Ring Crossed Lovers

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Re: Ring Crossed Lovers

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

As Emily finally finished dressing herself and making herself look presentable, she put an arm around Tracee before giving her another peck on the cheek. She then smiled and got up, helping Tracee get to her feet too.

"Well then, shall we head over to my place? Can't say its anything special but, if we are going to do some stuff, might as well be private" Emily said, hoping Tracee would agree.

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Sigma Morgan
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Re: Ring Crossed Lovers

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Tracee grinned widely as Emily gave her a kiss on the cheek and pulled them both up to her feet. Tracee then pouted a bit hearing Emily refer to her place as "nothing special". "Hey. It doesn't have to be anything, as long as you're then I want to go there with you" Tracee said getting serious for a minute before jumping up and wrapping her legs around Emily's hips while hugging her, hoping she didn't cause Emily to fall. "Hope you don't mind mind carrying me there" Tracee said going back to being playful and silly.


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Re: Ring Crossed Lovers

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Emily smiled at Tracee as she said that she dust care about her house, she only cared for about how she looked. "Ehehe, you really are a sweetie, you k ow that? You know how to make a woman smile" She complimented before Tracee jumped up and wrapped her legs around Emily. Emily managed to keep her footing, and even grabbed onto Tracee to make sure she didn't fall off.

"Let me guess, you are very clingy" Emily joked as she giggled from the idea of taking Tracee home like this. "I mean, it would be good strength training, carrying my girlfriend home with me. If you want me to carry you, that is?"

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Re: Ring Crossed Lovers

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Tracee blushed as Emily complimented her before throwing herself into the woman's arms. "I mean.. I guess? Are you okay with me being clingy?" Tracee asked a bit of nervousness beginning to sit in her conscious. I really I do love the idea of you carrying me everywhere" Tracee replied with a smile, she really did love the idea of being submissive and being Emily's world as she rested her head on the woman's shoulder. 'If I feel too heavy just let me know I'll hop off" Tracee said before nuzzling her lovers neck and shoulders.


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Re: Ring Crossed Lovers

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Emily simply shook her head slowly to Tracees question, asking if she was too clingy. Emily didn't mind, she was just a little surprised how quickly she jumped up. She began to walk home with her girlfriend clinging to her like a monkey clings to a tree, giving Tracee another kiss in the process.

"Hehe, I'll be happy if you are happy sweetie. And don't worry about me, I train a fair amount, so carrying you isn't as painful as you might think. Just make sure you hang on tightly" Emily said as she felt the misfit nuzzle her, with her body warming up, this time with the fact that she might have finally found "the one".

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Sigma Morgan
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Re: Ring Crossed Lovers

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Tracee was already hanging on tight to Emily, any tighter and she might as well have been a boa constrictor hunting its prey. Tracee remained pretty quite as Emily carried her, just enjoying being with her as she carried her to her home. "Hey Emily. About the match... how did I do, seriously?" Tracee asked wanting her sexfighter of a girlfriend's input on how she did during her first and possibly only hentai match on there way.
Last edited by Sigma Morgan on Sun Mar 17, 2024 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.


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