Tina's Open Challenge (To Winner3)

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Tina's Open Challenge (To Winner3)

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As Tina's music came on. Tina's Titantron updated. It was no longer just her Initial's in a glittery blue font. It was a series of various clips that highlighted some of her best moves from few matches she's participated in with clips of her hyping up and posing in between the action shots. Some of her highlights include getting Trent and Tara to tap out to a bearhug, giving a thunderous spinebuster to Trent, countering a double foot stomp from Yukari by catching her feet with her hands and flinging her to fall horizontally so her back rammed into Tina's knees, and so on.


Tina then sprung out from the entrance onto the ramp in her usual white and blue stringed two-piece bikini, matching calf high wrestling boots, and her thick sweater tied around her waist as she waved her arms up into the air, motiving the crowd to get hyped up as she then clapped overhead to the rhythm of her theme, getting the crowd to participate as well. She then moved down the ramp, stopping at the two wacky wavy inflatable tube men that was filled with air and flowing with the music as Tina stretched her arms out to her side and looked up to the air with a grin, basking in the audience as she then nodded her head in approval at the crowd. She then held up a finger to say just a sec as she walked over behind one of the tube men. She picked up a glitter bazooka that was set up for her as she high fived the crowd with her free hand on the way down as she then hopped up onto the edge of the ring and then entered the ring. She then played to the crowd, getting the best response made her step up to the middle turnbuckle as she fired her glitter bazooka, letting blue glittery hearts and her initials launch out to the crowd and rain down on them as she handed the glitter bazooka to the event staff as she then gestured with her hand as a microphone was delivered to her as she walked to the center of the ring, bringing it to her lips.

She was about to speak, but the fans started chanting her name, which made her lower the mic with a blush and a grin before blowing a kiss to the crowd and bringing the mic to her lips. “I just can’t get enough of you sweethearts, thank you! Fans of LAW how are you all doing tonight?!” She shouted out as she raised her mic t the crowd walking backwards in a circle as she swooped the mic around with her so everyone could feel a part of speaking into the mic as she grinned. “And that’s part of the reason why I am out here on the mic, I need more. I want to give you more. I WANT TO FEEL MORE OF YOUR LOVE!” She mentioned as she pulled the mic away, stretching her arms out as she closed her eyes and basked in the cheering of the crowd before going back to normal and bringing the mic back to her. “So, I figured, instead of waiting around for contracts and scheduling and all that goes about with the business, I would step out here to deliver an open challenge. It can be any kind of match you desire.” She then walked over towards the ropes closest to the entrance as she stepped up to balance her one foot on the middle rope and the other on the bottom rope as she gripped the top rope with her free hand as she stared down the entranceway. “So my question is this. WHO’S BACK THERE THAT’S WILLING TO GIVE THE FANS A MATCH THEY WILL NEVER FORGET?!” She then hopped back from the ropes to walk backwards to the center of the ring as she waited to see if someone in the back would accept the challenge as chants for Tina rang out again as she raised a fist in the air, bobbing her fist up and down in rhythm of the chants.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sat Jun 11, 2022 10:01 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Tina's Open Challenge (To Winner3)

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Tina's rise to prominence at LAW was well documented in the highlights of her entrance video on the titantron. The fan's reaction all over the arena reflected this. The audience seemed excited to clap along with the beautiful bluenette to the beat of her theme song! And the cheering only crescendoed when she went on to brandish a glitter bazooka while between a pair of wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube men!

Even putting aside the confetti, glitter, and tube men, it was plain to see that Kelley had been working her way up the ranks and making her mark! Tina's impact on the landscape of LAW was growing with each match and each commanding performance she was putting on in the ring! By the time the sparkly dust had settled and the tube men finally stopped waving, TK had a mic and hand and addressed the crowd.

Hearing Kelley revel in the love and adoration of the fans hearing her echo and reciprocate their feelings drove the point home that she had heaps of momentum behind her! While the fans and commentators could bask in and appreciate Tina's presence and her boisterous personality, one had to imagine that there were very few men and women in the locker room who would jump at the chance to answer her challenge only to end up giving her another Bearhug or Spinebuster highlight to add to her Titantron video for her entrance!

Fortunately, it didn't take long for someone to rise to Tina's challenge! Within just a matter of seconds, the entrance music that would hit wouldn't be that of Trent or Yukari looking for a rematch to get even, but someone much more unexpected!
Entrance Music
Cheers would thunder throughout the arena when the familiar theme of Kat Hart sounded off on the stadium speakers! The fans came alive for the opening drum beat of The Super Kitty's entrance music! The iconic melody that followed hummed and cheered all over!

After the first set of "oh's" Kat Hart stepped out onto the stage! The buxom, brawny luchadora smiled and posed at the top of the entrance ramp with both hands on her waist! Kat quickly raised both hands to invite the fans to sound off! And as they did, she undid the golden tag team championship belt from around her waist and held it up high! Purple and white pyrotechnics would go off as she did! And The Super Kitty would begin to stride her way down the ramp, slapping the hands of fans in the front row as she did!

At one point, while stopping to take a selfie with a fan, a lady in the front row pointed to a deflated tube man along the entrance ramp. After musing about how the inflatable party favor looked all sad, Kat motioned to the production crew to ask them to inflate the tube men once again. The luchadora gave a thumbs up to the small group of fans that longed to see the wacky tubed wave again.

After these brief, but silly exchanges, Kat would slide onto the ring on one knee and use the ropes to pull herself up before vaulting over the rope and entering the ring! The SWAT Cats would flash a wink to Tina before peering her upper body between the top and middle ropes to collect a live mic from the production crew.

Kat would take a moment to smile and look up at Tina. Standing across the ring from her, a range of reactions would be heard all over the arena as the two sized each other up for the first time. Tina had size and height on Kat. But The Super Kitty had a wealth of experience and a legacy behind her. The reigning and defending tag team champion eyed the rising star up and down. It was clear that Kat liked what she saw. Yet the first thing she chose to comment on wasn't Tina's impressive build or recent wins. Instead, Hart pointed pat Tina, to the glitter bazooka that they were finagling with at ringside and still trying to put away.

"I see you put the bazooka away but you've still got two guns ready to go, girl! Haha" Kat joked. The masked woman would flex her bicep for a second before pointing to Tina's own.

"I just happened to be in the back when you made your little open challenge, Tina. And lemme tell ya, us SWAT Cats know a little something about open challenges, am I right, folks?" Kat would motion to the crowd with her arm outstretched, garnering reactions as she referenced the fact that all their team's title defenses had been done in open challenges.

"It's always a treat getting to be the one answering one rather than the one making them. But the best part!" Kat would step closer to Tina, getting chest to chest with her, nearly nose to nose while smiling with a mix of confidence and anticipation!

"The best part is that I beat everyone to punch and now I get a chance to tear the house down with someone I've been meaning to wrestle for a hot minute now!" Kat's stark blue eyes locked onto Tina's sky-blue irises.

"I've heard a lot about you from your sis, from Riley, from Oscar, and them- all awesome people, much like yourself. I've watched a few of your matches. I've seen and heard more than enough to know that the two of us? You and me are gonna tear the house down three times over!"
Last edited by winner3 on Sun Mar 24, 2024 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tina's Open Challenge (To Winner3)

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As the familiar entrance music hit and the fans popped, Tina stood there with widened eyes and a dropped jaw. This was not out of fear though, she was absolutely awestruck. The woman that popped out on the stage was just as important a figure to her as much as Astrid was the woman that made Tina want to wrestle in the first place. Tina would join in on the clapping to the rhythm and even wave her arms up and down to incite more of her own fans to join along. She then couldn't help but to smile watching Kat take selfies with the fans, knowing how important it is, for it's a thanks to the very fans that allow them to have this very career. She then chuckled as Kat got the crew to turn on a inflatable tube man once more and waved her arms up in the air like she was a tube person herself. She then grinned as Kat made it to the ring. She would do Kat the honors as she sat on the middle rope while lifting up the top ropes to allow Kat an easier entrance.

As the two walked over to the center of the ring, Tina had a shiver of energy run down her spine as she was now very close and personal with another of her idols. She looked where Kat pointed past her and grinned as Kat brought up the bazooka and looked back at her when she was mentioning her own guns and nodded, fanning herself with her free hand and mouthing it's true, but then brought the mic to her lips. "There's another round left if you would like the honors of firing the glitter cannon after this." To which she looked to the crowd and held her mic out towards them, who expressed their approval before turning back to listen to Kat some more.

It then got to where Kat walked over and Tina stood her ground as the two were now breast to breast with each other with Tina flashing a dazzling smile as she was honored to hear that Kat wanted to wrestle against her for a while now. She smiled and nodding her head hearing about Riley, her best friend and finest student Oscar, and most importantly her dearest little sis. When Kat talked about tearing the house down with her, stepped back from Kat and glanced the side towards the crowd. "How about that everyone? Would you like to see a match between us happen?" To which the crowd let out a deafening roar of approval as she looked back over at Kat with a grin. "I think the audience has spoken. Hell yes challenge accepted." To which Tina let the crowd react and die down before pressing breast to breast with Kat again. "How about this, I know my sister is a little down lately about you not responding to her request to spar or wrestle against her, and I know she is just as willing to meet with Tracy after her match against Oscar, so how about we have a tag team match? Model Behavior can finally have it's debut against Law's #1 tag team. Fans, would you like to see our resident Beach Kunoichi in action along side me?" She asked as she looked to the crowd delivering another solid reaction before turning to let Kat respond.

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Re: Tina's Open Challenge (To Winner3)

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The fun, festivities, and introductions had only just gotten started! The excitement of seeing Tina Kelly and Kat Hart standing together in the same ring could be felt all over the arena! The big, beautiful bluenette's infectious cheer and enthusiasm set the stage for an encounter that everyone all over the world wanted to see! The awe and adoration in Tina's eyes were palpable. Standing face to face with Kelly like this made Hart grin from ear to ear! No matter how many fans and fellow wrestlers she met, nothing ever beat this feeling for The Super Kitty! The feeling of sharing a ring with someone who shared the same passions she did! The feeling of not only being a goal for a rising star to chase, but also being humbled and flattered to be someone that a promising star like Tina could look up to! The feeling of knowing that Tina's love and respect for the legacy Kat had built at LAW and in the world of wrestling came second only to Tina's desire to leave it all behind in the ring with The Super Kitty and send the fans and themselves home happy! The feeling of knowing that someday, Tina Kelly could be to fans and aspiring wrestlers everywhere what Kat Hart is to them today! And that Kat could be a big part of Tina's journey toward getting there!

For now, the act of firing off the last round in that glitter bazooka would have to wait! For now, both Tina and Kat were amped to give the people the match that they wanted to see! But Tina, ever the loveable and thoughtful big sis, knew just how she could up the ante! Katherine's excited smile transitioned to an expression of pleasant surprise when Kelly volunteered the idea of bringing her sister Katrina out there and making this little get-together a tag team match if Tracy was good for it as well! And the fans roared with approval!

Hart placed her hands on her wide hips and nodded a few times. She tried to play it cool, but the big, dopey smile on the luchadora's face gave it away. Kat was absolutely living for this!

"Ohhhhh I love the way you think~!" Kat would wink once the crowd's reaction died down a little.

"And clearly, so do the people, am I right?!" Hart would motion broadly to the crowd! Kat would turn towards Tina again after taking in the reaction from the fans. She'd get face-to-face with the big, beautiful bluenette. Tension built up for a moment before Kat winked up at the taller girl.

"I'm sorry I didn't get to answer her before, but how about I do something to make things go to 'Trina?" Kat said briefly with a tinge of remorse in her tone of voice. That tone quickly shifted to one of determination and excitement, however! The legendary luchadora seemed to be keen on doing right by Tina and Katrina!

"I might not be jumping out of my seat right now, but trust me when I say that I am every bit as excited as these folks are to see this match go down! But let me do you one better, Tina! I might catch some flak for this later from the GM DeFranco but right now I can't contain myself!" Kat spoke in a tone that was somehow cool and measured, yet bursting with the anticipation and eagerness of wrestling the Kellys!

"Kat Hart, Tracy Canon - The SWAT Cats versus Tina and Katrina Kelly - Model Behavior! For the LAW World Tag Team Championships!" Kat patted the golden belt on her shoulder before following up.

"Right here, tonight!"

After giving Tina the chance to respond, The Super Kitty would answer her with a determined smile!

"From looking into those pretty blue eyes of yours and from reading the room, I can tell that sounds pretty good to you! And I hope it sounds good to Katrina. Cause I know that Tracy and Aurora wouldn't have it any other way!"

With that, Tracy's music started up on the stadium speakers! Cheers filled the arena alongside The Circus Cat's entrance music!
Entrance Theme
Circus Cat - Tracy Canon
Tracy emerged at the top of the entrance ramp! With a swivel in her hips and tag gold wrapped around her waist, the pink and white luchadora blew kisses to the fans and high-fives a few as she made her way down the ramp. Tracy wound leap onto the apron and then vaulted her way over the top rope to jump towards Kat with a mighty, airborne glomp! Kat would catch Tracy and hug her tightly for a second before letting her go. It would only take a moment for Tracy to look to Tina and nod.

"Oh, I am psyched for this! But also...." Tracy would raise her eyebrows.

"I'm psyched for the very serious business that Katrina and I need to continue discussing!" The eyebrow raising intensified. Anyone who had tuned in to see Oscar wrestle Tracy on PPV a while ago, knew exactly what Canon was getting at. Audible whistles and hollers could be heard from the crowd as Tracy brought this up.

"Serious...business...?" Kat inquired.

"You know!" Tracy playfully elbows Kat's side.

"The thing!"

"The thing?!"

"Yes! You know! Three doesn't always have to be a crowd." Tracy winked

"Ohhhhh, the thing!" Kat's eyes widened with understanding. She remembered that Tracy was trying to score tonight in more than just this match! Tracy would once again turn to Tina.

"Is your sis free later tonight after this match....? Hmmm if you're free, then I think Kat might be, too. Just saying." Canon would tease.

While Tracy was certainly the most whimsical and the biggest tease among The Cats, she hammed it up a little extra tonight, and Katherine played along! If Aurora Estrella was here, she'd likely join in. The tag champs did all this in the hopes that their antics would help lift Katrina's spirits, as well as hype things up!

Thus, the silly hijinks and shenanigans would continue while Tracy was in the ring and while everyone eagerly awaited the arrival of Katrina Kelly to set the stage for what was sure to be a fun and epic match!
Last edited by winner3 on Sun Oct 13, 2024 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tina's Open Challenge (To Winner3)

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

Kat was not the only lady trying her best to keep her cool as Tina's eyes widened with shock hearing not only a chance for the tag team titles in the future, but a chance for the tag team titles right now! As she had to take a step back and twist to look at both her sides towards the fans as the excitement from the crowd matches her excitement in her movements.

She then looked to the entrance as Tracy's music began as she bounced up and down, warming herself up. She grinned at Tracy glomping Kat and when Tracy turned to nod at her, Tina swung her arms out to her sides. "Hey! Can I get one too?" Tina's heart was leaping out of her chest, here she was not just with another woman she idolized, but now there were two women she enjoyed watching before she made it into wrestling.

She then watched Tracy and Kat talking about the thing and Tina was not in the loop, but when they finished talking, Tina smirked at Tracy as she walked over towards the ropes closest to the entrance as she crossed her arms to drape over the top rope as she tilted the mic close to her lips. "Let's find out. Oh sis!" She sang out, "Can the Kunoichi of the beach come out to play?"
Suddenly Katrina's music hit to the pop of the crowd as there was a vortex of cherry blossom petals spiraling at the center of the entrance ramp. Sudden within the eye of the vortex there was a burst of smoke that when dissipated, revealed the beautiful form of Katrina. Wearing a black two piece bikini, wrestling boots, and a light blue sweater tied around her waist. Dangling from her mouth was a pocky as she waited for the vortex to stop and the petals to fall as she ran with her arms behind her, rushing towards the ramp in a ninja dash as she then slid through the bottom ropes, sliding into the ring near the center of it before she pushed with her hands to press the top of her head to the mat before she flipped forward to a standing position as she struck a hand seal ninja pose. She then finished eating the pocky as she grinned and waved to the crowd as she walked over towards the other Kat and Tracy, opening her arms up to give them both a hug individually before walking over towards her sister, grabbing the mic from her as she twisted around to face The Cats.

She then looked down at the mic and took a deep breath. "Gomen nasai, mic skills are not my strong suit." She then looked over to Tracy. "To answer your question about...the thing. I had a conversation, and our answer is, yes." She mentioned as she then gave Tracy a wink. "To the fans out there, if you don't understand what we are talking about. Gomen nasai, however I will be willing to discuss what we are talking about on my Onlyfans." She giggled. "Now, I think we've done enough chit chatting, how about the four of us hotties get it on huh?" She asked the crowd, letting them pop again before sliding the mic out of the ring as she began to warm up alongside her sis.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Thu May 30, 2024 2:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Tina's Open Challenge (To Winner3)

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Shenanigans and antics aside, it was a feel-good moment for all three women in the ring! The anticipation that The SWAT Cats were feeling ahead of the match was palpable! And the cheers from the fans echoed their excitement! Model Behavior- The Kelley Sisters versus the famed Cat luchadoras of LAW was a match that everyone wanted to see! And the only thing left to do from here was to make sure Katrina was down to mix it up in the ring with The SWAT Cats for a chance at tag team champion gold!

"Oh, I hope she can!" Kat would put her hands together expectantly when Tina directed her attention to the entrance ramp and asked if the Kunoichi of The Beach could come out to play!

While the entrance music started up and the cherry blossom petals scattered all around them, Kat would try and sneak in the hug that Tina asked for earlier. The Super Kitty would tap the big blue bombshell on the shoulder to get her attention. When Tina turned to her, Kat would extend her arms to offer her a hug!

"Ooohhhhh now THAT'S a flashy entrance! I definitely gotta take some notes on that!" Tracy would say with a toothy smile. Now she had even more to chat with Katrina about!

"So cool!"

Both luchadoras reacted with amazement when the smoke dissipated to reveal Katrina, posed, primed, and ready to join Tina, Kat, and Tracy in the ring! Tina's sweaty flowed in the wind behind her as she dashed her way to the ring! The fans and the commentators barely had time to acknowledge the Kunoichi's sexy, urban ninja-esque outfit before she was already in the ring, popping up to her feet, and hitting a pose that made The SWAT Cats gasp in tandem at her coolness!

"Ohhhh, yes please!" Kat eagerly stepped forward to accept Katrina's hug, switching from hugging Tina to hugging 'Trina. Tracy was right behind her, ready to embrace her fellow busty middleweight after Katrina got done greeting Kat!

"Weeeee!" Canon squealed as she shuffled in to give Katrina a light squeeze!

The tag champs looked on expected as Katrina gathered the live mic from her sister to give everyone her two cents. Tracy brought both her hands to her mouth in shock and pleasant surprise as Katrina greenlit one of her hopes and dreams! The Circus Cat silently raised her palm to Kat, who was happy to give her a high five! Kat would offer one to Katrina during the middle of the bluenette's promo upon hearing the mention of her OnlyFans. She had to respect the hustle if nothing else!

"EEEEEEE!" Meanwhile, a not so subtle glint appeared in Tracy's eyes! She practically lit up in celebration when Katrina gave her a proper answer! The Circus Cat brought her fists near her face and hopped in place rapidly, spinning in a circle as she did! Kat would have to snap Tracy would of it by pulling her close before the tag champs could properly respond!

"Heh, not your strong suit! You killed it out there! And I hope you bring that same energy to this match!" Hart would pose confidently with her hands on her hips!

"It's about to get real, alright! Someone get a ref out here! The SWAT Cats are about to give Model Behavior the match of a lifetime!" Tracy would cheer while staring down Tina and 'Trina! An excited, toothy grin was plastered on her face! Kat would lean against the ropes closest to the entrance ramp and motion for the crew to bring a ref down to the ring! And sure enough, after just a few seconds, a woman in a striped shirt came barrelling down to kick off what promised to be a fun and spirited championship bout!
Last edited by winner3 on Wed Oct 16, 2024 8:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
General Wrestling Knowledge Primer <-- What's makes a face, a face? What does it mean to sell? And more

PPV Explanation / Explanation on Supercards <-- What does PPV stand for and why do we do them? What's the difference between a PPV Event and a Supercard

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Re: Tina's Open Challenge (To Winner3)

Unread post by SimplyWoo »

Katrina giggled at Kat complimenting her and bowed in thanks to her. She then bounced up and down in excitement, providing a lovely display of jiggle physics as she stared back at Tracy before turning too Tina, taking both of her hands with hers as she nodded in determination. "I'll start us off sis. Let's hope we leave a good impression with our debut." She mentioned as Tina grinned. "Alright, go get em." She mentioned, giving her younger sis a good game slap on the rear before stepping out to the edge of the ring, strutting over towards her corner as she rhythmically clapped to get the fans in on the action as Kat looked to the crowd with a nod before turning her attention giving a grin and a wink to whichever Cat was going to start as she began to cautiously circle her before approaching for a lock-up.
Last edited by SimplyWoo on Sun Oct 20, 2024 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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