Not Out Yet: Alizeh and Noelle (for deezcastforms)

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Not Out Yet: Alizeh and Noelle (for deezcastforms)

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Alizeh took a deep breath in preparation for what she was about to do. A microphone in hand and dressed not for a match but seemingly to talk. In fact she had just had a match at the last show, making it two weeks since her ppv bout against Kyoko. Despite that though Alizeh wanted something else, more in fact. Hence her presence tonight and her desire to do something more as her entrance music kick on.
Coming out from the curtain to cheers Alizeh would smile and raise her hand up in appreciation as she made her way down the ramp, dressed rather simply in grey leggings, with a black hoodie and sneakers it didn't look like Alizeh would be wrestling. So naturally the crowd was interested in hearing what the former number one contender for the middleweight title had to say that required her to b out in the ring.
Slipping between the ropes into the ring Alizh would look around for a moment before raising the mic to her lips. "I... Won't be taking too much time from the show today, I just have something to say." Alizeh said before focusing herself. "At Fight the LAW, I came within seconds of winning the LAW Middleweight title, of beating Kyoko Akan." Alizeh said, the crowd cheering at first until Kyoko's nam was brought up, which brought boos about.

Letting those boos play out Alizeh would wait a moment before continuing forward with her words. "I would have won too. Had Kyoko fought like the kind of champion she claims to be. Instead she used the outside to pummel me, she stole my finisher, and when those weren't enough she bit me like a animal to finally get the win." Alizeh said glaring at the camera while the crowd booed at the reminders of what the Belly Queen had done during that match. "Just remember Kyoko Akan, I outsped you, I outwrestled you, had you on the verge of defeat, which is why I know why you resorted to what you did, and we both know, in terms of pure wrestling, I have you beat!" Alizeh said passionately, the crowd reacting with cheers of approval for what she said.

"Which brings me to tonight... Its been awhile since I've done one of these... And I need to remind everyone, including our illustrious middleweight champion what real wrestling looks like... So if anyone in the back thinks they can take me in a honest match, come on out!" Alizeh said before looking up at the ramp to see who would answer her challenge.

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Re: Not Out Yet: Alizeh and Noelle (for deezcastforms)

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Noelle Silva had heard that Alizeh Midori was cutting a promo tonight. She didn't know why or what for, but the Spaniard decided to drop by and watch it. Noelle's stock was on the rise, especially after her duel with Thereisa Niedermeyer at Fight the LAW, and she was looking for more top flight opponents to show LAW that she was ready for a title shot. And the most recent challenger for the Middleweight Championship most certainly qualified.

There was no guarantee that Alizeh was going to say anything that Noelle could jump on, but if the greenette did something like, say, issue an open challenge, you could bet that the princess was going to be the one to take it. She took a moment to trash Kyoko Akan first, but once that was taken care of, Alizeh gave Noelle exactly what she was hoping for.
Noelle's Music: Smoke on the Water - Deep Purple
Noelle made her way out from backstage, with nobody else even trying to beat the princess to the punch. The backstage crew knew who was there to potentially take the challenge, so they were able to have Noelle's music on in a timely fashion once it was clear that she would be the one to answer Alizeh's challenge to a match. "I, Noelle Silva, intend to take your challenge Ms. Midori," said the Spaniard. "But first, what are your terms? What type of match are you seeking?"
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Re: Not Out Yet: Alizeh and Noelle (for deezcastforms)

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This was not the first time Alizeh had made a open challenge in LAW. In fact it was her third at this point, but this time it was done with a serious purpose in mind and as a result she was staring hungrily at the ramp, waiting for someone to answer. Thankfully she wouldnt have to wait long, only a minute passing before a song began playing and someone came out. Alizeh vaguely recognized her, some kknda distant relative of spanish royalty, and a major rising star in the lightweights known for some technical skill. Perfect. ”Well thanks for keeping me from waiting long Noelle, as far as match, you’re the one taking the challenge, so feel free to set the terms, I’ll outwrestle you just like I did Kyoko and unlike with the champ, I’ll win.” Alizeh said with a determined glint in her eyes, not quite intending to insult Noelle, but more so to make her point as she stared down the lightweight, deliberately putting the ball in her hands to make the match type, giving her that advantage to make a challenge for herself above anything.

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Re: Not Out Yet: Alizeh and Noelle (for deezcastforms)

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"Very well. If that's what you want, then I think I know the exact type of match that would be perfect for this," Noelle said once Alizeh gave her free reign to choose. She was not going to let the comment about the greenette outwrestling and beating her slide. The Spaniard understood that Alizeh wouldn't be standing here doing this if she hadn't been confident that she could beat anybody that might have answered her challenge, but Noelle herself also carried that exact same confidence.

"Since you're so assured in the quality of your wrestling ability, and so adamant about wanting an honest match, then let's take those aspects of wrestling to the extreme," said Noelle. "Even more true to wrestling than Standard; a Pure Rules match. I trust I don't need to explain the details to you, I only need to ask if you accept?"
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Re: Not Out Yet: Alizeh and Noelle (for deezcastforms)

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Alizeh had gotten her challenger in no time and she was glad, even better the woman that had taken it up seemed just as confident in her abilities as Alizeh. Meaning that this would be exactly the type of contest Alizeh was hoping for, as such, and to challenge herself further Alizeh gave the initiative to the princess to make the match type.

Something that Alizeh would smirk in satisfaction upon hearing the woman's answer. "Pure Rules eh? I was starting to think no one remembered those, so color me impressed." Alizeh said with a nod before smirking just a bit wider. "I accept. Let's say you come down here and we'll shake on it?" Alizeh asked while gesturing for Noelle to come down to the ring.

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Re: Not Out Yet: Alizeh and Noelle (for deezcastforms)

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After Noelle set the terms and Alizeh accepted them, the Spaniard began making her way down towards the ring as requested. With what she knew of her future opponent, as well as with how much she was going on about fairness and honor in this promo, Noelle felt assured that this was genuine. So the princess would enter the ring, and as asked, shake Alizeh's hand.

"It's a match," Noelle would say as her hand was clasped with Alizeh's. "Considering that neither of us are dressed for a fight, we'll have to figure out a date and time later. But..." the Spaniard positioned herself a couple steps away from Texan before taking a wide stance and raising her arms. "How about a little promo preview? Test of Strength, first to touch the floor with something other than their feet or get pushed into the ropes loses. Will you accept?"
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Re: Not Out Yet: Alizeh and Noelle (for deezcastforms)

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Seeing Noelle accept Alizeh's offer to come down to the ring Alizeh would offer a respectful nod to the woman and step back waiting for the silver haired girl to enter. Once she did Alizeh would extend her hand out and without incident Noelle would shake her hand as a sign of respect, but it seemed that this wasn't all Noelle had wanted as she made the suggestion for a little... preview challenge.

Smirking slightly at this Alizeh would nod to the woman. "Sounds like fun, just let me get comfortable." Alizeh said with a small grin before dropping the mic and reaching down to grab the hem of her hoodie, pulling it up and over, at first to the crowd's excitement only deflate when they realized Alizeh was wearing a sports bra underneath.

Tossing the hoodie to the side Alizeh would approach Noelle while raising her hands up, inviting Noelle to lock up with her, assuming she needed no preparations of her own. Once Noelle accepted the test of strength though Alizeh would nod to the woman before pushing forward, pressing her chest against Noelle's, her head next to the girl's as she pushed forward!

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Re: Not Out Yet: Alizeh and Noelle (for deezcastforms)

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Noelle really had to wonder what went through the crowds mind to think that a woman in a hoodie had absolutely nothing else on underneath. But that wasn't important right now, what was important was that Alizeh was accepting her challenge to a Test of Strength as a preview for their wrestling match. The impromptu promo within the planned one.

Noelle and Alizeh locked up, head to head, chest to chest, with their arms out to the side. "Heh. Though you never quite know what to expect until you physically experience another woman's strength, I knew you at least wouldn't be a pushover," said Noelle as the two began their back and forth. The Spaniard couldn't quite push the American past upright, and in fact soon found herself the one getting pushed back.

"Urgh, gah," moaned Noelle as she was bent backwards. The weight of Alizeh's chest came down upon the princess's own as the greenette was beginning to almost lay down on top of Noelle, their bodies still pressed together as the Spaniard was pushed closer and closer to the floor. Furthermore, the Spaniard began to find herself losing strength as she lost leverage.

"Hrgh! Don't think you've won yet!" Noelle cried out. Though while her defiance may make one think she would push forward, Noelle actually did the opposite. She dipped one knee as low she could without touching the mat, trying to get herself further underneath Alizeh. Then the Spaniard would push up and back. With her leg, with her chest, and even lifting up underneath Alizeh with her other leg. As she did this, Noelle would also pull back with her arms, throwing the American over and onto her back.

Noelle wouldn't be able to stop herself from going to the ground, but Alizeh would land first, and that was what mattered. The Spaniard quickly turned over so that she could stop herself from falling with her hands, but that also had the effect of leaving her bust hovering over Alizeh's face. "I admit the thought of dropping straight down and calling a three count to celebrate my victory is tempting, but," said Noelle as she stood up. "It wouldn't do well to celebrate something that doesn't even count against someone I have respect for. However, if our match is as intense as that skirmish, I believe that we shall have quite the match."
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Re: Not Out Yet: Alizeh and Noelle (for deezcastforms)

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Alizeh smirked softly at Noelle as she accepted the woman's challenge for a test of strength, starting to push and shove against her as much as possible, intent on winning this little challenge as a precursor to their match.

Plus admittedly she had most of the advantages one could ask for in such a situation. While Noelle certainly had good muscles and definition Alizeh had more and taller, bigger frame to boot. All of which gave her the edge as she poured on the pressure and tried to overwhelm the princess.

Something Alize was making solid progress with as she even forced Noelle onto one knee. "You sure? Hn, cause we can end it now and save you some face." Alizeh said, unaware of what Noelle's true intentions were as she progressively under Alizeh before pushing up suddenly, enough to lift Alizeh off her feet and before she knew it over Noelle herself and into the mat!

"Ngh!" Alizeh grunted out before looking up and feeling her eyes widen as she got a look at the bountiful chest hovering over her, realization dawning on her as to what had just happened to her and that she had lost the test of strength, not by raw power as most would expect, but by strategy and skill, the foundations of the pure rolls match that they'd be having.

Noelle had just shown her exactly what to expect, and how dangerous she could be in this match. Pushing herself up to a seated position and panting a bit Alizeh would then stand and turn to Noelle. "Yeah, trust me, I'll make sure its the match of your life."

Alizeh said, not as a threat, but a promise, not being particularly aggressive or rude, but solemn and determined, to show Noelle exactly what to expect of Alizeh when they would clash, before taking a step forward so they were just out of each other's personal space, staring her down, determined to make the match not end like this preview.

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Re: Not Out Yet: Alizeh and Noelle (for deezcastforms)

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Noelle couldn't help but smirk when Alizeh offered to cut the test of strength short, only to get flipped onto her back by the princess mere moments later. Even if it didn't really mean anything in the grand scheme of things, Noelle still felt a nice swell of pride from coming out on top in this little encounter. She raised an arm to the crowd as if she had been announced the winner.

"That's a pretty high bar you're setting for yourself," Noelle said when Alizeh promised the match of the Spaniard's life. "I hope you can clear it." Like Alizeh, Noelle spoke genuinely. She did not speak in a condescending tone that said she didn't believe Alizeh could do it, she sincerely hoped that the American would be able to back up what she was saying.

Noelle turned on her heel and started moving to exit the ring. But before she went through the ropes, she turned her head back to Alizeh and left her with a couple of parting words, "I'll be seeing you. And I plan to do a lot more than just flip you when I do." The princess then made her exit, leaving Alizeh to finish out her promo if she had anything left.
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