I remember I left LAW on fairly... negative terms that I don't want to get into but, How would ya'll feel like if I made a little comeback here, Bring Jasper back and all my other characters back to this wacky little place?
hit me up on Discord at... If you want to talk. thesnowmanv2
I'm so sorry to hear that you had negative experiences with the LAW community. Above all, I always strive to make LAW a friendly and welcoming place, and I don't want anyone to have to feel unwelcome. By all means, you're welcome to return to LAW, and you don't have to rejoin the Discord if you don't feel comfortable doing so. If you need our help for anything, just let one of us know.
This might come off as passive aggressive or something, so I'm sorry if this comes off that way and it is not my intention.
I have no idea who you are and why you left on negative terms. I'm still fairly new, but I know that most RP forums have a fairly high turn over rate, so I would imagine that many of the players involved in whatever happened to you before aren't around anymore, and even if they are, there are more than enough new people you can RP with if anyone you had issues with before. I don't know anyone incredibly close right now on the site, but the mods and the player base seems fairly nice. (And not just in the way that they act proper around new players like alot of other sites do.) I'm sure if you are willing to mend fences, that there are people would love to be friends with you. (Including myself, incase you want to talk with anyone not involved with what happened before.)
Thank you, and if I'll be honest I mostly left on bad terms because I wasn't doing too well Mentally and kinda wasn't in a good headspace so I made a pretty rash decision, but I'm faring a bit better now.