Astrid could of broken into song before Karen. She could of fallen to her knees, recited poetry, or even gone for the good old threat in response to Karen's arrival. Hell, she did with the latter. She'd even mix in a personal touch, needless to say - how could she not, given the short but sweet rivalry already established between these overly buxom women?
But nothing would make a difference. Hell, the more Karen stood here, the more she realized that it didn't even matter that it was Astrid Arvidsson herself in front of her. It wouldn't of made a difference whether it was Kat Hart, Alaina Sanders, or even a face she'd yet to come across prior.
Right now, Karen was looking - or rather glaring - at what she saw as nothing more than the openweight champion. And the more she glared, the hungrier she became.
With one final turn of her head, Karen had gotten all that she needed from the official. A motion and bell ringing later, the first - and what she'd confidently deem to be the only one she would ever need - shot at the LAW Openweight championship for Karen Starring was under way. And with it, the eyes of the darker haired amazon became as feral as her attire. As if a button had been pressed, Karen came alive with every muscle she had flexing in tandem with the raising of her hands. Needless to say, for the one move that could start off an encounter with women of such caliber.
Firing her open palms towards Astrid's shoulders, the blonde before her would have absolutely no say in how this encounter was to begin. She could back away, sure, but Karen would simply pursue. And had she opted to duck or dodge? Karen would of cut the distance with a little more fury to her already outrageous state.
No, Astrid was going to lock up with her whether she liked it or not!
For what better way to start what was to be Karen's crowning moment than by literally overpowering the current champion? With her hands looking to tie-up with Astrid's own and damn near squeeze the flesh between her hands, undoubtedly before she'd step forward for the pressing of some of the thickest bosoms in all of LAW!
The match was on!