Men's/Mixed Tournament?

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Men's/Mixed Tournament?

Unread post by Lycanstar »

I've been occasionally mulling over getting more male stuff going overall on the forum and considered a Male only/Mixed only tournament idea with a outcome potentially involving the idea of a championship? For now I understand the admins would be the one's to okay a formal championship recognized for the site but overall it has been something people I have talked to have mentioned being interested in!

So for now I am curious for people/characters who may be interested as well as any ideas overall for a tournament like this? Feel free to leave your thoughts or characters in the replies and if enough people show interest I'd be glad to potentially organize this!

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Re: Men's/Mixed Tournament?

Unread post by DSX93 »

Yeah, there DEFINITELY needs to be a championship that the men can get a hold of. Or something like regular events/tournaments with some other huge prize, like a million dollars or so. Something they can aspire to.

I'm down to get my guy Black Severin involved.
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Re: Men's/Mixed Tournament?

Unread post by FreestylePoet »

Even if site administration doesn't approve an official LAW title to be awarded at this event, you can (and 10000% should if you plan to do this event) at least run a custom belt as an award for this tournament.

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Re: Men's/Mixed Tournament?

Unread post by ThurmanMermanPlx »

I don't have any dudes, but if it goes mixed, I'd happily throw my girls at this! (And always willing to take the L, too.)
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Re: Men's/Mixed Tournament?

Unread post by PurpleMage »

I would gladly get my Arthur in this. Count me in, I think we need more MvM action.

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Re: Men's/Mixed Tournament?

Unread post by FreshBritishSalmon »

Huang would be interested.

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Re: Men's/Mixed Tournament?

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

I wouldn't mind this. Gives me an excuse to use Chris or any of my girls
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Re: Men's/Mixed Tournament?

Unread post by Malkavia »

I'd toss Laurent and/or my girls at it as needed
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Re: Men's/Mixed Tournament?

Unread post by ScylliasExoter »

I’m down. All three of my male characters could do it.

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Re: Men's/Mixed Tournament?

Unread post by Lycanstar »

Ok cool! Glad people are interested for their characters;

As far as rules for the potential title are concerned I think making it a mixed title indicates it has to be defended in exclusively mvm or mvf matches, so matchups have to be determined in that sort of manner. I would consider structuring the tournament the same and wouldn't be opposed to the idea of a female winning, it would just involve ensuring that the bracket would not end up matching 2 females against one another at any point and that the finals would involve a male competitor as well.

I figure I'll let this thread stew for another day or so and let interested people drop their thoughts or characters and once a certain point is reached I will start taking PM's on the forum to help organize matches and what characters people want to use and if they are interested in winning/losing! I'll also need to figure out a belt... Or if anyone else has a reference or idea for a title or whatever prize then feel free to reply with your idea!

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