of by normal means. She reached out as far as she could, and tried to grab it, hoping that Fuuka was too interested in the choke to notice. If this worked, Fuuka would be forced to let go and Collei could collect herself. Once she recovered, she started to circle the oily bluenette once more.

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Re: An Oily Encounter - Collei "The Emerald Enigma" vs Fuuka Yamagishi

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Fuuka's shift in strategy succeeded and she was able to lock Collei into a Chokehold. Pushing down on the greenette's head in a way that wouldn't let her use the slippery oil to slide her head free. Soon Collei started moving, but not in a way that worked to break Fuuka's hold. Instead she was trying to reach the edge of the pool of oil they were wrestling in.

Fuuka, ever the observant woman, noticed this immediately. Oh. Would that count as a rope break? she thought as Collei carried her further towards the edge of the pool. Deciding that it gave her no benefit to wait and see, Fuuka would try to prevent the Emerald Enigma from reaching her goal. To do that, the bluenette would try to turn over onto her back, pulling Collei with her. Then Fuuka would try to hook her legs around the greenette's own and spread them apart so that she could immobilize Collei's legs.
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