Simon Baxter

120lbs/54.5kg and below
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Simon Baxter

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Name: Simon (Lisa) Baxter

Age: 25

(Natural) Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'3

Weight: 108

Alignment: Heel

Nationality: North American (is of Korean descent through her mother)

Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Entrance Music:
Ring Attire
Simon is a highly intelligent individual. Analytical and quick on her feet. Witty, with a liking for snark. Charismatic. She's also egotistical, domineering, and snobby, afflicted with a superiority complex that drives her to prove her worth to the world. She's not afraid to utilize dirty tricks to do it, and has a tendency of going overboard when she feels wronged.
WARNING: Contains details of a toxic relationship
Simon Lisa Baxter had a difficult start to her social life. Born to parents who wanted a boy, her name would make her a target for other kids at the playground in school. Her tomboy nature would still get her a few friends, however, but they wouldn't stick around for long. At home, she was encouraged to be the very best at whatever she did, which led to a competitive mentality that would take a toxic turn as the bullying amped up. It would be taken to an egregious extent when it came to academics, where she would do well enough to skip a grade.

Those who didn't fall into the crab bucket mentality would be driven away when she took to lording it over her classmates outright, as opposed to simply taking pride in her accomplishments as she had before. After an incident that was brought to the principal's attention, her parents would have a good, long talk about the part she played in it. Unfortunately, all she would take from it was that she'd need to lie when it happened in the future. To them and anyone else who didn't know better.

And thus began Simon's custom of manipulation; bringing about negativity and portraying herself as a victim after the inevitable fallout. She would even convince herself, to an extent. Such as in professional wrestling, for which she trained since her early teens, partially as a means of defending herself when things got physical in school.

Simon took her training seriously, becoming the best student in her instructor's class. She took what she learned and pursued a career in the scripted variant rather than the combat sport her instructor specialized in, debuting at sixteen with the expectation of shooting up to stardom. Instead, she would be start out paying her dues as a jobber, then find herself stuck working the lower card. She had the talent to go further, but a combination of a bad, entitled attitude backstage and a stubborn refusal to do any travelling that the company wasn't paying for would hold her back and eventually lead to her release.

She would take a break for a few years in an effort to both get over her "humiliation" and let the heat she'd built up die down. During this time, in which she was finishing college, a friend of a friend would introduce her to a man named Terrell Hughes.

Terrell was a good guy. Looked good, was caring and attentive to her needs, and after he'd been fed a sanitized version of events, he'd even support her restart in another independent promotion. Attended every show, with his voice being the loudest of those who cheered for her.

The problem? The man was boring. So boring that she'd try to start fights with him, just to add some spice to the game. But he would hardly ever take the bait, trying to calm things down instead. It still felt good to let loose and hit him after an especially trying day, however; her backstage attitude never changed, and thusly, her career would never take off.

And Jay -- the guy who introduced them -- brought the fun that their relationship lacked. Their liaisons made her feel truly beautiful. Sexy. His wife was a woman who could've easily been a model, so how could it not?

A support system in Terrell, and a good, steamy time in Jay. It was an arrangement that worked just fine for Simon. But unfortunately for her, it wouldn't last long: The former, looking to rekindle things with a romantic gesture after a bad argument, would discover her affair with the latter. After the ass kicking that followed, he'd break up with her. Something that Simon's ego just couldn't handle. And so, she'd take the biggest insecurity she'd finessed him into sharing with her -- his state of manliness -- and use it as a weapon to tear into him with.

She hoped it would spur him into doing something she could get him some good time behind bars over, but yet again, he didn't take that bait. But she could see in his eyes that he felt every scathing word she spat at him, so it was good enough for her.

Her relationship with Jay didn't survive for much longer after that incident. With Terrell gone, she'd demand a full commitment from Jay. When he didn't give it, his wife would receive a visit and be told everything. Well, almost everything: She made sure to tell Anna that Jay had spoken of their marriage as though it were over, and of course, she couldn't say anything about being in a relationship herself at the time, now could she?

The last she heard, Jay was being taken to the cleaners. Good for her.

A few months later, Simon's scripted pro wrestling career would finally implode after she decided to go into business for herself in a match against her current promotion's top star. Tired of not being given the treatment she felt she was owed by the higher-ups and fans, she shot on her and used her combat wrestling skill to take her down legitimately. She tore the woman's ACL in the process, forcing her to retire and prompting a swift firing and blackballing from mostly every company in the United States.

But that was just scripted wrestling. Stuff that Simon figured would be a vacation in comparison, which was why it was her first choice. But she wasn't afraid of the real deal.

LAW recruiters would linger about in Wisconsin for another month after Black Severin was picked up, staging another set of try out matches in Green Bay. Seeing her chance, Simon made the drive over and competed, using her wits to conserve herself as much as possible. She bent the rules at every opportunity, of which there were plenty: Referees were every last bit as blind and dumb as their scripted counterparts. It wasn't enough to win her that final match, but those recruiters would have no choice but to take her anyway: The victor would be found the next day lying face down in a pool of her own blood in a hotel room she'd rented, arm snapped in two. Needless to say, it would be quite some time before she would be able to compete again. The culprit was never found.

They couldn't return to their superiors empty-handed, so the runner-up was awarded the contract instead.

One way or another, Simon Baxter is going to get the respect that she's owed.
Preferred Matches: Anything that isn't lewd.

Simon utilizes a mixture of technical wrestling skill and brawling, with an emphasis on the former. She likes to take some form of control over her opponent before she starts wailing away at them. For example, getting an opponent down prone on the mat, seated on their back with a hammer lock cinched in before raining blows down on the back of their head. She's very pragmatic with her strikes, targeting vulnerable areas such as the throat, knees, eyes, and especially the groin whenever she can manage it. She likes to fight smart, not hard, so lots of dirty tactics are to be expected.

Simon also has a marked preference for wearing the opponent's limbs down, specializing in submissions that really put the hurt on those areas.
Attitude Towards Hentai Matches: "Let's get one thing straight: I am a wrestler. Not a fucking porn star!"
Signature and Finishing Moves
Signature Moves (Submission Holds)
Bridged Hammerlock
Ripper Crab Mk.I
Ripper Crab Mk.II
Ripper Whip
(Reverse) DDT and Guillotine Choke

The reversed variant...
Side Lock Sleeper Hold
Signature Moves (Misc.)
Hammer and Anvil Elbows
Hammerlock Kneedrop
Hammerlock Scoop Slam
Dragon Whip Arm Wrench

Has a grounded version.
Unnamed Dirty Counter
Arm Wrench and Stomp
Shoulder Lock and Knee
Knee Drop Facebuster
Front Headlock Knees
Unnamed Ground and Pound
Unnamed Low Blow

She delivers the kick in a way that gives her just enough plausible deniability to get away with a low blow.
Finishing Moves
Ripper Armbar

Has a standing variant (which is of Critical strength) where she stomps down on the opponent's head.

She'll continue this until the opponent either taps out or goes to sleep.
Labelle Lock

Can lead into the the Ripper Armbar...

...A combination that would be of Critical Finisher strength.
Ripper Crab Mk.III
End of Story

Is a Critical Finishing Move when spiking the opponent's head into the mat or performing repeats.
Critical Finishing Moves
No devoted moves yet.
Grey DeLisle-Griffin as Kassandra Cheyung








- Terrell Hughes/Black Severin (Ex-boyfriend)
Last edited by DSX93 on Sat Feb 15, 2025 6:39 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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